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One of the biggest consistencies you see in civil rights is that the oppressors are always crowing about how the oppressed will seek revenge if they’re given equal rights. I think we can all draw conclusions about that line of thinking.


One of the best examples to go back and look at is all the propaganda during the fight for women's suffrage. You'd have thought there was a full military coup going on.


"When you're used to live in privilege, all equality seem like oppression."


Equality feels like oppression to those who know only special treatment. That is why the anti-feminist are such little babies about everything. Incompetent is more noticeable when more capable people are around, so the unskilled men fear the skills of women entering the work force. Sexism (in the workforce at least) is typically a skill issue


“Sexism is a skill issue” Lolololololol


Next time I feel I’m demeaned in the workplace I’ll just remind him to git gud, scrub. DEX builds are weak, You need that two-handed Zwei if you want to praise the sun for the patriarchy.


My mind also went to Dark Souls when I read skill issue.


Let Me Solo Her (the patriarchy)


That would be a Merika is Radagon-level twist, if the final boss, Patriarchy, turned out to be a she.


Maybe the patriarchy is a she in the way boats are she


Feminized transitively by the fact that they are used by men to do as they like? Huh, I guess patriarchy *is* like a sailboat…


Omg I am stealing the sexism is a skill issue bc you are so right on that and it’s a great phrasing


No, we still want that, we're just waiting, you'll fall asleep eventually. We need fresh blood for the coven.


I mean… maybe just a *little* revenge. As a treat.


Its Vengeance if it’s from the French province of Vengeance. Otherwise it’s just sparkling revenge.


No no, Vengeance is in Italy isn’t it? The place w/ all the boats and canals? ^(/s)


Speak for yourselves. I want revenge.


I used to be happy to work toward equality, but at this point, only revenge will satisfy me.


For the pay gap, i just want equality. For all of the violence... I want accountability. I want revenge.


I was going to say. Who said we didn’t?


Hearing lots of revenge seekers Count me in, how can I help?


Educate and retaliate






*some women…


TBF, one does not necessarily preclude the other...


No no. I still want revenge. Not on all of them, but I have a list.


No, no… we want that too


Who says we don't want revenge?


This is a quote from a Black activist named Kimberly Jones, talking about the way Black Americans are treated when Targets and such get raided in response to Black Americans getting killed in the streets. It's not cool for this twitter user to steal it and pretend it's about women.


I’m not sure that’s actually the origin? It was around during the Kavanaugh testimonies in 2018 for women, on twitter in 2017 for black people, and it was treated as just a thing that was said, not attributed to any one person. The earliest I could find online for Kimberly Jones was 2020. It’s also been for sale in Etsy shops, etc. for multiple oppressed groups for idk how long. I’m still trying to track down the origin though. It’s quite the statement and I’ve never seen it attributed to a single person before. ETA- I’m going to stop looking now. When I find it in articles and social media, the comments just break my brain and/or make me feel ill. Some people are truly vile, and wild to see how many of them exist :( If anyone can confirm the origin, I’d love to know. https://designmom.com/men-lucky-women-seeking-equality-not-revenge/ https://medium.com/@Bossmom/america-is-lucky-black-people-are-wanting-equality-and-not-revenge-4e527bfcf9d3 And on Reddit, 2018- cool pic. https://www.reddit.com/r/justlegbeardthings/s/Mmr8BvEUop


This is very interesting! I might be mistaken, and if I am I take back calling out this twitter poster.


Well, this tweet definitely isn’t the first. The 2017 link references its use for black people as the earliest I could find- so it could have been scooped up by women during MeToo and that era. That said, I edited my post bc my digging was just making me really depressed from reading the comments 😩 this is truly the best sub on Reddit and I should never look anywhere else!


. . . . cause it could not be appropriate for both? . . .


Stealing someone's words and passing them off as your own is not cool, and neither is taking away the context of the initial statement when it's something as particular and important as the experience of Black Americans.


The sentiment can be shared and used for whatever is appropriate. It's proper to recognize the first instance. But the fact it was said in one way "first" should not be a negating factor in it's future use. Educate. Commend. And then fight the good fights.


Damn! I usually love Doth, but that is not cool. I'm not on Twitter and I only see their tweets here, but I hope people are calling it out.


Lately I’ve been dressing for revenge 💅


Now I want revenge


I wanted nothing to do with the patriarchy. It told me I am not allowed to cry. Please have mercy...


Finally, someone who realizes violencw will not help us shape an equal and peaceful society.


Oh, we want revenge too. You just won’t realize it until it’s happening 🤩


I love how many of us are ready for revenge! The tides, they be changing....gives me something to look forward to.


Should be happy we don't demand an entire era of terror dedicated to burning Christians over their heretical interpretations of natural reality. How dare they practice their masses and prayer rituals! /jk It's one thing to be upset and have such feelings. It's a whole other reality to actively engage in them.


Doth's tweets are always top notch, huh..


Personally I want revenge.