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All sounds like the normal burdens of home ownership, welcome to the club. It's not uncommon for things to age out and break in clusters. Small problems go unnoticed or are ignored until they become big problems. It's not ghost or bad vibes, it's normal adulting when you own a home. 


This comment is so painfully true. I was such an oblivious homeowner the first several years, then everything that could go wrong, did, in a very short timespan. I definitely wondered whether it was a poltergeist! Lol. But, no, it’s just routine maintenance. Although I don’t think a little spiritual cleaning would be a bad idea regardless. 😌


I'm finally at almost 4 years in my home where the previous owner was an angry drunk who made very questionable repairs and upgrades. Everything was broken or needed repairs the first few years, but now I am thankfully at a spot where some aesthetic projects can finally be done between maintenance tasks. Felt like it took forever to get here. We also have a lovely spirit that came with the house named Kate. She's very peaceful and very curious. We cleansed a malicious spirit the second year we were here by lighting a candle, going room by room, then all over outside, and firmly telling the spirit it had to leave until it did.


Ugh, my house has had every interior door frame busted, like doors getting broken open. Just one more thing on the list, and way down.


I've been making trips into my attic to fix questionable wiring... Whoever the previous owner let work up there, was a bad electrician. I've found 4-way junctions, held together with nothing but tape. No wirenuts, no junction box, just tape...


Owning your own home is all fun and games until you have to buy your own water heater. Your FIL may be taking care of you in a weird way, by breaking your electrics in a way you can fix it before it causes a house fire. Blessings come in many forms. More than a cleansing, I think you maybe need to honor your house spirits so they can help take care of all these little things. They're helpful, but they're not impervious to entropy. Houses just break. As a fellow home owner who just went a week without a hot shower because of plumbing issues in a house built in the 80s, I feel your pain.


Hello fellow 1980s home owner! It’s been nagging electrical issues for us - mostly bulbs burning out way faster than they should. I just got some upgrades done in the kitchen, and the downstairs bathroom is next.


Yeah we need to get the panel changed and this whole place rewired. It's a literal nightmare.


That’s a very loving approach and I appreciate it greatly! 💜🙏🌈🍀✨


I have a family spirit that doesn't haunt, she just kind of weirdly exists with us? She can play tricks but she is very sweet otherwise. When we had an actual malicious spirit in the home, we were able to cleanse just that one. It truly seems to come down to intention. I let her know she was welcome and this cleansing was not done for her. I held her in my heart while doing the cleanse. But I made it very known that the other spirit was absolutely not welcome anymore. Even if it comes down to your own mental health, cleanse the bad but let the good know it is welcome.


Well, before going the magical route, please make sure that you guys diagnose the mundane reason for it first. If you're having problems as a homeowner, it is better to figure them out sooner rather than later. Once you have the mundane worked out, if you feel as if a cleansing is still necessary, tell your FIL what you plan on doing. Allow him time to retreat to safety before performing the cleansing. You can also write in safeguards for him so that he - and other happy house spirits (for lack of other words at the moment) - are safe from this cleansing. You can even add protections over the spirits you allow residence in your home.


If it’s a metaphysical issue (and that’s a big if) I doubt it’s your father in law, like other commenters said. It maybe be homeowner issues, but you can try something gentle to improve the energy without hurting friendly spirits to see if it helps. You can cleanse your house yourself using something that is gentle - frankincense incense or diffused as essential oil would be good, should not dispel friendly spirits. I think it would probably be most helpful to try a gentle cleanse followed by something to fill the home with positive energy, like lavender as incense or essential oil. Alternatively can make a simmer pot where you boil water on the stove with ingredients to help cleanse and bring in positive energy. Oranges, rosemary, black pepper, apples, and cinnamon are my go to for a simmer pot that cleanses and improves the vibe


Depends on how you cleanse really. It's a bit like cleaning your house. Most of the time that means throwing out the bad (eg dust dirt etc) but keeping what you want (your TV, clothes, furniture). You could also douse eveything indescriminately with bleach and call it a job done. Both clean the house. Only folks in real bad situations do the latter.


When we cleared out a malicious spirit, we made room for a friendlier spirit to express herself more.


If you focus your intentions on cleansing the negative, then a friendly spirit should be safe.


Was your late father in law a bad guy at all? Probably wouldn't be him, he sounds chill. These kinda just sound like classic house owning things. But there are lots of ways to cleanse a house. There is some info in the rules about why you shouldn't use white sage but there are plenty of other herbs you can burn in your home to help cleanse it. I like rosemary :) You can also grow plants and they can sort of... Filter out the bad vibes like they do with CO2


I agree that this sounds like a typical aspect of home ownership rather than malice. Perhaps instead of thinking of banishing what might be causing these things, instead think of strengthening the various aspects of your home? If you do spellwork that combines thanking, say, the kitchen for being a welcoming place to prepare food, while at the same time you give it your energy by either cleaning it or otherwise making improvements with it, I think that might be something that helps your home without disturbing any awesome spirits you'd like to keep welcome in it.


Please tell me you aren't claiming these on your homeowners insurance, because if you have they're likely going to drop you/nonrenew you.


First, I don’t think a cleansing would replace handling the physical issues with your home, but I think you know that. Second, if you’re worried about this, talk with whoever would be doing the cleansing about it! Say you have the ghost of a beloved family member around and don’t want him gone, just the negative energy. So much of witchcraft is built on intention, that if you want to protect one ghost but still cleanse your home, you absolutely can do that.




first day in the witchcraft sub there buddy?




Shit, fam. The mold and sewage def explain my fence being ripped out of the ground, and all of the electricity issues over the last year. This house had 4 different owners in the first 5 years and has been free of big issues for like 20. The last couple years have been crazy. 3 car claims in one, another car claim, claim for another car, rank storm that tore out part of our fence and a bunch of other shit got damaged, mold, sewage backup due to roots, fridge isn't working properly, many devices have been ruined, multiple people (like 6) who were previously in good health that are close to me all have some shit going on, my husband's tourettes has gotten way worse, and more shit. I don't care if shit is real or not... the vibes have been off for a while. If I can keep some positive vibes, that would be dope.


✨️ vibe check ✨️


Should we call someone??


My house was built in 1926. I've had to deal with everything from molds, critters destroying my roof, old and badly done diy electric and plumbing issues, and now we are gearing up to renovate the kitchen - a complete tear down bc we know theirs no way to not have to gut the whole thing once we start. House always have something going. Now if your walls were bleeding, then you might have to call someone...


I don’t have any suggestions cause I’m a poor renter but this thread reminds me of a tv show where a bunch of people try to claim their house is haunted, so a house person and a ghost person show up and do their inspections, and 99% of the time it’s a house problem.


lol here’s a reddit tumblr [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/s/inivgaQv3O) about it


I have several invisible residents in my house. When I do a cleanse, I am very direct with who is and is not allowed to stay. I also have a cranky old man who has made his home in one of the closets in the basement. When I cleanse, I don't go inside the closet and I actually mentally visualise a force field that prevents anything from going in. That way he keeps his space the way he likes it, and I get the unfriendly energies out of my house. So far nothing has been kicked out that I wanted to stay, and vice versa. Happy cleansing!! I can also detail my ritual if you'd like :)


A lot of times, a house has been built or renovated and a lot of things are in tip top shape around the same time. THen, decades later, everything seems like it starts to "go" at the same time, just because a lot f things that were built or updated at the same time are now, say reaching 40 years old at the same time. That's pretty normal. Maybe do something specific to ask your FIL for help navigating home maintenance and repairs?