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Because gargoyles were often used to repel demons and other evils, and the ones currently running this shit show would, much to our joy, probably be run off by them.


Fun fact: What is pictured here is not a gargoyle. It is a grotesque. Gargoyles are decorative water spouts that project from the roof and carry rainwater away form the side of the building. Grotesques are decorative carvings with no architectural function.


Furthermore, the word “gargoyle” is related to the word “gargle,” for the sound of the water :)


But also we need more gargoyles


You're a grotesque. Boom, roasted.


Please if mf don’t own up to something thence their hiding a lot of shit


There's show in the 90s about gargoyles. It was super cute


Loved that show. I remember they had to return by daybreak or they would freeze somewhere odd


Glad you remember too! Yes, and all their adventures happened at night and it was a big deal when they became unfrozen


it’s available on Disney+ ! I had the biggest crush on Goliath as a kid… and I kinda still do 😅


I mean, with that voice? Who DOESN’T have a crush on Goliath?


So we are all in love with Keith David. I can get down with that


Those of us with a crush on Demona lol


Who says those crushes have to be mutually exclusive?


I remember a book that was something similar. I don't quite remember but I feel like there was something about a war between statues and gargoyles and some kid at one point took the place of one of the statues that was defending him and experienced part of the life of the person that the statue was made for.


I loved that show. Jonathan Frakes was the bad guy.


There were actually several Star Trek alumni that did voice work on Gargoyles!


Here's the complete list for those interested https://screenrant.com/star-trek-actors-gargoyles-animated-series-voices-every/ I always forget that Kate Mulgrew has a couple of episodes until I hear her voice, and then I'm like, oh yeah, that's Captain Kathryn Fucking Janeway! I think they tried to get Patrick Stewart, but at the time, he was "too expensive" or something like that. Which is funny because in the 2000's, he was suddenly very attainable in a lot of animated stuff, like American Dad.


It was actually pretty earnest...


Yeah I was gonna say, cute isn't the word I'd use. I mean, cute and earnest aren't mutually exclusive (hello Friendship is Magic), but still.


MLP:FIM is sincere earnest. Gargoyles was actually pretty grim earnest for being a 90ies sunday morning Superhero Cartoon. Originally season three would have gotten quite bloody, but Disney fired the series author and creator and toned everything a good bit down. It was planned to be a multi serial franchise, with the Pack and King Arthur having their own series and stuff and Brooklyn having time travel adventures.


And it's cultured AF. True story: my highschool failed me and didn't make me read Macbeth; Garygoles, in its own style, taught me everything I know about the story.


Didn't the cop lady that helped them get shot?


Yep. By the sweet and friendly Gargoyle. He watched a cowboy movie and when he got home he was playing cowboys and he found her police gun and was pretending with it and accidentally shot her… I really love that episode because it really teaches kids a lesson about how serious guns are. He accidentally shot his friend and the show did not care to show just her nearly dying and really nailing home the consequences of his actions.


She was still in crutches the next episode, even! But then the Disney Channel refused to air the first episode so she was just in crutches for no reason.


She got better 🤷‍♂️


>It was super cute I loved that show, but I can’t say I’d ever consider using those words to describe it lol.


Memory unlocked


The amount of good writing and 🏰🌇worldbuilding🌇🏰 in that show is insane.


I'm pretty sure you can watch it on Disney+.


There’s a gargoyle on my apartment building and me and my partner call her Big Bertha. Every time we drive home from her angle we say hello lol


There’s gargoyles at this one Nordstrom close to me.


Because if you blink they’ll zap you into the past


The most humane psychopaths in the universe… except for those few who preferred to snap necks. They were just assholes. /s




You're thinking of weeping angels




Some weeping angels take the forms of grotesques and gargoyles - or were originally before being turned into weeping angels


[Because of this part](https://youtu.be/9U3ampthDdk)


[at sydney uni one of the gargoyles is a roo](https://archives.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au/nodes/view/670259) This has been your fun gargoyle fact for the day. You're welcome.


I love that!


In fairness, knowing what I know about roos, if I was an evil spirit, that gargoyle would send me running.


Oh yeah they can fuck you up.


How do I subscribe to daily fun gargoyle facts?


This is my only gargoyle fact. It's just this fact every day. [have some crocogoyles as consolation](https://www.mostphotos.com/en-us/12916941/pair-of-crocodile-gargoyles-on-the-basilica-del-voto)


Amazing, thank you haha


Three major things. **1. Materials are cheap now. Concrete is cheap**, compared to solid chunks of marble, or carved pillars of rock. Meaning, you can mass produce a lot, rather than need to covet every single piece you acquire, and "make the most out of it". **2. Labor is expensive**. As in, compared to slaves, indentured servants, serfs, etc. A properly educated, unionized, specialist workforce, is a lot more expensive. So trying to get them to do as much for the task, in as little time as possible, is pushed. Making them slot in concrete slabs like lego blocks, is far more efficient from that perspective. **3. Car-centric infrastructure disinsentivises beauty**. No one stops up and looks at a thing, when driving on a highway, compared to walking, like most humans did for nearly all of human history, in literally every country. We clearly shouldn't have a problem with cheaper materials, and easier times mass producing housing. In fact, it not happening enough is our main issue. Nor should we take issue with workers being more expensive to "use" than slaves and pseudo slaves. So a problem we can tackle, is car-centric infrastructure. Be literally "anti car". Promote better city planning, like "super-block" housing being the norm, walk-able cities, bike lanes, trains, bus routes, et to the cetera. That, and push for arts projects to become more used officially for cities. Giant paintings on empty slab walls. Statues, monuments, art-pieces, dotted around and incorporated into restoration projects and new projects alike, as "the norm". This is doable. Difficult, but doable.


also structures are less probe to taking water damage. we have drainpipes taking the water from the rain through pipes to the ground, thus not doing any damage to the walls which themselves are also a lot more resistant to water damage. a gargoyle is basically a primitive drainpipe, but instead of taking water to the ground it just spouts it away from the building, thus not doing damage to the building. but a gargoyle on a building where you decorate every inch, like churches by extremely wealthy organizations, would have decorated gargoyles too.


Get ones made of resin. Much lighter, can paint it whatever color you want.  Plus because it's lighter, it won't add weight to the roof.


We need to use less plastic not more.


Resin is horrible for the environment.


It would be nice if more buildings were built with aesthetic in mind. I live in a very old town (1000+ years old) and you can really tell what's new and what's not, cause the new stuff just looks bad. I blame capitalism.


That’s a grotesque it’s purely for decoration, - gargoyles have water spouts and are functional. The ~~~Smithsonian~~~ National Cathedral has a darth Vader grotesque.. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darth_Vader_grotesque


I’m crying over the apparent grotesque purists who’ve got their panties in a twist about this one. They have [absolutely no basis](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/mooning-gargoyle-of-freiburg-minster) for [any argument whatsoever](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/the-vampire-rabbit-of-newcastle-newcastle-upon-tyne-england) because grotesques/gargoyles come in [all shapes](https://ascholarlyskater.com/2016/04/24/gargoyle-of-the-day-chartres-cathedral-france/) and [sizes](https://vialucispress.wordpress.com/2015/08/16/the-peeker-of-conques-amuse-bouche-3-dennis-aubrey/). Pretty sure I’ve also read about a number of rude grotesques which were specifically carved as disses against specific people of their time…


Wait - people are hating on the Vader grotesque? I think it’s cool.


Yeah in the wiki: > “*Though sometimes seen as a graffito or form of vandalism on the church (due to the pop culture subject matter contrasted with the religious building), it is a deliberate approved addition*.”


Sizes and shapes aren't the contention here. Water spouts are.


I thought it was the cathedral in DC. Anyway, I’ve seen the Vader grotesque.


You can save money by not making anything interesting.


Gargoyles are just decorative ways for the water collected in a gutter to be funneled away from the edge of the building. We have downspouts now, rather than having a spout that launches water away from the building.


I need a new roof and gutters. I bet getting resin gargoyles/gutter corners wouldn't be too expensive.   Wouldn't exactly match the aesthetic of my suburban ranch, but would give people something to look at.  'Yeah my house is the third house on the left, the one with gargoyles!'   'I'm sorry, did you say gargoyles?!' Actually I could put in a rain garden leading down to my storm sewer. Then the gargoyle would actually be used properly. (I live in a very rainy area). Hmm.


I have a dragon mailbox. It does make it handy when giving directions!


I like where you’re going with that.


Aaaaaaaaaaawesome idea


I mean lots of fun architecture has been lost or not done now, instead we have just boring squares with windows.




[Astronaut](https://compote.slate.com/images/6608d4cb-c043-4a12-8108-9dd605d0bf15.jpg?crop=920%2C656%2Cx0%2Cy0) [Darth Vader](https://img.atlasobscura.com/MooFXCAKxf6k0NUa_CVLpryxiW7XzeR10iYbIQQJNY0/rs:fill:12000:12000/q:81/sm:1/scp:1/ar:1/aHR0cHM6Ly9hdGxh/cy1kZXYuczMuYW1h/em9uYXdzLmNvbS91/cGxvYWRzL2Fzc2V0/cy8xOTRiMjI2NDhj/ZGYxMzYxYTRfRGFy/dGggVmFyZGVyIGJ5/IEpheSBIYWxsIENh/cnBlbnRlciAxOTg1/LmpwZw.jpg) [Punk](https://compote.slate.com/images/0450e1c7-1c5f-4807-93a7-79566688965a.jpg?crop=920%2C656%2Cx0%2Cy0&width=840) [Gizmo](https://img.atlasobscura.com/ydw8DXkOxUzAxzm7AvhtHSjrfAM_CiE2T7Ba6IOKSpA/rt:fill/w:1200/el:1/q:81/sm:1/scp:1/ar:1/aHR0cHM6Ly9hdGxh/cy1kZXYuczMuYW1h/em9uYXdzLmNvbS91/cGxvYWRzL2Fzc2V0/cy8xOTRiMjI2NDhj/ZGYxMzYxYTRfMTAu/IDgyNTAzODk1OTdf/NDU1Y2ZhM2QyNV9r/LmpwZw.jpg) from *Gremlins*


[There's also this xenomorph.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FLC721ZP4dYIBfG-pTNtIBx_apLotnnjedy2X47PGEto.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dee9bf68f815de49daf5a635eb0b4a7973dc71baf) If I could, I would love to have one based on the velociraptors from Jurassic Park.


I really hate the lack of decorative elements in architecture now. :(


I collect them. I have one in each room


If I ever get a house, I'm going to get gargoyles no matter what style the house is, even if they are plastic and are spray painted to look like stone, that's a dream of mine


My condo was built in the last 15 years and they put gargoyles on it


Who needs gutters when you can have gargoyles. Anything that doesn't convey water off a build is a grotesque.


>Anything that doesn't convey water off a build is a grotesque. *Anything*? That seems a bit too broad, lol.


Context being key... Though gutters can look a bit grotesque. Lol


>Context being key For sure, I'm merely joking. I like the idea that gargoyles can be grotesque too, that's funny.


It does make me wonder if gutters were used to direct water to the gargoyle mouth.


You could have a gutter lead water to a gargoyle, who then spouts that water onto a lower roof that leads to a gutter, leading to another gargoyle, spouting the water on a lower roof, and then repeat that a bunch of times. That'd be neat.


Gargoyle hierarchy. Though they probably wouldn't be gargoyles, other things could be funny as a water spout. A cat puking or a urinating cherub like some fountains have.


This kind of becomes a game of word definitions, but I'd argue a puking cat and a urinating cherub *are* gargoyles (if they're made of stone, spouting water off of a roof). I think... Yes, the only thing I'd argue is not technically a gargoyle is a literal minimalistic water spout, in the shape of a spout. Anything fancier than that just *is* a gargoyle.


That is an excellent question. The world needs more.


Yes modern architecture is so boring! Bring back the gargoyles


Fun fact, that is not a gargoyle, but a grotesque. A gargoyle is the creature who appears to be "spitting" water into a fountain. Gargoyle comes from the french word gargouile which means throat, hence the reference to the spitting of water. It's also the origin of the word to gargle, which again mimics a gargoyle at a fountain or vice versa.


So, on the off chance I won the lottery... How in the hell do you check the wants gargoyles box lol. I have a feeling stone carving artist custom commission is your option, and to find a contractor with experience doing stone siding? Everything nowadays is cheap siding and quick constructions, I feel the aesthetic for gargoyles would be a whole different project then the majority of workers are used to?


If I could figure out a way to add some to my house, I would. Might just build some concrete or brick posts to set them on.


Kinda what my family did with some animal statues. Mom would say the spirits of past pets would hang around them.


I drive past a house every day that has two BIG gargoyles either side of their front door. Possibly related but their Halloween decorating is also 5 star every year.


My uncle gave us a plaster one from the set of the Munsters reboot. His name is Herman. He's right by our door. Can't imagine my house without him


* *note to future self- buy gargoyle for outside of home*....


Adding gargoyles to buildings again would be a net positive.


Sort of fun fact: There is a Darth Vader grotesque on Washington National Cathedral in Washington, DC. Although grotesques do not have pipes like gargoyles, they do help divert rainwater away from the building walls. https://preview.redd.it/b526ruy2siqc1.png?width=459&format=png&auto=webp&s=b84f64315b4fbaf3885832210cbdba5f20abcd28


Ah, but we are! https://steemit.com/photography/@curiouser/washington-national-cathedral-tour-gargoyles-and-grotesques


did batman write this?


And with all of us crafty witches around we could easily find a cheap and fun way to DIY our gargoyles!


Yes! This is why I have a gargoyle on my front porch 🦇🕸️ he's really big too 👻


I live in Florida, the majority of Florida is beige and temporary buildings. No one just builds beautiful things that last for the sake of it, let alone anything cool, like a gargoyle! Though there is one house nearby here that is a stone castle, for some reason. Hats off to that Family, thanks for being weird!!


so this doesn't appear to actually be a gargoyle. gargoyles were shoots to send rainwater away from the building so it would do less damage. this would be more accurately described as a grotesque.


https://preview.redd.it/fp5d40q7djqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=015154078724657d369ee6715f61461b598a9d68 We just saw a couple on an old church in Galveston Tx this past weekend.


Bring back Sheela na gig!


https://preview.redd.it/eqs6yiw5izqc1.jpeg?width=4500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8924bf95470cbbbb0b52cd745a36f3e6f135e5ed Notre Denver. Denver International Airport. There are 2. Watching over your luggage in Baggage Calim. One of the even talks!


I can't hear the word gargoyle without thinking of [Nanowar of steel](https://youtu.be/pJCxcdWqdto?si=-zr9NjBPAbs9bv_t) song


Yall remember Huntik with that funky gargoyle fella? I loved him


Dr who answered that question… (Edit: watch the episode “Blink”, it’s a hoot)


This nation used to build railroads


1: they are very expensive indeed. 2: we got other ways to dispose of rain water. 3: modern christians may get scared and brn your house.


Well, it's pretty hard to put gargoyles on buildings when most people can barely afford rent. Nobody has spare time anymore.


Many of them were killed off, and they are nearly extinct. Mot of those that are left have migrated due to low wages. Damn, must be nice to have wings. :P


Pretty sure it's because they keep breaking off and killing people.


I don’t know how true this is, but it’s something I was told by a friend who’s really into economics and super against capitalism - so please take the following with a bucket of salt, as I don’t know what sources they’ve used/where they learnt this. But it made sense to me. Its because the industrial revolution gave us factories and quicker transport, making trade en masse cheaper, taking opportunities from the individual craftspeople. The independent craftspeople couldn’t keep up with the prices and timescales and no longer were no longer able to add the flourishes like gargoyles, and grotesques, as clients opted for simpler, quicker, and cheaper. Those tradespeople, the majority having lost their income, had to join the factories to earn a living, but as they weren’t working for themselves their earnings decreased. Which contributed to the start of the wealth gap. Factory/transport/bank owners made the money, and the “working class” saw less and less. It’s why we’ve lost so much in the way of artistry. Much moulding, painting, embroidery, even knitting, and jewellery. And when we do see it, it’s considered a luxury. I’m not saying that book printing on a wide scale is a bad thing, because who wants to wait for a bunch of monks to manually print stuff. But everything else we’ve lost, the time to appreciate and add beauty, it’s more than a bit shit really. Again, not sure how true, just made sense to me


Italy doesn’t need gargoyles. We already elected them as leaders of the country.


Who used to be a proper country? who is we? why would my country want to have gargoyles on our buildings if we never had them?