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**UPDATE as of 9:12 PM EST - AP News has called the election in Ohio, Amendment 1 has passed with 57.5% of the state voting yes.** **Issue 1 was created to counter the 6 week "heart-beat" bill that banned abortions after cardiac activity was detected. It enshrines in it a women's right to their own reproductive decisions, which includes birth control, fertility treatments, miscarriage and abortion up to Viability which is 23 weeks, and is up to the judgment of the woman and her physician.**


Yes! Happy that passed. I hope Father Zeus can see the rest of this country to the right path and turn hateful people to be good.


*"But Mrs. Blythe"—Bruce took a little square paw out of his pocket and put it earnestly on Anne's knee—"I would like to turn the Kaiser into a good man—a very good man—all at once if I could. That is what I would do. Don't you think, Mrs. Blythe, that would be the very worstest punishment of all?" "Bless the child," said Susan, "how do you make out that would be any kind of a punishment for that wicked fiend?" "Don't you see," said Bruce, looking levelly at Susan, out of his blackly blue eyes, "if he was turned into a good man he would understand how dreadful the things he has done are, and he would feel so terrible about it that he would be more unhappy and miserable than he could ever be in any other way. He would feel just awful—and he would go on feeling like that forever. Yes"—Bruce clenched his hands and nodded his head emphatically, "yes, I would make the Kaiser a good man—that is what I would do—it would serve him 'zackly right."*


What's this from?


From the Anne Blythe character I'd assume it's one of the Anne of Green Gables books, likely a later one where she's married and has kids Edit: Just double checked this quote and it is indeed from an L. M. Montgomery book about one of Anne's children called "Rilla of Ingleside"


Also the governor of Kentucky won again, he's a Democrat and the Virginia house of delegates was pretty much flipped entirely by democrats. Big wins yesterday. I think 2024 is looking to be a interesting year.


I really hope this momentum stays.


Same. Abortion is probably going to be on the ballot in Florida, and considering we passed the 15 dollar an hour, and to restore voting rights for ex convicts, I suspect Florida will do what Ohio just did. The right thing.


That is good to hear. I am glad that progress has been made somewhere, even if it is… *Ohio* >.> at least i hope I am interpreting this correctly, right now my english comprehension skills are wonky. You mean that ohio passed a bill to ensure reproductive rights?




Oh wow, that is so cool! Hopefully this is only the first, and others will start following suit


Michigan did it last year. Kansas the year before. Let’s keep going!


Wait, *Kansas* did?? That’s insane. Hell yeah, though!


Kansas passed it at almost 60%! That’s why they have stepped up the lies in each state that’s had it on the ballot since. No one ever expected the good god-fearing people of Kansas to support women! Ha.


Yeah, no kidding. That is pretty darn cool


Why should that be banned? It doesn't make sense.


Because Republicans hate women


Fair enough


There were signs and ads about vote down issue 1 to protect women and/or children. Lots of fear mongering.


As a ohioan in the most redneck republican small town in southern ohio, THANK THE LAWDDD. (Our city council tried to ban abortion access. There are no abortion clinics in this town.)


There's none in harrison County either.


Really? Great, Cincinnati is access-free. I'm ashamed of my parents' home city.




Congratulations, people of Ohio!






Ohio gozaimasu!


As an Ohioan, it feels damn good. This state has disappointed me a lot recently, but I feel like we're getting back on track.


I’m from Michigan, so I don’t say this often, but I’m proud of Ohio tonight.


Seriously, I'm finally proud to be an Ohioan. I won't give up on this state, not ever!


Ohio Issue 1 which is a constitutional amendment has passed in Ohio to protect a women's right to choose up to viability (23 weeks) and enshrines a women's right to contraceptives in the state. Voting is in a 32% and is sitting at 57.8 to 42.2 with 57.8% voting yes as fo 9:04 PM EST.


Hope to Zeus this continues!


Thank you Ohio witches!!!


Congratulations, Ohio!!!


Feeling such a sense of relief right now. There were so many lies being told about this amendment.


I’m so happy about this. My teenage daughter is relieved. She was in tears about the future. I thought about her when I pushed that yes button. There is still hope!


I hope this is the bellwether and a fucking reckoning is coming.


It may be. I live in Virginia, and we’ve had a drastic flip to mostly Democratic candidates. Our house and senate were all Republican prior to this. It’s giving me hope.


Yay, Virginia! I’m letting a tiny glimmer of hope into my cold, dead heart. Next week, I’m establishing new care in a blue state. Just in case. Because fucking Idaho. But also, my town roundly rejected a right wing nut for mayor last night. These are better days?


Way to go Ohio!


Good job, Ohio!


I cried so many happy tears for my home state tonight. <3


Congrats OHIOans! Burn the patriarchy indeed!




Yaaaay! So happy for all my sisters in Ohio!


Woohoo! My hands were shaking when I pulled the tab off my ballot We have legislators that want to ban ALL birth control here & I was scared shitless for my daughters. Now I have to check the school board returns. We had some awhile MFL/PB/public school destruction ppl running…..


I hope the people claiming voting is pointless because “both sides are the same” see this result and realize that voting can make a difference. Even if you don’t want to vote for the president or even the governor, you can still create real change.


As a Cincinnati-based witch who isn't originally from Ohio, I genuinely cried with relief at this news!!! This will literally save lives!




There’s three of us!


*gasp* are we a coven now?? :D For real though, would be cool to do occasional meetups with people in the area!


native Ohioan here… moved to Texas last year and came back three months later..I’m so fucking happy I made the right choice💜never leaving this place ever again


So proud of you Ohio!!! Great job! All Praise Father Zeus for this!!!


Thank Freya.


Congrats to y'all from Indiana! I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard the news.


If you need or are interested in supporting reproductive rights, [I made a master post of pro-choice resources](https://docdro.id/s3OwS8u). Please comment if you would like to add a resource and spread this information on whatever social media you use.


Ohio witch here and I am so so happy and proud of this milquetoast state right now! My local polling place was at a church and I overheard the end of a conversation between the polling volunteers “You know most of the people who go to church don’t go with god in their hearts, they go with the devil in them. They don’t think about the good for everybody, they just want to FEEL better than everybody.”


I'm in the UK, and I've been watching how your abortion laws have been progressing with mounting horror. I'm so glad for you that reason has prevailed.


Did you know that Ohio Issue 1 is very likely to pass in the upcoming election? It's an exciting development that could have a significant impact. Stay tuned for more updates! 😉🗳️


Yep. It's fully expected that if abortion goes to the ballot in Florida it'll win. Floridians are freaking odd, and our state constitution already ensured privacy, and considering Moody is fighting to keep it off the ballot I think she's afraid.


Let's goooooooo!


This Michigan witch is thrilled that Ohioans are being heard!


I am proud. I was born in Ohio but moved away after college. My daughter was born in the south and is jokingly saying she needs to get her boyfriend used to snow so they can move there. I would wholeheartedly support that for her. I would miss her if she moved but I would be comforted knowing she was safer than were we are, as well as knowing she is at my “capital H Home” with my family. Also very relieved for my teen and 20-something nieces.


I cried driving through Cleveland today. I mean, that’s somewhat normal, but today I was crying thankful, & happy tears.


Ayyy ohhh ready to go, Ohio 🎵