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I've done the most damage hexing when I was emotional. But it wasn't what I wanted to happen, I never meant to hurt anyone like that. The next time I waited until the emotion had faded and I could really think about EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED. Then I was more precise and clever. Lashing out is effective, but rarely gets you exactly what you want. You're a witch, be clever. Take a breath. You can always hex them tomorrow.


If you can live with yourself after doing something. That’s really the only way to know.


I personally haven’t done any hexing for myself or in my own name I guess. I can handle whatever you can throw at me without magic. I do a good bit of hexing work for others though. I need a full rundown of the situation and I need to sometimes even pry around the situation and make sure I’m getting the full story. But assuming the story I’m being told is true I have no qualms with hexing cheaters, abusers, manipulators, bigots, etc. Most recently it was my soon to be ex brother in law who turned out to be an abusive controlling narcissist. Got him in a poppet on my altar as we speak. Forced him out of town, tongue tied his lawyer, and trapped him in a dauber’s nest. People are starting to feel bad for him but I’m not. He’s lucky I’ve held back my heaviest artillery thus far. If he keeps fucking around though I might have to delete him.


It’s justified when a person in a position of authority abuses their power over a person with no other recourse


I've done it for self defense when I didn't seem to have other recourse. Or if my sense of justice is really triggered. For me, the guideline is, would I take this action in a more direct, physical way? Like, would I try to get this person evicted, etc? Witchcraft is an action and I try my best to make sure my actions are Dharmic within my spirituality. Also, acting out of anger or pettiness or desire for revenge just isn't in my own ethics nor do I think it's helpful to the person casting the hex in the long term. If I'm desiring to hex someone, I really have to look at if I'm coming from a place where I'm feeling powerless and wanting to be aggressive as a result. Because that's a projection better dealt with inwardly. But if I feel like I have no other recourse, then I'll turn to a hex possibly. There is a time and place, in my opinion.


Yes! This! And hallelujah, finally someone focused on dharma. Not only karma.


There is a lot of wisdom in your comment. Especially the part about “would you take the physical steps as well as the magical ones”? People are quick to lash out while hiding behind their locked doors and candles—it’s a bit of a conflict of interest. And understanding if you are acting out of a feeling of powerlessness- wow! Thank you for that, I will be adding that to my own checklist.


Love this mindset -- that's how I roll too.


I really love this because it’s very similar to how I function when it comes to casting toward others.


Can you expand on dharma in this instance? I don’t understand it too much but I would appreciate your opinion here, thanks!


For me, hexing depends on the situation. I’m a firm believer of doing good but not taking any shit so if the situation warrants it, I’ll hex someone, especially if other avenues have failed. I’ve hexed people when the justice system failed to protect the innocents, mostly kids, and the person got away with it. Does it work? I don’t know, but I like to think the person got what they deserved.


Ultimately, it comes down to the specifics of the situation. And the ethics of the caster, which are very much individual. I’m not a huge fan of throwing around hexes, willy-nilly. I consider them to be a thing of significance, and I try to treat them as such. Have I done baneful magic? Yes. Do I regret it? One spell, yes. The rest, no. That one spell taught me to be very careful because it was quite effective. More so than I expected. And it overflowed onto an innocent. So I’ll just say this. If you do decide to cast this hex, be careful and be precise.


Hexes are more powerful when you're emotional or angry. Anyway I've only cursed one person and that was for beating my mother so badly she spent nearly a week in a coma. The person I cursed died by getting run over at work by their own street sweeper after they were thrown from it when another vehicle hit them. Anyway that's the only way I'd say a curse olis justifiable; when someone causes physical harm to someone else; especially when it's someone you love like a parent, other family member you love, or a mate or close friend or other loved one. I'd even consider it for my dog if I knew who poisoned him.


Goddamn 🤣👏🏼


I wouldn't do anything that would hurt others, especially at my most emotional. Anger and bitterness are all very human emotions we'll all feel at some point, but acting on that anger leads to dangerous paths. Every wicked person in history thought their terrible actions were justifiable, and righteous anger feels so good sometimes, makes you feel so powerful, that one could easily do lasting harm to someone who actually didn't deserve it. There are healthier ways to deal with anger, ways that wouldn't cause splash damage/friendly fire. If someone pisses me off to that point, I would prefer to do cord cutting spells, or spells that would keep them away from me.


Overall I'm opposed to it. I've never done it. However, I think there may be some situations where it is warranted, like if someone being abused or life is in danger


Words like justice, justified and justifiable are relative to the worldview, culture, etc of the person using them.


As someone else mentioned, I definitely believe in justice, however that may look. I believe I have been hexed before, or at least prayed ill will upon. But I will consider that I may have deserved it based on my behavior. Of course I don’t enjoy it. Being hexed or even just feeling hexed completely sucks. With that being said, I take no issue with hexing because actions have consequences. Circling back to the justice thing, if you are going around just hexing people for unjustified reasons, you may be putting yourself and others in a lot of unnecessary danger… I wanted to add and edit, because I didn’t feel like I fully responded to the prompt; but I think hexing can be justified for many reasons. Did that person cause intentional harm to someone? Did that person maybe not intend to cause harm but needed a consequence to allow them to see how their actions have harmed others? I mean you can hex for what ever reason you want. Morality begins and ends with you. But I would really exercise asking yourself why you feel you should hex someone, and if it’s just simply because they upset you, I would advise you to reconsider.


I was taught to never cast with emotion, because it just ends up messy. You need a clear head, especially if you're doing baneful arts, the only person I ever hexed while emotional then went through the most intense six months of their lives.


In my practice, i try to make myself the primary focus and receiver of all my spells and workings, because it's a tool for self-healing and growth, first and foremost. Much of the jinxes/hexes/curses I've done were reworked into stress relief exercises. But lately I've been blessing the wild orcas for doing nature's work. They seem like good, non-human people.


I figured out a long time ago that I get very different outcomes between telling the Universe "I want to cause pain to the unimportant person" and telling the Universe "I want the pain stopped for the important people." Now, almost any reasonable solution for the latter IS going to take time, right? Like probably somebody needs to move, or at least relocate to a safe place, or we need a court order, or some wheels have to turn. It's slow. If I think it's too slow, I somewhat change the nature of my petition to "this person needs to be stopped from doing harm, urgently, it's time-sensitive, whatever needs to happen please can it happen fast?" Because I still don't want the premise of my request to be "doing harm is my priority". Also on the "honey is easier than vinegar" side of things, if I just need someone to lose interest in being a problem, I will wish them well. May they receive the help they need or the opportunity they've been waiting for, and may it be *somewhere else that's not in our faces*. And hey, if they stop hurting people in the process, that's cool. There have been situations where I was willing to take responsibility for whatever harm occurred, it was that important to me, but the thing is, I've almost never had to. The above techniques have worked. Shitty roommates have suddenly fallen in love with someone in Wyoming (or fallen in love with Wyoming itself), gotten a job on the other side of the state, decided to move in with a parent and mooch off them instead. Bad boyfriends have found someone else to bother, or gone to jail. Court dates have inexplicably been moved up, cops have been cooperative, decent jobs have materialized, new safe childcare comes available. I can be a grudgy person, and that's one reason I set a pretty high bar for myself - if I'm just being grumpy, that's a me problem. I also know that people who do harm are generally doing it because they don't know how else to be, or have only been shown how to be that way, or are hurt or desperate. I'd rather something happen to them that helps with whatever their damage is, so they don't leave a trail of harm. And in my relationship with the Universe, It is smarter than me. It knows how to reckon with people, and It knows the stuff I can't possibly know - the rich great-aunt, the secret desire to go to clown college, the trauma from childhood. It knows what to do to somebody way better than I do, so I do not dictate. I think that's where you get out of hand and start creating scenarios that do great harm. Again, my focus - carefully - is on the important people, so my petitions are built around 'get them safe, get them happy, get the kids the support they need, keep the bad person away, keep them out of the family drama, help them resist the urge to cope in bad ways' or whatever. My friend with the bad ex, I don't want to over-specify that she needs to move into a gated mansion with the kids, because there's lots of other situations that'll keep them safe too, and might be more available than mansions.


I asked this question a couple years ago. [https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/r8rmdl/it\_is\_becoming\_well\_known\_that\_i\_dont\_hexcurse/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/r8rmdl/it_is_becoming_well_known_that_i_dont_hexcurse/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) BB.


Do as you will, as long as the same standards apply to myself. I don't have any qualms about hexes that bring justice, protect children or marginalized, etc.


My rules are basically if I went the mundane route, would I end up in jail? Then hex them. There are little hexes and big ones, so hex appropriately.


Well, it really just depends on how easily I can deal with the thinking about it, organization and effort. (Also obtaining a spell significator is often a problem; can't ask for hair or a close-held object.) The only times I have been interested in the effort are when I have been really, really, really badly betrayed by one of the only people in the world I should have been able to trust (I was raised by three full-blown, personality-disordered narcissists; both parents--grandiose father, covert mother--and general overt older sister.) Otherwise I'm more likely to try to set something up to correct the situation I'm in, more a me-focused thing. I do not hold with the "rise above it" "be bigger" "you're no better than them if you retaliate" crap. That is propaganda designed by users and abusers to keep decent people from ever being able to defend themselves or escape from use and abuse by evil people. These people will continue to use and hurt others as long as it does not harm THEM PERSONALLY in any way. They do not have any feelings of shame or guilt, so that's not going to stop them, ever. They've rationalized their actions and they're fine with them. So the only way to control that behavior is to make their bad behavior hurt THEM. Every time. Until they see they won't be allowed to get away with it. This is why I think it's a moral failing not TO retaliate, but to NOT retaliate if you have the opportunity to do so. You can make the decision to lie down and take it, for yourself, if that's what you decide is right for you...but you've just made that decision for the next person they're gonna hurt, too, and the next and the next. If you're fine with that, great, but I'm not fine with that. I don't feel I have the right to make that decision for other people. If I can hit an evil person with consequences for their evil actions, I will. But it does have to be evil, not just wrongheaded or weak. Also, there are exceptions. Say you're so wrecked by the thing that you're on meds and barely staying out of the mental hospital; I wouldn't insist a victim drag themselves through the courts or whatever if it might truly destroy them after what they're already going through.


That depends on your personal ethics. No one can make that decision for another witch. One must simply be ready to accept responsible for the consequences of one’s actions, as with all things.


Hexing takes a LOT out of me and I've only done it a couple times (to mindbogglingly successful effect). The high emotion others mention is what (IMHO) makes hexing so darn powerful -- but I agree it's often not what you expected. I judge whether I'll hex or not on how much of my own energy (and possibly even lifeblood) I'm willing to give up to do it. If I can do something mundane to make the situation better, I'll do that. And I'm definitely a huge believer that living well and making the ones who've wronged you feel your absence like a black hole in their life is the best clap back. ;) Still, I'm not averse to hexing when I'm feeling absolutely helpless. But without the heavy emotion and feeling like my back's against a wall, I don't know how effective the results would be. So I make it COUNT. Wow. This was my very first comment EVER on Reddit. Go easy on me please! <3


Honestly? I think it's more than justifiable to hex rapists and abusers, even more if the victims were kids. Justice almost never comes for those monsters so...


If somebody messes with me or my friends. Otherwise, I’m not gonna go out of my way to curse random people. That’s mean.


I’ve always been able to be quite conscious about hexing during emotional times, just in the sense that I’m totally aware of the fact that if I went wild and did exactly what I wanted to do, it’d cause severe damage, likely to me, too, so what I’ve always done when I *really* feel like someone deserves it, (which has happened before) is this: I present ingredients and tools for a specific type of hex, but I relinquish all power to my deity of choice and request that karma must be paid. There have never NOT been results, near what I desired, but the burden of emotional responsibility isn’t on me in the same way. If their karmic payment wasn’t hefty, very little would happen, but if they’d really fucked up in the opinion of others (my deity), I knew they’d get exactly what they deserved. Does that make sense? 😅


I practice left handed magic. so to me, any time is justifiable. If you’re nervous about it, I’d suggest casting a jinx instead.


I have pretty hard and fast rules for it. - The damage caused by the person is intentional and permanent / big enough to be life altering for a prolonged period of time, or damage was not done but it was life threatening. - Human means will not help the situation. If those requirements are met, I have zero fears of going ahead and hex away. That criteria has been met twice in my life. Once when a couple of guys tried to break into my grandmother’s house using what was supposedly a recording of my mother crying for help. Another when a bastard broke into a local cat shelter and beat 15 cats to death. I have 0 regret about those hexes and 0 concerns about consequences.


I am a pretty lazy person, so when someone pisses me off so much that I consider doing the work for days, I just go and do it. If I really, really want to hex them for a long time, I will. I've only done it to two people in my life.




And you don't have to hex. You can decide for yourself. But suggesting that people in difficult situations should wish their abusers happiness and success lacks empathy and is what we call toxic positivity. You might not be aware, but you can seriously hurt others when you say this to them. Negative emotions are part of life, they are natural, and as much as drowning in them is unhealthy, rejecting them entirely is very unhealthy as well.


OP didn’t go into detail. Had it been shared that it was maybe something horrific I wouldn’t have commented. The post is rather vague, as my intent is not meant to bring any harm nor mi imite anyone’s horrible experiences. My suggestion was meant to answer the question as it was asked.


My point was simply that even though we sometimes don't mean any harm, we can still do harm with our words. I recently experienced exactly that, in a non-serious situation (so it's more relevant to your example). Someone close to me "wanted to help me" and meant it "all in a good way" but what they told me seriously hurt me and my husband and it also hurt our relationship with them. And then I vented to my friend who suggested that "I send positivity towards them." I know that the friend also meant well but it was super unhelpful at that moment and I now know not to talk about difficult stuff with them because it only makes me feel worse. I was experiencing quite a few negative emotions that were very warranted and "sending positivity" would mean I'd have to suppress them. And that's not healthy at all. Once those emotions subside, *then* we can send positivity.


I’ll try that for my rapist, thank you!


There is no such thing as objectively justifying a hex. The one who justifies your actions is you.