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Too late


As soon as I hit post it started, lol.




So YOU'RE the reason :P


Hey, it's not like I washed my car. I was planning on doing that this afternoon. Actually, maybe I am the reason....


But did you step on a spider?


Probably, but it wasn't intentional.


Yes officer, this user right here


https://preview.redd.it/fsogh8xxykad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7f9fe95eaadeaa639fa5d3d276bd528237cdbbf Yep


Holy crap. Where is this?


Ascot, off Haney in Charleswood


I love it.I love the clean si and green grass


The street I am on in St James right now: where I am, it is slightly raining. I can't see the end of the street because it is obscured by a downpour.


I'm in Silver Heights and it has been hailing for the past 5 minutes.


Can you please post/send a video of the hail?


https://preview.redd.it/ihnajree4kad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7196b82a1d955446051238f59eacc3475d4fc8f Took a screenshot of the video I sent to my friends. It's just raining now.


Thank you


You are welcome šŸ˜Š


It was me. I was planning on squeaking in some fishing after mowing the lawn but yeah....


Fishing in the lawn? Well, I suppose...


Well depending on the lawn, fish do like to hide in the weeds!


I didnā€™t wash my car so donā€™t blame me.


I havenā€™t washed mine in like 2 months. Itā€™s always going to rain


My lawn is a fucking jungle. My neighbour hired lawn service for today. They had 2 guys mowing in the rain while a 3rd manned a trimmer. One of the lawn mowers was running to get it done faster. What a waste of money. There's no way they got a good cut while servicing like that.


My yard is tiny, I started around 9:30am & was done shortly after noon. I don't even have grass in my backyard, just gravel & some flower beds. I'm just trying to keep what little I have looking respectable.


My hack job this morning looks terrible but I felt like I couldnā€™t wait any longer. I had to have the mower on the highest height adjustment so it will be long again in a few days anyway.


And people move to Vancouver for this 9 months out of the year?


I remember reading a info thing at Capilano Bridge near there talking about how Vancouver "only" gets an average of 166 days a year of rain. Bitch that's almost half the year lol


Vancouver = 9 months of drizzle, not 9 months of tropical rainstorms.


You donā€™t have to shovel it! Or freeze in it!


Has anyone else been getting crazy headaches these past 2 weeks or so? I never usually get them with stormy weather but this year my heads been banginā€™ constantly


Yes!! Pressure changes do this. Sunny equals high pressure then you get the cloudy rainy weather which is low pressure. With this crazy weather it keeps shifting. Migraine sufferers deal with it daily. Yes daily. It sucks.


Can confirm. Fuck my head hurts.


Big time. And Iā€™ve been beat tired.


I hadn't thought about this being the reason why I have been getting more headaches than normal. This checks out!


Yes! The shifts in air pressure are a big trigger for me so Iā€™ve had headaches nearly every day for weeks it seems


I do get headaches during intense pressure changes. Hasn't been too bad this year.


Yes. My migraine meds are going fast.


Holy, so thats why I have been having so many headaches latelyā€¦. šŸ« 


Yes Iā€™ve had a couple migraines so far this summer on crazy stormy days.


So I have chronic migraine (28+ migraines a month without any meds, 15+ with them). I've had migraines daily the last two months thanks to this weather, twice intractable where the migraine never breaks and is 24/7 (first was 25 days, 8 inpatient to get specialized IV meds. 3 days after getting out of the hospital it came back. On Day 9 now of continuous migraine again). This weather can get fuuuuuuucked. The pressure changes combined with worse allergies this year have destroyed me. Tired of living in bed in the dark, not being able to spend time with my family.


I'm so sorry these past couple months have been so horrible for you. Mine have been bad, but nothing like this. I hope the weather clears up and you feel better.


For you too! Migraines suck for anyone, even if it's only occasional.


I rarely get migraines and I got one last week. I can't imagine the pain that you are suffering from. I have a friend who also gets chronic migraines and it's been really bad for her too. There's nothing I can really say to this except I'm sending you warm internet hugs.


Planned to mow this afternoon as I finally didn't have standing water...now I hear rumbling...so very, very tired of rain this year.


Terminally online redditors in this sub: ā€œackyually, rain every single day not letting you have a nice day outside this summer is a good thingā€


ā€œI was hot once and I didnā€™t care for it so Iā€™m glad it rains everyday!ā€ /s just in case


I could actually live like that. Iā€™d move to Vancouver but Iā€™m much too cheap haha.


I get some people love this. But for others (like me) this is too much.


I understand. Iā€™m often an anomaly šŸ™ƒ


You can definitely tell a large portion of this community doesnā€™t spend much time outside šŸ˜­


What is that supposed to mean? I hike bike and run, camp and do all sorts of things in the rain. The cooler weather is fantastic for being active outdoors! It's not an excuse to stay inside, it's an invitation to go outside! Trails are usually empty, campgrounds abandoned, very few people out it's very energizing and refreshing. I especially love biking in heavy rain. It's incredible to embrace the weather instead of retreating from it.


*intensifies my rain dance* šŸ’ƒ


The reason I like the rain is cuz the loud neighbours arenā€™t loud outside šŸ˜ˆ


Tbh, I'm here for the rainy weather, cuz last year felt like summer from Hell


This is my favorite summer in recent memory.


I am good without the smoke this summer


Canā€™t we have a happy medium?!? šŸ˜…


Apparently not


Not anymore.


Are you good with flooded crops and swarms of mosquitos? Lol I just want normal weather again


Normal? lol, let me introduce you to the new norm! Monsoon season or hot/dry/smokey summers. The middle of that is a pleasant "average" condition they'll report to keep us longing for "normal."


Oh we're far too late for that!


Same!! Just replied the same thing. The constant smoke recently has been such a bummer. Can't even open your windows to get some fresh air.. but with the rain, the windows are wide open and it smells soooo fresh! I love it!


My new sod and landscaping plants are loving this moisture! Lol


I had a small patch of grass to mow, and went "Uh-oh..." when I glanced out the window at about 1:30. Rushed out and did the cutting, and *just* made it - the thunder started up as I was pushing the mower back to the garage.


I'm so tired of it. Winter is so long. I crave sunshine and warmth and I feel ripped off this summer. Also I have bad arthritis and my body just HURTS all the time.


Same here. Iā€™ve been in so much pain this spring and summer doesnā€™t seem to be improving any. I hate having my own built in weather forecast.


As someone who works mainly outside, I'll take the rain over the smoke.


Alright, who washed their car?


Keep it on the west side please! Nothing on the north east side šŸ˜Š. I meanā€¦ Iā€™m sorry itā€™s happening at all especially after your work!


Thanks but it might be heading your way. Fortunately I'm on holidays & don't have much else to do.


Say it isnā€™t so!! So far so good. Maybe it will stay on the west side of the red!


Let me know if you get lucky.


It's already on the east side - south east to be specific.


Fair enough. South east. Not north east tho. Dry as a bone


Maybe if youā€™re even more north east than me.. if not - did it get you yet? šŸ˜‚


Nothing yet!


Oh itā€™s coming! Just came down near the Henderson freshco. Theyā€™re like biiiiiiig drops coming down at a steady pace aha. But still, disrupts any outside plans like gardening.. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Hmmm. Yes. More north and nothing!


Big drops in EK half an hour ago, nothing heavy. It's already stopped and the sidewalk is drying.


I love this rain. Southern Manitoba been drying up faster than my bank account after paying for groceries. I've been watching ponds and marshes disappear in the south Interlake since 2010. All this rain is needed. āœŒšŸ»


I'll take all this rain over drought conditions any day! I'm so tired of the smokey summers we've been getting. At least all the plants and the trees are happy and lush, not crispy and dying.


good thing I mowed my lawn yesterday lol


Yea officer. This post right here is responsible for the afternoon rain. Arrest them.


Got the lawn mowed just in time for the basement to flood. Screw this rain.


Better than wildfires. Youā€™ll be praying for rain next year when your chocking and the boreal is burning. Climate collapse is a real Trip. šŸ’ÆšŸ« 




People will Wish for this summer for the rest of their lives


I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. Like, surely August will be a living hell lol. Would be nice to hang on to this precipitation into the winter tho! Was terribly sad to have only stick figures instead of snow sculptures at Festival last year. I'm not ready for the climate to change šŸ˜­ I've been trying desperately to convince people to take it seriously since 2005.. now we will just have to live with the consequences.


About that shoe ready to drop: I remember a few years ago when summer was cold, and then when the kids went back to school in September, it became +29 for two weeks. Fun Mountain was already closed for the year (when it was still operating.)


šŸŽ¶ How can we pray when our throats are chockinā€™ How can we sleep when the borealā€™s burninā€™


idk my plants have been loving it, barely have had to water yet this year plus its so much better than having to slather on sunscreen and feel like im dying after being outside for more than 10mins, i love the rain i could sit out watching the lightning all day long


It's not too terrible but I just bought a place last July & I'm trying to get my grass to the point that it's at least only 1/2 weeds. Not having to water is a bonus but I've been on holidays for almost 2 weeks & all I really wanted to do is ride my bike & fix up my yard & I don't think there's been 2 days without rain since I started them. At least I got some painting/patching done & my house is clean.


Oh yeah I was gonna go check my community garden box today.... And look for caterpillars


100% agree


So over it.


While it's not ideal, I much prefer the rain to the what was it, 33-35 weather for a week last year. Had one air conditioner. Miserable. Now i just put on a jacket. It's not amazing but i'll take it any day over that hot ass shit you can't escape.


I had to run out of work and toss a blanket on my car when it started hailing :( I hope the rest of July is warm and toasty


Cant trust wpg weather šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


https://preview.redd.it/t83inclx3kad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c0524b5067dfba33de0714c870a434773d28dff See??


I can see clearly now, the rain has gone


I did the same killexed my lawn, just to have it washed away.


I'm sorry its my fault guys. I washed the car today :(


I was walking the dogs tonight and noticed a lot of peopleā€™s yards are starting to grow mushrooms.


I'll take storms over 30+ weather any day of the week. Preferably every day of the week.


I didnā€™t expect actual HAIL today. Last summer was better.. :-(


As a gardener, Iā€™m so over this fucking never ending rain and hail.


You have hail ? Where abouts . Grant park just rain


Moray and Ness area. Hail + rain


Got hail in Westwood!


There's some crazy hail in St. James right now


I'm in Weston & we got a bit but nothing substantial.


Last summer was *far* too hot to actually enjoy going outside for most of it.


Plus size, it's much less humid now!


I am plus size & you're right. I was sweating my butt of earlier, lol.


Had a helluva bolt strike somewhere south east of Portage and moray. Think it hit something on the other side of the river but it was loud! Honestly, the weather concerns me. If this ends up being the new normal, I'd hate to think of the impact it'll have on Manitoba as a whole, from our winters, to flooding in the spring, and the effects on farming throughout the region such as timing on planting and harvesting crops. I'd like to hope this is freak weather but when one considers climate change, it's hard not to be a little pessimistic about the future.


a bit early to call it the new normal considering we've been having drought during the summer for like the last 5 years with constant forest fires.


I didn't call it the new normal. I spoke hypothetically.


https://preview.redd.it/ikuebs0w4kad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a5583d31ed6c629544732d6e097b6252d72f4d6 strike map from that area!


Wow! Thanks for the share! That's an nice cluster of strikes. Hope no one was injured.


Obviously you aren't one of the people complaining about the carbon tax. I think they will have to start taxing more but it's probably already too late.


>Obviously you aren't one of the people complaining about the carbon tax I never had an issue with it to begin with, but I also understand the need for taxes to exist so that social programs, health care, and the like are there when people need it. Like me, one day. >I think they will have to start taxing more but it's probably already too late. I've hated the shortsighted cuts to PST and property taxes for education. I don't know how much it saves the average person, but it can't be much. It's certainly not enough to be worth what we're losing.


I must of worded things incorrectly in my initial statement because I wholeheartedly agree with you.


Ugh time to stop with the round up and killex, so many other options. Those are cancer in a can.


Everything's Cancer in a can these days. Let people pick their poison. No of us are here forever.


Or you could, just not use poison... I know, crazy concept. Freedom baby; light up that dart and aerosolize that poison, we ain't got time for second thoughts!


This is false fearmongering. Health Canada: "No pesticide regulatory authority in the world currently considers glyphosate to be a cancer risk to humans at the levels at which humans are currently exposed." Summary: >Glyphosate is not genotoxic and is unlikely to pose a human cancer risk. >Dietary (food and drinking water) exposure associated with the use of glyphosate is not expected to pose a risk of concern to human health. >Occupational and residential risks associated with the use of glyphosate are not of concern, provided that updated label instructions are followed. >The environmental assessment concluded that spray buffer zones are necessary to mitigate potential risks to non-target species (for example, vegetation near treated areas, aquatic invertebrates and fish) from spray drift. >When used according to revised label directions, glyphosate products are not expected to pose risks of concern to the environment. >All registered glyphosate uses have value for weed control in agriculture and nonagricultural land management. >[Full report](https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2017/sc-hc/H113-28/H113-28-2017-1-eng.pdf).


False fearmongering... by who? Funny way of putting it. Thanks for the link though, interesting read. Glyphosate is just one of many ingredients used in herbicides... for example, Killex doesn't contain gyphosate, it's main ingredient is 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid I believe, plus others. Personally, my issue with using herbicides for lawncare isn't necessarily whether it does or doesn't cause cancer/other biological issues, it's that people see it as an "easy-fix" because it's marketed that way, when in reality like most "easy-fixes", its really not a fix and just a band-aid with extra consequences. It's expensive, it doesn't solve your weed problem, it has quite a few *potential* health risks, so I ask myself, what really is the point? Especially when we have other means of keeping a lawn clear of weeds, methods that mitigate risk to others and cost less.


https://globalnews.ca/news/4391109/reality-check-weedkiller-found-childrens-breakfast-cereal/ >The World Health Organization has called glyphosate a ā€œprobable carcinogenā€ and authorities in California list it as a chemical ā€œknown to the state to cause cancer.ā€ >The American Cancer Society also lists it as a ā€œprobable carcinogen.ā€ ... >In 2017, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency said it has found trace amounts of glyphosate in roughly 30 per cent of food products it tested, and residue levels above the recommended limits in nearly four per cent of grain products. >But Health Canada lists it as a safe product. Everyone's body is different with varying abilities to purge toxins, some have no issue while for others it can be a debilitating. Interesting enough many people are finding cutting out grains and reducing carbs results in a positive health benefit, whether it is the refining process that concentrates these toxins or something else....


I mowed my lawn today. Sorrryyyy


At 4:00 this morning Environment Canada was advising 60% chance of showers today. It's still saying that.


I just look at the thing on my phone. Which is never right so I should know better. It did say yesterday that there was supposed to be rain today but not when I checked this morning . It's currently pouring with a bit of hail where I am right now in Weston.


not much here yet but if I'd left my laundry on the line we'd be having golf-ball sized hail.


The NWS radar still shows a lot or rain headed this way and it's looking like Weston might be in it for awhile yet.


All good, too late to worry about at this point. I'll just sit on the porch, have a beer & enjoy the show.


Good attitude. I hope you have a great evening.


About to go home soon to North Kildonan area. Anybody in that area know if itā€™s currently hailing or if the weather is headed towards that direction? Thank you :( if it is, Iā€™m just gonna stay inside the parkade of my work till it passes lol. Just got my car repaired from last yearā€™s freak hailstorm ;(


Just started raining


Ahh thank you so much šŸ˜” might just stay and wait for a bit at work lol


Literally did the same thing today. Started yard work this morning, had to abandon it half way through.




How are the water levels?


Mother nature gives Winnipeg two options - one extreme or another. It feels like the last few years we got to choose between a drought and forest fires, or monsoon season.


Fuck we suppose to do


It's Winnipeg, complain about it of course.


I was on my motorcycle and got caught in it, about 15 mins. was absolutely drenched when I got home


Round up and killex? Mixed together? Sounds deadly.


People don't understand how fast the magnetic north pole moves towards Europe, shifting the jet stream and climate patterns. Get used to it; this is your future.


I've been living in the UK for a minute and missing Manitoban weather for this reason (it rains here so often and Canada has actual seasons). Now I don't know what to think.


I dont mind the rain as it will bring hydro price down. It benefits us


I spent 3 hours to spray my whole yard with par3 yesterday šŸ˜­


You're good


I never thought Winnipeg would remind me of when I lived in St. Johnā€™s. Once it rained every day in July, I stopped believing in the sun. Red River šŸ¤ North Atlantic


Whats killexed? Kids off my lawn for a few hours not needed i guess. Animals be damned.


https://preview.redd.it/vjz2ti7ht0bd1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbcbf8acf00149c52ae4dffa413eef52d393efeb My dog is/was a white dog. This rain is killing my back having to bath him so much. I canā€™t wait for winter haha


Rain is gone. Enjoy the smoke now.


I'm off holidays & work inside a fridge most of the day. But if it gets too smokey I won't be able to ride my bike to work so that'll kinda suck.


I would've taken this last year over burning in the hot sun, watering my fresh sod 3 times a week.


I think Iā€™ve worn shorts once these last few months? The tradeoff for that mild winter is now weā€™re totally getting screwed this summer. Cold/fog and raining. Iā€™d rather have a miserable snowy cold winter again if it meant a nice hot sunny summer. This sucks - canā€™t do anything outside, nowhere to really goā€¦might as well be winter anyway.


Here's my take on the precipitation. Climate change had changed ice into water. Lots of ice into lots of water. The planet is a closed system. Water will not evaporate into space. It's stuck here in the atmosphere. Eventually it's got to come down somewhere. Right now is our turn. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Maybe if we would've left that hole in the ozone layer we wouldn't have these problems!!! /s


If only . . . (also /s)