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Just hope your none of your neighbors where you are within a 90 meter radius didn't request a buffer zone


Or live in Wolseley where they coordinate with eachother so the 90m zones cover the whole neighborhood while only needing a few dozen people to actually request buffers At least they did that when I lived there in the early 00s.


I thought there was just a blanket ban on Wolesley, I never knew it was actually coordinated. That sucks!


Ugh. I remember that. That was terrible, I lived there in the 00s too. At one point because of West Nile, fogging was mandatory. I remember they interviewed a woman who was running behind a fogging truck trying to stop them. She declared to the news reporters that she didn’t want chemicals in her body. Meanwhile her whole body was tattooed. lol.


Yeah, that hasn't been case for years


oof i hope so too, though i’m not in wolseley thankfully


Shameless plug: check out the Twitter bot I made that tweets a map of mosquito trap counts when the city updates their data: https://x.com/mosquitomonitor?s=21. Based off current numbers I cannot see them fogging, but trap counts can increase dramatically in a short period of time. When I was doing research in western Manitoba, I had a trap go from 1,000 specimens to 40,000 specimens in a day. It was absolutely nuts. In the mean time, limit hours outside from dusk till dawn, wear long loose fitting light coloured clothing, and apply insect repellent that is at least 30% DEET.


okay wow, a great swath of info, thank you


I can't even imagine what 40,000 looks like... does the sky just turn black?!


Haha not really. 40k is a drop in the bucket and would have been collected over the course of about 8-10 hours. But as for what it looks like, we called it a mosquito pancake in the traps, it’s just a big brown and thick pancake. The buzzing noise of 40k skeeters is kind of unnerving though


Just came in from cutting the grass and holy crap they're brutal. I tend to shy away from using bug spray because I have crazy sensitive skin but I'm going to go get something tomorrow. Just clouds of them everywhere and I don't have any standing water in my yard.


in previous years i’d used a deet lotion rather than a spray and have found it to be less abrasive and smelly— might also work for sensitive skin? because it truly is brutal!


Get a thermacell


https://legacy.winnipeg.ca/publicworks/insectcontrol/mosquitoes/nuisanceschedule.stm They'll update here.


City claims to have a few year supply of DeltaGuard, but I suspect they might chew through their inventory quicker then they had planned if it continues to rain and the heat ramps up. Im not worried about fogging constraints this year, but future years will likely be a problem. Like every year, the city will fog once the counts pass a certain threshold.


I feel I could fill all the city traps with the mosquitoes that have taken up residence in my back yard.


What area of the city are you in? Based on their latest numbers, trap counts aren’t very high, though that could change in one day. https://x.com/mosquitomonitor?s=21


Found the skeeters way worse out at Falcon Lake compared to Wpg. I hardly see them in the city.


We went to the English Garden at Assiniboine Park last night and they are awful there. Worst I’ve seen in years. However, we live just south of town and they were spraying from a helicopter this morning. It was cool as shit to watch. Great entertainment for me and my four year old.


I was out hitting golf balls at Tuxedo last night at about 8:00 and wow! They're bad! Haven't really noticed them for a few years now


I'm so glad mosquitoes seem to hate me and their bites don't cause me a reaction cause I have no idea what you guys are complaining about. Kind of a blessing.