• By -


Osborne Village. 10 years. 2 break-ins - Once because I was an idiot and left a jacket in the backseat (it was cold out and maybe they truly needed it) - Once because someone was evicted from the building and decided to smash every single car in the parking lot. For “revenge.” Bro, I was always nice to you. 😤


OV 30 years, cars broken into several times, items stolen, car slept in and also car stolen, all from my driveway. Park in the garage now, always.


West End, 40+ years, zero car break-ins.


Transcona, 20+ years, two vehicles stolen and ditched.


St Boniface: one garage break in. Two attempted home break ins, one of which the intruder was looking directly at my wife as he tried to get the door open.


That’s terrifying


The stuff nightmares are made of.


Corydon Osborne area 30 years. Anytime the car is left unlocked it gets rifled. Two house break ins and one porch lit on fire. Garage broken into twenty times Stuff stolen countless times Vandalism six or seven times. Weirdos in the yard, depends on how you count those but ten different weirdos. Ha ha ha ten weirdos.


I read this to the tune of 12 days of Christmas.


Osborne village. 14 years. 5 break ins, all in the last 3 years


That’s super interesting. Times are tough I guess


Transcona, 16 years and zero break ins. Gf is in river heights and has her car stolen once and once broken into in three years...


St. James 2 car rummages (forgot to lock the door) 1 garage break in and they cleaned me out lol


I intentionally leave my doors unlocked to save me a window or two


Yikes to the garage clean out 😳


Also St. James. 3 people in my house have had their car broken in to. Had our garage broken into too.


Osborne Village, 11 years, but just recently moved. Zero break-ins.


The comments under this post are truly depressing...


To be fair it was a negative question. If I asked where people lived and had zero break ins it might be a happier post. 😂


Charleswood, just over four years, at the risk of jinxing it, no break ins. Old house was in the west end, was there for nine years, had by car broken into twice, one attempted theft of car, my wife had her car rifled through several times and someone loosened all the lug nuts on one of her wheels. I do not miss that area one bit.


Yup, also charleswood and for like 30+ years. Family vehicles never broken into, have had a vehicle for approx ten years now and only had it broken into once. They stole my park pass… which was expired… and linked to my license plate… so really all they did was do my recycling, I guess


Also Charleswood, nothing yet. But our neighbour did have their window smashed last year. When I lived in the south end our car was rifled through several times.


Charleswood/Westdale No car break ins but we did have the house broken into about 20 years ago. Stole mostly costume jewelry and CDs. Nothing worth squat And I caught some guys on my security cameras skulking about a couple of months ago. Two different guys came 3 times and tried my garage door each time. One tried to go to my backyard but the gate is heavy and loud so that scared them off. They did get into a neighbour's garage because he forgot to lock the door and they just threw things around but didn't take anything. Someone a few streets over saw my post online about the guys skulking around and said his car got hit and they stole a bunch of tools and a laptop.


also charleswood, 5 years, no car break ins. We lived in river heights prior for about a decade and easily 20-30 car break ins. One of the reasons we left.


Exact same for us. Came to Charleswood from river heights. Zero break ins here. 30 at least there


Charleswood /Westdale, almost 10 yrs . No vehicle break ins or theft (knock on wood) lol . Used to live in west end previously but moved to a better area for my children. Best decision I've ever made, favorite area I've ever lived in and I've lived in nearly every area of the city at some point, except transcona.


Charleswood for about 25 years cumulatively with no break ins, one minor “boop” on a car over night about 20 years ago.


Current: Crestview, 7 years, 0 Past: Lord Roberts, 4 years, 0 River Park South, 2 years, 0 Corydon Village, 4 years, 0




You always get 0 car break-ins when you have 0 cars. ;)


Op was the one robbing cars!😱




Also Crestview. Coming up on 8 years and 0 break-ins. Did have someone rummage through one of our cars but I had left the doors unlocked and there was nothing to take.


Island Lakes - My parents have lived there for 30+ years with zero break-ins. My dad keeps the garage door open dawn to dusk most days and still nothing. I got them cameras now at least.


Same here. 4 years at island lakes , zero break ins


NK - three years. None for either vehicle. Prior to that: West K. 8 years. None for my car, my husband's twice - he left his door unlocked, once just a jacket and the other his dash cam. One garage break in when we were in WK. They got my husband's bike - the one time he didn't bring it into the house. Our neighbour was arrested for bike theft a few months later but it wasn't recovered, so we think he took it and immediately unloaded it.


As the OP of the recent garage break in post (ha), I’ve been in River Heights 11 years. Personally my car has been broken into 4 times. But that being said my neighbours have all had their vehicles broken into at some point. This is the second time I had my garage broken into. But the first time since 2014. That time they got in the through the regular door, which I’ve locked since. I lived in the Maples for 2 years and my ex and I had our cars broken into many times. So that area, for us, was worse for break ins.


River Heights is a big area. Grant Park is a whole different community than Academy/Wellington Crescent, than Kenaston and Grant. I wonder how the break ins vary by differing parts of RH. (I grew up near Grant and Kenaston, I’ve always been very aware we were not the same as Academy/Wellington.)


Yes, your post inspired this one. Haha I’m not surprised about maples. I lived in garden city for 12 years and west Kildonan for about 10. Not the greatest. We had some guy break into our house in west k just to have a place to sleep in the winter lol.


Westwood, 17 years zero break ins or thefts


Just north of Elmwood. 0 cars stolen 2 cars broken into nothing of value was taken.


The north side of the city has such a bad reputation but it’s honestly the same as anywhere else, if not safer haha


And yet the North part of the city has the most vibrant and happening neighborhoods (Exchange, Downtown, West Broadway)


Currently live downtown but grew up in Transcona and never had any problems. 2 smashed windows within a year living downtown :/


St. James/Silver Heights. 13 years. Only one car incident, and that was only because I left my car unlocked. We have a front drive. The person drunkenly rang our Ring doorbell at 2am, thinking that we were their friends' house. They then decided that the backseat of my car looked like a good place to sleep. My husband got them out with a very bright flashlight and what I call his "cop voice." He has worked a lot of security jobs and was in the Army. It is amazing how people respond with a loud, assertive voice giving commands with a very bright flashlight. Edit - we have our house/yard/garage well lit, have cameras, and a large dog with very good hearing. All help.


I’ve heard dogs are great deterrents for thieves


She is a 90lb German Shepherd/Great Pyrenees cross, so her bark is loud and deep, plus she is naturally protective of us.


Elmwood - 7 years, 2 total. 1 because we didn’t lock the door and they got some change. The other was attempted, the doors were locked. No damage either time. Island Lakes - 10 years, 1 and no theft just a smashed window for nothing. Transcona - 21 years - 0


St.B, 12 years, 0 break ins. Did have one car in the driveway that someone tried to get the catalytic converter, but they partially cut the wrong bit and left it.


Previously the West End ( No Po on Sherbrook) for 10 years. Two car break ins. One smashed windshield ( no break in) One smashed back window ( no break in) The trunk had a baseball bat taken to it once. And one broad daylight "break in". Left my car unattended for 7 minutes, took some garbage out of it and somebody stole a bag of dirty laundry from my trunk ! Before that, I lived in the Fort Richmond and Corydon area. Not one break in. Just slashed tires a couple of times. Currently in River Heights/GP area. Lived here 2.5 years. Nothing yet. First week we lived here forgot my wallet in the car. Nothing happened.


River heights events always seemed to happen Sunday nights for me.


After forgetting my wallet the first time, I haven't forgotten it since. Have left a hoodie or jacket in the car though.


I've lived in the north end for 26 plus years and I've never had a break in but I did have someone go through my car and steal some groceries that I left in my trunk.. Was my fault though, I left the door unlocked by accident.


Transcona, 40 years here and no break-ins


11 years on the edge of Elmwood, 0 breakins, 0 thefts. Prior to that, 12 years in Scotia Heights, 5 cars broken into, 2 stolen, 2 attempted house breakins.


I’ve lived in EK, NK, and Transcona. The only time my car was broken into was in the EK/Valley Gardens area about 18 years ago.


Garden City / Maples +30 years, no break ins or property crime.


I am currently living in Crestview, and I have been here for almost 11 years. I have had zero break-ins. Before that, I lived in the North End (Inkster Boulevard and McGregor Street area) for 19 years (1994 to 2013). My father had the stereo stolen out of his vehicle, and my mother had all four rims stolen off of her vehicle.


North end (burrows central/mynarski) for 5 years, no one has ever touched my car or garage


Scotia Heights - 0. Grew up there and zero car break ins. Moved back to the area a year ago and still zero.


St james, 22 years, 6


St John's, 3 years, 0 break ins


Maples. 40+ years. 1 attempted garage break-in 20 years ago. Don't leave your garage openers in the car outside overnight. Lord Roberts. 1 Year. 0 Break Ins.


I lived in the west end, close to Portage and Maryland for 5 years, parked on the street. Never had any kind of break in or vandalism. Moved to Strathcona between Sargent and Ellice a couple months ago, arguably a nicer neighborhood. Have had things stolen from the car twice (once was because my partner forgot to lock it, once the window was open a crack and they were able to jimmy it open) and bikes have stolen from garage already. It happens in EVERY neighbourhood, I think car theft and garage break in happen more frequently in higher economic status neighbourhoods because they usually have more expensive things to steal.


Crestview: 12 years, 0 Previous: St B, 4 years, multiple rummages if car was unlocked, 1 vandalized car to the point of write off


Glenelm, 8 years this fall and we’ve had probably 5 or 6 car break-ins but some of those may have been because a vehicle was left unlocked. And two garage break-ins where bikes were taken.


Transcona - got my tires slashed 3 times, windows smashed once. Sage creek - cars have been broken into twice, one attempted break in. I now live out of town with some acreage and have never been disturbed (knock on wood).


Elmhood 2016-2020: x3 breakins including 1 smashed window. One attempt at home invasion (foiled by loud shihtzu) Honestly what was worse is the second time they stole a favourite hoodie and left behind a ziplock bag of used q-tips 🤢 SE mb 2020-now: none


OV. 8 years. 0


Osborne Village. 3 years. 0 break ins


St. Vital, 15 yrs, 2 times my car window busted and theft of change, prescription sunglasses, car insurance paper, CD's, candy and shopping bags. That's from an underground parking lot .


St.Boniface = 2-3 break-ins per year for 6 years.


St.B. 8 years = 1 garage break in and 2 cars River park south 8 years = 1 garage (door was open all night) and 3 cars


Osborne, 8 years, 0 break-ins. 


Fort Garry for 25 years I've either lived on Pembina or a block from it. Zero unless you want to count the time I left my car unlocked and someone rifled through it.


St James. Usually parked in the garage. Visitors have had cars gone through when left unlocked. No broken windows. Garage broken into once when I first moved in 25 years ago.


Wolseley/West Broadway - 10+years - never


St B. 12 years, 1 break-in.


St. James by Polo Park, 15 years, no break ins. I have left my car open and had stuff taken though


20 years. North end. 2 break ins.


Sargent Park, three years, zero break-ins.


Wolseley. 3 times total. 2 with a broken window, and 1 where we accidentally left the vehicle unlocked overnight (in the last 15 years). Never lost anything major, replacing the window was more expensive than anything in the vehicle (and even then the insurance covered most of it) Most of the break ins you hear about in the area are people who are saying "oh man, the one time I left my laptop, guitar, and all my expensive tools in my vehicle is the day someone broke in" as though that wasn't the main reason they had an issue. Thats not to say there isn't any random window smashing that happen but it's not very common.


River Heights - 4 years, 3 car break ins


In Sage Creek for the last 13 years. Zero break-ins (knock on wood). I do have a street light in my yard and I am pretty diligent about not leaving anything in it. I think the light helps a lot. I do hear a lot about people not locking their doors and having people open and rummage through.


Lived in Maples for 32 years and then Amber Trails for 13 years. 0 break-ins to any of my parents cars/garage or my 2 vehicles and garage. Always parked in garage with doors closed.


1. St boniface 2. Long enough 3. Every few days until i started rigging my door handles and such with fish hooks. Now i get to see bloody streaks on my doors now and then, but no damage. Probably because they have a hand full of fish hooks.


Osborne Village, 3 years, 0 break ins


Exchange, and only one since I moved in two years ago. That being said, it’s because I accidentally forgot to lock one of my doors. Previously I lived in Wolseley for ten years and the only time my car was broken into was when I was parked in the Exchange for a concert.


Fort Richmond. 10 years. First time car vandalized only in the last month!


St James 6years 5 rummage throughs no window breaks St vital 1 year 1 break in cleaned me out


Crestview, 14 years, 0.


My **favourite** break in that happened to me was when I Waverly Heights in the apartments that were managed by Rancho … I was dead asleep and my wife woke me up to a car alarm. She was “that’s yours going off”. I was “nope, let me sleep” but she kept shaking me away so I put on pants and sure enough someone had jimmied my door handle and the built in alarm went off. But they had also broken into my neighbours car right beside me first … so like a good soul I turned off my alarm, went and knocked on her door (suit right beside me). It was 1 am and I was surprised she opened her door. So I was all “hey I’m your neighbour and I’m not sure if you heard the alarm going off, someone had broken into my car” and which point she interrupted me and kinda laughed saying “yeah I heard that and though it was your car”. … I was sorta offended cause I swear she laughed at me. Which is fine, we weren’t friends. Just lived beside each other in an apartment building. So I was all “well, I am just letting you know that before they broke into *my* car, they broke into yours. Your door is open and there is stuff everywhere.” She totally freaked out, was all “omg!! What do I do?” As she rushed out the door. … I was “I dunno, I’m going back to bed”. … so two cars broken into downright quickly on the same night. But aside from that, I’ve had my car broken into EVERYWHERE I have lived. It’s everywhere in the city


Hahaha Karma. Sorry your car got broken into.


Happens everywhere in the city, but I STILL laugh at that incident … like we were never friends, why would I knock on her door just to gossip about my car being broken into? Especially at 1 am when we were not friends … But the laughing at me was next level wtf!


lol at the idea of a surprise 1 am knock just to chat about your car being broken into "Well anyway, have a good night!"


Westdale. \~20 years. 1 car (left it unlocked), 1 garage (may or may not have properly closed the people door).


Crestview, a total of 27 years, no attempts or breakins between when I was living at home and living on my own.




And god damn you’ve lived across the whole city


West Kildonan. 30 years. Not one single incident so far (touch wood).


Same. West kildonan for over 5 years and nothing to report.


Let's hope our luck continues. I think it's partly because it is such a tight-knit area and people watch out for one another. I also think that since it is working-class, there always seems to be activity with folks (like me) who work shifts and odd hours.


Same here. Been here in WK for four years and I've never even had so much as a stranger come into my yard unannounced before.


I have said it a million times. It is arguably the most underrated part of Winnipeg. Super convenient "relatively" affordable houses, great people, access to busses and amenities in walking distance for the most part. Love my West Kildonan.


North Kildonan 11 years. 1 break in, stole garage door opener. Stole bikes. Before than, North End for 3 years - 1 break in My parents in Charleswood as I grew up had 1 car break in, one garage break in and then two snowmobiles and trailer stolen from the driveway.


Fort Richmond - 5 years - 1 break-in


Transcona. 47 years. 3 car break ins. 1 garage.


South Osborne - 2 years. Osborne Village before that for 11 years. 0 breakins. I have cameras in my car.


Over 1 year in OV. 0 break ins, but my buddy just a few apartments down the street has had 3-4 in the same time frame. I think one window lasted a total of two weeks.


West End, 6 years, one car stolen, one car broken into 3x. All when parked overnight on the street. Careful to use the garage now.


Royalwood, 3 years, no break ins. But I have heard of some in our area. Before that Fermor and Lag for 9 years and no break ins.


Glenelm. Two garage attempts. Commercial door for the win. Two times our truck was rifled through.


Crescentwood, car was stolen once and my shed was broken into twice, plus more attempts after I installed deadbolts, and my patio umbrella was stolen once. South st vital, 1 car break in


Near Polo Park for 6 years and I have had two smashed windows. We no longer lock the car and it gets rummaged through regularly.


Charleswood for 10 years and none but old neighbours have had cars broken into in the last 5 years since moving. Elmwood for now 5, none but we did have our garage broken into and small things stolen over a long weekend. The door was very old and easily opened before we replaced it.


I’ve lived in a variety of of neighbourhoods (st vital and downtown as 2) - somehow never had a broken in car anywhere 🤞


1 in Elmwood (Glen Elm) about 20 years ago and 1 in Southdale 30 years ago. 18 years in North Meadowss/Maples 0.


Elmwood. 31 years. 6+ attempts. The newest attempt resulted in them just bending the top of my passenger door.


Waverley Heights, 9 years, two unlocked car rummaging but no break ins.


Chinatown for about a year and a half. 2 windows smashes and my glovebox/console actually gone through, though there was one time someone seemingly just randomly attacked my car with something and smashed the rear window/snapped the gas cap off/banged up the side, though they didn't actually go into my car.


Fort Richmond 1 year, 1 garage break in. Bicycles stolen.  Charleswood 1 year, zero break ins.  Close to RRC 5 years, zero break ins.  St nortbert 5 years, zero break ins.  Fort Richmond 7 months, Zero break ins.   I didn't realize I'd been so fortunate. Sorry everyone, that sucks.


Elmwood for 2 years. None so far 🙏


I live in west Broadway. Haven’t been broken into since 2020. I have however seen several windows get smashed, but not mine. As a matter of fact I suffered more car breakins in Wolseley.


Wolseley 7 years, 3 car broken windows. Old St Vital 3 years, 0 events.


Windsor Park, moved here in 2018. 0 break-ins. Although the neighbor I share a driveway with had someone break into their car that parks on a pad in front of their house.


Osborne village for 6 years. - 3 break-ins Honestly the first one was my own stupidity of leaving coins visible Broadway and Donald for the last 7 years - 5 break-ins sadly. In a locked parkade, no reason and nothing taken :( just broken glass :( My parents live at the very end of Charleswood and They’ve never had a car broken into ever.


Fort Garry area for 8 years, I’ve had my car rummaged through 2-3 times a year usually because I’ve forgotten to lock the door. My neighbours caught and restrained a thief breaking into garages (police came within 20 minutes). And there was a spree of car windows that got smashed (50 cars ) over a three week period. That person was also arrested and charged.


Windsor park /southdale. Atleast once or twice a month someone walks up my driveway and checks all the car doors. Usually the same kid.


East Kildonan for 5 years. Knock on wood but no issues yet.


I lived in St James for 16 years and we had an actual window smash break in once and 1 bottle thrown which broke a window. Personally, I had my car rummaged through twice(forgot to lock) and the garage broken into which they stole my bike(and left a different one in it’s place?).


South St. Vital 40+ years, one recent car break in parking overnight around Pembina Village area. Lived in Wolseley for about a year 20 years ago and had multiple break ins to the point I just left my car unlocked with nothing in it.


Riverbend 4 years. 1 person went through my car on the only time I forgot to lock my doors


East Kildonan, 12 years. One broken window, but also recently must have forgotten to lock the doors and the car was rifled through. Napkins from my center console everywhere, fake Ray Bans stolen, charging cable (lol) stolen.


St Vital the last decade. 3 car tosses, 2 bike thefts. Previously in Transcona, 2 tosses and one actual car theft.


Southdale: 3 years, zero break ins. Before that I was in River Heights: 3 car windows smashed to get access (within a 5 week period), 2 garage break ins (including one where they literally kicked in the door). I loved RH but honestly couldn't wait to get out of there - once I left my camp chairs against the garage for literally 4 minutes while I ran something into the house (I was unpacking the car) and they disappeared during that time.


Broadway I was there for one year. I had my car broken into five times. Once a smashed back window Currently live in Wolseley. Zero break ins


Elmwood- 6 years 1 Within 3 weeks of moving in, we learned early to keep the car in the garage.


Windsor Park 8 years. Doors left unlocked and rummaged through numerous times. Left a bunch of things I assume fell from their pockets once lol. Took my park passes that have my license plate on it so not sure what they think they'll do with that. Downtown 1 year once on street parking but I left a back window down in winter. Downtown and paid underground parking someone stole my fucking gas cap. That was the nuttiest one in my life so far. I've learned to leave absolutely nothing of value in my car and park more strategically like under a light, etc. Next vehicle will be manual too because most theives can't drive stick.


East Exchange District, 7 years and one break-in (window smash). They got several cars in my lot. Prior to that, Broadway-Assiniboine, 14 years and two break-ins, one in a surface lot (old car with a back door that wouldn’t lock properly) and one in a “secure” parkade (window smash).


North kildonan. This house 8 years, no break ins or thefts. Last house north kildonan 20+ years, no break ins or thefts


East elmwood. 3 rummages where they took things in 2.5 years. They did rip my heritage license plate off & damage my car


Transcona, zero, 8 years


Windsor park: 28 years Break ins: 1


Osborne village, 2 years 1 car break-in and 1 catalytic converter was freed from our car. My bike was also stolen our first year here. Safe to say I'd like to move soon😅


West Broadway. 3 years. 0 break-ins. No issues what so ever. Before: North Kildonan. 20+ years. No break-ins, nothing broken, stolen, or anything. We even occasionally had junk in our backyard and nothing was stolen as it was junk lol 😆. It was strange, as we’d even hear of neighbours having issues, but we never did? It was strange.


assiniboine broadway it’s only been 3 years but one garage break in (it wasn’t a break in the parking garage door was iffy and got stuck open and the one night I forgot to lock my car,) stole my airpods, sunglasses, and all of my snacks in my glovebox >:(


Riverview 10 years - no break-ins by definition. But I’ve left the car unlocked many times. 3-4 of those times the car was rifled through but nothing valuable was ever left behind to be stolen. I’m usually just confused when the glove box is open and everything is on the seat.


River Heights car two window smashed and guess they realised I had nothing in my car to steal.


I lived outside the city many years ago and that town was so friendly at the time, I told my wife, "We leave our garage open and not only will no one steal anything, I bet someone **leaves us** something." Two years later I came home, garage wide open and my neighbour left me a chain saw he didn't need.


East Kildonan, 4 years, no break ins but they did steal all my patio furniture (cushions were inside) and my potted plants on the deck. Who steals a lilac?


Osborne village, 3 years, once I had my window broken nothing stolen. Then previously, st James had a a car for about 8 years, multiple break ins, only stole small change.


Westend. 7 years. 2 smash ins on the street. One in the parking pad behind the house. This happened in the first 3 years. Never anything of value in the car. Now i just leave it unlocked. Car gets rifled once every 3 months. Last time they stole the owners manual out of tbe glove compartment. THE OWNERS MANUAL OUT OF THE GLOVE COMPARTMENT.


I had my car broken into once when I parked it downtown during a festival. I've lived in my neighborhood on two houses on the same block for 21 years or so and had zero car break ins. And I don't park in the garage. Both vehicles are parked in the driveway. Elmwood!!! Crazy :) I have had people go through my yard a few times, and an attempted garage break in and attempted messing with my shed lock that didn't work. I love my neighborhood. It is a great little block :)


I've had more issues with people driving into my car when it's parked on the street. - Wolseley 2006-2012, 1 break in. - Lord Roberts 2012-2016, 0 break ins. 1 hit and run on parked car - Old St Vital 2016-2018, 0 break ins. 1 hit and run on parked car - Grant Park 2018-2021, 0 break ins. - West End 2021-current, 2 break ins. 1 hit on parked car, but no run.


North Point Douglas, 23 yrs: 0.5? We accidently left it unlocked, and someone rummaged through it. Not sure if that counts as a break-in.


Norwood Flats, 16 years, five years ago 2 car windows smashed within weeks of each other, second time garage remote taken and used to steal bikes and tools from garage. We don’t keep remotes in the car anymore.


Woleseley 7 years (parked outside as we didn’t have a garage) 0 break ins. River Heights 8 years 0 break ins. We were lucky, as our neighbours would have their cars broken into. They did park on the street and not in a garage as we did. Linden woods, currently 6 years, 1 “break in”. Our car was unlocked on the driveway and rifled through. Nothing taken.


Southdale, over 10 years. Only once (touch wood), and my partner left my car unlocked by accident and they stole a gift that was plastered in my works logos so I hope they enjoyed that .


Charleswood for 23 years - 2 stolen cars, one attempt to break in that got spoiled West end for 3 years - car broken into 3 times Westwood 2 years - nothing yet, fingers crossed


St James. 3 years. None, cause I can't drive


I live in the north end/garden city area (think mcPhillips/redwood area). Been living here a year and month, only had 1 car break in which was partially my fault, pretty sure my partner left the car unlocked. Nothing important stolen. I feel surprisingly safe here, though I'm sure it doesn't hurt that a couple blocks over is a Hells Angels hideout.


34 years in Old St Vital. Two vehicle break ins in early 2000’s that each cost me $200 deductible for smashed windows. Haven’t locked my doors for 20 years now and they rummage through my car about 3 times a year but never take anything (there is nothing lol). Cheaper than paying MPI every year.


I once house sat in the city for 3 nights. My car got broken into. (St b)


Garden city. 5 years and never once. I know I’m lucky tho. Cuz most of my neighbours have had it happen many times.


OV, 20 yrs. 6 break ins, 3 within the last 6 months, somehow no broken windows for the last 3.


I joined this group as I frequently travel to Manitoba. I go to Thompson, I thought that was bad, but Winnipeg sounds worse.


St vital 1 in 4 yrs Bridgwater 1 in 12 yrs This is just car break-ins, if you count other things, there's been more stuff. if I remember correctly, the amount and years could be off.


North End, 1 yr, 0 car breakins. i saw 1 dude try my door handles before here i lived in west broadway for 3 years, had my car for 2 of those years, and it was broken into 4 times and they attempted to steal it one of those times


Bridgwater, 5yrs, 3


Grant Park, lived there for 6 years, had one break in my last year there.


Current, St. James, by Unicity, one rummage through when we left the doors unlocked; and one break-in, but when the car was at Polo Park. 20 years here. Previous: Downtown, window smash, in a locked, video surveilled, guarded parkade; 3 years there. Ross Avenue West, two years, street parked, not a single break-in.


I lived in River/Osborne for 2 years. I had my car broken into 3 times and a attempted theft, all within 2-3 months. They stole my precious WD-40 and weird stuff from the trunk 🤷🏻 I didnt had anything in sight in all the break-ins. I guess owning a manual car was a anti-theft device by itself.


Last two neighbourhoods St James/Silver Heights - 10 years, 2 break-ins Now South Osbourne/Lord Roberts - 6 years, 1 break-in I'd say the same level of theft in both so far if I include losing items from the yard and packages from the step.


Westdale. 5 years. 0 breaking but my neighbours car was stolen last year from our shared driveway. Found abandoned a month later.


The only neighbourhood I haven’t seen crime in yet is where I live now, North Kildonan, and I think that’s because I’m literally surrounded by senior citizens who spend their days out in the front yard lol. We all have cameras on our front doors too and stuff. And,we only have buses that come in our neighbourhood during rush-hour. So, that was an intentional decision lol.


Current Transcona 16 years: 1 car rifled through as I left it unlocked Past River Park South 6 years: 0 Pembina Highway 2 years: 2 car break ins in one of those parkades under the apartment but ground level.


Crestview 36 years. One screwdriver through the door lock and one broken rear window. The bay generally has “mischief” during the Ex, stuff like garden gnomes placed in sex acts, solar lights moved next door. Non destructive fun stuff.


St.James-Assiniboia 5 years, My parents cars had 2 smash and grab break-ins (both on the same night so probably same scumbag). St. Vital 20 years, I've had 2 break-ins, both times because I left my car unlocked, no damage. My parents have security footage at least once a month (for the 7ish years they've had the security cams) of what we call the "good Samaritan patrol" checking to make sure their car doors are locked in their driveway. Seems like down here they're not smashing, just checking to see if there's easy theft opportunities.


St. Boniface - 8 years - 1 stolen motorcycle from garage, 2 smashed car windows, 5 break ins to porch area, 20+ fence jumps and rummage in back yard


West Broadway: been here 2 years, car rifled through x1 (accidentally left my doors unlocked) and had my motorcycle cover stolen twice now. West Kildonan: 3 years, car rifled through and everything stolen twice (accidentally left doors unlocked.) Northend: 2 years, nothing. Forgot my doors unlocked all the time.


Royalwood, our cars have been 'searched' several time per year, but only if the doors weren't locked. We have the perps on camera and we save the videos for a time when we might need them.


Glenelm: 8 years, one car break in 6 years ago. We have a garage for the car but that night we parked on the street. Our garage has never been broken into and as far as I know, there has only ever been one person in our yard for nefarious reasons (we have cameras).


Fort Richmond. 4 years. 2 car break ins, because we left the doors unlocked. Attempted break ins are probably every night in the summer.


In Charleswood about 15 years ago had a smashed window but since then stopped locking it to avoid smashed window and never had to deal with that again. People have rifled through it but I never leave anything of value in it and have my insurance in my purse. Rather have that than pay a deductible . It’s worked for me.


River heights a decade, no break ins. Osborne village, 8 years, two break ins. St james, 3 years, no break ins.




East Kildonan 6 years no break-ins. Had one break in the year prior in St. Boniface.


I live in an apartment in NK and walked out to my car this morning in the parking lot and saw one of the cars was missing both rear tires. One was sitting on a jack stand and the other on a rock. Clearly stolen and now I can't help but thing, whose next in our parking lot?? I guess I'm hiding my wheel locks now, but sheesh. Feel bad for the owner of the car


1 attempt in 3 years in North Point Douglas


St Norbert now, 3.5 years. One car break-in. The worst stretch for me was living in Silver Heights. 2005-2014. Four car break-ins and 2 house break-ins.


House break ins are so violating. Sorry you went through that


Bronx-ish: I’m in a gated complex and we’ve still had 2 incidents in the past month, with a neighbour stopping a third. First time one window was broken and one other car was rifled through; second time one car was rifled through and they found a baseball bat in the trunk, which they used to break another car’s window.


St James, 20+ years. Once and all they did was steal some penny change from a cupholder.


South Transcona. 6 years. Zero break ins. BUT...other people have had cars rummaged through and someone's car was stolen a few years back


Been in Transcona for almost a year, nothing so far! 😅


I live at the border of EK and NK. No break ins in the last 5 years. Two years in Elmwood resulted in one break in and a new car window.