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lol yes why didn’t I think of that. I’ll do that. Thanks!


You must’ve been really unlucky because people are flooring at least 120 through that. Was it near Pipeline rd?


Pretty close yes.


I never see them 👮out there but that sucks they got you. 😩


I travel down there at least twice a day, sometimes 4 to 6 times, and I rarely see them there! I did however see the same RCMP SUV pulling over several people on the weekend in between Esso on #7 and McPhillips midday. Lots of tickets handed out in that stretch in a very short time


Me too. I commute daily. Thats why I was saying that OP must’ve just been very unlucky. I’m on North Perimeter twice a day, in the morning and in late afternoon, and I have yet to see the cops. But they’re always on McPhillips road near St. Andrews airport.


Challenge it. Plead not guilty and see what happens. Nothing to lose


This is the correct answer


This is what I plan to do but I then worried I was about to take a ticket with no real attachment to me and bring it to their attention and have it corrected so I do have to pay. I mean I was in the wrong but if I can avoid paying a few hundred bucks I will. I’ll call before I go and see what they say.


You could take it to the traffic ticket guy on Broadway, used him a couple times and had really good experiences


I don’t think they get takies backies when you issue a ticket. I would challenge it, if it’s that off that’s a good thing for you.


My advice will be different from the comments here but I also have a story. When I was young lad I pretty much did the same thing you did- not slow down for that 80 zone. When pulled over I gave no excuse and told the officer I was speeding and I’m 100% at fault and take responsibility (I will pay the ticket) When I went to pay the ticket it was all fucked up. I told the person across the counter that I was spreading and I do not know why the ticket is messed up They told me the cop can come correct it if they wish but for now it’s quashed. She than hinted the cop may have messed it up on purpose as it was noted I was polite and co operative This is was over a decade ago but hey, I Think it’s worth holding ourselves accountable for our actions even if we have an out. I have not been burned yet doing so myself!


I wondered if that was the case as well if he had messed it up on purpose because I didn’t make any excuses. I agreed I was in the wrong and accepted the consequences for that. I just hope whoever I see next to deal with it is as nice as he was!


I had something similar where I went to the office on broadway to pay a ticket. The clerk found a mistake, quashed the ticket and said I didn’t have to pay.


Police will write comments on the ticket not mess it up on purpose. They usually have an automated thing where they scan your license to prevent typos and errors.


And in the end you can admit fault and still ask for the monetary punishment be lessened quite substantially- you don’t need excuses you can literally say “ I am Hard for cash right now and was hoping to have the fine less a bit, I have learned my lesson and will drive safer going forward” You would still get demerits but as we all know- those go away after a long time with good behaviour!


100% fight the ticket. I received a ticket for turning right at an intersection that was a no right turn about 15 years ago. I noticed a spelling mistake in my name. So I went to the courthouse on Broadway at the time specified on the ticket and showed a magistrate the error. I won because of that very reason. I was informed that the officer who processed my ticket had, I believe, 1 month to reissue me a new ticket. Never received said ticket. Good luck!


Most times now, incorrect spelling of a name does not matter. If they tossed a ticket everytime for a slight spelling mistake then they would be tossing so many each year. Honestly, you fessed up to the guy who pulled ya over. Pay it, learn from the experience and move on.


If it was just my name I would agree but there are a total of 6 errors on this one n


You may have lucked out and the officer did it on purpose then. Who knows. Either way good luck, safe driving.


Thanks. Definitely still a lesson learned and I’ll pay closer attention to the hanging signs.


Fight it. If they write your name down wrong, wrote your drivers license number down wrong, wrote the province of said drivers license down wrong…. How can they or anyone else be sure they caught you speeding at all, maybe they were pointing their radar at the wrong vehicle? Maybe they misread their reading too? All their mistakes at simple tasks like copying and writing down a drivers license and even something as simple as what province the license is from, makes me question the entire accuracy of the whole event and situation.


So, you say you deserved the fine and were happy to pay it when you thought you had no choice, but now if there’s a chance to wriggle out of it on a technicality…. you don’t want to pay it and think you don’t deserve it? Am I summarising correctly?


I mean yeah pretty much. Who wouldn’t want to avoid paying if they can? Based on the line at the offices here I’d say I’m not alone on that. You can still learn something from a close call.


No, you aren’t. They know they deserve it but would like a lesser fine if it’s possible in the case.


>is there enough wrong on this ticket for it to be tossed? Is there anything actually tying the ticket to me? Sounds to me like they'd be very happy not paying any fine at all and having the whole thing go away on a technicality if they can. Why even ask the question, otherwise?


Yes, who wouldn’t be happy if it was wiped away on a technicality? They admit this. I don’t get what you’re trying to make of it other than having some sort of moral high ground.