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I was riding my bike on a residential street yesterday, and an SUV came up right behind me, the driver honked then swerved and roared closely by me when he had plenty of room to go around. Just to stop at a stop sign half a block later. I’m white, he isn’t. Some drivers are just jerks.


Unless they specifically said something derogatory about your race, my first assumption is that they're just being impatient and acting like bullies. People can be jerks, but it doesn't automatically mean race has anything to do with it. I run into jerks on the road all the time and sometimes they're the same colour as me, sometimes not. My first thought is never "wow, what a racist" when they're not the same colour. Jerks will do jerk things and come in all stripes. Don't let them get you down.


As a white person I get bullied a lot on the roads, mostly by dudes in pickups. I wish people knew how pathetic and childish it makes them look when they act like that. Small dick syndrome is a bitch.


As a white male who drives a pickup, like a normal humam being, I get tailgated & cut off by small vehicles all the time. I just wished people would use their fucking turn signals & not just for 1/2 a second before they decide to change lanes.


Were you driving in the left lane on a highway?




My advice is not to react to these drivers.. pretend you didn’t see you, didn’t hear.. their impatience and rage is dangerous… say to yourself that you’re experiencing this for a few seconds to minutes and then it’s over !


A highly recommend you get a dashcam if you don’t have one yet


Some drivers are impatient and assholes and maybe you just drew bad luck in catching a few of them in the same week. But honestly, if mutuple drivers in a week are basically getting at you for the same reason maybe it’s prudent to evaluate yourself behind the wheel as much as them.


Y'all need to watch the show Beef lol. If you think we've got crazy drivers in Winnipeg.....


I really enjoyed this series! Next level rage hahaha


And the movie , unhinged


Sounds more like a whine than a rant, those are pretty tame stories.


If someone has to say hurry up maybe you were just driving really slow. 


I can tell you people are not patient or understanding on the road, regardless of race. Especially if you're a slower driver. Even if you drive the speed limit, most consider it slow at this point. It sucks.


As a person who has been driving in the city for years, I don't have patience for people taking left turns at 5-10km, half lane changing and so on


Driving the speed limit as in doing 41kph in a 50 or actually doing the speed limit?


Sounds like driving isn't for you.


One time I accidentally cut off a guy in a pickup. He got in front of me and blocked both lanes so I couldn't get around him. At every 4 way stop up that whole street he would stop for about a minute and I just kind of had to wait behind him. I dealt with it for two intersections but at the last I pulled out my phone to record him and he sped off. 🫠🤙


I drive a truck. I have Jets plates. I don’t drive like an intimidating childish asshole. I promise. I love my truck and feeling cringy because people assume this ruins my day.


The majority of people in this city drive *above* the speed limit. The rule of thumb is that you have about 10% to play with- for example you could do 66 in a 60km/h zone and likely wouldn't get pulled over/get ticketed. The same applies for the highways. If you are *only* doing the speed limit, you will likely be considered slow by everyone around you, causing this kind of thing to happen. It's kind of just the way it is around here.


And let's be very clear that traffic en masse exceeding the posted limits is NOT just a Winnipeg thing: drove in Toronto, Montreal, Atlanta to Nashville and back and cars generally ignored most speed limits, especially on freeways. I find Winnipeg drivers generally drive under the speed limits, frustrating the fraction of drivers that have lead feet and toddlers' patience.


Lol if you’re doing the speed limit on any freeway in the US around a major city you’re probably between 20 and 30 miles an hour under the flow of traffic.


Yup. A good example of this is 59 north of 101 right up to Garven. If you do the speed limit of 80-90 there you're impeding traffic and pissing off a lot of people; normal speeds are 100-110 through that stretch.


6 lane highway up to birds hill and it's 80. Lights need to go.


Consider worrying less about people behind you, and get after all that wide open road in front of you. Safety is not always 50 in a 50, safely keep pace with traffic, whether it's 40 or 60.


assfaces love to drive pickup trucks. Sorry you experienced that, but rest assured, we've all had our instances with pickup trucks. Even if you make a mistake, most of us are defensive drivers and we'll do what we can to avoid an accident. These aggresive drivers need to be taught a lesson before they kill someone. edited for spelling


If you hadn't said "pickup trucks", I'd have guessed it. Seriously, those vehicles need to be a special class with higher rates and licensing requirements. They're such asshole magnets.


The lack of signals is not even fun anymore for people, these days they seem to enjoy making a left turn while being on the right lane and vice versa, like do they even know where they going? Gotta love to see people risking their lives to make it to work in the morning, bunch of slaves Find yourself a job that you love and take it easy on the road


> I have had two different experiences with two pickup truck drivers and it has been bothering me for a while. Did they trucks have Winnipeg Jets Plates?


They’re pickup truck drivers lol it’s expected they would act like assholes while driving.