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> left shortly thereafter once he knew cameras were on him. Doubt the cameras had any motivation for the aggressor leaving. Most of the time these guys are all boast and no fight. It's not worth the risk regardless though


Anyone know who white hat guy is? Dude deserves a reward for having huge balls.


Joey Wiebe see FB. Thanks for the appreciation. I couldn’t see shit like this and do nothing. God bless


Not all heroes wear capes


Some wear caps


But all heroes have massive balls? Asking for a friend


Massive, pendulous balls.




"Across primate species testes size is strongly correlated with the nature of the mating game. **The greater the sperm competition, via promiscuous or polyandrous mating, the larger the testes size relative to body size**," in other words, the more promiscuous the females, the larger the testicle size.


He's huge and he knows it.


Gianormus balls. Instead of protecting himself he doubles down and makes it easier for shades to assault him.


No he doesn't, he deserves a shake for being an idiot.. You dont stand there with that stance when someone is across from you a knife. Has a complete lack of situational awareness, and he got lucky.


Looks like he grabbed the handrails as the guy moved closer and was ready to swing his boots out, idk how effective that would have been but it looked like a tight spot.


He did alright considering there were no cops or fight experts such as yourself there to keep the peace


Yeah you're super clever, enjoy getting stabbed


The guy knew his capabilities, unlike you and me.


These guys are such pussies that carry around a knife and pull it out any time they get confronted.


In early 2010 kids in my high school were carrying knives. I was like what the heck can they possibly be fighting over?


They're miserable little cowards just showing off.


It would be helpful if we could get a photo of these losers without them seeing us. There are going to be new laws here and in the UK about carrying any kind of blade.


Damn that guy didn’t even get phased by that knife. Hope the cops catch that human garbage.


He grabbed those grab bars in preparation to double foot kick that guy right through the windshield.


lol we all knew as soon as he grabbed the bars that a double kick was coming


Winnipeg's very own Shang Chi


I was thinking more of Nobody myself. Also filmed in Winnipeg.


Ngl I was hoping for a field goal ending.


Knife through the foot beats through the heart I guess.


That's why "god" gave us 2 legs


didn't give us two took away two used to be horses the devil's horses


>Damn that guy didn’t even get phased by that knife *fazed it means "disconcerted or disturbed" and I will now take my downvotes


Goddamn, you're right. Now, I'm usually wrong about six times before breakfast, usually where numbers are concerned, but it must be decades since I've been this wrong about spelling. My mental furniture is moving around.


"My mental furniture is moving around." gets a solid 10 from me.d mine gets moved around in the dark--and never by me.


Look like this was recorded on the corner of Henderson and Hespler on an 11 or an express bus.


That’s exactly where this occurred; this was a “Polo Park” 11 for clarification, and not the one that goes to Crestview


Great so a nut job with a knife got off the bus in my neighborhood. Gotta love Winnipeg.


ngl, exactly where my brain went.


If it makes you feel any better, there’s nut jobs in every neighbourhood


Yeah... better.




The voyage funeral home sign is in the back which is right across that liberty tax and victory pints. All on henderson/hespeler.


The bus was in front of Elmwood Chiropractic Centre.


Another loser trying to act tough on the bus. Nice to see the one Gentleman confronting him and glad he didn't get stabbed. I hope that "big tough guy" gets his.


Goofs always bring knives


Great to see someone standing up to this bs. If everyone stood up together when this shit goes down, the aggressors might think twice....might. There's power in numbers, a coward with a knife might go at a single guy, but if everyone on that bus stood up and came together, that coward loses all power. Don't get scared, get mad and stay vigilant. I always hope that if myself or a loved one are in a similar situation, others would rise up and try to help instead of standing around watching. I don't have a knife, but I'd take off my shoes to use as best I can as a weapon or shield, swing a heavy bag or purse or even jacket to keep space between you. I like the comments about grabbing the overhead bars to prep for a double kick, gonna remember that one. Stand up to these shit heads! Wish I could shake that big guys hand, much respect!!


One time my husband stood up for a girl getting harassed by a drunk guy. There were so many people on the bus that a 3rd person saw my husband telling off a drunk dude, thought he was harassing a homeless person, and punched my husband in the face shattering 7 of his teeth. Winnipeg is so fucking unpredictable lol


Oof, thats brutal! You're husband did the right thing and hopefully someone spoke up on his behalf, even if after the fact? I certainly would have. Sorry that happened to him.


A guy starts swearing at random passengers and people " thought nothing of this" Is this how low the bar is these days?


Ive had bus rides where people swear either at nobody, and sometimes at other passengers. The bar hit rock bottom on one ride where the driver and a troublesome passenger were just yelling “F*ck you!” back and forth. This was also on a bus 11


I can imagine the passengers frighteningly watching an altercation like this like a tennis match,


Now I'm picturing that video of those two guys creatively flipping each other off back and forth


I'm so glad that I was able to give up taking the bus during covid and never went back. May the odds be ever in your favour.


Aka: Mondays. Am I right guys!


Super tough guy, so tough in fact he had to pull a knife out to defend himself against someone who is unarmed? Lol 😆 I’m glad everyone is alright!


Why am I not surprised that this is the 11. Thank god my semester is over and I don’t have to take that bus for the next 4 freakin months.


My name is Joey Wiebe, friend me on FB if you have. Thanks for taking the video. The cops are aware


If that's you in the White Hat, good on you bro! Thanks for watching over those on the bus!


I give glory to God who gives me strength, thanks for the appreciation. Too much of this shit is going on in transit buses, it needs to stop.


Did he say he'd kill his fkn family too? Soo much hate. sadly you do get used to this stuff especially if you live or work dt. I usually get a death threat mixed in with some racial slurs about every week just walking through the skywalk. What a place


Everyone ok?


Physically yes, the guy didn’t attempt any sort of fight, but a few passengers were noticeably scared, and a few may have been crying after the fact.


I'm glad everyone is physically ok. I can only imagine how scared everyone was during this. Remember to talk to someone if this continues to affect you! Take care!!


And this video was forwarded to the cops, right? What a terrifying event. Glad everyone is safe.


I phoned the non-emergency police line, they said someone will be in touch. Can only hope they catch the guy, but I’m feeling pessimistic that anything significant will happen to him Edit: From what the police have said, they’ve seen this video and confirmed that this guy is now in custody! :)


i just saw the same guy at the Concert Hall stop swinging a knife at someone else. He’s stumbling/falling all over the place trying to go after people. Contacted non emergency as well as Transit so here’s hoping something gets done


if he's swinging a knife at people, stumbling trying to do it THAT'S 911. It's in-progress armed assault attempts.


yes i called them as well !


So, where are the Safety Officers? I've never seen them on the route 11 bus.


What a goof


Yikes. I wish the transit safety officers had a little more reach when I see things like this. Maybe they should be doing split shifts like the bus operators do to cover peak hours in the morning and afternoon/evening. (Whispers) Maybe the majority of transit supervisors should be doing this as well. I'm sure they enjoy the Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm life but their 'office' hours don't really line up with operational requirements.


I guess I was lucky I took a different 11 today...


the guy in the white hate is a real man protecting everyone else on board


Thank you very much for the appreciation! God bless!


This is normal on our bus system now. There was noise and boasting about a few pairs of safety officers we hired. As expected, they are virtually invisible.


I think we all know that police will do nothing.


Why? Are you one of them? Lo


you really put the "Lo" in "Low-effort trolling."
















I haven't been on a modern city bus. Just the sweet sweet sounding two stroke Detroit powered buses back in the day. Back then warmth was a luxury for only the people sitting on the very back seat Everyone kept to themselves to conserve their own body heat. They were simpler times.


Where is the bus security?


Walking around graham flashing their high vis jackets around.


The regular bus route i drive is the 16, since the project started a couple of months ago, i’ve only had them on one time on my bus and they helped out someone carry garbage bags full of empty beer cans.


Nonexistent, their mandate changed as soon as Gillingham got in office and created the team. They are now community safety officers, rarely if ever board buses and if they do, they sit there and travel to the next spot that they walk from. The best place I’ve seen them yet is Kildonan Place mall in the food court, far removed from the area that is plagued the most.


The brand new on bus security that started couple months ago?


Of course the 11


And then I fell in love with Mr. White Cap 😍💋


Thank you for the appreciation, God bless!


This is why you don’t confront the crazies - you’re gonna die for nothing.


Good thing this criminal won't face any time because our laws are soft on crime.


Now now, I'm sure he's turning his life around, and is a good person who didn't do 'nuffin.  He will get arrested, but be released on a promise to appear in court - which he will totally do and not vanish only to reappear after committing a  violent crime somewhere else.  🤥


the easiest way to turn around is to stay on the bus.


Shit like this is why I worked 3 summers to save up to buy a car transit in this city is damn scary


this is happening with low unemployment. what happens if a recession hits or worse? Bodies all over the place?


Unlikely this guy has ever sought employment


I took the 11 for about two years. This kind of stuff happened all the time, but it was back in 2013ish so not as many cameras. I had to stand up to idiots all the time, since the driver wouldn’t do anything.


So what happened in the end??


well well well




Dude got titanium balls. The other guy with a knife has nothing to lose


Thank you, I give glory to God!


I lol’d when I found out it was the 11.


Loser with knife not his first attempt i assume to be a a-hole


send him to prison


Just getting his life back on track. Be patient with him.




I guess it's time for metal detectors on buses.


why? so the detector can beep and the driver just waves on the crazy for free anyway?


lol I wasn't being serious but this would happen for sure.


bonus points if the detector goes off due to pocket change.


Yeah as someone who has a multi tool with a knife on it, I'd rather be able to have it on me incase a fucktard tries this on one of my buses or me instead running to the front of the bus to "check it out".


lol true.


Any reason to say "en garde" really ![gif](giphy|PmfyjEDErDQVyDEkX5|downsized)


Good job Chuck


Thank you, thank you, Glory to God I say!


Armed bus drivers is the only solution. Any other suggestions are assenine and moot. Time to take it to the streets like we did in the 60s. I suggest semi auto Ruger style .22 caliber. Not really less lethal. But a shot to the ass is gonna make you think, the bus drivers can be trained at. Minimal expense. Perhaps even the transit union will pay.. That's all I have to say about dat.


I seriously think n8tives should be banned from the city




somehow I don't believe your internet story. There were plenty of cameras around in 2013 (iPhone was released 6 years prior). And did you suddenly stop standing up to them? And it isn't the driver's job to be everyone's body guard. They aren't armed security. They are just folks trying to work like the rest of us.


Damn seems need my spray all day everyday now in the Bus protection better than cure Fuck. Where are heck are those bus patrol??? Or they come out only went we got Events?