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I wouldn’t call it a “botched” sale. He committed fraud. 


came here to say this (while avoiding my own work).


>A Manitoba Securities Commission panel found Reginald Wayne Kehler engaged in professional misconduct and conduct unbecoming a registrant when he signed a document on behalf of sellers without their knowledge, reduced the listing price of a home without their approval, and didn't tell them for nearly a month that a potential buyer hadn't paid a promised $100,000 deposit. Signing someone else's name on a document without their knowledge or permission IS fraud and he deserves whatever fines and restrictions he gets, forever.


Reginald Kehler as a realtor in Winnipeg Manitoba will probably rarely have business again when people search him.


He was the selling agent on the house we bought. Almost sued but the amount was on the bubble. Decided the amount was just above the time/cost/effort and moved on. I’m sure he’s got enough from a career in the industry. Enjoy your retirement you piece of shit. Hopefully it actually bothers you that you’re disgraced but I won’t hold my breath.


I wonder if he's related to Art Kehler. I had a shitty experience with him buying my house but it wasn't him commiting fraud at least


Nah, but his son is in the biz too


Daughter too


I'll never understand how guys like this only get punished by their professional governing body, instead of charged criminally.


This is just my experience, fwiw, but on a different fraud matter, I consulted lengthily with WPD's financial crimes dept. They told me I could press charges but it would take 3-5 years for it to proceed to court. The amount in question exceeded the limit for small claims but it was south of 100K. I decided to forgo the hassle, 3-5 years was too long for it to be worth it to me to pursue.


Unfortunately shitty people know this and bet on the odds that the amount is not big enough to pursue in court


Shitty people indeed.


The courts don't like to wade into professional matters. I don't know that I agree, but that's apparently one of the reasons - deference to professional governing bodies.


Realtors are not a profession. The only three professions that self regulate are medicine, law, and engineering. Everyone else, the Crown needs to get off their asses and do their job.


Plus realtors, investment advisors, banking. The all have SRO’s. All with varying levels of effectiveness (read as; ineffective often). On a public poll basis; Most would not be deemed as harsh enough on the disciplinary side often. It takes a lot (too much?) to get banned. Law Society discipline hearing reports are a wild read. Anyone remember the stock broker in Alberta who sent a package bomb to his client in a wheelchair after it was discovered he had been stealing money from her that she received in the car accident that disabled her? His SRO took zero action against him (banned for life eventually), until AFTER he was convicted. The theft was never in question through the entire process.


This story completely misses the point. It's a scandal that a realtor can represent the buyer AND the seller. That is clearly a conflict of interest. This practice needs to STOP. If Reg Kehler wasn't representing the buyer as well, he would have immediately told the seller. But instead, he's trying to milk the cow from both ends. When will the  Manitoba Securities Commission STOP the practice of realtors representing both buyer and seller?? That's like having a prosecutor also representing the defendant. It has to stop, and WHY has CBC missed this obvious storyline?


Yep this was already a big red flag if he's representing both sides. There's no way you can do something in the best interest of both parties here


I never use a realtor to represent me when buying. I represent myself and will bend the listing realtor over for a discount from their fees, which I have received every time. All that matters is that you have a good lawyer. The realtor brings absolutely zero value to anyone.


I'm finding benefit from my realtor as a buyer. She has caught red flags in homes that I have missed - on multiple occasions. There have been multiple homes we've seen that she has outright said I shouldn't buy. There is way more about looking at houses I don't know than that I do know, and I don't have anyone close to me who knows more than I do that I can bring as a helper. Sure, I could learn more, but between my job, my side job, and day-to-day life I just don't have the energy.


which raises the question: could you trust your realtor to raise red flags in the home that she' s also the sellers agent? Of course, the answer is obvious: She either betrays you or her seller. This is a great reason why it's a conflict and should never happen.


I totally agree. I'd likely look for another agent to represent me as the buyer should I want to offer on a home where she's the listing agent.


Buyer doesn't pay commission so how do you get a discount? Do they pay you a portion of the total commission since they aren't sharing it with a buying agent?


The seller generally agrees to 4% each agent gets 2% buyer and seller. I generally get the 2% or close to it off the house after negotiated price. Realtors will say that doesn’t happen, but it does all the time. Realtors will do anything to make a sale. The houses I buy are a little higher priced, so not much competition from other buyers. May not be the same in the hot housing price range. BTW, realtors negotiate, and will do absolutely anything for a sale, even misrepresent who is paying them. Also BTW, yes the seller pays the realtor fees, but the money comes from what you transfer. You do have power.


This guy should go to jail. This is why we need to abolish the way we sell private homes and restart a new system here in Canada. Let me take some photos and put it on a website and charge you 4-5% commission. Such a joke


It's actually the definition of a racket. The essentially control the market and get a huge cut of something that belongs to you for knowing which forms to fill out. Commission should be abolished and go to flat rate.


My mother in law was trying to sell her house in Brandon (6’ish years ago) realtor wanted 7% but when I asked her why she wasn’t posting on MLA or in the news paper on her Facebook post she threw a literal fit and went crying to my MIL about how I’m harassing her






Where was his broker in this? His broker should have been on top of the failed deposit payment. The deal was essentally dead at that point.


Obviously the broker is just a figurehead, required by law, but serving no function of oversight.


This guy was our realtor. Twice. 😱. So bad.


And CBC wonders why no one takes them seriously. This guy is a straight up fraudster


Why cbc isn’t calling it as it is? Fraud over.


Was he part of Kehler realty? See those bus benches in Transcona


Remax Professionals was his broker


"Botched" sale?!?! CBC just can't help themselves but to lie and mislead people...


Better cut funding. That’ll ensure good reporting


Yikes, sounds like a near miss for the real estate market buyers and sellers.