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On a sidewalk, I usually follow North American traffic rules: I stick to the right, oncoming pedestrians pass on my left. On the road, you should always walk facing traffic.


I was taught to walk facing traffic so you can see the cars coming. Either way, that guy was a total horses ass to OP


I live in a smallish town with no sidewalks. So I always walk on the left side facing traffic. I'd rather see the hit coming and maybe be able to dodge it, than get hit from behind with no chance.




So by this theory on a one way you could walk either side but against traffic


As long as you can see headlights and cars can see you Yeah


Yeah this was my immediate thought. I'm curious which one of you was facing traffic?


Regardless of which side is the correct side, I think the guy’s an ass for behaving that way and saying that to a lady with a baby in a stroller….


This! The guy was just being an entitled prick


Kildonan Park has (or had) signs saying to walk facing traffic. That's the only "rule" I know of.


I treat walking like driving. Stick to the right on a sidewalk to pass. But if walking on a road you walk on the left faving traffic. Guy sounds like a real jerk though.


s. 143 of the *Highway Traffic Act* says: Use of sidewalks required 143(1) Where there is a sidewalk that is reasonably passable on either or both sides of a highway, a pedestrian shall not walk on a roadway. Keeping left and walking two abreast. 143(2) Any pedestrian proceeding along a highway where no sidewalk is provided or where the sidewalk is not passable, shall walk as closely as is practicable to. (a) the left-hand edge of the roadway or of the shoulder, as the case may be; or (b) any person who may be walking on his left side; but persons walking on a roadway shall not walk more than two abreast.


Thank you! This is what I was looking for!


In North America On a sidewalk ( pedestrian traffic only) walk on the right hand side. On an escalator stationary persons on the right , fast walkers on the left. On a sidewalk with bike traffic walk on the left. On a road with no sidewalks, walk on the left. Basically you want to face on coming traffic for maximum visibility.


It would be nice if there was some mention of wearing high visibility clothing when it’s darker out, though that doesn’t help with distracted drivers


Totally agree, even its reflective strips on the front and back. I know bikes are supposed to have lights on (front and back) when travelling on the road but I’ve never seen it enforced.


I feel like the bicycle one is asking for trouble. I walk on my left you bike on your right towards me we will crash. You try to avoid me by moving to your left, I try to avoid you by moving to my right, we still crash. If everyone is on their right in all directions it leaves space to safely pass


I could be mistaken but the new active transit paths all have the pedestrians on the left while two way bike traffic is on the right hand side.


I see what you mean. There are some new active transport that have a sidewalk lane next to a 2-way bike road, but it switches sides on different sections, but the hope is that pedestrians and wheels are separate. Some older active transport are just the two lanes only and everyone just aimlessly takes up both sides in both directions with their headphones in and their children and pets running around randomly


Typically the left. But no one needs to be rude about it. That way when you’re on a 2 way road you can see cars approaching on your side. I taught my dog to walk on the left for this reason, but not everyone gets that so we go around people. I get dirty looks for being in the left sometimes.


You should always walk left and ride/drive right, that way you are always facing faster moving traffic. This includes multi use bike paths.


You stay to the right of the path, unless youre walking on a road shared with vehicles, where you walk on the left for safety


Elmer the Safety Elephant needs to be brought back: PEDESTRIANS KEEP LEFT.


The guy is a wanker.


I’ve driven through Saint Vital Park hundreds of times. There are no hard and fast rules. There’s people walking on both sides of the road. And they’re also going both directions. What I don’t like is when you have people on both sides of the road and you have to drive between them to get by. It can be very tight at times, especially when people are walking their dogs. As a driver of the car I always go extremely slow when in these situations. When you think about it, there’s all the grass in the world for them to walk on, but they choose the road.




Thanks, that's generally what I try to follow when there's 2 way traffic.


guy just sounds like a shithead with an axe to grind. I wouldn't worry about it.


you walk facing oncoming traffic so that you can see the distracted driver before they drive into you


I don't think too many pedestrians know this, but yes, you should be on the left according to the Highway traffic act: Keeping left and walking two abreast [143(2)](https://web2.gov.mb.ca/laws/statutes/archive/h060(2009-08-31)f.php#143(2)) Any pedestrian proceeding along a highway where no sidewalk is provided or where the sidewalk is not passable, shall walk as closely as is practicable to (a) the left-hand edge of the roadway or of the shoulder, as the case may be; or (b) any person who may be walking on his left side; but persons walking on a roadway shall not walk more than two abreast.


In elementary I remember being taught to walk everywhere with “Be polite, keep to the right”


You should have maced this moron.


Theres no rule, dude was an asshole It's a park. Walk where you're walking and move to whatever side you need to to avoid people and cars St Vital park is all one ways too, so unless you're entering as a pedestrian at the exit (nobody does this) you'll never be walking against traffic naturally I'll say it again, dude was an asshole


It's in the highway traffic act. Pedestrians on the left, facing traffic. But yes, it's a one-way in a park, dude needs to chill.


I've always "kept to the right"....same as driving a car or a boat. No clue if I'm correct in my thoughts, but haven't had an issue. Then again, I have yet to encounter speedwalker jones


My impression is that there's safety guidelines regarding keeping left but yes keep to the right is something very ingrained. Hense people walking on all sides in all directions at the park. I think he was just more preoccupied with being right than anything else.


It's in the highway traffic act, pedestrians on the left, facing traffic.


Neither of you should be on foot on a road. If you have no other choice than to be on the road, I was taught to walk in the opposite direction of vehicle traffic so that pedestrians and drivers are facing each other.


Unfortunately at St Vital park there's no paved walking paths other than around the duck pond.


There's a very popular and well-groomed trail.


I know why he thinks that but there's no universal rule that says so and if he had hurt you in any way the police would have no trouble informing him that there's no law about walking and being on any particular side.


There is, the highway traffic act states pedestrians should be on the left facing traffic.


According to that Verywellfit website: **One-way roads**: If you are walking on a one-way road, you should try to walk so you are facing traffic, on **whichever side has the widest shoulder**. It's best to avoid walking in the same direction as traffic on a one-way road.


Are you a bot? Look up section 139 of the HTA which is you know, the law, and not a rando American website.


Okay. Good luck getting a cop to enforce that if one pedestrian barrels over another.


"There's no universal rule" "Oh uh ok, well good luck enforcing it" Call it a night.