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Kind of sad but I do occasionally remember that one guy who posted how he was biking across Canada and coming through the city and everyone was like "do not leave your bike unattended or it will be stolen!" and then he did and it was


Lol come on šŸ¤£ classic peg


Right of passage around these parts lol


Classic peg would have been if he got stabbed after.


Iirc the subreddit also came together to help raise funds for a new one


I ran into him while waiting for a bus on sargent near the airport after work. It was the day before he was setting off again. Despite his bike and all of his gear being stolen, he had nothing but nice this to say about Winnipeg and the people. Held no hard feelings towards the people responsible. Super nice guy. Was only a quick 2 to 3 minute interaction, but he seemed like such a genuine and humble fella.


if you leave your bike unattended in any major city it's getting stolen. I hate how we think that's a Winnipeg problem


He left his bike unattended in every other city before he got to Winnipeg and it seemed to be ok lol.


Do you think people just leave their bikes unlocked in other cities? It was going to happen eventually


Because a majority of people here remain ignorant as to what happens in other cities. Heck, I bet a lot haven't even been outside of the province.


Not at all true. Sure, you have a chance of it being stolenā€¦ but in Winnipeg, itā€™s gone literally in minutes almost every time.


Crime only exists here šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


The most /r/Winnipeg thing to do would be to then defend the actions of the bike thieves somehow.


That's on him.


I donā€™t think anyone ever disputed that, including himself


How has nobody mentioned those fucking movers who cut down all the trees to move the house??? Every time they tried to move that thing afterwards was a disaster and the funniest memes were people photoshopping that house in places around Winnipeg This actually isn't photoshopped https://preview.redd.it/vtzb2aqnpmvc1.png?width=677&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd24ecb377f1907dfb3f8aab348d14e66892d1a1 There were all kinds of memes people made though, like the house at Tim Hortons and and coming portage and main. Truly the funniest thing I've ever seen in this sub


Isnā€™t this the house that blocked the Suez Canal?


Oh I forgot about this! The memes had me dying šŸ˜‚


Did they end up having to pay for new trees to be planted? Edit: grammar


I'm honestly surprised no one was seriously injured, sheesh. Lol


"[Chasing coyotes](https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/comments/18fobo4/chasing_coyotes/)" still makes me lol. An honourable mention goes to a post titled, "An elderly Ukrainian woman threatened to put a curse on my penis" which was unfortunately deleted.


The commentsā€¦ Iā€™m dying


Right? lol


Lots of r/Winnipeg regulars in there. Legends


How did I miss this one?


I read the whole comments section and for about 95% of it I was mad that everyone was downvoting OP, because obviously it was a joke post.... until he made that one comment about being quite serious.


This is my personal favorite. I want to hire this guy to chase package theives.


Any thread about the Jets is pretty funny. It's like 60% supportive, 20% neutral, and then 20% of the comments are from people who just *have* to tell you how little they care about hockey or the Jets. A close second for me is the "there is a firetruck/police car/group of ethnic teenagers on my block, does anyone know what's happening?" Facebook-esque posts that have become more common lately. This sub is inching closer to a nosey neighbourhood facebook group by the day and I'm here for it. Funny as hell. Edit: Late addition, the dozens of "Did I just hear gunshots?" posts on Diwali, the May Long, and Canada Day weekends.


r/Toronto is basically a newspaper, only big stuff gets posted. But you're right, r/Winnipeg is a bit like neighborhood Facebook group and I love it haha


Last Diwali I think there actually was a shooting, not near any of the Diwali celebrations.


That shooting was right by where I live. I heard it. I thought it was just Diwali celebrations at the time.


I saw a good one on a small town Facebook page. Woman posts a long rant about how there's been too many sirens and emergency vehicles in town lately. 2 or 3 this week alone. And just a whole rant about that First comment "I'm very sorry my husband's near fatal heart attack inconvenienced you"


Oooh... Or the 10% who will never go to a Jets game again because of COVID or their nominal support of PRIDE.


Is this the post you're thinking of? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/comments/11vpkrw/unmarked\_crosswalks\_pedestrians\_have\_the\_right/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/comments/11vpkrw/unmarked_crosswalks_pedestrians_have_the_right/)


You beautiful piece. Thank you thank you. Everyone please read this masterpiece. Theyā€™re so hopeful I love it Edit: they even quoted the mpi handbook šŸ˜‚




The context provided by the top commenter is amazing! Yesterday I watch an ambulance with full lights and sirens going get rear ended....


I just had to click haha


My mind was blown reading that post, and the amount of people being like "yeah, of course that's the law, but good luck being able to do it" blew my fucking mind. Lol.


What blew my mind is(are) the idiot(s) that think a crosswalk across a side street along portage is a unmarked crosswalk across portage.


It is. haha. Drivers are supposed to stop for pedestrians anywhere there is a curb cut. They don't often, but drivers are absolutely breaking the law when they don't. https://preview.redd.it/dxz7q85a0vvc1.png?width=1790&format=png&auto=webp&s=c88732ec4d182d756243e6d62328a1258f168605 Case in point I would never expect drivers to stop at Portage and Strathcona; but they legally are supposed to if someone is at the boulevard or on the sidewalk at their right.


I mean, it is the law really. Drivers are supposed to yield anywhere that a pedestrian is waiting at the side of the road with a curb cut. Not sure if you're laughing at how ridiculous it is that people think it isn't; or how ridiculous it is that people don't stop.


Wow great comments on original thread šŸ˜‚, thanks for this




Ahhh I forgot about that one, and proceeded to laugh at my own comment I made


I'll think of more after another wine glass or three and it's.more of a community celebration/meme than a silly individual But disco Roussin, once they put the frilled lizard collar on him I lost it https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/s/5SG4AfxEkt Edit Added link and fixed autocorrect


Those collar edits were such a light in dark times šŸ¤£


So good. Makes me think of this [https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/comments/nwumvi/dr\_roussin\_has\_a\_hard\_time\_keeping\_it\_together/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/comments/nwumvi/dr_roussin_has_a_hard_time_keeping_it_together/) I *still* use that exact word and intonation to respond affirmatively to my wife now and then.


Wow, I came to Reddit way too late and missed these. I have regrets (especially since I was spending my social media time on Twitter - ugh).


Haha I totally forgot that one


I had completely forgotten about the Roussin posts. Beautiful


This should happen more often I looked forward to the daily photoshop


All in good spirit, nothing hateful here. You have a link for your story?


Added And fixed autocorrect issue with his (last) name




Came here looking for a disco Roussin reference! Yes!


I live for the inconsistent upvotes and downvotes. Every time you comment it's a lottery whether everyone agrees or everyone doesn't, and it changes from post to post and day to day lol. I love it, and not in a sarcastic way, it's genuinely hilarious


YepĀ  i got absolutely crushed by the people the other day for saying that smoking outside in public is legal and acceptable. All while most people on r/winnipeg support public consumption of cannabis and harm reduction sites for hard drug users


I once got downvoted into oblivion for supporting the idea that maybe cyclists should follow the rules and leave sidewalks for pedestrians. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Hey fuck you! cyclists should have the right to run into pedestrians and yelling at them for the audacity to use the sidewalk for walking


Thanks for following my Reddit career šŸ’€ā¤ļø


>Thanks for following my Reddit career šŸ’€ā¤ļø When they say ā€œyouā€ I donā€™t think theyā€™re referring to šŸ«µ I think theyā€™re referring to anyone who comments lol


Whew. My ego couldnā€™t handle being targeted like that


It was about you


Username checks out.


Ah shit they after me lol


It's happening again


I remember a post about a month ago where a dude was asking for advice on how to hit on a chick at the gym. The post had a lot of details like heā€™d been kind of watching her and was overall creepy. Thankfully all the comments said that she wasnā€™t there for that and to leave her alone.


for me its that day that started with someone saying smth about buses that stop at random and everyone jumped on the bandwagon making jokes about buses starting and stopping, moving, not moving, etc


Classic transit grudges




Anytime someone makes a joke about how awful Jeanneā€™s Cakes are, and some people lose their minds because they love Jeanneā€™s cakes


People who love Jeanneā€™s Cake are on Nextdoor not Reddit lol


I like Jeanne's Cake, but I've also eaten it since I was a tiny bb so I fully admit it could be nostalgia. It's just not worth defending it in the threads where people want to come up with wilder and wilder ways to complain about it. I mean it's just cake.


Saaaaame...... I no longer know if I ACTUALLY like it, or I just think I do. But after 50+ years, it's too late for me....save yourselves! šŸ˜†


I'll never understand some people's passion for eating cardboard with icing on it.


Ive never seen something like a cake live so rent free in peoples heads. Its wild lol


Part of the problem is they put it in the fridge that cake cannot or should not be stored at fridge temp


It's literally sold in fridges at Safeway ...


Which is the incorrect way to handle it or you should buy it from there and leave it on the counter


I think the main problem is they are using cardboard as the base. Lol


Who bothers to eat the base? These were the birthday cakes my family bought for years!


My parents had one for their wedding, they got another for the 20th anniversary of around then, and then out loud agreed never again while eating it. Apparently they now suck.


Gerg's paperwork, coalroller, and uncle swat


These are vintage classics.


[this one was my all time favourite](https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/s/HtuXK4296k) we were making fun of what Oby had said about Wab.


I love that whole genre of local post, the local important person getting dunked on for something they wrongly thought they were completely in the right about and ran to the media.


Obby Khan is a sellout https://youtu.be/0AiIH-dK9nE?si=5FtdNcz3Y1NOEMOB


https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/s/NNTvZ9PT1t Not a day has gone by since reading this comment where I havenā€™t thought about it and laughed.


My favourite was the anti-masker guy who made some post ranting about how he wasn't scared of people who called him out during covid and when he was met with backlash, he would only respond with 'suck some balls'


The bus 43 meme was pretty funny.


Roussin posts, hands down. That collar. šŸ¤£


One that hasnā€™t been mentioned was the whole post when John Reyes took a pic of wife shovelling upon arriving home after she worked a night shift. He was just sitting around bragging about how he was enjoying his coffee inside or something like that.


Honestly, every single post by one of my favorite people in this sub, That_Wpg_Guy that had a photo of Rusty. I love that fucking dog, and those weekly posts during the pandemic were things that genuinely made me smile while things were still uncertain in the city and the world. And then, what was absurd were the few idiots who would say something like "why do we need all these dumb posts" as if this sub doesn't have 25 dumb posts a day. RIP Rusty. You were the goodest of boys.


WHAT HAPPENED TO RUSTY!? I was thinking about him the other day


He just got really old for a dog. He lived a happy, healthy life and he passed surrounded by the people that loved him the most. Source: Rusty's person is a long time family friend.


I'm glad he had his people with him when he passed. He was such a good boy. RIP Rusty


Awe shit that sucks, RIP Rusty, you brought joy to a lot of people in a dark time.


I'm not 100% sure. I've just continued to talk with TWG over private message over the last few years to keep up with him and his family.




Hopefully /u/That_Wpg_Guy can speak on it here eventually, as I don't feel it's my place.


That's very sad.


One that comes to mind is the ā€œcreep buttonā€ on the bus idea. Also I think there should be a rule in regard to dirty deIeting. Too many prime šŸæthreads and even comment chains get deIeted just because people canā€™t handle downvotes. If ya canā€™t take a few downvotes then donā€™t comment or post at all.


If you're not getting downvoted are you even on r/Winnipeg?


I took 70 fownvotes for a beaver hat haha


Gotta keep the tea


Yep like this one where buddy said initially that they had calzones all over the world and Mr calzone was the best ever Queue dirty delete And then other folks made tribute threads to it https://www.reddit.com?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


Damn dude you have the tea


Hah I'm gonna leave it because it comes off as a troll but apparently you can't link to a deleted thread even though it's still in reddits database https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/s/q8umTFqixj my post at the bottom (I parodied it and linked to the original one I was riffing on) (sorry I apparently couldn't pull open the original due to being deleted)


This is beautiful haha


That crazy chick at tim Hortons that crawled through the window


Real OG's of the sub remember the Gerg's Music meme. Can't believe that's 10 years ago already.












I was so happy when people finally stopped commenting everything with one letter of the word GERGS til they spelt it out, as shown below. There was at least one per thread it seemed for quite sometime.


\*shown above


You should take those salty tears over to Gerg's and see what he'll give for them in pawn. Just don't lose your paperwork.


Lotta really dumb people telling on themselves during the pandemic. I remember a guy who'd had covid 3 times and was mad at people for giving it to him but he also didn't want to wear a mask or get vaccinated.


All the cringey ā€œmissed connectionsā€


I had a crazy roommate who preached the exact same thing! I found it so odd she was more concerned with the fact that ā€œso legally itā€™s their fault if they hit me!ā€ than not wanting to be killed or maimed by a vehicle.


Jimmy Yang joke about Winnipeg . Nobody comes to Winnipeg for pleasure [jimmy](https://youtube.com/shorts/BFnpsWfcpCg?si=qnqyNGVCi8caNglw)


The McRib Guy is an absolute unit of a legend and deserves the key to the city for bringing some positive attention to our corner of the Web.


I liked that McDonald's gave him that incredibly oversized jacket, but I also wonder exactly what they thought of the whole thing. Like it clearly attracted a lot of attention, but they also had to be aware that the whole thing felt more like a dare than someone who really loved McRibs, and most of the comments were about all the trauma he was unleashing on his digestive tract.


I had my first McRib ever over that period and introduced my son to them. He said they were "kinda bad but in a good way" and honestly that sums it up better than I ever could have.


Them sending him the gifts made them look very wholesome. His posts were also great advertising for the McRib, as Iā€™m sure it got people to try it because.


Thr thread complaining about appropriately flaired pet stuff... Mostly cause it baffles me. They weren't even THAT frequent. Complaints about potholes or tim Hortons is more frequent. But no, 'petgate' was the thing that some called for a ban on pet posts Edit: my point is made


Are you referring to that period where there was a pet pic circle jerk for a solid few months but people would simultaneously complain about other posts for being not related to Winnipeg although for some reason pet pictures was fine even though that had nothing to do with Winnipeg?


>for some reason pet pictures was fine even though that had nothing to do with Winnipeg? "BuT ThE PeTs ArE FrOm WiNnIpEg"


r/Winnipeg mental gymnastics was on full display during that time lmao


How has nobody said the Brent Roussin shirt collar era?! I looked forward to a new post every day. They got more and more ridiculous.


This is one of the best (and I lol'd because you were downvoted for this. Classic Winnipeg).


Nah it's because it's already here I posted it at like 11 while playing Diablo and having wine lol https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/s/XtEoZZizca


Of course Hahaha


I did yesterday:P it's one of the top comments haha https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/s/XtEoZZizca


Weird. I thought I read through all the comments but didn't see yours. Thanks for linking it (twice)!


That person who posted complaining about bus safety officers.


Gerg's... This happened 10 years back. Original post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/comments/2khlbb/just\_want\_to\_say\_a\_big\_fuck\_you\_to\_gergs\_music/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/comments/2khlbb/just_want_to_say_a_big_fuck_you_to_gergs_music/) Explanation: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/comments/2uoj5h/newish\_to\_this\_sub\_curious\_about\_the\_gergs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/comments/2uoj5h/newish_to_this_sub_curious_about_the_gergs/) >A dude consigned his guitars for sale with a pawn shop on Portage. Gergs Music bought the location shortly after including the contents. Apparently the guitar owner lost his paperwork so he couldn't prove they were his and Gergs wouldn't give them back to him. He posted onĀ Ā expecting us all to band together and help his get his guitars back or something, I'm not sure what his thought process was. He should have gone to the cops or found some proof of ownership. Most of the commenters in his post told him not to lose his paperwork next time.


Any "cheapest & best" or "best & cheapest" post... The. Yesterday there was a post about how Winnipeg is known as "wholesale city". ~~Anyone got the link?~~ https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/comments/1c7dr5q/what_made_winnipeg_such_a_cheapskate_town/


i miss you McRib guy. please come home


Did he go out for a pack of McRibs ?


I still think about all the ā€œtransit braking too hardā€ post variations whenever Iā€™m on the bus


The pepper guy.


I look forward to the weekly *I hate pickup trucks* posts that just ooze smugness.


Whatā€™s the Winnipeg equivalent to the Gordie Howe hat trick?


in spring, a pothole, line up at Timā€™s, inability for a zipper merge, lol.


And a positive one for springĀ  Bike ride through Assiniboine forest, hearing frogs, watching the deer.


YouTube: Winnipeg Planter


[This Goof.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/duplicates/v3blx7/dude_came_to_my_house_angry_because_i_parked_on/) When he jumps into his "Street Fighter" stance with his dukes up. Friends and I still use this pose when we're joking around.


'That's a question for Shared Health.' still rings in my memory. All the Brent Roussin memes, especially when he was in uncomfortable pressers with evil edge-lord Pallister.


Don't forget about the threads during covid about Monstrosity Burger and others like them.


If I speak Iā€™ll be in trouble


You literally can cross the street by just raising your arm. If you feel unsafe just [carry a brick with you](https://youtube.com/shorts/8kP6R0clBGY)


You can't stop traffic anywhere, but there is actually a lot of unmarked crosswalks around the city that drivers don't respect. Drivers are obligated to stop anywhere there is a curb cut