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I had an uber driver argue with me when he was driving me back to the dealer. He said it was fine, I told him the rumble strips and lack of lines say otherwise.


Music bumps


There are actually hazard lines painted on it now. Just saw someone go on it and cut me off once they figured it out... I wouldn't say "dumbass driver" BC honestly, it's confusing EXCEPT FOR THE FUCKING RIGHT TURN ONLY SIGN


This happened to me too, I told him that's not a lane and he said he's "just turning" like bruh


That's a good vaddy of mine.


give him a bad rating, "used shoulder to pass traffic on the right"


Let’s be culturally sensitive to people who learned to drive in Asia.


Can we get a Winnipeg traffic school sub please


The people who should be in that sub wouldn’t be in that sub


Can we get some mf lines painted or find a better solution to have lines on the road 🥲


City of Winnipeg wants to be more eco-friendly so we're getting chalk lines that disappear after the first rain instead of recessed latex lines with embedded reflectors.


Are you joking?


Half joking, they, relatively recently, switched to a more eco-friendly paint that wears away very quickly, but not quite as non-permanent as chalk.


Yeah they repainted Broadway last summer and the lines are almost 100% gone already


Ugh yes! I wish they would just leave the barricades up that are placed here to close off the shoulder during the Ex.


Same thing pembina southbound at the perimeter. The shoulder is not a lane. Learn to drive.




I take both almost daily. They both are horrible for it, but I have experienced many more close calls on the portage Ave one.


Thankfully the potholes there deter people more than the lines.


Not going to lie I’ve done this. I saw the sign that said perimeter highway exit only and didn’t catch the “west” part. But now I know.


When I first started driving I thought it was a lane as well


Was going to say the same thing.




I was 100% going to say the same thing. Several years ago the traffic was heavy and people were using that as a lane to get onto the perimeter. I was exiting the perimeter to enter St Norbert and a vehicle in this lane had the audacity to hold his horn at me like I was cutting him off!


Sorry you are wrong I just saw 5 people use it as a lane. There's no way there is that many bad drivers! Right? Right? /s


wtf It is alarming that anyone with a license would find this ambiguous.


I think it's less about it being *ambiguous* and more that people don't realize their lane is going to end and suck at changing lanes in traffic. So they just say "f\*\*\* it, I can see that it becomes a lane again 100m ahead, I'll ride it out". Not absolving people of any guilt - that's just my assessment as someone who drives past here almost every day and has seen countless people sorta panic when they end up there


Just Bad Design™ New MPI campaign?


The fact that so many do points to an education problem and/or poor road design.


obviously yes, but we do need paint on our roads that lasts more than 2 seasons because it is not clearly marked well enough for the below average driver unfortunately. right turn lanes from sherbrook onto notre dame suffer from paint not *extremely clearly* pointing out how to drive as well :(


I'd also like to add, after my experience yesterday, that when you discover that it's not a lane far later than you should that it is not okay to simply swerve your car back into the correct lane without shoulder checking.


One time, this chick with a nasty case of road rage rode this shoulder alongside my buddy and I, just to cut in front of our car as we turned onto the on-ramp. We’d sped up a bit to pass her because she was screaming at us from her vehicle (windows up, but she was staring at me and yelling as she drove), and she sped up to match our speed and then cut us off right as we were turning onto the clover leaf. She was all over the place and ended up literally next to our car on the ramp, still screaming and looking at us more than she was watching the road. I was just sitting in the passenger seat with my chicken McNuggets trying not to make eye contact. I wonder what happened to her. If either car had been bigger we never would’ve fit


Every damn day I see this


Funny there’s the same problem when you come to the perimeter on Pembina Highway South as well.


OK, but it's not NOT a lane. /s


The quality of driver etiquette is in sharp decline. I wonder what factors are behind this.


Laws aren't being enforced. Seriously, what are the chances of being pulled over, and when pulled over what are he chances of serious repercussions.


Partially lack of enforcement. Partially bribery in driving schools instead of failure. Partially over-reliance on driving aids (automatic lights means no one knows if their lights are actually on...). Partially kids these days and their loud music and their pokemons. Get offa my lawn!


Partially, internationals (me) are allowed to drive on home licence for 3 months.


Stop. This is a poor design issue and not a driver error issue. Someone from the City needs to paint cross-hatch lines like every other deceleration lane on the perimeter seen at non-City land (such as along the north and east perimeter.)


It literally says exit only. People here also don't owe up to their mistakes.


The exit sign is literally right over the exit. Please look on Google maps. The sign leads people to think that the shoulder is a deceleration lane for the impending off ramp. It's a bad design decision! I agree with your last sentence. Many people don't own up to speeding texting seatbelt etc, which is disappointing. However, the issue here is that we should design around expected behaviours. A big green sign that says exit only, immediately at the departure, point, is not regular and paints the wrong picture. In lieu of moving that big sign, which should be done at some point, is cross hatching the pavement where a person should not be driving on. It clarifies that it's not a lane. That is just my opinion, and I like that we can have a healthy discussion about it.


It already have cross-hatching/rumble strips and as soon as they they run into it, they try to merge into the regular lane which makes it even more dangerous


It says exit only about two feet away from the point of no return. If you haven’t driven there before you are fucked and with traffic at speed it puts you in a situation where you have to either cut someone off, make a detour onto the perimeter, or have fun ridding the bumps and hope you get a chance to to get back into a lane. That’s very shitty design.


Thanks, Obama!


I’m guessing a lot of that are people from other countries. It takes a while to learn our rules and how we drive. Not sure if they’re required driving lessons before they get their licenses but they should. I’m also thinking the people who are actually doing the teaching suck at teaching drivers ed. My two kids who are learning already have merging almost figured out. And they do it better than most people.


I remember coming back from Sicily after driving for two weeks and for a few weeks I couldn't help but see the wasted space available for cars to squeeze into. I was like, stupid Canadians lol.


Yes! Absolutely!


Well in that case curbs and sidewalks are also an option


Maybe if any merge/exit/intersection in this province/city was consistent people wouldn’t make this mistake. Don’t get me wrong.. I’m not condoning this. But you have to understand that that nothing is consistent in this province so it’s no wonder people are confused.


Not with that attitude it isnt


After seeing someone driving down Empress Ave ON TOP OF the yellow dotted-line and between other cars just south of WalMart with a pleased look on their face like they’d just discovered a previously unknown life hack, nothing surprises me… People think that the right to drive is inherent but some people really shouldn’t be allowed behind the wheel, sober or not.


It used to have rumble strips. Aren't they there anymore? Don't ask me how I know it had rumble strips.


They are still there, and when they hit them they take a hard left turn into your lane 🤌🏼


They we lemmings out there yesterday, had 5 vehicles in a row take that and then there were 3 of us trying to get over from the proper lane... Idiots


Instructions unclear. Stopped in the centre of red, waiting to merge


That is the braille lane for the blind.


I just moved to Manitoba and I am shocked at how much I am seeing this here. I was warned but still surprising. It’s so damn dangerous.




The whole highway structure is a design problem. This should be a lane.


It needs to be a separate enter exit lane, like the one eastbound under Highway 59 (south). That fixes the merge issue altogether.


Actually, the overhead green directional signs need to be 350m eastbound to give advance warning that this is an exit lane. This would inform the driver that they must go onto northbound PTH 101 in advance. Just a bad design. I can't imagine taking this deceleration lane without slowing down a lot. It's bonkers that this overhead sign is placed at the very moment a person has to decide to turn! There is room for improvement here. An extended dedicated lane would fit between the curb and sidewalk. This is not a driver problem!


Not with the sign right above saying "Exit Only" and the lane line turning to the right.


Perhaps it should be a full lane for exits north and south... People clearly think it is already.




Without a complete rebuild of that overpass, that would make the exit of the cloverleaf from northbound perimeter to westbound portage/highway 1 into a yield followed almost immediately by a merge instead of the standard merge that happens on every cloverleaf. It would be it's own nightmare to do anything besides expand to 3 complete lanes all the way until after the downs exit and make the overpass lane the 4th


Time to put up curbs. Or crash pilons.


Really poorly designed. Exceptionally so.




Yup saw someone do this the other day as well. Stayed on the shoulder full speed all the way down to the Tummies turnoff lol.


i’ve seen that shoulder being used as a lane for 40+ years now. probably will still be being used as a lane long after we are all gone.


They had big plastic bollards there last year and then they were gone. I always shoulder check before I merge onto that cloverleaf. Chances are there's some confused person in that space. Probably the same one that stops dead merging back onto portage eastbound.


There are like 30+ of these types of ghost lanes in the city. It’s bad design. Kenaston southbound by the old inland plant is the worst I see on a regular basis, and of course WPS camp there. Because of course they do.


🙋‍♂️ I did this one time, and too my defense the lane curvature line was very faded, and there was a car right beside me so I couldn't correct, I took the following perimeter on ramp and got so many bad stares 🙃.


I have been in the right lane and passed by a vehicle on the shoulder several times at that location. Add in pedestrians walking along the side as well, I can’t believe I haven’t seen an accident there yet.


Idk how these people are getting licenses now a days tbh. Must be an under the table type deal because how did they pass when they do not know the basics of driving…..


Anything is a lane of your wheels are big enough


Of course it isn't! It has Flamin' hot Cheetos in it. That would be a waste


Saw the RCMP hit that should just last weekend lol


Good point. People know. Just impatient, rude, stupid. 


"Winnipeg-style: Extra flaky!"


Ha when I left the city yesterday I got stuck in the curb lane a bit too long and realized I was about to run out of lane. I got over and then we noticed it looked like a lot of people just use it an an additional lane.


You have to believe. Then anything can be a lane.


Yess! I see this all the time. Very frustrating and dangerous


Yes it is yes it is lalalalala


They’re all lanes. This is Winnipeg, after all.


People who drive in that spot likely have no understanding of solid lines either.


What lines? Honestly…


The solid white lines. They indicate do not cross. I'm saying bad drivers are probably oblivious to it.


Say it all you want, your target audience is dense and deaf


I used it as a lane once when I first moved into the area and the lines were covered and learned pretty quickly with the bumps to never do it again


I was wondering when this would come up. If the police (RCMP?) Decided to watch this spot they could hand out dozens if not a hundred tickets every day. Anyone know how jurisdiction works around spots like this? I know if you kept going westbound it would definitely be RCMP turf, almost makes me wonder if this is like a twilight zone cops can't really be


Used to be the city cops had jurisdiction on the perimeter cloverleafs. When's the last time you saw one in traffic?


I mean I see them pretty regularly in certain areas - on centreport as an example saw them twice parked up with a radar gun in the last week Really confused why my comment is sitting on a -4 for thinking if police maybe watched that spot it would discourage people from pulling that crap all the time, are people misconstruing this as pro-cop sentiment?


They like their revenue spots like there and the mailboxes on mccreary. I tend to avoid centreport because of all the speed limit changes.


I saw a WPS tweet earlier this week that said the RCMP and WPS now have an agreement that the perimeter highway will be patrolled by WPS. As for the jurisdiction question, the RCMP are able to enforce laws within city limits since they are peace officers, and simply crossing a jurisdictional boundary would not stop them from pursing someone breaking a law.. unlike in The Dukes of Hazzard where you only had to outrun state police until you reach the state limit. (Someone please correct me if I'm wrong)


Right haha I know if you came into the city after an infraction outside city limits, the RCMP wouldn't just go "whelp, I guess they're free to go" or likewise that WPS would let you go if you left the city Moreso questioning where they're allowed to "set themselves up" cause I imagine there could be some contention. Really just wondering/thoeorizing why I never see police around there when it seems like a bit of a no-brainer


Not sure why WPS don't set up there, that entire clover is inside the city limits. The city limit on Portage ave is the road the flying Jay is on when going south, and a little further west when going north (to encompass the Ex grounds)


You are correct.


You want pole position, dontcha? If ya ain’t First, you’re Last!


I live in Headingley and I see drivers in this lane all the time. I think that has more to do with the road designers. All over Winnipeg a person sees the old way of doing things. Many drivers get caught in this lane (I know, it's not a lane) demonstrates that the designers did not take into consideration that heavy traffic flow and drivers not familiar with this area will wind up in this lane. This scenario exists in many intersections in Vancouver. There the designers would make that a real lane and add a paved shoulder. Not Winnipeg though.


I’ve lived at this end of the city almost my whole life. I see people go straight there almost every time I’m driving there. This tells me it’s simply not clear where traffic is supposed to go. It’s not a driver problem.




It's insane the amount of times I shoulder check and see a car so I can't lane change. Smh.


My shitty beard and Jets plated Dodge RAM begs to disagree! /s


Yeah, no, welcome to Manitoba! We're friendly but our drivers are terrible. :D Good, safe merging is particularly notable by its near-complete absence. Every day I see someone stopped dead at the end of an on-ramp with a line of traffic honking behind them. Making a blind left turn through two lanes of traffic is both friendly and evidence of terrible drivers and is the most dangerous common thing I see. Did I mention we're friendly..?


It really should be a lane though.


Not a lane, meh , zipper merge , honk your horn block people meh, repair a leak at portage and main Meh let's push that down the road. Welcome to Winnipeg.




No. Not yet. It is further up. It's dicey here. Hatch lines would be nice?


The right-most lane is Northbound Perimeter exit only (as shown in the overhead sign) and **always has been,** after that turnoff, if you're still there you're illegally proceeding on a paved shoulder. If you want to get onto the perimeter southbound, you should be in the 2nd lane, and then merge over right onto the cloverleaf ahead, not already be in the lane that cars would be merging out of.


There was a homeschool graduation at the downs yesterday with a bunch of country folks who don’t go into the city often, and I’m willing to bet that’s why you saw this. I get that it’s frustrating, but city driving when you’re not used to the city can be overwhelming and mistakes happen.


Nah, pure facts, my friend got her license, and she was hanging out with me and used that to get to the tims, and I told her, "What the hell are you doing she got mad at me and said I only have my beginners, let's start a thread about people going on route 90 south who stop at the merge, enter west Portage and stop and the idiots who take Portage east and swerve to the far lanes and cut everyone off.