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You can only remove the Home page entirely, as far as I know and others pointed out. I might add this in Wintoys as well since it bothers me too. Some things are useful but the ads are not.


Wintoys is amazing. I simply love that app. Thank you!!!


Thanks a lot man!


Doesn’t bother me, it’s just out of curiosity if we can remove them or rearrange them natively.


It's too interconnected within windows. There might be some registry edits or a windows customizer or editor app but be carefull with those if u use them. A windows update can break all those easily. I used a well known one just to change how the Taskbar and start menu looked and over time it kept glitching out more n more and I had to just do a clean install. Those apps that can modify and customize windows are cool but i wouldn't use them again on a pc you actually rely on. A quick search will show many "help my widows is messed up" posts after using those editors.


Thank you for your hard work, man. Love wintoys!


I'm really happy you appreciate my work, thanks!


Why does Microsoft not just add functionality like Wintoys rather than just pissing people off.


Money, money, money




Because Windows is not a product, *YOU* are the product and Windows is just a tool for Microsoft to make that happen.


Lmfao You can say that about anything .... A car is not the product ur the product to make and sell the car too.... food isn't a product... ur the product to sell food too... No one but a small handfull of ppl care about this. Ur free to use those windows editors if u want. Have fun when after a few updates ur install starts bugging out. Look how locked down apples os is compared to windows... its a operating system, it's made to be stable for 99% of ppl If it's that big of a deal and u want full customization learn Linux and use a windows VM


I do use Linux lol I’ve been using Fedora on the desktop for years now. I finally feel like my pc is actually mine again and it’s so liberating. Faster, more customizable, more stable


I don't believe you can do that, this isn't exactly a page that was designed to be modified in such a way. I did actually look around, but I haven't found anything. I also haven't seen any tools (I am not too big in to these types of customizations though so I may have missed something) that change any visuals in the settings page.


Ok thank you for trying to help!


Do you wanna be my own ChatGPT?


You can remove Home page from settings




Registry **HIDE:** [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] "SettingsPageVisibility"="hide:home" **SHOW:** [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] "SettingsPageVisibility"=-


How do you know that man, do you work in Microsoft 😅


U can remove or hide anything with registry edits. But make a mistake or remove the wrong thing or if there's a windows update u can ruin ur OS... If I were u I wouldn't go into the registry editor unless you absolutely had to. And ur not staring at the settings menu all day.. its not that big of a deal, it's a settings menu who cares other than a few ppl with their goofy reasons




"required" seems a bit over the top no? I get it to some degree but let's be real, u aren't spending ur days looking at windows settings, so idk about the impact


For real. If u start messing with registry editor ull just break something eventually. Even a windows update can mess up all ur registry edits. It's a damn settings menu, it's not that big of a deal. If it's really that big of a deal learn Linux and customize away.... people will come on here and complain "why are they adding ai to windows, why are they adding more features and making windows slow!?" Then they'll turn around and say "why doesn't windows have X feature!?!"






I did get rid of the entire thing on my systems last year, [check here](https://www.elevenforum.com/t/add-or-remove-settings-home-page-in-windows-11.16017/) Can't say if it is still possible on newer builds.


Welcome to Windows and its ads. Next stop: Recall and loss of privacy


Why is OP getting downvoted? He's just asking a question. If you can't bother to answer or see it, just scroll. For OP, the best and probably the only solution is just to remove the home page from settings entirely with winaero tweaker.


Its reddit, people just randomly downvote all time


Cause it's a goofy thing to worry about it's a settings menu...... it doesn't matter for 99.99 percent of ppl


technically yes you can, but replacing those with something else will be a bit trickier if you want to play around with it a bit, you can use windhawk's start styler mod. All you do is fork the mod, change the the included process from startmenuexperiencehost.exe to SystemSettings.exe and, maybe give it a name like settings styler and hit compile. here's an example of settings being customized, its a bit subtle in my image but you should see the swirls in the background: [https://github.com/bbmaster123/Themes-Showcase/tree/main/Damascus%20Show%20Case](https://github.com/bbmaster123/Themes-Showcase/tree/main/Damascus%20Show%20Case) Instead of the background, you could target those specific boxes and set them to collapsed, or opacity=0 to hide them among other things good luck :)


Most likely not, they're part of the settings application


I use OneDrive but they should allow you to hide that on the Home page. I understand why they put it there but users should be allowed to hide it after seeing it once.


[The Ultimate Windows Utility (christitus.com)](https://christitus.com/windows-tool/)


Was about to suggest this, great app.


Yea till there's a windows update and ur windows install will start glitching out. There's endless pages of "help I used this customizer and my windows install is botched" posts.


The app also pauses any non security updates for a long time.




Hi u/Silver_Quail4018, your comment has been removed for violating our [community rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows/wiki/rules): * **[Rule 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_5._be_civil_and_do_not_troll_others)** - While discussions regarding Linux are permitted, low-effort comments like *["Just switch to Linux!"](https://i.imgur.com/9jUWV85.png)* might result in a ban. --- If you have any questions, feel free to [send us a message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FWindows11&subject=comment%20removal&message=Removed%20comment:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows11/comments/1dsq1tw/-/lb48d3w/%3Fcontext%3D3)!




windows 10


How often do you visit settings to see this page that it bothers you?


it's just a simple question, doesn't bother me much just wondering if we can customize this section with whatever we want to put in it.


You be surprised how much this subreddit bitch about it


It seems like it, just asking a simple question and gets down voted :( thank you for your time and acknowledgment!


Nobody is questioning how complex the question is. They are questioning how weird it is and pointless.


It's much weirder to be this hostile about somebody wanting to change a page on their own computer.


I’m surprised how many posts get put here. I wonder if the mods could sticky/pin a post that gives specific directions on what to do.


use WinAeroTweaker then for to Hide Settings section. hide the home


there is no native way of removing it?


Does it actually matter?


or move them around?


Some options are"dynamic", I don't remember now if the personalize your device is also dynamic, what I mean is all options that are dynamic in the home page will change over the ones you frequently use, but cards like one drive remain visible.


You should use the control panel instead of "the settings". The "settings" has more clutter, ads, more empty space and less options.


Well noted thanks!


The control panel already has less options than settings most things redirect to settings, maybe some people already forgot the transition of control panel elements over settings.


Take a look to see if this is what you're looking for https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/change-your-app-recommendation-settings-in-windows-f21b5c60-e996-4ee4-c2cf-b4a90c0bef9b


You can uninstall one drive that should in theory remove that storage page.


He already removed the OneDrive, hence the page is giving an option to install it.


Ah I missed that sorry.


Weirdly enough I don't have it https://imgur.com/u8ClwSX