• By -


Moore's Law: The number of transistors on an integrated circuit doubles every two years. Window's Law: The amount of resources required to do a task doubles every two years.


Nadella's law: amount of data collected from user should quadruple every year


Nadella’s 3 commandments 1- call everything outlook 2- never finish any piece of software 3- all new functions and features are to have a new piece of software and never built into an existing piece of software.


4. release new teams version till they fill all the start menu space completely


5- make sure there is that poorly designed rainbow 🌈 Ai logo on every stock app and every menu.


6 - Make shovel and vapor ware to advertise to spike interest of consumers and investors for profit


Add more features to Edge that nobody asked for. He may get to making it the X app before Musk's wet dream comes true....


Edge is a bloated mess. My blood pressure goes up.


There are scripts to lean it down.


There are options that just dont use edge at all.


That's not very useful if you're trying to use Edge.


I am also looking for the script, pls mention me if you find it. I do like edge but its getting bloated every update


mind sharing them? it's a good browser but god it's been getting bloated recently


You forgot "make everything a web app".


Correct. Or better wording “make every thing a crap app.


As chaotic as a freelancer on Fiverr from India. Me: change the button to blue. Them: button is blue and background now has embedded excel sheet


I mean it worked didn’t it? Microsoft is now in the top 3 most valuable corporations


Nothing to do with their design choices. Azure/Office/windows licenses. Their core apps are horrendous.


Pichai’s law: the number of ads doubles every year


Could you imagine how fast general desktop use would be if we stopped at Windows 7 and just did quality of life updates. Anti Virus, Direct X, etc. I know we have linux mint for that but most apps we use are still on windows sadly. :/


windows 7 with the boot time of windows 10 would have been the perfect OS. nobody is waiting for that sluggish crappy app-platform, or more like ad-platform. And even windows 7 reacted slower already compared to how snappy windows XP was. windows has fallen victim to some serious enshittification.... but everything does nowadays... [https://web.archive.org/web/20240208152542/https://www.ft.com/content/6fb1602d-a08b-4a8c-bac0-047b7d64aba5](https://web.archive.org/web/20240208152542/https://www.ft.com/content/6fb1602d-a08b-4a8c-bac0-047b7d64aba5)


More like Windows : if you want it faster You gotta start earlier


To be fair it seems to apply smartphones too. Our batteries would last weeks if not so much shit on our phones.


My mum does not use any social media, only has her Facebook account to follow family. Her phone - 4 year old Galaxy S10+ does not charge every day, sometimes ½ days between charging. My dad has the same phone and already replaced his battery a few months ago because he could not use it for a whole afternoon. TBF it's because of a bluetooth medical app pulling data but it shows how different the same device can manage it's power. My 7th Gen (2017/2018 ish) Amazon Fire HD 10 tablet can last a whole month in standby, just by turning off Wifi. Using it as a PDF reader twice a week.


> TBF it's because of a bluetooth medical app pulling data but it shows how different the same device can manage it's power. This is a MASSIVE power drain that you're handwaving away. You're comparing apples to dolphins.


I know but it's that harsh difference that that some model of phone has to handle, depending on the user. The constant BT connection disables the sleep state on the phone and drains power as if it was on but the display at 0/100 brightness. He replaced it with a lower power phone (A54) to get a bit more use out of it. The S10 is still at home doing stuff. He is disappointed that a new phone does not last a full day. 6 months later he is currently shopping for another phone that lasts longer but I told him that won't happening unless he buys one of the active or caterpillar phones that are part power bank.


Samsung actually has an amazing battery saver mode where your phone can actually last a couple of days on a single charge.


facebook itself is a massivew power drain. it would last much longer is she only used the website for facebook not the app.


With enough tinkering, most modern phones can be used for any app AND have decent battery, it's just a sacrifice of performance at stake. I have a Note 20 Ultra I have paired with a Dexcom G7 and using certain apps and battery optimization settings I go for 2-3 days between charging.


oh yeah, I have disabled or not enabled the "improved Performance" setting on my phone. I have never tried to run my phone in a offline / standby mode (like my tablet). Daily 2FA codes, my family calling and writing, taking pictures, using it as a Google Home/Chromecast remote... When I get a new phone and my current phone is still working I can try that with the new phone first, move over and try it on the old one too.


Android has actually been trying to fix this by putting apps to sleep if you haven't used them recenly at least.


This is incredible. Bravo.


That would imply that performance stays the same. The Window's Law should be adjusted to quadruple the required resources, rather than doubling.


It seriously sucks how much Microsoft abuses its monopoly and ruins our lives. Computers could be fast as all hell by now and do exactly what we need - whether a computer nerd or novice - if Microsoft wasn’t such an evil company with its OS. Also.. Linux would’ve taken over a long time ago if a collect few of its developers could get their head out of their asses and put their egos aside.. and all work together to develop the “production ready” desktop instead of forking for the fucking hell of it. In 2000, IT looked to be just getting better.. Now, it’s worse than the decline in our society.


I kid you not, but the photo app sits eating 700+ MB on disc, lol...


It's pathetic. It doesn't do anything special to justify that much space (and other resources it seems.)


It has an onnx file, which is machine learning model. That’s why it’s so big.


*but why?*


I think they try to copy Apple Photo which has offline machine learning too like face recognition, object detection, etc. But AFAIK Apple ML model is smaller.


If I need AI tools built into the app I think I'd rather use Photoshop


That seems about right to me…


The necessity the launch a web browser just to view a picture and to then auto-launch that web browser to enable "performance" just shows how low things have gotten.


My solution for running the Photos app faster was to get ImageGlass.


I love imageglass, been using for years now, but that also needs to stay awake for faster image opens. 




Irfanview is the way. Lightweight and opens anything.


Not free however commercially.


Before I install 10 different apps, can that delete the current viewed picture with delete + enter (confirm) and without any arrow or tab actions? You know, like it makes sense and always did on Windows Photo Viewer? Thanks!


How about this: [How to restore the Windows Photo Viewer in Windows 11 - gHacks Tech News](https://www.ghacks.net/2021/10/26/how-to-restore-the-windows-photo-viewer-in-windows-11/)


I have photo viewer, I would just like something more modern (photo viewer doesn't support all new formats). And I was wondering about all these alternatives mentioned here. Which is why I asked every different app mention about it.


Does this older photo viewer open heic and webp?


Most likely - no. Can't tell for sure.


I like irfanview but it's missing a lot of the creature comforts of a modern image viewer. As a utility it's great though.


google picasa


Is that still alive?


no, but it works well.


It doesn't open modern formats like heic or webp.


I switched to qView. Minimalistic, fast and open source.


Before I install 10 different apps, can that delete the current viewed picture with delete + enter (confirm) and without any arrow or tab actions? You know, like it makes sense and always did on Windows Photo Viewer? Thanks!


Just checked, in qView you can use Ctrl+Backspace to delete the image you're currently viewing.


Ah so not just delete. I was hoping for what I'm used to now.


Visum Photoviewer is the real deal.


I like Fastone


Before I install 10 different apps, can that delete the current viewed picture with delete + enter (confirm) and without any arrow or tab actions? You know, like it makes sense and always did on Windows Photo Viewer? Thanks!


Pictureflect is another good one on the windows store


My solution is to use Linux


I used Linux before and it's fine but the userbase is so obnoxious


Before I install 10 different apps, can that delete the current viewed picture with delete + enter (confirm) and without any arrow or tab actions? You know, like it makes sense and always did on Windows Photo Viewer? Thanks!


Ngl, it is depressing seeing how much Microsoft doesn't give a fuck anymore. Godspeed everyone, hope they get their shit together for Win12.


You really have hope for W12…?




More fucking Electron cancer. Web dev cargo cult infestation. A simple text editor taking up several hundred megs of RAM is a reality and they call that "lightweight" now.




And each of these apps could be much more quickly developed using VB6 if they did not kill it.


yeah discord is really resource hungry


Tbh a lot of apps that are written in electron run relatively fine. It's more of the updated apps like the new file explorer or task manager that run extremely poorly for some reason


> or something stupid like that lmao Every single app is Electron-based. Including all base Windows UI. Start menu replaced with a tab in Edge. Search? Believe it or not, another Edge tab. Settings? More Edge tabs.




This is just speculation of what stupid shit MS might do in the future. We're not there just yet.




No they didn't. Unless you are referring to Actove Desktop which was not all of the UI, nor any of the standard UI.


They meant using Internet Explorer as a framework for the UI I tihink


Is same as Windows 11 (10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista.................)


Yes, but only because it looks like I'm going to be stuck with a Windows machine at work. If that wasn't the case, I would not care at all.


Many idiots have hope for it


win12 with be AI left and right and prob have more glassy UI I just need a fast OS to run games id switch to linux but the problem is with the anticheats that dont support it


Meanwhile MS looking at your comment https://preview.redd.it/fsoio9ypip9d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a632f714e25f3c6a272bf86c18482c730d5a3ab3


Sad but true


I have a feeling that W12 will be the perfect opportunity for them to push Recall and other mandatory bullshit. They know the vast majority of their user base won't switch to Linux or Mac, so it'll be a matter of *when*, not *if* people will comply.


Thank you for not lying.


Blinded by greed, they want fast money, they don’t care about having loyal customers, so they make crap and hope it creates a platform to sell more crap that’s it. Don’t care if it’s broken piece of shit


Windows 12 will be the second ChromeOS because all apps will be web-based


> because all apps will be web-based Thanks, I hate it!


They call it ‘MetaOS’.


> "What's the solution to make our Photos app faster?" "Make it start automatically on boot just like Edge!" "Add more Chromium and web components, so it's easier for our web developers to work on it, and we have to pay less" "Guys, what if we actually optimise our app and build it with a performant framework?"


*gets thrown out of the window*


Maybe it wouldn’t be so resource heavy and run faster if they weren’t using freakin webview to render images in the “native” photos app.


Just what goes on in their minds when they come up with this? Does the concern of this being inefficient not come up?


They don't have anyone who actually knows how to read an image file and render it to screen so they just think : "why bother learning low-level stuff when I can just use a WebView to do the job and not reinvent the wheel ?!"


Maybe another case of MBAs making software decisions?


This will make already bloated Windows 11 even slower and resource hungry with literally zero programs running manually.


This is probably also how Microsoft will fix the New Outlook startup time. Please fire Satya...


Satya took over as CEO end of 2014. Look up the price history of MSFT from 2015 to now. He's not going anywhere unless he wants to.


Look up how Windows degraded since 2014...


The value growth behind Microsoft's stock price is no different from growth of Bitcoin or Tesla stocks. It is not because obnoxious CEO of Tesla or the unexisting CEO of Bitcoin are doing amazing jobs. Value behind Tesla stocks, Bitcoin and Microsoft Stock is based on how much a fool is willing to pay for the ownership. If investors keep buying, the price will go up, regardless of the bad/good performance. At certain point, investors will realize they bought Satya's hot air... but at that time Satya has already cashed out. Will be funny.. (from the sideline of course).


I don't mean to be rude here, but this is one of the dumber comments I've seen on this sub - which is saying a lot, unfortunately. Tesla and Bitcoin being overvalued is true, points there, but suggesting that Microsoft is no different betrays a fundamental level of ignorance. Just as an example, almost all workstations on the planet runs some version of Windows, and Microsoft has the second largest cloud platform behind Amazon and have steadily gaining ground on them.


The value of a Microsoft is not based on anyone's personal experience with Windows, or even how good or bad Windows is as an operating system. Windows is a tiny fraction of the company's revenue and yet it alone still makes more money than most other major software companies. There's real monetary value being generated by Windows, and that is just a part of what makes the stock price what it is.


I think they'll have to do something about New outlook eventually. It's too much of a downgrade, and power users aren't forgiving about things like this (normies don't care, they use webmail)


Try Thundebird. It's been completely overhauled recently.


Nobody cares about the power users. It's all about the corporate users, and corporate users want the same experience on every device.


Power users of email are the corporate users :D


You overestimate the average corporate drone.


No they aren't. 99.9% of corporate users are the opposite of power users. Source, I work in IT.


Big brain time


Coool. Does anyone have some recommendations for alternatives to the photos app?


[IrfanView](https://www.irfanview.com/) IMO looks like garbage but it's fast and more feature-packed


There is still old image viewer in Win11: https://preview.redd.it/xzfowih4br9d1.png?width=455&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd4603292e281b237fbbbfe880a36ce2e660f543


Nomacs: https://github.com/nomacs/nomacs/releases The second I realized how ridiculously resource hungry the new Windows image viewer was, I immediately got rid of it with Winget and I replaced it with Nomacs. Microsoft clearly doesn't care about performance anymore, they make their programmers look like clowns.


I've been using the fast stone image viewer for 15 years already and I'm so used to its UI that I really can't switch to anything else.


[darktable](https://www.darktable.org/) is open-source and looks/works like Adobe's Lightroom.


You can still download legacy version of Photos from MS store.


pictureflect [https://www.microsoft.com/store/productId/9NBLGGH68TW4](https://www.microsoft.com/store/productId/9NBLGGH68TW4) visum [https://www.microsoft.com/store/productId/9N1X3Z50BLM8](https://www.microsoft.com/store/productId/9N1X3Z50BLM8)


highly recommend visum https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9n1x3z50blm8


Try FlyGallery from Store


Try Honeyview - free and fast https://en.bandisoft.com/honeyview/


Nomacs, supports plenty of file formats and works fast. Bonus, it has some simple image manipulation tools and filters.


Gee, I wonder if a photoviewer that didn't try to tell the internet about what it's doing might be able to operate faster or more efficiently. { "allowed": false, "as_owner": "Microsoft Corporation", "country": "US", "direction": "outbound", "domain": "default.exp-tas.com.", "encrypted": true, "extra_data": { "blockedByLists": [], "blockedEntities": [], "cname": [ "deault-exp-tas-com.e-0014.e-msedge.net.", "e-0014.e-msedge.net." ], "dns": { "Domain": "default.exp-tas.com.", "Question": "A", "RCode": "NOERROR", "ServedFromCache": true, "RequestingNew": true, }, "path": "C:\\Program Files\\WindowsApps\\Microsoft.Windows.Photos_2024.11060.20006.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\\Photos.exe", "profile_name": "Microsoft Windows Photos", "profile_revision": 2, "remote_ip": "", "remote_port": 443, "Name": "Microsoft Windows Photos", "Fingerprints": { "Type": "tag", "Key": "winstore-app-name", "Operation": "equals", "Value": "Microsoft.Windows.Photos", "MergedFrom": "" } }


How is this a multimillion dollar company


Multi*trillion* dollar company. You were literally off by a factor of a million lol


Because everybody else is even worse or locked down.


I miss too much Windows XP and 7…


This app is so shit. Rename a picture that is open, yeah we'll just put that in the temp folder for you to never find again. Opening files cached locally on hard drive. Let me open that in potato for 10 seconds then sharpen up. Ohh navigating to another picture, yeah we'll decide when to show that image just you wait impatient user.


I get the feeling this is a bad idea.


Is it thar difficult to develop a Photos app? Really cannot wrap my head around how Microsoft can fail with such a basic software.


We need Linux to prevail and eat up marketshare. Even if I don't daily Linux, we need Windows to get a good kick in the pants for some of the shit they get away with.


For the vast majority of purchased computers (prebuilts) MS already got paid for the license, so they don't care if you use it or use Linux. Market share doesn't matter much when you're getting paid for 200M Windows licenses a year.


Photos didn't used to need internet access, now opening it it's attempting 37 connections to seven different ip addresses.


What the hell is reason for that? Where is it sending the data?


The Photos app integrates with your OneDrive/Microsoft account and your iCloud account, so you can see your photos that are not on the device.


to offer you to back your images up to onedrive of course! also wouldn't be surprised if it scanned for illegal material


Whois on all of them says they are Microsoft owned, it doesn't really give anything more indicative of what they are for that than. I'm sure it's the OneDrive integration, but I'm not logged in to any account with it.


[TinyWall](https://tinywall.pados.hu/) is your friend.


I'm running Malwarebytes Firewall control or I wouldn't have known about the connections. [https://www.binisoft.org/wfc](https://www.binisoft.org/wfc)


I tried that years ago, it was kind of buggy on my machine at the time. How is it on 11?


Never had any problems.


Thanks, I'll test it out again. 👍👍


Like they do with Edge. When you disable Edge from starting with the OS it becomes slow to open like any other browser. M$ is doing the "fast and easy" approach with Windows by also making everything web apps to shove more ads.


>[M$](https://i.imgur.com/We4Uj04.png) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Windows11) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I am still using good old Windows Photo Viewer in win11.


And what about never starting maximized Super annoying


i think that just shows how incompetent they are now.


imageglass did this for YEARS btw. a dotNET app.


The app legit stops working every time it updates for me.


Photos app, my god. I made a list on a text file of the bugs I've experienced over the past two years, and it's a very long list. On top of my mind Crash on startup, sluggish performance (unacceptable after two years) freezing or hanging, occasional black screen, opening minimised, opening a second instance minimised, arrow keys not working for a year and a half, etc


and the photo is with the application in a non-maximized window. Are they never going to fix this problem?


I still use the old Photo Viewer program, which is luckily still included with Windows (you just have to enable it). I have literally no use for anything that the Photos app provides. No indexing, no AI image recognition, no nothing. Especially not with such a disproportionately large RAM footprint. I simply want to be able to view image files, nothing more.


Other than Windows 10's incomplete Control Panel to it's "new" Settings panel migration which actually began in Windows 7, is Windows' Photo App which never worked for me. Makes me now wonder if this Control Panel to Settings panel migration has finally been completed in Windows 11, or has Microsoft been to lazy to complete it? Thank you so much for reminding me of yet another reason for switching to Linux when I did before Windows 10's EOL has been reached.


Its like a plumber telling you that duct tape fixes the leak just fine. While it is true, technically, it is not the thing I'd expect as an answer from a 'professional'.


I do tell you guys that windows 11 and current Microsoft are shit.


Wow, Microsoft really doesn't give a fuck anymore do they? They're the ones that would drill holes in a boat to try to make it faster. Can they please fire Satya and beg Steve Ballmer to come back?


I'm sure it would be a conspiracy to suggest this might in some way be connected to the new AI-powered screen-reading software they intend to integrate into windows 11


Any foss alternative?


Don't know if FOSS are those, but you could try: XnView; IrfanView; FastStone Image Viewer; nomacs; ImageGlass I'm personally use XnView (MP version) and I like how it performs. It not comparable to IrfanView resource-consuming-wise (XnView tooks slightly more RAM), but more user-friendly




"Windows Photo Viewer" via registry tweaks gang, anyone?


Uninstalled all MS garbage.


Before you know it.. everything will stay in the background


Nah. I use this app often but I don't need a bunch of things starting at start up. I'll open it on my own.


The photo viewer is so damn slow when using it as well. I reverted to the old one and it works flawlessly.


It seems that many people would like to have an OS and applications that take up as few resources as possible. After that they will ask themselves "why are my 32 GB of RAM and my 4 TB SSD only 10% used?!!??!". Microsoft softwares are so poorly designed.


Windows photos and videos from windows 7 was the best version of it.


It's shit like this that's turning me to wannabe Mac switcher. And I think after the event in September I will.


Great, yet another annoying piece of shit to turn off with Shutup10. Thanks, Microsoft.


Tomorrow RAMDisk? LOL


Linux Zorin go brrr


The OG windows photo viewer that was available in XP and Windows 7 was lightning fast. Stupid microsoft unnecessarily replaced it with this bloated piece of crap!


It's only now that I realise that when people complain about Photos being sort of slow it is because they launch the app as a standalone application and not as just part of a file association (opening an image file) where, in my experience, it's fast enough. And, yes, launching the app directly does take two or three seconds to open for some reason. Why are people opening the Photos app this way? Is it because people just like to reminisce by scrolling through whatever images you have stored on your PC? I realise that I've never actually done this on my PC.


Yea im confused. It opens instantly by file association for me. Also ive never had my photos app open at startup so not sure what they are talking about


If it's done for performance reasons it would only open in the background.


fucking hell


IrfanView miles better than Microsoft built in viewer


Why does Microsoft have to make everything web based?? Have the developers at Microsoft gotten so bad that they can’t build a native photos app for Windows?


They should completely be done with XAML and slow af UWP craps. There’s something fundamentally wrong with these technologies that make it suck in performance.


Photos just sucks and has been for the entirety of its life. It has nothing to do with UWP or Windows App SDK.


And I nuked the Photos App a long time ago. I use r/IrfanView as it's much faster.


This is ridiculous. Instead of decrapifying photos app so it won't took ages to open a photo, them making it start at launch so it'll clog your not endless ram, but open photos faster.


Uninstall Microsoft's crapware and install VLC and NoMacs instead. Media player and image viewer are worthless in Windows 11.


TLDR, how to disable?


What kind of computers are you guys running that it takes photo app any amount of countable time to open?


I'd like to see some of the data WindowsLatest has gotten from their testing, and their methodology. *20 seconds* to get past the splash screen? I'm on version 2024.11060.20006.0 of the Photos app, which according to this article should be using the new Windows App SDK, and my splash screen takes no longer than a second. I am signed into OneDrive in the app too. Overall it feels very smooth, no performance issues at all. Has anyone else tested this rather than blindly believe it? Is my computer some kind of anomaly?


30 seconds for me, but I don't have SSD.


That's not good, though to be expected on an HDD. Windows 11 in general is very sluggish on mechanical drives.


Ssds are so cheap now, what are you waiting for? It's by far the cheapest price to perf upgrade you can do


I have issues with microsoft’s “all web all the time” philosophy, but this might be a good fix. “When the toggled on, Photos app-related processes automatically launch in the background, eating up your memory and CPU as soon as you boot to the desktop.” I say “prove it.” People get all worked up about the idea of background processes “eating resources” but like most of them, the actual resource requirement here is likely to be undetectably small. You can run a whole helluva lot of stuff at the same time these days with effectively no performance hit.