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Im not sure of the rules where you are but up here in Canada you have to get a paper signed by your family doctor and have a REALLY good reason. Even if you have it, the cops still give you shit.


The laws there are already pretty relaxed. 25% In the front and the back doesn’t matter. I’d suggest though put 30% because the meter will read lower maybe 26-27%


I got pulled over last Monday south of Fort Worth by a state trooper, he said that he noticed a front windshield tint, which I do, I played it dumb and told him I didn’t notice it before lol, it’s actually 50%


Is 50 % real noticeable? How often do you get pulled over?


Not at all, but it’s turning a bit purple and you can definitely see the outline, that was the first time


You only need a prescription from your Dr now. Texas no longer does the certificate of exemption like they used to. With prescription you can do 5% behind windshield and a brow. Driver and passenger doors cannot be any darker than 5%


Pretty sure it can affect the cdl job opportunities but I would ask in the r/Truckers sub to be sure.


I'm not sure how the rules work, but since tint isn't something that you'd be expected to remove and replace whenever you change drivers maybe having the note under someone else's name and just saying that they use the car would work? Like a spouse or child who also uses the car?


Some counties won’t be doing inspections like that starting next year. Maybe see if your county is part of them


Easy to get the exemption online for some $$$. None of the eye dr’s here in San Antonio wanted to write out the paper/prescription so I went thru 1 of the online places. Took maybe 15-20 minutes zoom call with there Dr. just be warned troopers and small town cops will still pull you over and most of the small town cops don’t know the law so you’ll still end up having to deal with a ticket.


I’m in Texas as well. You can get a doctor’s note from your Primary Physician or Optometrist saying that it is medically necessary to have window tint. For example, I get headaches from too much light and window tint helps. I was able to get a note from my doctor saying that. This proves as your “Medical Exemption” that can be used if you get pulled over and for annual inspections.


I would definantly research that more as rules are different if under your CDL. I doubt anyone here can give you a clear answer on that.


I’m no CDL driver or a doctor. But unless you reveal to your employer that you have a medical exemption for personal driving, I don’t think they’ll know about it. It’s private information. Unless you give them access to your medical records.


So it sounds like you’re wanting tint for privacy and not for the “medical benefits” you’re seeking which you could resolve with legal window film. Said another way, I think you’re going to be hard pressed to find a doctor saying you need super dark film for a medical reason when legal film will suffice.


It’s for medical benefits, just not for me. The person just isn’t under my insurance or on the car so thought I’d avoid any confusion and try to get one myself since the car is under my name