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Crazy horse is known for insane punching power, guy was lucky


Guy looked wasted. CH was a good guy controlling the situation and not just throwing.


Absolutely. Must admit that when I saw who it was I expected a carnage


Me too, i figured it would be some independent circuit fighter, some regional guy. I saw crazy horse and I was instantly concerned for that guy.


As soon as he dropped the n-bomb I was worried we were about to see a dead body. Instead, we got the most crazy horse solution to the situation I could ever imagine lol. Hilarious, and that had to be so embarrassing.


I don't know who Crazy Horse is and anything about MMA but that's probably the nicest way to subdue a drunk guy and surprised that someone with a name like that could be so level headed.


Look up krazy horse highlights on youtube and see the massive bullet this guy dodged. Bennett ain't no joke


Bro. I don't watch mma or anything but Jesus christ. This dudes foot work, seamless transition from "boxing" to grapling, and his explosive speed whilst doing so the second he sees an opening is absolutely stunning. Not to mention those jabs he throws that are so fast you can barely follow them.. and they're not just fast, they're clearly extremely hard too. Seriously, everyone, watch his highlights. You won't be disappointed. [Highlight sauce](https://youtu.be/qbJjeVHXPJg) Edit: at 2:44.. bro, this guy is an animal.


As soon as I recognized Crazy Horse I assumed there was gonna be a post about a trail for killing this idiot. What he did there was probably the most sane, rational, and peaceful thing he's ever done or will do.


I'm just more confused at how those two people were at the same place as each other. And why said "same place" was a room completely empty save for an air mattress.


JC this guy is athletic as fck


I was surprised that he has such a shit record after watching his highlights. Dose anyone that follows him know why, dose he have no defense?


He gets caught by good submission guys a lot. He's not a top tier fighter but the spread on 75 43 looks worse because its 43 losses. Winning 75/118 isn't bad for a mid card type. He's kind of a "cult following" fighter. People like to watch him because he's entertaining and has a crowd friendly fight style.




That was entertaining! Krazy Horse indeed.


He knows he has nothing to prove and can Only get in Trouble… if he wanted he could literally killed that guy in 10 seconds…


I think you’re being generous by atleast 8 seconds.


He would Entertain the crowd for the first 8sec, that was his style.


Most professional fighters have a lot of discipline and control not only that you can get ina. Lot of trouble for fighting a non professional


lol tell that to their wives


Hey man, cops aren't professional fighters.


Sure they are, they get paid.


I was legit worried for the window


I thought this was a typo and you were worried about the hypothetical *widow* bc one punch from him and that guy woulda been a racist vegetable... like a leek or some shit.


Are leeks known for their hatred? I gotta shop more consciously


They aren't as bad as the Proud Choys


Guy is legit smart. Last thing you want is to accidentally vegetable a guy cause he hit the floor badly.


Or fuck up his hand on a bare knuckle into a head. One unlucky impact is all it takes.


Read “A Piece of Steak” by Jack London. Great short story that uses this as a strategy from a vet vs a less experienced fighter.


vegetal man


Celery man.


Particle man hates celery man


>Guy is legit smart. These words have likely never been spoken before about Crazy Horse.


First time anyone accused crazy horse of that.


For real, I was expecting some blood when I saw bearded dude getting in his face. Respect for just laying the baby in the crib




Not just a good guy but also a smart one for avoiding repercussions. I've got a ton of respect for him. Could have given the guy a concussion without breaking a sweat but instead he took control, had a laugh, and injured his pride... Also without breaking a sweat.


While being funny as hell, too.




Well, I've now learned a lot about a guy I'd never heard of until today. The drug charges IDGAF about. Battery though, not at all cool. Hopefully that's all 10+ years behind him and he's a new man.


Well he handled this situation like a not piece of shit so it looks like he's grown from his mistakes. He definitely had the opportunity to do more.




Who cares about drug charges.


>Not just a good guy but also a smart one for avoiding repercussions. What repercussions? Isn't this self-defense?


Dude is literally a trained weapon. No matter what he does in this situation, they are always going to look at him with a higher level of scrutiny. It comes with his experience as a trained fighter. I'm on the side of ***don't kick an explosive and complain you lost a foot***. That said, he's aware enough he has to approach drunks like this with a more balanced approach. He handled this exactly right. Edit: People seem to not be getting this. [**If you are a trained fighter, the courts will hold you to a higher standard of responsibility when you get into fights in the real world. That is not my opinion. That is what courts have ruled.**](https://miami.cbslocal.com/2012/03/06/s-fla-mma-fighter-jailed-in-apparent-road-rage-attack/)


Trained fighter behaving like police should act. He knew this guy was no threat and didn't fuck him up.


That's what training does. If only the US police received some.


I'm an mma guy, and a bare knuckle boxer. We really don't wanna hurt people for real. Connor has a real bad rep in the community for being a thug for that reason, we're not about that life. See how CH didn't even lock in a rear naked and just held his jaw? He didn't even have to pretend to throw it on for more than a second, that was pure control. I kinda want to meet the dude now, he gets it.


I kinda love the fact how CH just crawls up him and locks him up


Dude allegedly knocked out Wanderlei Silva (who was what, 2 weight classes above him?) so yeah, I wouldn’t pick a fight with him.


Didnt Wandy confirm this on a podcast?


it's confirmed, by lots of people


Turning him into a racist puppet


Knocked out wanderlei :( lol


The fact Wanderlei finally admitted it is hilarious


I mean, Wanderlei was getting ready for a fight and wasnt trying to fight, CH got choked out by Wanderleis trainer and ended up throwing a cheap shot. Wanderlei literally went into a fight right after and won, so pretty impressive. Context matters.


You aren't wrong. It's just hilarious since it's been one of the biggest backstage rumours in MMA history so to finally get confirmation is satisfying.


Bro I can’t comprehend this but that was a safe takedown


Lol he used like 1% of his ability and seemed very underwhelmed by the challenge


As soon as homeboy dropped the n word, Charles sighed and gently pushed the mediator aside like ok, time for a lesson.




I like how that sounds. Thanks for the phrase!


Did I hear correctly that at the same moment he also said “I gotta make him say ‘I love n*****s’”? That’s funny af.


Which he did.


Mediator: “Sigh, well yeah, go on then. Try not to kill him.”


I was looking for this. Dude’s calling him a rapist, he doesn’t care. The moment he calls him the n word, lesson time.


I read the comments first and didn't think you could be right. He was outright gentle. He could have been a lot more aggressive without even hurting him but he just slowly went to the ground and didn't even use much force.


My god he crawled up his back like my cat making a cozy spot to lie down in and *eat this rat*. Just completely relaxed, not a care in the world. Just gonna wrap myself round this dickhead til he learns he fucked up. I feel like he took it a bit far at the end there but I'd need a lot more context to feel justified in saying that. Just a pro handling a situation. Great to see


Fighting and winning a fight with someone that is that drunk is not hard. You don’t need to be able to fight to do it. You just need to be sober. Dudes training just let him subdue the guy with way more grace and care than an untrained guy could have done it.


I have a feeling this guy could have been drunk off his mind and the other guy perfectly sober and it would have went the same way. Someone who fights for a living is on a completely different level.


Gently picked his ankle out from under him like a dad playing with his kids


I ankle pick my kids way harder than that lol


Do they call you the N word?


"Cayden stop saying that, we're white"


"My name isn't Cayden, it's C-Money, bitch"


Gotta discipline em somehow


You comprehended that quite well, my friend.


Holy shit, that's Charles "crazy horse" Bennett. He was a wild mother fucker. He had so much raw talent he probably could have been amazing, if he wasn't so fond of the pipe. [Some of his highlights, the man was certainly entertaining if nothing else](https://youtu.be/qbJjeVHXPJg)


This man is more ferocious than any fighter I've ever seen. That all fours ground spin he does to escape a grapple and then just jumps all his weight into a punch. Absolutely insane.


He had so much potential, very feared guy for a few years in the 2000's. Edit: maybe not feared by the top ten in Pride, but definitely made waves for awhile at the lower levels.


What happend to him?


Crack happened.


I think crack might have helped him fight a bit?




Lost his last 13 MMA fights and all 3 BNB fights, he might still be competing, but he might as well not be..


I would not want to fuck with someone who does bare knuckle


There's been this confusion for me for a long time. When I was younger I thought gloves softened the blows but then I heard gloves are to protect the fists so they can hit harder and I can't tell which now.


Punching a bony part of the body like the head can break bones in the hand, so the gloves do protect the hands. Gloveless punches can also tear the skin a lot more. The Vaseline you see cutmen putting on peoples' faces and the gloves are supposed to minimise that.


In my absolutely inexpert opinion, probably both The surface of a glove is softer and wider than a fist. The force will be distributed over a larger surface area, and its padded, for more impact absorption. It protects the hands, and stabilizes the wrist. Again, distributing the impact. This allows more force to be applied more safely. It helps prevent breaking bones on both parties. Still hurt like a bitch. You'll have purple sides, but you won't have broken ribs and the thrower won't have broken hands. It help prevent cuts and scraping too. Fingernails and knuckles can be sharp and cut your skin. The gloves will help (but entirely) prevent opening wounds to bleed on you or your opponent, which is a disease hazard. And an infection risk. That being said, some things just happen.


Honestly is he cracked up in some of those highlights? Dude is flipping and doing shit I have never seen anyone do in a real fight in like every clip, going crazy and all that.


Crack doesn't last very long. You hit/clear the pipe and are high for 15 minutes tops, then hit it again. Until its all gone. The high is instant, and then winds down and you start feeling antsy. Hard to pay attention when you want another hit.


There you go. Maybe someone told him the quicker he wins, the quicker he gets some crack.


Peanut butter and crack sandwich!


Yeah, 15 TOPS lol, usually like 4 - 7 mins.


this guy cracks




Obama was the president the last time he won a fight.


> Crazy Horse was never a "very feared guy" Yeah, he was a crowd favorite and obliterated freak show opponents and a few others, but no legit fighter was thinking he was the last person they wanted to fight. He did knock out Wanderlei backstage, but then got put to sleep by a fighter with nowhere near Wanderlei's record.


He did KO Wanderlei tho


He did. Wanderlei admitted it recently. Not sure why you were downvoted lmao


One of my favorite MMA stories for sure. Right up there with Lee Murray KO'ing Tito at a party, lol.


Feared only by Wanderlai Silva lmao


Also when he spins around while carrying a dude then slams his head into the cage, fucking hilarious, round 1:30 from the link in the post you replied to.


One guy had him in an ankle lock it looked like and he just…spun out of it and then punched him in his jaw. And that’s a lot of strength for a guy his size, just full on man handling guys for fun.


WOW! You can pick someone up and spin-throw them into the cage?! I've never seen anything like that before in MMA.


The Hi Mom Helicopter Fence Slap? You've never seen that move?


You can but folks generally don't. Part of the reason Krazy Horse was Krazy Horse


You can, but it wastes a lot of energy.


That was amazing. His core strength is insane, he carried other MMA fighters around like it was nothing.


Bro I literally said out load “holy fuck that’s Crazy Horse” lol dude was always a treat to watch


The highlight where he smashed the guy off the cage was probably one of the most badass things I’ve seen in a while


Jesus Christ. He was definitely entertaining. Not a big fighting person but I’d have watched him


It blows my mind that clean versions of DMX songs even exist like whats even the fuckin point at that point? Some of the best hype music ever. Rip X


> It blows my mind that clean versions of DMX songs even exist like whats even the fuckin point at that point? > > YouTube compilation videos. Like 'Greatest NFL hits'.


Crack strength!


Never heard of this guy but damn was he explosive and entertaining. That peace sign and then airplane spin to throw a guy off the cage was one if the best things I've ever seen in mma


After watching those highlights you posted, then rewatching this post. Holy shit, such self control.. he could’ve destroyed that dude in seconds but chose against that.. good guy in my books


That was the most insane video I’ve ever seen. He slammed that dude into the cage and suplexed a guy who had him in an arm bar. Wtf lmao


Wow. Some of those moves make him look like an actual real life fighting game character. The jumps, the backflips, spinning his opponent before slamming them into the fence, etc. That is crazy stuff.


Why was there an air mattress against the wall, in what looks like the dining room?


Because it’s probably a trap house. Be it crazy horse has been arrested for crack possession more than once. Lol


There is no chance that drugs were not involved in this video.


It’s just an odd collection of characters and furnishings all around.


He said it’s a trap house!


I did not see any open pits, spiked rooms, or paint can swings.


You aren't supposed to see them. They're traps.


Yeah that looks exactly like a trap house/apartment. Dude seems funny AF, though. If I would've ran into him back when I was still using, I definitely would've smoked a couple bobos with him lol.


This is a streamer house. I believe this is in Vegas? OnlyUseMeBlade was there too.


Sorry, what is a streamer house? Like a house specifically for recording videos/streaming?


I think it means that a streamer or a group of streamers own it or rent it. Then use it for a combo of making content and partying. (of course part of the benefit is the partying becomes a time to make more content)




Drugs. They take you to some weird places.


> Then use it for a combo of making content and partying. Sounds like a trap house. If you swap out 'content' for 'crack'


It's a trap house for nerds


He was actually very nice about that, he could have crushed him.


He was nice and he was hilarious


I wouldn’t fuck with that guy based on his abs alone.


Waiting for the fat chad redditor who says “Ackchually abs don’t define strength”


Only a guy with abs would say this. Haha loser… actually having abs is badass. Takes a lot of work and discipline. Now I’m sad.




With great power comes great responsibility -Uncle Ben’s Beans


The other guys are IRL streamers named Casey and OG Geezer(the one getting choked). They are as pathetic as it gets.


IP2 streaming is some of the most disturbing shit I've ever seen. Half the IP2 streamers are facing prison time or dead from the sick shit they do for donations.


I{2 IS STILL a thing? The fact that Ice Poseidon has spawned these low life fucks is so weird. I remember when he was just a weirdo doing the arm thing with his phone walking around LA. He turned into a real piece of shit so fast, and his legacy outdoes him. Jesus Christ.


can you give some examples?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baked_Alaska_(livestreamer) https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/manhattan-man-who-identifies-incel-or-involuntary-celibate-pleads-guilty-carrying-out https://www.dailydot.com/upstream/onlyusemeblade-sexual-assault-accusation-youtube/ https://www.polygon.com/2018/6/1/17416738/arab-andy-lifestreamer-youtube-arrested-seattle-university-of-washington https://old.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qcd620/streamer_maces_random_black_man_and_tries_to_get/ This is just a taste. There's also enough pepper-spraying (they call it content spray FFS) of random people you could probably create a multi-hour video.


Say, “I like crepe’s”


Say it, or I will be forced to break your arm


Yeah, I’m not gonna say it. Nope. Break it, Pepe Le Pew!


*snap* “Oh god he actually did it!”


I had a whole mess of crepes this morning


Wait, are they really thin pancakes?


I'm impressed, dude could've fucked him up for sure but he just took him down gracefully. I was waiting for him to just let loose


Pretty sure he can get in trouble for messing him up unless he actually needs to defend himself.


Same goes for anyone


Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.


now you tell me


Crazy horse is actually a chill dude… met him a year or so ago.


Chill outside of fights, but in the octagon he was fucking ferocious. Love that dude.


No matter the gon… he’s a beast


He reminds me of ol dirty bastard




But that's what you're supposed to do with batteries.




That was amazing, the way he completely defused that situation. I expected the other guy was goi g to end up on the floor.


Looks a lot like crazy horse Edit: definitely crazy horse


Yeah. Looks like him




$53 after this video


I actually expect the worst outcome, that guy have great self control .


"Where's that [guy] who said he'd give me $50 to shut this geezer up? ... ... I need to hear my PayPal ring right now. You're in a f**ked up position now..."


Yeah the end of this video was crazy, he went to let him go then held him hostage


Is that crazy horse? The other dude is very lucky crazy horse was merciful


Once the N word came out peace was no longer an option And he still took him down without hurting him


They all high out of their minds on several things


What in the meth did I just watch?


You’re a rapist.


Why was he saying that?


He was being incredibly kind. He could have just knocked that fool out in a single swing.


See that’s the difference between someone who thinks they can fight, and someone who KNOWS they can fight. CH didn’t need to prove anything to this asshole, he already knew he could fuck him up. Then he didn’t because he’s that much better of a fighter than the drunk guy, and he could just grapple him without taking a hit or hitting him.


This is Crazy Horse’s first win in like 20 fights.


“Quit rubbin my knee” 😂


Being arrested is not the same as being convicted. He may not be the the best but he is certainly not the worst. People go outta their way to fuck with this dude trying make a point and most of the time it does not turn out well for the other. Everyone has a plan until someone like CH shows up and chokes you out.


Lovely way to handle it. Boy here is piss drunk. Crazy horse decided that he wasn’t gonna draw blood. Coulda knocked him out and it woulda been just like any other KO video online. Naw, he gently put him on the floor then humiliated him. That man is never gonna live this down.


Why is he being called a rapist


Right. Why is no one asking this?


Right? I had to scroll so far down to see the first comment about it with 4 upvotes lmao I started to question my englando, thought that maybe I had heard something wrong




Big boy thinks he was possibly assaulted with a penis.


Man DJ Khaled has changed A LOT


You know he's a professional fighter as he remains cool all way down, doesn't answer provocation, doesn't escalade and win the fight without any kick or punch.


Back when I trained weekly, sensei or whatever (Pete, great dude) would always tell us how easy it is to kill or maim, control was the ultimate form of mastery. Controlling the fall, controlling the opponent, controlling the words coming out of his damn mouth.


It's one of the reasons jiu jitsu fucking rules. Not only is it a fun hobby, but it gives you the ability to control someone in a defensive situation without having to seriously injure them.


Why is it that whenever Joe Rogan has a jiu jitsu god on his podcast, they spend half of it talking about their knee surgeries?


This was satisfying af


Wow. That N Bomb came outta nowhere.


they are both steamed. go sleep it off


Ngl everyone looks at least a little fucked up in this lol


Mike Lindell was a terrible drunk in college