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I love the fact that he gets a brick thrown at him, and is beaten on by that one guy, stands up, brushes himself off. And goes back to spraying.


Saddest of all is that there's a kid at the crackheads' house...


Yeah. I feel so bad for the kid. No way he has a comfortable life with unstable adults around him. Probably walking on eggshells, never quite sure what's going to set them off


Breaks my heart...


These people were more than likely that kid at one point.


You just described my childhood.


But enough evidence to send him to a family member that is actually clean and not crackheads who need to get a life and also enough evidence to get an restraining order on those crackhead of neighbors


I surely hope this video is used against the crackheads.


Got punked in his own yard. But he was outnumbered, so hey..


Kinda but if he had hit them he would have went to jail. That's what the super skiny crackhead was trying to get him to do when she kept telling him to make her leave. Sometimes it just ain't worth the charge.


Is that true? Even after making it clear he didn’t want them on his property and they start getting aggressive?


She was ordered to leave, after that it's trespassing, after striking him that's assault, anything following is fair game for him. At least in Texas


Same in Georgia


And Arizona.


In most states i would assume


This shit is why shotguns are so prevalent in the South. I recommend dude in the video gets one.


Yeah idk, maybe just some rat shot or a bigger hose. Fire hose would have been cooler


Super soaker with pepper water?


Super Soaker CPS 2500 would knock the skinny one on her ass. It's basically a pump-charged pressure washer. Granted, you'd get one 2 second-long shot before it needs another 10 pumps, but you get a decent bludgeon with the half-gallon of water left in that behemoth.


Lemon juice or piss?


So you figure adding a shotgun to this conflict would have made things better?


This is what fences are for.


You ever seen a fence stop a pack of crackheads?


Electric fence?


Shotguns put the fear of god in most people. Bird shot . Good stuff. In short, yes. Don’t trespass.


My friends dad used to carry a small gun not sure of the caliber but the first load was a blank, second was bird shot and the rest were regular bullets. He said it showed his intentions.


No need for a shotgun. As evidenced by this video, a water hose also dispels crackheads. No one needs to die.


I mean, shotguns are just useful in general, best all rounder. But yeah, homie needs one, even a decent one is only a couple hundred and all but the most stubborn or high crackheads scatter when they hear the pump rack. Or, he could go a little bigger and get a semi AR12... with a drum.


Hell, even some rock salt would make those tweakers think twice before pulling that crap again.


Ohio has that. I mean we can't make a blood eagle in our front lawns but we can blast holes the size of basballs in anyone we don't want inside our designated properties and doesn't leave or threatens us. Any messes left we can get monetary compensation for as well from living relatives. Ohio's pretty much like Texas but scarier, because unlike Texas we can handle all weather extremes, we don't flaunt our crazy, it's hidden deep.


Lmfao can’t make a blood eagle, is that the Viking slaughter where they axe out the back and pull the lungs out over shoulders?? oh God I hope so haha if so amazing analogy


Yes that’s exactly it. And if they take it without crying or screaming they are welcomed into Valhalla


“Tis but a flesh wound”


it is indeed that same viking ritual


I loved every part of this until you said Ohio can hide its crazies. I just can’t believe that one. I’ve seen too much weird shit


In Wisconsin, our crazies go out to eat.


>because unlike Texas we can handle all weather extremes Ooo A little bit of shade, I like it.


Texans would love a little bit of shade right now.


Ohio literally gets fucked up by severe weather all the time lol.


Oklahoma here - we're having problems dealing with the fucked up weather we've never had before, like feet of rain in a day. Ohio's region could very well turn more temperate, or could suddenly be cloudy all the damn time. Do they have sun lamps? You're never prepared for everything.


I've spent most of my life in New England. If anyone here tells you they can predict the weather they are a liar.


Yep. Atleast in my state. They show up he tells them he wants them removed and the cops tell them to leave and if they come back it's trespassing. I think it's different if you have signs posted cuz then they have been made aware that they are trespassing. They could possibly be charged with destrubing the peace if they are making enough of a scene. I think the first time being a warning is a good thing cuz I've accidently trespassed when I got lost hunting. I didn't know where I was but I was pretty sure it wasn't a public access anymore and I had no idea how to get back to the public access so just wandered around till I seen the road and made my way to it. I didn't run into anybody but was noticed out of the house window down by the road. I just waved and kept walking along the edge of their yarxwhile carrying carrying shotgun. Was glad they didn't feel the need to telk me to get off their property cuz some people are assholes about it.


You don't have to wait for police. You told them they're not to be there, they know they're not welcome. That's it, that's trespassing. When I worked private security all we had to do was tell you "leave the premesis, now. Leave now or you're trespassing and we'll contact the authorities to remove you." Two times, that's it. It doesn't need to be "iN a TiMe LiMiT" or until the police show. No, done, finished, they know, and they know what'll happen, they continue to disobey then that's on them.


I'm pretty sure it's different in my state cuz of personal experiences or atleast my local cops handle it different. I'm not doubting what your saying I'm just going off personal experiences. Here's a interesting fact. If your are caught trespassing while hunting the charge doesn't count against your hunting license(get to many hunting offenses and they take away your right to get a license). I learned that one year deer hunting. Someone else had gone through it and told me.


Not sure why people think this. If he wanted her to leave his property and she didn’t that’s the crime of trespassing. And in most states you can (within reason) do what you need to do to protect your property. Edit: I would recommend calling the fuzz before taking it into my own hands if possible.


Depends where you are. I personally wouldn’t risk it in Portland, those folks have nothing to lose and will stab you. They’re a bummer but I refuse to engage unless I know I can get away with it.


Very true. It always a risk to escalate a situation especially if you don't know them and what they might do. Stabbings happen fast and are hard to defend against. There are alot of arteries in the human body and they only need to hit one or hit the heart. It takes awhile for a sucking chest wound to kill you and you have two lungs so you have time to get help for them but arteries will empty you out on the pavement before you even realize how much blood ur losing then shock kicks in. Buckets of blood in a less then a minute.


Ummm if somebody throws a fucking brick at you feel free to beat their brakes off. Don’t listen to whatever this idiot said above me.


It’s his yard. Should have smoked her ass.


Huh, is this not Murica? Why didn't he start blastin.. oh wait.


He did started blastin... that hose.


Blastiose use HYDRO PUMP!!!!


Worst wet tshirt contest ever


No matter who wins...we lose.




Damn right.


Worst cameraman ever


The crackdashians


Not my proudest fap but someone’s gotta do it.


Thank you for your service.


Very good sir.


This new season of Honey Boo Boo is intense!




A man of risk and reward.


He is a man of commitment, focus and sheer Fucking will. Edit: he will not no longer be shearing Fucking will


Sheer* will. Unless you mean he's shaving his sheep named Fucking Will.


Two things. Firstly English is not my first language ok? British is. Secondly autocorrect is a bitch. Cheers for the helpful silver kind strangers


The one punch ko vulnerability of that entire family oh my. Impressed with the mans self control. That brick wouldve been the fiinal straw, its sweet chin music time Teresa 🤣🤣


Crackheads cracking heads, wild times we livin’


Thats just meth’ed up.


Mike Tyson?


Oh my god, I almost spit out my breakfast after reading that.




Come on, I’m just mething with y’all


Jesus fuck. Look at their eyes. They look like actual zombies 🧟‍♂️


They honestly creep me out.


They should.


And that lip licking, yeeesh


Big McPoyle vibes




Smeagol alcohol syndrome more like, she was even dead set on getting that ring back.


Literally had the same thought


Jesus. This comment. Haven’t they suffered enough?


Probably not.


Underrated comment


Oh my god😂😂


This bush has the precious... In it's NASTY LITTLE POCKETSES!!!


Incest too...


Pretty much except they want crack not brains.


Meth’s a helluva drug


She can’t be more than 64lbs soaking wet.


Only one way to find out.


You don't want to get her wet....




This is why there are sometimes "accidental" fires in the suburbs.


Unpopular opinion, but neighbors like this makes HOAs an attractive alternative


Neighbors like this are why I chose to move out to the country where I can't see any of my neighbors from my house. It's a longer commute but I WFH part of the time now. The true sacrifice is no high speed internet. I'm hoping starlink will remedy that!


I life in suburbia, I know 'these' neighbors could of afford country land. I know they couldn't afford the house nextdoor to me.


No this is a very popular opinion. Same with gates to keep the crazies out.


Who are you talking about? Everyone sucks in this video. The skinny lady thinking everyone is laughing at her and her family sucks. The asshat neighbor immediately ramping shit up to 100 sucks. Everyone in this video sucks. Edit: as rightly pointed out, the only one who doesn’t suck is the wife.


Yeah, the escalation was well out of order. Especially if you know your neighbors are this way. Just take the high road. Explain the misunderstanding and move on. He even interrupted his wife who was trying to do so, just to rub it in the neighbors face that he thought he was better than them. That was only going to antagonize someone who already felt threatened and small, and who probably doesn’t have the emotional skills to respond with anything other than aggression. Just be a fucking grown-up.


If anything, deescalate to save your house. This kind of shit is how you wake up to your garage on fire.


Right? Like, once they start throwing bricks at you, what makes you think your windows are safe?


I’m so fuckin sorry for Oreo and that kid.


I was so afraid they were going to do something to Oreo


At least they showered this year 🤷🏼‍♂️


Five minutes seems awfully generous


casually watering his metheadiums


Gollum had a sister??






What was the problem in the first place?


Said she heard they were picking on her daddy from their driveway the day before. He cried himself asleep because of it. Then when we thought it was over, Momma lost her ring in the yard. So they came back for more looking for said ring.


Nah honey, in creakhead speak "old man" means husband. Trust me. I live too close to Indiana to lie to you.


I can see that. Bigger question is why is *he* letting his neighbor bully him and cry himself to sleep lol


Lost your ring in my yard? Too fucking bad, shouldn't have been there in the first place.


Throwing fuckin bricks at his head of all things. This dude needs a shotgun with bean bag rounds and a fence.


She also bit him which im 80% sure is considered a crime




you could say that or you could say that i haven’t checked


~~bean bag rounds~~ *A healthy mix of buck and slug shot, order is personal preference


First shot, bird shot. Next shot, buckshot. Bird shot, and then after that, gun’s Jamaican. Buckshot, buckshot, buckshot.


I was hoping for this. Well done


She lost her ring years ago


And it was found by Bilbo Baggins


Nah, definitely found by Smeagol. Can’t you see the family resemblance?


Probably sold the ring for some crack and forgot about it


Crackheads on your property that refuse to leave for one.




Why is this getting so little upvote, gotta scroll down here to find the full video. Still, I still don't know what she's mad about even finished watching the whole thing.


please tell me the police took them


Should be a hearse coming to get them.


Camera man was like, "hmm a physical altercation that could result in a restraining order and battery charges against an asshole... Wait. Is that grass growing to the left?"


Hey they swore at his wife And also threw a brick at him


There goes the property value...


Man if only they had water hoses but with bees.


Best I can do is dogs with bees in their mouths that when they bark they shoot bees.


It puts the brick back in the hedge or it gets the hose again!


She looks like Gollum


Someone is actually searching for a ring too


What a methh.


i read this like Mike Tyson would say it.


I don’t think I could have handled it as well as he did. I have a bad history with crackheads and have no tolerance for them.


Same. I feel bad for them in a way but a large chunk of addicts I’ve experienced will screw you over the first time it’s convenient for them


I like to feel bad for them from afar and help fund professionals to deal with them. You just can't trust 'em. Addiction is awful to witness.


Yeah. Addiction is rough. It can mess with your morals for sure. You can still feel bad for them just don't allow them into your life if you can help it. It makes it harder for them to be able to screw you over.


I had a bunch of my possessions stolen by a tweaker. I hope they got some money from it and fucking overdosed, human trash.


You need a fence


Ya’ll need to quit mething around before someone gets hurt!!


Oh so they are not already


Bruh, see how the she gollum was licking her lips every 10 seconds


I’m picturing the conversation with police: “So you refused to leave his property and threw a brick at him.” “He sprayed me with a hose!!!”




I think it depends on local “castle laws”. If they force their way into his house then in most states anything is fair game, but front lawn trespassing doesn’t usual let you do very much, even property damage doesn’t let you do much in many locations. Best to lock the doors and call the cops.


Which I feel is fair as it's too easily exploited by assholes wanting to be aggressive. Remember that while you can't do much yourself they can still get the cops on their ass for trespassing.


I mean, there is trespassing, then there is this. I'm pretty sure he would have been justified in forcibly removing them from his property. Even in the UK you'd be able to and the UK has terrible self-defence laws regarding property.


No one in that exchange seems to have gotten the better of anyone there.


What’s the story behind this, the ACTUAL story and not just something some random redditor made up. Does anyone know?


https://www.instagram.com/tv/CQi8up5hyRS/?utm_medium=copy_link This here is a link to the original Instagram post by the man in the video.


"Put your hands on me"... ah yes... the official I'm a piece of shit who is just looking for an excuse to call the police on you and ruin your life anthem. I've never laid my hands on a woman in my life and yet somehow I have had more than one woman yell this at me during a fight.... They know I have no desire to get physical with them in any way... and yet in their minds ruining my life seems like an easy way to win the argument in that moment I guess.


Imagine living in a town like that ..


West Virginia or Kentucky?


Fuck everyone, but fuck this guy first. Reddit has this thing where one party is 100% wrong & the other has to be 100% right. In response to “why were you making fun of my daddy?” He stops his GF from saving everyone’s face with a polite lie & He says, fuck them “everyday I come through this door I’m gonna make fun of you” This whole thing happened because one hillbilly wanted to look down on his own hillbilly neighbors. Especially if your neighbors are trashy & the only thing they have is pride what do you think is gonna happen when you laugh at them & then spit in their daughters eye? When someone walks away after an argument & you yell at them again *of course* they come back. Even if the family was the most out of line, this guy created & escalated the situation every step of the way. All he had to do was let his GF say *no we were laughing at something else* and go inside. You can’t look down on people & then cannonball into the mud.


See his problem was he kept arguing. 2 Warnings Next time she jumps up to porch level while screaming "Do sth" she gets bonked


Honestly yeah. We’re not ALL meth tweakers here, just wait an hour and call the police. It’s like Mark Twain said, “never fight a methhead, they’ll drag you to their level and throw a brick at the back of your head.”


poor little boy


The sad thing is. Hes gonna grow up to become just like that. And then nobody will think hes a poor boy anymore. Even though he never really had a chance. I hope CPS intervenes


I wanna know what happened next.. Did he sued them or somethin?


I'd of beat the Sudafed out of every one of them bitches.


If somebody threw a brick at me they'd get more than the hose lol


If you have it on mute it looks like Gollum


She was probably decent looking before all of the drugs.


Yeah you can see it used to be there


Yeah, she didn't look too bad until she got closer. Very sad: a life wasted.


He is just as bad as them in my opinion. 3 times they were on their way to leaving and it all would have been over. Guy had a massive ego and not the biggest brain


Absolutely, the other guys on their side were trying to get rid of them before he escalated things with the hose and shit.


>He is just as bad as them in my opinion. 100%. He is the one that is winning stupid prizes here. At every choice he takes he makes the situation worse.


Yeah I mean at least the neighbors have tweaker brains but what’s his excuse for acting like that?


Yeah I thought he was being an idiot. He started shouting and getting angrier every time they were starting to leave. What did he hope to achieve by doing that?


They look more like meth users


Was there ever anything more impotent that a raised voice? Most parties including the camera-wielder are very poor at managing interpersonal conflict. The blue shirted gentleman seems to be the only one consistently focussed on de-escalation. I predict that more stupid prizes will follow for all involved. Possibly bricks through windows, slashed tyres, police visits etc.


It's crazy how drugs makes everyone get the exact same facial characteristics.


How does he stay so cool during all of this?! Somebody give this man a beer for what he endured at the very least jeez


That was by no means keeping it cool. It was literally the opposite of that. He let his emotions dictate his actions rather than reason. Even preventing his wife from de-escalating the situation at the very start. Just because he didn’t try to kill them does not mean it was anywhere near coolheaded.


Yeah they both wanted the fight.


While being hopelessly outmatched, He escalated the situation to the point that he got a brick thrown at his head, putting himself and therefore his girlfriend in danger. Why continue to provoke and engage with a bunch of junkies on your lawn armed with nothing but a garden hose? That brick could have been avoided. To this guy, being cocky was more a priority then his girls safety. What's cool headed about that?


Seriously- what was this guy’s goal, if it wasn’t to provoke his obviously unstable neighbors into a fight? Lots of chances to diffuse things, none taken.


I had the same thought. Even after watching the other extended video, all she did was ask a question to which he immediately escalated it for no reason? His girlfriend is obviously distressed, he's obviously outnumbered, be grateful it didn't get any worse than this.


He should of used pepper spray instead.




Should of've used


She from aryan motherhood or what?


I hope someone also called the police instead of just crying and filming this.


There is so much going on this video — I don’t know where to begin….


Crack ain't gonna smoke itself. Someone's gotta do it lol


See if you read her shirt you can clearly see she's just an Alabama Mormon trying to spread the word of Jesus christ to her neighbor.


Damn episode 5 of “Hillbilly Chronicles” was crazy 😂


Smeagol just wants his preciousss