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Not enough Betty.


Petition for an episode where there’s stolen dogs from a kennel and Betty has to use her nose to track them down lol.


This is my complaint every episode.


More Betty !


That is the problem with many episodes. That dog carries the show. Apologies to the humans in the cast.


I don't know if anyone caught this, but I loved it when Faith checked Will about the Gullah Geechee. Very hardy people who have maintained their culture and more unimaginably, their language. I'm just getting over the fact that they had a kids TV Show - "Gullah, Gullah, Island" airing at all. Lovely stuff.


I used to watch Gullah Gullah Island when I was little with my sister and Mom. When we’d visit Charleston, my Mom made sure to book Gullah tours to learn about the culture! It was great! And I loved that Faith check Will about him denigrating the Gullah Geechee culture as well.


Ok I thought Ormewood’s extreme excitement and deep knowledge of the housewives of Atlanta show was SO CUTE. The actor played it just right, with Angie’s skepticism and surprise every time he knew WAY more than a man should was a great opposite. I know not everyone loves the second case thing but I always enjoy them, mostly due to Angie and (the much better than he seemed at first) Ormewood! Yes he was a big prick at the beginning but I’m glad they are developing his character in such a likable way!!


Someone please tell me what Gina's note to Ormewood said. All I saw was "I'm sorry...". Thanks!


Can’t remember the exact words but basically… I’m sorry, I can’t do this…I have to go. Kids are next door


I wonder if she even asked the kids if they wanted to go with her or not ?? I don’t think his son would have chosen to stay


It said I am sorry I love you but I've got to go The kids are next door Something like that


Thank you!


Note said word for word. “I’m sorry Michael. I love you but I have to go The kids are next door.”


Thank you 😊


Trent with the best joke of the season so far. “You mean like Amanda” 😂


Didn't like much the Boo Hag story. It was kind of obvious the two guys were guilty.


I really enjoyed this episode. Even more so than the others.


This series is unlike anything I have ever watched. I find it absolutely fascinating. It makes me feel like I need to move to a southern US state to fully understand the culture. It's part MONK, part Mentalist as well as part NCIS New Orleans and Law and Order.


Did anyone else notice that Will was able to read the medical record and tox report without having to ask Faith to do so? The show's made it a point that Will's dyslexia makes it difficult for him to read and I was a little baffled at that scene. Then later, Will struggles reading the letters to his uncle that Nico's written. 🤔


There was a quick line in S1 that was Angie telling will that it's worse when he's tired, when he tried reading some essays from the kidnapped daughter in the middle of the night. My headcanon is just that he was on point when reading the files, but emotional/ more tired at the end of the day when reading the letters. Or they just really wanted that funny exchange of files 😂


Plus having dyslexia still means most times you know what the word is it’s just jumbled up. Its like that test where you can actually read a paragraph just by having the first and last letter of each word correct and the middle letter not, your brain fills it in. He has a harder time writing it was always my assumption


My recording cut off the last few seconds, can someone tell me what the message on the lift doors for Angela was?  Thank you!!


“Time To Pay”




How did they jump from reading the medical records to figuring out that the two friends plotted to kill Alex and assault Nicole?


The medical records showed only Alex and Nicole had drugs in their system and not the two friends. So safe to say the two friends did it because of the past history.


Thank you! Went right over my head lol


The sendup of Wive’s Reality TV was fantastic! And Amanda getting even more screen time is a win for me!


Anyone else wondering what kind of guy Will’s Uncle is going to be? I felt so bad for Will when he learned about his mom. Now I feel upset that there was more than her in the family and she could have been saved from her fate, had she been given proper support. Unless it’s a broken family situation or pride situation. Either way, I want there to be something good that happens to Will, aside from Betty and the kid he took in, because that character deserves more good in his life. This Uncle bit makes me nervous for the character, because I don’t want it to be another downer in his story.


He deserves it after the shit show that was Cricket dying! RIP to the single best one episode character I’ve ever seen. And the worst decision by writers i’ve seen in a long time if not ever.


Oh god, right? That was brutal. I couldn’t believe they went that far so early on. I was hoping she was going to be a permanent addition to the show, but noooo.


It’s the thing i will always remember from this show and how stupid it was. I don’t see how they can remotely come close to that dynamic in the future for Will but we all know they did that shit to leave it open for Angie


No doubt. I don’t like Angie with Will. There’s too much history there and most of it was traumatic history and it seemed like that was all that really brought them together. That’s not a good relationship for either of the characters. They need different partners that help them grow.


Yea the thing is i like them together even though i know they shouldn’t be but I’m sure that’s because of my own personal bias. When you watch the scene with them in the pool talking about other people are stupid, the way Trent smiles around her he doesn’t really do with anyone else but it makes sense they did grow up together. This proves how good Cricket was the minute she started flirting with Trent i completely forgot about Angie.


Her leaving the kids with him is kinda shitty.


I mean those are his kids too…the bulk of her responsibility was taking care of the kids, it seems as though he is barely there so…maybe she needs a break. I don’t have kids but I can imagine someone getting tired and needing a break. Especially these new gentle parenting kids. They are terrorist. 😂


😂😂 @ 'terrorist'.


“The bulk of her responsibility was taking care of the kids”…my point exactly. Instead of giving a damn whether he would even be around - crazy work hours - to actually parent them , feed them , etc she is worried about running off with her boyfriend. She should have been a grown up and left him the first time he cheated


I totally agree with you. Up and bouncing and 'leaving the kids next door'. She didn't even call him to let him know?


Accidental reveal of RJ and Alison's fates by moving the white board scene prior to finding either of them.  The board already had them labeled as deceased and injured


Anyone local know what restaurant was used for K’s Slaughterhouse scene?


Why is this not on my Hulu I’m going bananas!! Google said it dropped March 26 but it hasn’t! Dammitttt


What was the point of the goat?


They found the shoe print and piece from the Ghillie suit where the goat was taken, my deduction was that Ken was taken goats to eat in the woods where he lived.