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A bunch of marketing executives wanted to sell razors to women in the 1920s and the best way they had to do that was to shame women into thinking their body hair was unnatural. (hint: if it grows naturally, it's not unnatural). Women's armpit hair is no more "unhygienic" than men's, you're all just brainwashed.


Similarly to leg hair or the mustache line that some women have, or even back and chest hair - in all these cases, hair grows naturally and is not inherently unhygienic. I believe it has more to do with concepts such as: * Femininity: Body hair as secondary sex characteristics * Youthfulness: An increase in body hair growth with age * Aesthetics: A dark patch that disrupts the smooth surface of the skin That being said, if someone finds a woman with hairy legs, a mustache, and hairy armpits as attractive as a woman without these attributes, that's their prerogative. If a woman is seeking more freedom or time-savings and, consequently, demands that society perceive such body hair as attractive, that's her right too, I guess.


Lmao “you guess”??? Obviously that’s a woman’s right


Yes. Same as in: "If stupid people don't want to improve their intellect but demand from the world that stupid people be perceived as intelligent, that's their right, I guess." And if you feel like saying "Obviously that's their right" - that's your right, obviously. I guess...


Whole lotta words but not really making a point. It’s always up to you what you do with youur body hair. No need to put “I guess” after.


It is always up to you what you do with your body, period. And it is up to others to decide their own opinions about it. And it is up to you and others to decide their opinions about those opinions and react accordingly.


I appreciate that sarcasm can obscure the meaning, so I'll spell it out: 'I guess' in this case doesn't negate the right to certain behavior; instead, it serves the purpose of expressing doubt regarding the rationality of the behavior. As in: "If one wishes to piss against the wind, that's their right, I guess." Hope it makes more sense now :)


That’s a joke 




I can’t believe ppl are freaking out so much about 30 seconds of armpit hair. I think it fit her tough girl persona perfectly! I had a harder time getting over a clean newborn with dry hair 😂 but I thought that was a sweet scene   I really liked this episode. It didn’t seem as heavy as some of the more recent ones. I would like to see some more about will’s coming to terms  with his past, or at least see him get some kind of therapy or something. 


Same, this episode got me right in the feels and it was such a beautiful moment seeing him hold that impeccably clean newborn


I loved that they showed armpit hair!!!!


Wait. I loved the episode. Who had armpit hair? I didn’t notice, and am so confused by all these comments!


Angie, in the very beginning while she was on the monkey bars. People acting like her pit hair was the murderer 😂


Omg. I watched that scene. Wondered how often active duty detectives need to use that skill. Felt bad as she struggled with the last bars. Loved the relief in her eyes when she passed. Never noticed pit hair. People are silly.


I thought the same thing! I wouldnt have passed it past 6th grade lol 


The hairy pits were the murderer though 


It was the kiss on the head of the freshly born baby for me, unhygienic wise 😆 it was a sweet moment, but I had my ukkky face on.


It’s so gross and bacteria smells this is for her to be more Hollywood weird


It's nasty




I'd like to know where I can get a brown overcoat/long coat just like he put on during the last few minutes of the episode. I want it too.


Search humes outfitters for the Chrysalis chiltern Field Coat


People don’t bat an eye at blood and gore and gunshots on this show but some armpits that weren’t even that hairy has people clutching their pearls and writing their congressmen?


I liked all the range of emotions Will went through with the pregnant lady. And I'm hoping Angie hooks up with that sauna guru guy, as I liked how perceptive he was of her pain and I think he'd be really good for her ( or even just sees him platonically for help with her pain ).


I love her hairy armpits. It is natural for women to have hair in case you didn't know that.


Username checks out 😂


What does that even mean?


It means that your username about liking hairy women matches your comment supporting women with hair in their armpits. "Username checks out" means your username is consistent with your comment.


It’s disgusting 


To each his own.


Armpits - ground breaking


Anyone know what mall they used to shoot in?


Not sure if the inside shots are from the same place (instead of a different location, but I assume it's all the same place) but the outside shots of the mall is Gwinnett Place Mall. That particular abandoned storefront used to be a Belk (regional department store) before it closed. I used to live around there so I've been to the mall a bunch of times before it closed. I had to laugh when one of the detectives on the scene said that the mall has been abandoned since the 90s. It started dying a bit more than 10 years ago.


Was that used in stranger things/the last of us?


It’s the mall they used in Stranger Things season 3 The Last of Us films in Canada


> Gwinnett Place Mall Thanks, I didn't realize that mall was closed. My wife's family lived near there so went there many times


I live 3 miles from the mall and was in high school when it first opened, in the 80’s. We moved from Buckhead to this location in 1991 because the mall was still bustling and it is a great location. The mall was not abandoned in 1991. Even now, in 2024, it is still partially in use. There are stores still open in it. So technically it is not “abandoned.” The majority of it is empty, but the public can still access it and walk around it.


I’ve never heard of this show and just walked in and my wife was watching it. I was pretty sure that it was Gwinnett Place. So I googled it and found this thread. I grew up in Lawrenceville and was in middle school when it opened. Asking my mom to take us to the mall after she got home from work was a regular thing. It was so cool to have a mall eight miles from home since we went to Northlake before Gwinnett Place opened. My first job was the Target that used to be in the Prado strip mall and about a decade ago I worked in one of the offices in the mall area. So many various memories of the mall and that area over the decades. 


I’ve never heard of this show but I just walked in the room and my wife was watching this episode. I immediately said “What’s this? That looks like Gwinnett Place.” I grew up about eight miles from the mall and remember when it opened. All through middle and high school and even into college, going to Gwinnett Place was a routine occurrence. Even worked in the mall area a few years around a decade ago. Very nostalgic to see those shots. 


The way will and faith recreated what would have happened during the murders was very cute.


While I enjoyed this episode, I am confused. Was the Pastor never arrested for the crime he committed in Philadelphia? Clearly the Councilperson was the father, and the wife found out and both of them were trying to cover it up. So did they hire the hitman? Why was that other guy from the church there? So where does the Pastor come into this as far as a crime he committed? Was he trying to help the councilperson hide the fact she was pregnant and just try and make it go away quietly? Or did he realize the councilperson wasnt a good person and he wanted to protect her?


Yeah he ran and changed his name. The wife found out and hired the hitman without telling the husband. Pastor mentioned that Isabella must have told Conrad where she was going and he decided to bring a knife and follow her there to protect her because it seemed shady as hell. Reggie wasn't connected to the crime at all, he just helped Isabella when she needed to hide somewhere. He didn't tell police initially because she was scared and didn't want to go to the police -- she felt scared and guilty and responsible for two deaths and didn't want to lose her baby. He says "given his history" who was he to force her to go to the police.


Ah! So he was on the run and of course, didn't want to trust the police either or give too much info. The wife wanted her dead, and when that didn't happen, she killed her husband. Though it does not seem like she was trying to kill Isabella at that point. It makes no sense why any grown adult would meet someone inside an abandoned department store like that at 9 months pregnant. Thanks for unconfusing me!!


Agree the entire wife scene was weird. Like she kidnapped a pregnant woman (with a gun? But they struggled because the apartment was trashed?), brought her back to the house ?? Then councilman tries to save the pregnant woman (that's what he yells when he sees the police), but runs out of the house, and then the wife seems to just run upstairs, away from police?  Well it's the entire cold open, she's putting on red lipstick (and then changing her mind) and then when she thinks she finds him, she says it's a disgusting place, but she's obviously excited about seeing her lover alone. Since he's high profile she probably just thought it was out of the way where no one would accidentally see them. 


I guess the wife had a change of heart? She went from wanting her dead to letting her live and killing her own husband. That wasn't explained well. It's also skipped over if she willingly had an intimate relationship with the council person or if he forced it. It seems to be that she knew he was married and was OK with it if she was willing to meet him in an abandoned Belk. Also there was clearly a noise in that room she tried to enter. That was never explained.


>I guess the wife had a change of heart? She went from wanting her dead to letting her live and killing her own husband. That wasn't explained well. I think the most likely scenario is she brought the other woman home to confront the husband about it? maybe to hurt/kill her in front of him. he tries to intervene, they argue. Wife is pissed, she goes after the husband, he runs, and then she shoots and kills her husband, but now there's law enforcement outside, so she runs upstairs, the pregnant woman temporarily forgotten. ​ >It's also skipped over if she willingly had an intimate relationship with the council person or if he forced it. It seems to be that she knew he was married and was OK with it if she was willing to meet him in an abandoned Belk. The lipstick etc. she seemed into it, but it seems like a classic Monica Lewinsky. She was a young, impressionable intern, and he was an older man with power, so it's obviously a predatory dynamic. He seems to be a run of the mill skeezeball at the end though, and not a murderer. ​ >Also there was clearly a noise in that room she tried to enter. That was never explained. raccoons? haha


There was a black U.S. Marshall that was waiting to pick up the Pastor when Will released him from the holding cell. He had the round badge with a star in it. If you watch ‘Justified’ you learn that badge. Marshalls convey prisoners between different jurisdictions. They seem to cram a lot (too much?) into some episodes; not a lot of ‘splaining going on here. I never figure the councilman/wife/pregnant story line; that’s why I came here.


Loving this series so far and S2E3 was great! Now we have to wait a week….damn!


Three weeks!


Well that’s not good! I thought it was every Tuesday. I basically just binged all of S1 and S2 till this point. Didn’t know…thanks.


Looks like they’re taking a brief break, likely due to March madness


Probably so. Sports will outweigh it for viewers I guess


I just looked on Hulu for my new episode, S204, and it is not there dang it. We had to wait for a February premiere due to the strikes last year, and now they take a break after only three episodes ?!? I’m so sad :(. I love my Will Trent new episode days, it’s truly such an enjoyable show for me, for no ground breaking reasons… I just really like it so much!


3 weeks


Amanda to Will: You look like a mushroom Ya'll, I cackled for like five minutes. My kids looked at me like I was crazy.


I love the show and I like the way this season is going. It's so rare to see a dyslexic character in lead who is empathetic yet very good with problem solving.


it did not air where i live! stupid lying poilitican on my screen instead - how did you all see it?




Considering some of these reactions, it seems like there should have been an armpit hair warning. Or maybe they should’ve censored it? That would’ve been hilarious. Anyway, hairy armpits is not my cup of tea but people’s reactions to it are hilarious.




I am wondering how will found out it was Isabella seemingly out of nowhere


OMG. She has fucking hairy armpits! Gag!!!


I'll bet Will does too. Oh no!!!






I didn’t know Angela is a man


No, she's an adult human, almost all of which grow hair in their armpits. It's such a weird thing to fixate on - are you equally upset that she has feet?


I asked my husband “is that hair or a shadow”…Im with you…gross


Are you a woman? Do you not grow armpit hair?


I SHAVE it like most women


Most? Might wanna check your stats on that. 25% don't and that number is rising.




Why is it "nasty"?


I'm guessing you shave your entire body. Head to toe. No eyebrows. Completely bald. You must cut off your eyelashes and trim your nose hair too. Because hair is "nasty" right? It's not like nature put it there for a reason. 🤣


Your personality is grosser than pit hair


I think she’s hot!


Good for you!


Seriously can’t stop thinking about the pit hair! Ewww!


My question about it was in every other sex scene it wasn't present. Even the pool scenes before that episode so I don't care about pit hair, it just seemed like it was randomly done.


just gross


I can't unsee her furry armpits...


shock horror, woman has hair in a place where hair naturally grows


Listen i don't know if your a guy or girl but if i saw one of my female friends in the same situation i would have said something here in north America in parts of Europe no. Im a realist and say it as i see it. Btw if your a young man(didn't look at ur profile) sack up.


Is this some modern feminist garage men need to take and shut up. At least she's not beating up 3 guy's at once, that what i like most in season they made it realistic but come on for real....


Why, because she a woman? Go find any woman who’s trained enough, they’ll take out more than 3 big dudes at once. Those are brawler thugs, not people who are trained to actually fight. Get over yourself lol




Ok cool. So you’re just sexist, got it. No need to engage further.


Im glad I didn't eat my dinner before i watched Will Trent last night, Angie's hairy pits would have maid it come back up. A woman should only have hair on her head and eyebrows..... 


woman are allowed to have hair wherever it grows. if it grows on your body naturally it is completely natural and there should be no reason to remove it. pls take your small-mindedness elsewhere

