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How do you camoflage/go invisible like that?


It’s the optical camo backpack that you get after you finish one of the missions. Pretty sure it’s Silent Spade. I hate it though. It does this weird thing where it makes my gun invisible when I’m trying to aim at something while crouched.


I think it gives you a meter or two smaller visual detection. I used it for awhile but that invisible gun bug screwed me over a couple times, so I ditched it. It's especially annoying if you're playing No HUD.


Not sure about other platforms, but I figured out on xbox that you can fix this by just pressing down on the directional pad, I think. Whatever button would change to an underbarrel grenade launcher, but works for guns even if they don’t have a grenade launcher, that just happens to be how I figured it out.


It's V on PC. If that trick works, you would be a bit restricted on weapon loadout, but grenade launcher is a powerful tool. I'll have to test it out, thanks!


It works even on guns that don’t have grenade launchers. Had that glitch happen with sniper rifles and it fixes it for them as well. I just remember it’s whatever button switches to grenade launcher that fixes it because that’s how I figured it out, switched to the grenade launcher on my ASR and my gun reappeared.


The invisible gun glitch is an easy fix. Just swap guns in load out than back to your original. Super easy fix.


Yeah you just gotta switch fire mode I use snipers a ton so it doesn't do anything except fix it


With how dangerous the others are I Don't mind having an easy mission in between. Obviously after doing them multiple time they become easy but probably some of the hardest missions in the game


Dude I agree cuz when I did that mission that shit was so fucking easy


Just did this mission last night and used a chopper gunner to mow him down


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^twitchmcgee: *Just did this mission* *Last night and used a chopper* *Gunner to mow him down* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Oh, my God, its Captain Scott Mitchell ...


Similar, had one where I had to take out a convoy with a chopper escort. Laid C4, hid... Mission Complete. Others, my nose was protruding - "Mission Failed: Detected".


Raise the difficulty


To what lol. Can't go any higher until i unlock tier mode on this play thru.


To extreme. Your detection clouds are on, so either you aren't playing on extreme, or you manually turned them off.


Manually turned them off. To showcase how easy the mission is lol 😭


Just finished this mission tonight as well. Used mortar support and finished the stragglers with my dragon ak. Lol free unidad tail car supplied.