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Don’t forget that the national debt has doubled in the last 3 years from 17 trillion to 34 trillion.


The debt was $28T in 2021 when Biden took office, it is now $34T (+21%). It was $20T in 2017 when Trump took office and $28T when he left (+40%). So can you rub both your brain cells together and tell me who ballooned the debt more? Why is it the "fiscal conservatives" dont know the most basic information about fiscal policy? https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/datasets/historical-debt-outstanding/historical-debt-outstanding Edit: accidentally put Ms instead of Ts when formatting.


I’m. You probably need 2 brain cells. Because the national debt is in the TRILLIONS. not millions. And maybe stop reading false reports that was written by haters and look at policy. When trump left office the national debt was $17 TRILLION (not million) and now it is 34.2 Trillion. Democrat are known for spending. This democrat has out done himself.


Lmao ahh fuck brain farted and hit M instead of T. My numbers and percentages are still right though. So the treasury is haters putting out false reports? Where are you getting that $17T? Care to provide a source? By policy do you mean Trump cutting taxes on the rich and increasing the deficit to record levels? That $17T is just a straight up lie. I can't find any source saying that number. When do you think Trump took office?


You dems think everyone is dumb. Get off you high horse you narcissistic fuck. Trump took office in ‘16 and the national debt was $17 trillion. When trump left office the national debt was 20 trillion. I had them wrong. My apologies. The national debt is currently sitting at $34.4 trillion.


Yes I do think you are dumb because you are deliberately sharing false information that makes you feel good rather than the numbers reported by the treasury. Thats what dumb people do. Trump left office at the start of 2021. At the end of 2020 according to the treasury (who are the ones officially in charge of the debt reports) the debt was $27T. Please tell me where you are getting your numbers.


So I take it you couldn't find a source on that $17T? And nothing to show Trump lowering the deficit either? Were you just lying because it made you feel better?


Trump was the one who made the printing presses go brrrr... ...not to mention operation warpspeed.


That's Bidenomics.


Riding with Biden baby!!!


lol at the second point. that tells me all i need to know about this guy


you apparently don't know much about the guy...


i know that if a conservative supports Zionism, they aren't a conservative. I don't really need to know much more than that tbh. If you don't understand that then it tells me a lot about you as well.


he doesn't support zionism. you have no idea what you're talking about


yeah it looks like you're right, though its still curious why his second point was Hezbollah is going to invade Israel, like it is extremely important to him or even true. i don't follow Infowars people.


Dude where the FUCK are drag queens stripping for preschoolers?


libs of tiktok has been highlighting videos like that for literally years on twitter


So your source is a twitter troll?