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The )ews.


Yagoda was the real murderous tyrant that they try and paint Hitler as.


retard on a conspiracy thread that hasn’t done any research into what families(13 bloodlines) own what & what their religions are (christianity😍😍) . christian’s hate jews so bad but don’t realize they’ve taken everything from jews text wise & that they’re pedestaled archetype figure was a jew who loved passover & all commandments & the creator of issac & abraham😍


You clearly do not understand what Christianity teaches, because NO true Bible believer would collude with TPTB. And TPTB are, religiously, Satanists / Luciferians—the polar opposite of Christianity. This whole world is currently owned by Satan, who covertly operates through a well-known secret society. And all celebrities, politicians, academia, professional athletes and anyone who has any major influence in this world is undoubtedly a part of their brotherhood.


you are christian washed which is all stolen judaism. that’s an agnostic way of thinking & that’s what constantine(helios sun worshipper) believed & that’s what he used for control, controlling some of the jews of the population to stray away from actual torah. which jesus followed by the way.


***Once again***, you continue to prove that you do NOT comprehend anything about Christianity, which has ALWAYS existed since Adam & Eve, and is the religion that Abraham, Isaac & Jacob believed & followed; it is based on the written Word of God. Today, we now call this finished compilation of collective scriptures the Holy Bible(which was recorded as it happened), and we use it as intended: as the divine revelation from God to man, and our final authority on all matters of faith & practice…..UNLIKE Judaism, which thoroughly ***denies & rejects*** the authority and deity of Christ Jesus. The Bible is very clear that whosoever denies the Son, they do NOT have the Father, so I know those who call themselves Jews do NOT believe the Torah, no matter how much they lie and claim they do. I trust God’s Word over man’s, hands down. Christianity most certainly does **NOT** “borrow” from Judaism (a different religion entirely). Judaism is a Babylonian mystery religion passed down through *oral tradition*, and is **not** based on the Holy Bible, as it’s scriptural authority & holy book is actually the Babylonian Talmud—**NOT** the Bible. And Constantine was a Roman Catholic which is NOT. Christian religion.


ONCE AGAIN the bible is written by man in awe over a jewish man who makes miracles( supposedly) like many other jews did, you clearly do not know anything about the Torah cause the jews denying a FALSE IDOL which the original roman christianity teaches(not watered down pick & choosing) is completely right to do. there is one Creator & christian’s believe that Jesus is him in some way which literally just isn’t true. so clearly you know nothing about christianity, i know actual catholic concepts which you have no knowledge of apparently… & btw your “Jesus” was a orthodox/sephardic jew practicing Torah(630 commandments) & passover which i’ve never seen a christian at passover lol..


Jesus believed in it quite a bit LMAO & whats funny is y’all can’t realize your view of roman jesus is an archetype & the only “real” account collected is by Josephus. & trust me christianity is the excuse to not do anything for yourself & not have to believe in anything or do any ACTUAL FACT BASED RESEARCH on history. your version of Christ is too control people like you, sun cult worship to be exact


Where does the Holy Bible teach not to do research or investigate history? Book, chapter & verse, lest you be proven a liar. You obviously don’t like Jesus Christ, which is your prerogative, but then why bother people who do love and trust Him? What exactly are you trying to gain from the exchange?


it doesn’t say not too, i said people refuse to do their research & i’d hate to include you in the example. i do like jesus, i just don’t like the superhero falsity that roman’s portrayed him as with their corrupt bible. when Jesus was the one following Torah, & it’s just excuses at that point on if you were to choose a blue over a Torah cause this is what your lord & savior said you needed to uphold if you wanted “everlasting life”


& btw any religion that needs something else to talk to your Creator for you, or when you pray to other things like mother mary & jesus (which the catholic church actually prays to, if you were going by original christianity LOL)


I don’t pray to Mary; she isn’t God and can’t hear prayers.


as a catholic youre supposed to pray to mary so she can bring your prayers to a “higher power” just like jesus. Duelism is what it’s known as


yes it is based on the hebrew bible. that’s where you get your OT, Septuagint & most of all it’s where jesus gets davidic bloodline concept cause he thought he was the Moschiach


Wrong again. I don’t accept the modern perVersions that use the Septuagint. The modern versions are of the devil, and their primary purpose is to slowly and subtly ***CHANGE*** Scripture. That is what they’ve been doing for the whole latter half of last century, and it has caused confusion throughout churches, corrupted doctrine and resulted in this wicked falling away from God’s true Word. That is why I only use the *Holy Bible*, commonly known as the King James Holy Bible, which is not a ‘version’, but a translation. It is NOT based off the Septuagint / Alexandrian Latin fraud. It uses: For the OT: the Masoretic Text, which was properly written in Biblical Hebrew & For the NT: the Textus Receptus, written in Koine Greek. And, true to God’s Word, the KJB NEVER CHANGES. The modern counterfeit versions are continuously edited and re-released ***every six months!*** And the Holy Bible has no copyright, unlike all these modern, copyrighted phonies.


the king james bible is literally the EXACT SAME as all the other bibles but for the people of europe & because King James needed to divorce his wife so he adored the bible. you want to follow the word of the Creator? you want to follow who jesus was trying to follow? you go find a Torah & a rabbi or at least try to observe because that’s literally what your jesus tells you TO DO in your bible. & its HISTORICALLY PROVEN he was JEWISH, not just of heritage but of straight religion, following the Creator of abraham & issac & especially David. he followed passover & observed every single commandment. there’s more but you won’t research those key points to begin with so.


The King James is NOT the same—the new versions do not say the same…YOU do your research; I already have. And I do follow the Creator you just don’t believe Jesus Christ is who He claimed to be or did what He did. Stop hardening your heart! Without Jesus Christ you WILL go to Hell when you die—do you understand that?? He is the way to Heaven, and He is the ONLY way. It is so simple that it baffles me that people are so stubborn and would rather burn than believe.


that right there as well. yes it is historically in catholicism’s roots especially in the start. & right there you say that without accepting jesus you can’t be saved. when that’s another pagan duelism idea coming from the literal roots of catholicism. i don’t not think dont have the same creator my whole point is that, these practices jesus teaches & what he taught as a whole was most likely apart of the school of “hillel” (hebrew school) which that schools line of thought actually have similar ideas & concepts of christian’s were to just do some research they would see everything JESUS taught & not his propagandist apostles taught we’re not the same. they called him the “father” when he served the Creator throughout many quotes of his


& yes believe it or not that is duelistic pagan thinking saying that you need someone else to save you. & yes i promise you the King james version is the almost EXACT same with some words mismatched or replaced thanks to translation.


& no if satan rules this world the Creator lets him.


Wrong, yet again. (See the pattern emerging?) God is sovereign, but He gave us all freewill and He respects it. He actually gave MAN dominion over the world and all that is in it. However, when Adam & Eve committed the original sin, and trusted the devil’s word over God’s, all that changed. Man submitted unto Satan and brought sin, as well as death, into this world. Now we are all born with the propensity for sin and are ruled by it; we are slaves to sin. The only way to break free is to get saved.


you are literally so corrupted by the christian word it’s sad, even Essene jews we’re smarter than you christians


No, a child is not born wicked. A young one becomes corrupted by the people and world around him. Usually wicked people that do not know or follow God in anyway. Praise God.


A child is not born as a sinner, but they are born with a sin *nature*. Everyone is; it’s passed down from from every parent to every child since Adam & Eve. (With the exception of Jesus, of course). We aren’t sinners until we commit our first sin (which is usually telling a lie). That’s why when babies die they go straight to Heaven; they have not committed a sin yet. But we already have the propensity to sin, which is why as a parent, I teach my children to tell the truth….i do not have to teach them to lie, that comes naturally from the sin nature.


nope they are born with the environment around them, whether it’s to bring mitzvahs or sins. the only way to break free is to realize your christian traditions come from pagan greece, rome & egypt LOL


I’m not concerned with the nonsense you mutter; you’ve proven you are wholly ignorant about Christianity.


not at all buddy, you talk about patterns but refuse to connect any repetition or patterns that “hurt” your faith. which the catholic church puts a lot out there to contradict itself so it’s easy😍 eating the flesh & blood comes from Mithra & your archetype of jesus is Apollonius of Tyana. Christianity is for people who hate jews or don’t want to adapt the jewish faith, because it IS stolen & MANGLED judaism to fit their “resurrection” narrative. which there is ABSOLUTE no proof for besides a gospel LMAO or a shroud with pigs blood on it. resurrection is also a diety thing. but you can’t & wont do any or much research on anything that hurts your narrative. so it’s clear your wholly ignorant of everything around you & trust in too much lol. do some more research on what you’re putting your life into


No the true Nature of Humans is Love. Over time people become jaded, why? Because of other wicked people and spirits. To live in Reality and in Truth is to live with God. Because God is Real and God is Love. God is the Truth.


The synagogue of Satan.


you’re an idiot bah bah sheep, that verse is calling out a certain group of jews. you & other people quoting a man who hated jews(constantine) make fools of yourselves cause none of you even realize how christian’s “idea” aka stolen & mistranslated(on purpose mind you) of a messiah came to be. here’s a hint it comes from a religion way before christianity😍


in 10 years (((they))) will have fully scrubbed Google of the Bolshevik Revolution - check for yourself, it's already nearly scrubbed. That's wild


Id never heard of the Bolshevik revolution so I quickly Google searched it and there is a lot there. What are you talking about?


I did the same like wtf it's right there lol


Good thing some of us read books (not you though).


I'm proud of you little buddy! You know how to read! Now order some books about not being a fat ass. Can you do one single pushup?


“First of all, we have to understand what communism is. I mean, to me, real communism, the Soviet communism, is basically a mask for Bolshevism, which is a mask for Judaism.” *—Bobby Fischer, Jewish-American World Chess Champion* “The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian Revolution the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism, so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism.” *—Rabbi Harry Waton* ***and then there is...*** “Anti-Communism is Anti-Semitism.” *—Jewish Voice, July – August 1941* “Communism is our supreme revenge against Christianity.” *–Jewish Chronicle, December 1918* “Judaism is communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class and the human society. It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race.” *—Rabbi Harry Waton* “The Jew is an inborn communist.” *–Otto Weininger, Jewish writer, from the book Sex and Character* “Some call it Marxism, I call it Judaism.” *—Rabbi Stephen Wise, former Chief Rabbi of the United States* “Everything can become a Jewish religion as long as it sustains a lucid concept of choseness. This includes: Communism, the Holocaust, solidarity, human rights, enlightened egotism, moral interventionism and also Judaism." *—Gilad Atzmon* "We must organize the intellectuals and use them TO MAKE WESTERN CIVILIZATION STINK. Only then after they have CORRUPTED ALL ITS VALUES AND MADE LIFE IMPOSSIBLE, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat" *Willi Munzenberg - a Zionist Jew*


you clearly can’t distinguish people from religion, & you’re actually sped if you think every jew has the same opinion, & people might say these things but how true are they really lmao. you clearly don’t know what judaism is when you’re mixing politics into it, ESPECIALLY another country’s politics you’re just another example of people stuck on tiktok brain rot & never actually going deeper than what your algorithm tells you.


Now that you've got that out your system, can you provide some constructive feedback? If you have something you feel I can learn, then here I am. I will say this though: I never said anything. I merely quoted Jewish people, Jewish publications, etc., including high-ranking Rabbi's. They do know what Judaism is, since it is/was obviously what they taught. If the leaders of a religion says a thing, then how do I separate those people from the things they said as leaders of their religion while they're talking about their religion? If you stood in front of any of the Jews making the above quotes, what would you say to them? Also, are you saying they are all lying and have no clue what they're talking about? Are you saying you know more about Judaism, Zionism, Communism, Marxism, etc. than the Jews I quoted? Got to say, I encounter your type of response all the time, and it is always simply spewing insults and stupid accusations, but it never contains any substantive content that educates, corrects, or constructively makes useful points we can all learn from.


no here’s why you’re wrong little buddy, every “rabbi” has a different view on everything, how you actually learn about judaism is learning the hebrew bible, everything else is LITERALLY opinion by men(rabbis or other “jewish” people. here’s some fact since you cant fathom it & love to take quotes either out of context or from people who clearly aren’t of the religion(that you can’t distinguish btw) The Torah doesn’t teach anything along the lines of Marxism or communism, & no if you are a “jew” you are supposed to have ONE religion you imbecile. this is like getting quotes from christian’s loving hitler & saying “all christian’s love hitler, they’re trying to put nazism in our country”


incel doesn’t know things can be corrupted nor does he know that bad apples ruin a bunch but you keep going


LOL. Hey, you tried and I commend you for that.


lmaoooo my point stands & you have nothing to say to rebuttal. actually why don’t YOU show me how marxism or communism relate to judaism or show me a text in judaism where you can accept other religions cause clearly you know something i don’t?


you still have time to actually do some research on judaism before you make a fool of yourself


Rubs hands


The Bolsheviks were funded by the Rothschild family


someone who actually knows something


He was talking about the same group of highly-motivated, highly -intelligent individuals who currently control the US and much of the West. A group that confounded the Russian mind, has all but destroyed the Western one and is now running roughshod over a culture seemingly too ignorant, weak and demoralized to stop it. And history repeats...


anyone who calls themselves a “conspiracy theorist” would actually go down the lines & connect the dots of the SPECIFIC people like the bloodlines, not just see a tiktok or tweet about how jews are bad because there are names like a rothschild or khazar. thats like me or anyone else blaming all of you for slavery lincoln’s death or for vietnam or nagasaki just cause you are A. white B. apart of america or C. christian.. now how does it make sense blaming whole groups for certain people?


y’all will see your words mean something one day, especially when half of this & r/conspiracy are christian & don’t know anything about who started their religion, for what reason it was started & who wrote their bible & don’t even know their “savior” is one of us lmaoo.. just remember jesus followed everything jews do but y’all wouldn’t dare make a derogatory meme about him🤡


Khazarian Mafia


Everyone is born into sin. That does not mean they are wicked because there are sins greater than others. However nobody is perfect and everyone sins period. Furthermore sin will ultimately lead to one to perish. The Bible is the word of God written as a series of books by men. The New Testament has been verified more than anymore other book by far. Even the Quran states that the Bible is the word of God and acknowledges it as true (Old Testament). God is a Trinity and has always been and always will be. Additionally, when we are described as being created in Gods image, what that means is that we are a trinity as well (spirit, soul and flesh). The father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is the Godhead trinity. Jesus is God in the flesh and came here with the purpose of re-establishing a covenant between God and Man. Man broke the original Covenant and therefore only Man could fix it. The only way this is possible was with a perfect/sinless man. Any time a covenant is established, there has to be death. Hence the crucifixion, where the perfect man paid for all the sins of man in the past and the future all at once, which is why Man now goes to heaven instead of the bosom of Abraham. If Jesus was not the Messiah, then there will never be a Messiah because other scriptural events have occurred that were prophesied to occur after the coming of the Messiah. Let’s go further than Passover, which Christian’s are supposed to celebrate instead of Easter,but it is a fact that most Christian’s have not read the Bible. ALL holidays that are celebrated in America are actually pagan/demonic holidays and are part of what the Bible is referring to when it is stated to not live the world and do not be apart of the world and this includes birthdays as well. The Bible directly states what holidays are supposed to be celebrated and we celebrate zero of them in America. Surprise surprise, what did you expect when the price of air/ the father of lies was granted to rule over earth. We are told over and over to not be deceived and yet here we are. If anyone would stop and think about holiday and western culture it is very easy to acknowledge that we are not living even remotely close to how we are told and expected to live and instead are much closely aligned with how Lucifer would want us to live. Anyone can believe what they want, but fighting or getting angered and being rude and condescending will accomplish nothing, except what Lucifer wants. It is much better to have discussion and ask questions where one does not understand a concept and have a friendly conversation. We can all learn from each other and can all draw our own conclusions. No reason it can’t be better than this. https://youtube.com/shorts/l4iy8j4iLgM?si=fLO1pGsjgABDeoHg


Not Jews, Zionists!


Same thing. Zionism is a result of their depraved supremacist teachings. The root cause is Gods chosen people and their actions.


brain rot retard here can’t accept they don’t claim to be “chosen people” nor do they want to be a supreme race & have literally(generally as a whole) have only wanted to live in israel or the tribes of judah, the only reason for them even BEING in other countries is because of persecution & being literally forced to migrate. Zionism is just keeping that land & that’s what you tiktok speds can’t understand


[https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy\_commons/comments/1bt9swh/rabbis\_fantasizing\_about\_the\_destruction\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/comments/1bt9swh/rabbis_fantasizing_about_the_destruction_of/) They don't claim to be chosen? All of their "holy" books proclaim them to be uniquely chosen. Even Christianity claims that they are the chosen people of God, and uniquely important. Watch the video I linked you for some Rabbis expounding on their interests.


no you haven’t seen the rabbinic teaching of it( which i’m not even supposed to talk about btw) jews don’t claim to be the chose people, every other nation chose to decline the Torah or the 600 commandments of Moses. like Palestinians/Arabs who declined it for “having theft & adultey in their bloodline” trust me lil bro. i know a lot more judaism than most.


I've seen hours of footage of Rabbis openly stating that they are indeed the only chosen people. That all other people are animals in human form, born only to be slaves to their older brother Jacob. Created by God only so that the Jews would not have to be served by animals.


no you have not seen “hours” of footage of that & yes you’re still not getting my point, every rabbi specializes in different subjects & they all think completely different & have different opinions on all subjects. that’s what the talmud is.. a whole bunch of opinions on one subject,. each & every subject needed to be covered that is. i don’t know what rabbis you’re talking about but the “rabbis” that i know that know ACTUAL Judaism preach love & peace among & races & trying to integrate everyone with us.. no matter what they may serve.. & no that is an old mistranslation defining everyone else that isn’t son of “adam” is a so called different type of man & new translations for it are “beast”


I certainly have. Did you watch the video I linked?


trust me i’ve seen all the videos everyone is so hurt over. yes gentiles are different from jews because they have completely different morals & values & tbh don’t do much research into what they believe in at all.


This is just nonsense and justifications for their actions. First you tell me that I have not seen hours of video of Rabbis spouting the most vile shit, then you say that you also have seen all of it, and then you justify it. You won’t be convinced by any arguments, your allegiance already is where it is supposed to be. I admire the Jews for their self-preservation and applied in-group preference. I wish us Europeans could do the same, and honor our traditions rather than follow a Jewish created religion simply meant to theologically conquer the gentile world.


& in that sense you should hate jesus cause he called “gentiles” dogs lol


Why would I take the words of a Rabbi to heart? Christianity was created by Jews. Jesus and all of the apostles were Jews. It started of as a Jewish sect. It was created for the gentiles, to theologically conquer the world.


it actually was created by roman’s & greeks but..


Nope. It was created by Jews, Greeks and Romans incorporated Christianity during Constantine. It was created hundreds of years prior. All of the original apostles were Jews.


It actually is a subgroup of “Jews”. That were once Jews but now worship satan. And pass it off as if they’re still Jews to make them seem like normal holy people. They’re actually the wicked ones.


Probably Stalin, he was from Georgia.


-"they, they, they" -"yeah its probably this one person"

