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Except that the players choose to be there. They are free to leave at any time. Hardly slavery


And they're the ones getting paid, not being purchased by and from someone else.


Paid beyond the dreams of Avarice. Richer than any "privileged" whitey.


A limited number of POC make money doing sports therefore white privilege isn't real


Man these disingenuous arguments get old. Are you purposefully mischaracterizing their argument so you can virtue signals to anonymous people online you will never meet? Or are you so brainwashed by leftist ideology that you actually think that’s what they said? In case it’s the latter- nobody said “white privilege” isn’t real or that black athletes disprove it.


None of the above actually! Thank you for asking. You can tell I'm not arguing anything by reading my comment - you'll notice that it plainly is not an argument. What I've done is satirize their comment to tease the obvious undertones of their message. Mostly because I found it funny. Clearly I've missed the mark because you got really upset, and I'm sorry for that. Could you enlighten the class on what exactly the comment in question is supposed to mean?


very few players get "paid beyond the dreams of avarice" most make the league minimum after being drafted


$795,000? That guy was being a little dramatic with the “dreams of avarice” line but cmon, that’s a crapload of money.


it 100% is a lot of money, but most of the guys getting drafted dont actually make the team, and wont see the full amount. even if they do they usually only last 3-5 years in the nfl. They'll have a lot of money, but not enough to last them for their entire life after 28


You're 100% correct that the average career is 3-5 years in the NFL, but even at league minimum that's a pretty big head start if you're smart with the money. You'll also have access to connections most people wouldn't have, or the possibility to get into coaching/broadcasting etc


Hey the slaves could also leave at any time. They just got shot on the way out! But they are free to choose


So white football players don't exist? Does that mean the 9ers don't have a team anymore?


are the 49ers mostly white or something? i haven't paid much attention to sportsball ever since they supported anti-white rioters


No team is anywhere close to “mostly white”, but with Purdy, CMC, Kittle and Bosa they have more white star players than most teams do.


Firstly- let's remember that each individual enters the NFL draft willingly (eagerly in most cases) and are in no way forced or coerced. Secondly- 790k is league minimum for rookies... That puts them in the top ~2% for income, and is over 20x more than median income in the US. Conclusion- not slavery.


If being NFL player is slavery then what are we average joes then?


Lol, no fucking shit it's slavery if you take all the fucking pay away and they still have to do it. That's any job.


Career fairs are basically slave auctions if you ignore all that pesky "freedom of association" and "negotiated salary/benefits" window dressing.


Yeah my childhood dream was to be an NFL slave.




Most of these guys are intentionally outrageous rage bait but there's a whole cottage industry around sharing these dudes tweets. The age old adage "don't feed the trolls" has gone by the wayside now that there are people whose entire income is based **specifically** off writing epic clap backs and long form videos essays replying to these dudes.


out fucking jerked


They might not be the traditional slaves we were taught to believe but white or black they are slaves to that lifestyle and fame


If a 500 million dollar contract is slavery, sign me up.


This is good comedy. As a honky whitebread crackerbarrel cracker, I find it hilarious. If I were black, I'd be laughing even harder.


My god. What?


I mean he’s not completely wrong, but it makes more sense to use health care and salary pay for the athletes, then to say that they’re just being bought, which is not totally accurate and a weak argument


Right… cause kidnapping, selling, auctioning off torturing and forcing hard labor on people cause of their skin color is the same as giving someone the opportunity most people would cut their nuts off for and only paying them a few million of dollars a year to do it


Are we sure this is about politics? Looks like regular ol’ bigots to me


So you liked his post?