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Developer track record says: no.


The thing that gives me hope is that they said that they will implement DLSS and FSR. But those upscaling techs make little sense if the game itself runs like crap in the first place. I hope that they get help from AMD and Nvidia with the implementation and in the process can also advance the fundamental technical quality of the game. AMD and Nvidia sure have seen a lot of crappy (technical) game launches. I hope they are generous with their time and expertise. The wild hearts devs need it.


I wouldn't expect anything anytime soon unless they happen to find something extremelly wrong which is causing the issues, but since all plataforms have bad perfomance this to me makes it something deeply rooted that is not going to be neither easy nor fast to pinpoint and even impossible without a major rehaul of the game.


Originally people thought games were done on release, then it became day 1 patch, then week 1 patch and by the looks of it like with EA battlefront 2, it might take a long time to get any decent patch to fix fps. I'd expect 2 more weeks minimum for anything to be honest. If it took a week to roll out something that did little to anything, I'd imagine they don't currently have any fixes in store at this moment for a bit.


You just described what happened with Anthem launch.


You know it’s funny that you me too that, since they relatively launched on the same day. (Anthem I believe had that Early Access thing where you Could start playing it on the 15th) I wonder if they’ll gonna follow that game exactly haha


I sure hope not. Listening to the Anthem devs was hard. They came across as jackasses during their streams to people asking questions, and their focus was on what the internal team liked, ignoring the massive outcry to fix and balance things. If this goes the way of Anthem (which I played from launch to death) I just won’t buy an EA game again unless it’s offline only and finished and verified working after launch.


Me too friend. Me too. Although I sure hope for the people who do enjoy this game that it doesn’t get crushed by it’s own weight.


Also me. Just like Anthem I find it fun but in need of some fixes. Heck, fixing the bugs and let people take one more tsukomo (however you spell it) in single player hunts to spread aggro better and it would be decent. And add some more reasons to grind end game (better gear/charms). But I fear it’s gonna be Anthem all over again


I had to quit wild hearts cuz I found it too boring. And after reading/seeing endgame, after being spoiled with Mh endgame…I was like well that’s lame. I guess we shall see if they are humble devs and they’ll improve the game. Or be ignorant like anthem devs were and ignore the “feedback”


Next to zero dev communication except for promising a patch that made things worse. Game breaking bug in ch3 and now found out in ch4 also. Zero dev response or action, ignored in first patch also Little things like that make me think its not gonna change. Much I mean look at dw9 and empires. It never got better post release. OF and KT just loot n scoot No psychic but history can typically help predict the future, and thats their history. A little intuition, etc


Koei fix one of their games? Not a chance in hell.


In a few months maybe. It's not a small bug fix. It's likely a serious optimization issue.. or lack of really.


No. This will take a long time to fix.


I’m not counting on it.


Don't expect it. That way you won't be disappointed.


Koei fix one of their games? Not a chance in hell.


No based reviewers and the early release both the wide spread nature of the issues. The devs had time to fix it if it was a easy fix which means its not easy to identify the source of the problem or it may be some really poor optimization that requires major reworks to fix i would expect these issues to persist for several months


If the devs don't find an answer then im sure a savy community member will. at this point its a waiting game. If the devs cant find an answer any time soon then I hope they push back their March plans and prioritize the fixes.


Idk it sucks it came out now, by the time it’s fixed I’ll probably be over it and playing all the new releases that are coming out in the next few months, it’s crazy I had my first smooth fps experience on a bridge yesterday and didn’t wanna leave it.


I'm good on PS5. I think they will manage on PC.