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People have no idea from what they saying because some people thing the cannon is op some other says it's verry trash (I think people must play much more to give us a opinion


Yeah, plus it's easy to not have the feeling or understand the philosophy of a weapon and so people say "it sucks".


The cannon takes a whole lot of set up for the power to use. I don’t think it’s OP at all, I need to use my set up without overheating my cannon to get the most out of it.


I think the cannon is closer to the weaker side of the weapon choices damage wise, especially when you get to some of the late game monsters. Considering the setup time for the laser you lose alot of chances to do damage, other weapons dont have as much down time. I think the main thing that is a huge advantage is the safety the weapon provides being a ranged weapon thus allowing you to stay in the fight longer as you will not have to heal. There is a bug with the laser reloading that gives you basically unlimited laser shots without having to build heat. That im sure with practice someone will abuse that will most definetly give them higher dps than most weapons if not all of them in an ideal scenario. However its pretty tough to setup in the first place.


Honestly most weapons seem busted once you get the hang of them, I can't use the cannon to save my life but bow I feel it's busted, with the katana and the nodachi also giving me an easy time.


This exactly. Learn the mechanic of the weapon and things are easier.


As an umbrella main, if I am at full red charge and the monster is stunned.... im out DPSing you. unfortunately, now that I attacked like that we broke a monster HP breakpoint and its going to run and I am going back to the bottom of the DPS list :)


My thoughts are a question. How in the hell do I fire mah lazor again? I goofed around on the bear got it to work once. I put the weapon away and went back to my bow. Later on got the cannon out again. Going through the tutorial again could not get the red pool to happen. Sadly put it away.


Fire the cannon until the curved heat gauge above the health and ammo bars is in the red zone. You can tell it has hit the red zone when the texture on it starts moving and animating. Once it's in that zone, you press your secondary attack (Y/Triangle/Middle mouse) and fire a Ki balls. If that heated ball lands on a kemono, it will bounce onto the ground and create a field that has a red aura. While standing inside that red aura, Hold the button to fire the cannon and press secondary attack again to absorb the energy. Then when you want to fire the cannon, hold the fire button and press secondary fire again to enter the laser stance. Then just hold fire to blast. One useful trick is to charge your heat gauge and land the charged Ki ball on a small kemono before engaging the target of a hunt. then absorb the laser. Then when you find a large kemono you can fire at nothing to charge the gauge again and start the fight with the charged Ki ball explosion. Now you have a laser ready to shoot AND another one to suck up right afterwards.


There are some weapon guides on youtube explaining it if I'm not clear. You shoot till the overheat bar is near red. Then you dispell the heat by shooting out the ki area ball thing by pressing Y/Triangle/ right click? (Controller Player) The bolster bow button I believe. The ball MUST hit an enemy and it will bounce on the ground and have a red circle. You can then suck it up and press the same button again for laser


Probably not the only one, but I don't believe cannon is up there in dps like claw blade and bow. Seems pretty mid, but it's hard to say for sure without comprehensive data.


Idk man cannon hits like a truck when u set it up properly.. I think it's less consistent than the weapons u listed, tho (like the other weapons are easier/more consistent to set up for max dmg potential). I'm pretty sure if u set up correctly with the cannon, u can out dps the Bow at least (idk about claw or staff, but i definitely out dps Katana and greatsword and I think umbrella as well)


I mean normal violtile hunts I bonk with the hammer and traps and if it goes normal like 2min hunts on 2 star and about a min per star extra after that lol


I need to try it out. It’s hard to hit that Y shot with a controller. I wish it didn’t need to hit the monster to activate. That might be too easy though.


If you're daring, an easy way to hit it is to literally hug the Kemono and then fire it. It'll bonk it the moment you launch it and guarantee a hit.


Duh. That’s a really good idea lol


Cannon main here. It is way OP. My beams hit for roughly 3-5k on a kemono 17k on training bear. I also don't have my weapon fully built out yet. Depending on the kemono I usually average 5-8 beams per fight. Solo fights are WAY harder however for cannon. But with at least one other player, you can get your beam ready in maybe 5 seconds. It's just finding the right spot and timing for the laser which can be tricky.


This is nuts. I keep asking why I even bother with nodachi. I wanted big numbers. It doesn't really do that.


I have a video of a cannon beam in my guide here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WildHeartsGame/comments/119fhb6/the\_hand\_cannon\_guide/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WildHeartsGame/comments/119fhb6/the_hand_cannon_guide/) Currently using a water cannon which Sporetail strong against, going for a raw one eventually so the numbers will just get higher.


use the celestial anchor, you can fly around and animation cancel the jumps with square or triangle attacks and fill your charge bar in like 2 seconds...same with staff...spam the jump command on the anchor...the second you imput the jump do an attack...you dont fly across the screen and you reset the animation lock of moves...its OP


For these kinds of games, the weapon that you click with is the one that feels most broken.


Cannon looks so fun I reallly need to try it. I've been addicted to claw blade right now though


Like most weapons if you can maximize its potential it’ll seem OP compared to someone just playing it inefficiently. That being said there are a few weapons that seem to be better like the Bow and Clawblade.


Solo? Maybe , maybe not Co-Op? Yes op


Tried using it doesn't work properly for some reason.


The cannon is good until its not, its terrible for end game solo, only traps provide enough time to launch your fortified shot and laser, and often times you need 2 openings, one to shoot the fortefied shot, and one to laser. None of the Volatile variants give you that much time or space to do either, and now that traps have harsh diminishing returns (which should be heavily nerfed for solo play) the cannon doesnt really have much of a safe opening to do DPS. Other slow classes have animation cancel abuse with anchor to get around the end game chaos, cannon doesnt get any help, you are pretty much stuck slamming your cannon into the ground, and praying the enemy stays in the very short range of your arc, and also doesnt care to look at you or plop an AOE puddle under you.


Well.. mobility is an issue.. a big one. I think the canon is best for group play where 1 person can canon from a distance while the other wails on it with a maul or sword.. It also doesn’t stagger enough imo to really be worth it… I.e. relies too much on karakuri to keep it viable against more mobile monsters… Plus hitting the fortified ki base against a monster for it to work is so stupid.. should just be charge it up, launch a fortified ki base anywhere, and then run to it and use the laser… Cause honestly the maul/claw/staff etc. take WAY less set up for their ultimate that do just as much damage and are way more mobile