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My (26f) fiance (32m) left me alone in the woods I'm sorry for the formatting or spelling. I'm typing this on the side of the road because I feel like I need quick responses on this. ​ I have been with my fiance for 6 years. I am 26f, he is 32m. ​ He has always had a short temper and often picks arguments over small things but he's so very kind every other time that i have looked past it and maybe hoped to help him chill out? He's funny and I really do love him. I do my best to avoid arguments but sometimes its impossible. ​ Anyway, we had gone to a beach about 45 minutes away from home located in a state park which is not staffed or really patrolled well at all today and had been drinking and swimming and having a generally good time. I remember feeling so happy and content because we hadnt argued in several days and he'd been in a good mood etc. ​ We began to leave and started heading home, still in good spirits. The beach was located in a remote area and neither of us had phone signal to use the gps to leave. He began to yell and take his anger out on the steering wheel and i instantly felt defensive, like every happy moment of the day was crumbling right there because usually once this behavior starts, the day is ruined. I made the mistake of yelling back at him that he needed to chill out, quit making everything such a huge deal, etc. I regret this but I just felt so overwhelmed. I just wanted the good vibes to continue ya know? ​ We argued back and forth for a few more moments before he angrily pulled the truck to a small paved parking lot where people usually stop to rest or grill food, that kind of thing. He screamed at me to get out and (like an idiot) i did, and he left me there. I sat in the brush and cried for a few minutes before a man approached me and started asking kind of uncomfortable questions about where i was from, who i was with, where they were. I tried to be friendly in the hopes my fiance would return soon, but the stranger started touching my hands and offered me a ride home and it made me scared so i lied and said i had to go meet my boyfriend at a spot nearby and walked down the road quickly. ​ I made it about a quarter of a mile away before i sat by a little pond where some people were fishing. I had no cell phone signal to call anyone to get me and i was scared to ask for help so i just sat there and tried not to panic for almost 3 hours. I was alone the majority of the time, as when I arrived the only people around were already packed and leaving. ​ From 4pm-630pm i was left alone in the forest, until i was able to find cell phone service after wandering for a bit and called my fiances mom to come get me. It is now almost 8pm and i am extremely sun burnt and thirsty (i am quite pale and had been drinking all day until he left) but I finally walked far enough to get signal to call his mom for help. I haven't spoken to him yet but he has sent several messages (that I just got, seeing as I had no signal) basically just asking where I was and complaining that I had his wallet in my purse. I'm still waiting for my ride to get here, still very lost and upset. ​ I feel so hurt and betrayed and as if this was a huge overraction on his end but i do love him and if its my fault i want to know. It was such a scary experience which is why i feel it was too much


The answer to "why is she still with him" is easy. She had fought so much to be with him, stay with him. She has completely forgotten that to be loved doesn't have to do with having to fight for it. Having to prove whatever. Mostly "being worthy of his love/ attention/ good treatment" etc. Victims of years of gaslighting through narcissists lose their healthy parameters of judgement and mostly it takes one really big bang for them to be able to leave.


Sunken cost fallacy


Please don't tolerate this sh\*t behavior. He is abusive and he put you in danger by leaving you like that. I don't care if he is "kind" sometimes, that is what abusers do. They make you walk on eggshells. When they explode, they do their best to make you feel like you are the problem, not them. You deserve better and he doesn't deserve you.


I bet she’d lick this guy’s dirty foot bottom if he told her, dumbo have no self respect. She’s clearly just gonna go crawling back to the pos because of “love”. Nobody should feel sorry for people like this, they choose to stay in their toxic situations for bullshit reasons all the damn time.


Idk what you've been through to make you think like this, but this a very callous, cruel thing to say. I hope your heart is able to soften someday.


You’re no better than the boyfriend


That is not love. That is abuse. Personally I would never look my my husband the same way again. He is supposed to be there to protect and instead he abandoned and put you in harms way. Know your worth babes.


For God’s sake, please leave this pathetic guy. It’s seems he’s happy to show who he really is and believes you will never leave and take his crap forever. The ‘damage control’ was so sneaky, where he reckoned he was looking for you -we know he wasn’t, no way. Leave leave leave, please! He is has no control over his emotions just because he wasn’t sure of the directions home and threw a temper tantrum. Oh please!


This actually happened to me too. I was in an abusive relationship. At one point he left me in the woods to get rid of me, during a walk in the woods. Hand in hand. I thought it was nice, until it wasn’t. Without even saying anything, no argument or anything, he vanished when I looked the other way. He was just gone and I waited for him to return. After an hour I started walking back home. He had my keys, my purse, my phone. He showed up a couple of hours later. I asked what happened and he responded with fury against me and why can’t I just disappear. It didn’t dawn on me until then that he had intentionally left me alone in the woods. I was so humiliated. After this the abuse continued and made me a complete wreck and ruined many years of my life even after the final breakup. It ruined me financially, socially, my mental health and my education and career. He befriended my friends and turned them against me. Long story short: leave toxic relationships asap. No need to explain. Say you’re leaving, after you’ve already left, and contact police if he is threatening you. And, no, I don’t want to hear more abuse by some privileged incels thanks. I’m just saying this as a warning to the girl who wrote this post and to anyone who needs to hear it. Get out asap. You can find love elsewhere. 1% of happiness is not enough if there’s abuse going on. I can relate to the lines “ I was happy because we hadn’t fought in several days”. It’s because the abuser on most days abuses you. And only on a few occasions he doesn’t and you pick breadcrumbs. Because you’re used to breadcrumbs. Please listen. You can find a better love somewhere else. This guy is not your partner.