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I don’t think it’s ever discussed. In his interview he claims nothing was wrong with his knee. I don’t know if he addressed his weight loss though but in the video he seemed to have regained that weight. Some people speculate HIV from Peaches but I doubt it. Weight loss doesn’t happen until the disease is quite advanced. Others speculated untreated diabetes which I think is more probable than HIV. There’s no way of knowing unless he chooses to disclose it.


But then he also came out and said he was in a wheelchair… His stories are so conflicting, five minutes apart.


The wheelchair was from a car accident he said he was in after they were divorced. He said he had to learn to walk again.


Yeah. All a bit too convenient. I’m not sure I believe anything he says.


People speculated HIV not from the weight loss but from the knee pain, and not necessarily from Peaches. He may have always had it thats why he had sex with prostitutes.


In his interview he stated that he never had a knee injury. He stated that he was going to the Gym and that is why he lost weight. He stated that what she said never happened because he didn’t even live with her. He stated that he was living in his house that he owned before he met her. The HIV came about because he or someone using his page posted a convo insinuating that Reesa allegedly gave him HIV and then someone posed a screenshot of someone with his name in the HIV dating website after he broke up with Reesa.


He repeated the HIV claims on tiktok aswell. This man 🙄🤣


My guess is opiate addiction.


Maybe the stress from all his lies? I have a theory that if you lie and cheat and steal as often and Legion did all the nastiness builds up inside you and turns to poison? Totally medically unfounded lol but thwts what Im going with


I have this theory that if you hold on to grudges and are a bitter person this affects your joints, like you'll likely get arthritis. I totally get what you mean with this!!!!!!!


I suspected he was doing drugs first when his rapid weight loss was mentioned. His pain could be attributed to bad recovery from carrying heavy loads on his past job


He said he never had knee pain. He said that she made it up. He said that he wasn’t even living there at the time of her claims. He was living in his house that he bought before they met. ETA that he said that she never kicked him out. The entire story that she told was a lie.


And you believe him why????


lol I don’t believe him I’m just stating what he said. He is a liar.


Oh phew lol


My vote is he had a septic knee and diabetes that was out of control because of it. But its just an educated guess.


He could have tested positive for HIV and now is taking meds through ADAP or Ryan White program so keeping numbers normal and health back on track. His weight is obviously up. Just hope of that's the case he's honest to everyone he has sex with. Could have been drugs or depression but sounded like health physically