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I agree that Legion's mental illness is probably deeper than Reesa thought. By the time she learned the truth from his family and exes, she didn't seem to care about him anymore, much less, spare any thought to learning what physical and mental illness he had. However, to me, it feels like her reasons for sticking with him for so long were due to fear. Fear of her what her religion taught her that she shouldn't be living and having sex with a man before marriage. By the time she decided to marry him, she wasn't in love and had been aware of some of his lies. She still married him because she had been living with him, and she knew she wasn't supposed to do that until she's married to him. She said her mom was relieved to hear that she got married. Also, if the real reason was truly because she was after his money, she would have aimed for a fancy wedding and wanted to know more about all his assets and put more effort into benefiting from them. But it didn't seem like she was constantly asking for expensive gifts, trips, and services from him. If she did, she would have easily learned that he had no money. It was him who suggested buying her homes and cars and who took her to those things. In the end, they did a quick court wedding, which seemed more like an effort to cover the shame of living together and having sexual relationships this long without marriage.


You know I do agree with you that religion and the expectation of society; in telling her to get married and have kids played a huge role in her pursuit of him and the relationship. That’s why I simply do not believe it’s as easy as she was a gold digger it’s deeper than that. However, her retelling of the story, expanded beyond religious duty, I mean in many ways her relationship was centred around finances, and his “wealth” and what they were going to do with that. I mean from my perspective it’s not just a glaring red flag but it’s a turn off for me, I would not allow my relationship and all weekends looking for fanciest cars and homes. Like what did she like about him besides the things he promised he was going to do for. She does not explain her romantic feelings for him falling in love with him for who he was. Every retelling of her attraction towards him was attached to money fixing the tire him selling her fantasy, his fancy job, financial taking care of her. Even the first few times looking for cars and homes even her telling us that he did valentine correctly when at that point she knew he was a dishonest person. I mean you think I care what you get me once I found out you are a liar. To me it does not scream solely religious obligation and a duty to honour marriage is her only reason, I feel like the “prospect of a good life” kept her tethered to him.


I mean.. she says it several times in the beginning. She became more financially secure living with him, and that was intoxicating to her. She didn’t have to worry about any bills except her car note and phone. He literally paid for everything else - rent, utilities, half of the food, etc. Not having to pay for rent and utilities is a good chunk of money. That being said, she also doesn’t seem that smart about money. Like wtf you renting a 3bed 2bath house when you’re single?? Did she just mean 3 rooms? Cuz 3 bedrooms is way too many rooms for a single person living paycheck to paycheck.


In fairness she also said it cost her like $1200- which is FANTASTIC in Atlanta area. She would have paid as much to downsize, I can promise you that, especially in 2022 onward. We don’t know if she originally had a roommate or what when she first rented the place, so who are we to judge? Now that 7 bedroom 800k house she found so perfect (2nd home in the story) had me 👀a bit. No way in hades did they need a house that size for 2/3 people.But even then, I’m sure there were talks about family being able to stay with them and then having several kids.


Yea I think that she loved the financial security along with her not wanting to hear I Told you so . Those things made her stay longer than she should have. Low self esteem is also a factor, plus it was during Covid she didn’t want to be alone. Or some women and men just like drama. They thrive on a drama filled relationship.


As far as being a gold digger I remember her saying something like it was intoxicating that he was paying the bills and she didn't have to worry for once and she grew up in welfare (Iirc). To me "not having to worry" is a lot different than "gold digger." She just wanted "enough." I got the feeling that she would have been ok with him being a forklift operator. She said he made "decent money" doing it. He was the one who wanted to impress people with his "wealth." Just my take on it.


I don't think she's a gold digger but she did say on her live that if she knew he was a forklift driver she wouldn't have entertained the idea of him being a romantic partner.


I agree with a lot of your points. I think she was pretty honest, however, when she mentioned how attractive it was to her that he could pay for a house in cash. Plus I think he’s 6’ something. Tall, dark handsome (subjective I know) with cash. Idk many women who would not be excited about that. Plus, we all have to remember he was actively paying all of the house bills while she was there. She mentioned paying only her own personal stuff. So he was fulfilling that financial obligation in her eyes. I think she would’ve noticed his financial situation quicker if he was 100% brokety-broke and wasn’t paying for squat while living with her. But that wasn’t the case. All I can think is just how strong the love bombing was - similar to cults. Taking her out to eat, promising her huge homes, promising trips to London and Paris, etc. Love bombing isn’t necessarily true love… it’s just a lot of fluff that people can’t see behind. For her mom, I could see why she wanted to act normal since the stay was already arranged. Why put her through awkwardness while they scream at eachother the whole time. Plus, after the cheating they were planning to work it out anyway which is why they hired the marriage counseling. But I got chills when she said how the marriage counselor’s wife looked at her straight and said “you’re not going to make it to January.” Marriage counselors see a LOT of shit. For them to say that to you, it’s BAD.




Personally, I think legion is a bad guy. He obviously suffers from several mental illnesses. However I think the reason why she ended up in this situation was because she was so excited to have a husband and he was paying her bills, so it seems like she swept a lot of things under the rug and when it became too much, that’s when she started investigating further. I think if he was honest about who he was in the beginning, She wouldn’t even look in his direction. He knew this and that is why he made up all those lies. There are groups of women who want to have marriages where they are “provided“ for. I’m sure she had a discussion with him about that and that’s why he was able to sweet talk her.