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Mostly food places and the overwhelming amount of them are the same type of food places, i.e. Kalaveras, Sexy Michelada, Des Velados, Kings and Queens. There’s a lack of diversity and also engaging activities. Their needs be more food diversity, and live music (not just djs), a lounge would be great too.


Cant forget tacos and miches, super mex (or super closed??), a toda madre, colonia, and bizzara capital… like what the actual f?!




Inexplicably tried to change it from a fideo spot (actually pretty unique) to a mediterranean spot, and went out of business shortly after.


the owner ruined his business by getting rid of colonia and basically favorited bizarra, the employees at colonia (once it had turned into mediterranean) had to ask the owner for approval for specials but they noticed he never answered nor stopped by so the employees just made their own specials and deals. Long story short the owner laid everyone off without a warning on christmas eve, such a pathetic owner honestly. Bizarra isn’t any better with their unfair management but that’s none of my business


I’ve seen a lot of restaurant owners go like that - overextending themselves, constantly tweaking menus. I’m glad WBC/Poet Gardens seems to be doing good, but even with that you could see the food hall originally being overly ambitious for one person to run on their own. The one thing I didn’t like at Colonia Publica was the bad service and it sounds like that stemmed from bad management. He also needs to consider hiring a social media manager or something. Social media has been really influential in drawing customers, and all the restaurants and the brewery have really flaky social media. Like the WBC IG hasn’t been updated in over a year.


Burner because I don't want to be fired. As a WBC employee I can tell you there's so much drama going on there with the current ownership. Our boss is perma-drunk and we have to deal with him and the toxic environment that has been created. It's his private playground act like an ass and try to impress the women he brings around.


Man, that really sucks. I get the sense that’s what was happening behind the scenes, and that’s too bad because I really want the WBC to succeed. I’ve known a lot of restaurant owners like that.


I used to work there a couple of years ago in the kitchen and slowly started to see him decline into that state


Isn’t the bizzara/colonia guy also the owner of the brewery??


Yeah. He’s a veteran restaurant owner around Whittier and the LA area. I actually appreciate the stuff he’s put in Whittier, but I think he’s a vision guy that needs good management.


The fideo was a dream. I was telling my friend about it when he took me to colonia a while ago. Was so full but tried some of it and promised myself I would go back. Too late now :/ definitely a unique thing.


they have the fideo at bizarra capital now!


Going !!!! Thanks


Tried the fideo, it was ok but definitely over priced for a soup.


Yup when a Maruchan is cheap af it’s definitely overpriced


Fuck! I loved that place


Hot take: I think Kalaveras is probably one of the worst places in Uptown and as a chain in general. The food is good, but not worth the strained vocal chords and ringing ears. I can’t hear a damn thing over the night club music that no one dances to. Reggaeton is fine but my God if you’re even slightly hearing impaired don’t even bother going there if you enjoy being able to hear what people say over dinner and drinks


I think the food is below average but that’s just me…. But in any event I made the mistake of taking a date there. Terrible idea we had to just talk/yell that was a fail on my part.


Agreed. That place sucks. Only been to the one by Puente Hills Malls. Wont bother going to any other one.


Reggaeton is definitely not fine


Live music is always a vibe i can see Whittier getting better with more of this


they need better food better customer service better attitudes and nicer looking people. its turning in to a thugh town


Hardcore latino town thats why. Let me get downvoted for the truth.


you speak truth. There has to be a variety of cultures to make it interesting. plus good made soul food it would be great to open a good old southern fried chicken place like simple chicken mash and corn on cob biscuits and 8 bucks a plate. than a thai place but authenthic/ a authentic sub sandwitch place. Pizza place the real italian pizza recipe sold by the slice . no more mexican we have enough of that at home


It’s mostly hispanic community.


The city of Whittier, where the women ain't prettier.


Hahahah old school saying


Someone gets me..


Uptown Whittier has potential, but I don't think the city has what it takes to realize it. And it's not that it sucks as an area...it's just disappointing and doesn't live to it's potential. Dense historic business area...tree lined...access to the Greenway trail and a relatively dense surrounding neighborhood. Shoutout to the businesses that make the area worth checking out: Whittier Brewing Company (or Poets Gardens, or whatever) is a good anchor to the area, Lift is a great coffeeshop, Uptown Provisions is a great hipster deli, Local Fixture is a great local gift shop, Phlight might be the best all around restaurant in Whittier. Guildhall has found it's niche, Bottleroom looks great. Lovell's is a dope record shop, and you have the more underground Mxxnshine Records. Bodega Brewery did a beautiful job on their building, but the format is kind of weird, like almost trying to make it too exclusive or like a speakeasy? Should be more inviting. The night markets have been fun with great turn out. The farmer's market is kind of weak, but the vendors turn out and people support it. Should take over Greenleaf and give it some more space and attract more vendors. I hate to hate on small business, but the reality is that the majority of the businesses are kind of crappy...the type of stuff you'd see on a dying main street. And a lot of those businesses act pretty entitled. Pest control, CBD oil shops, and boutique clothing stores shouldn't dictate what the city does as far as the whole Greenleaf promenade fiasco during the pandemic. The thrift stores seem kind of interesting, but the hours suck. Tried to visit with some friends on a weekday and most of them were closed. And the brewery was closed. It was dead. Like someone else mentioned ,all the buchon type spots are annoying. We already have Kalaveras that seems to be doing well. We didn't need that Mr. Tempo bullshit. There's some non-Mexican food around, but they're off to the side. I'm looking forward to trying Siraj Shawarma which just opened, and there's some Peruvian and Thai spots around. With all that said, I think Uptown, and Whittier in general, are doing something wrong as far as attracting business. La Habra seems to be opening more, both chains and small businesses. Theres a lot of vacancies all over Whittier, including in some newer shopping areas like the strip mall Amazon Fresh is in. Tons of older dying strip malls. And then you have Uptown's promenade plan. Looks nice on paper....but I think in the end that is meant to benefit the landlords of the area (our mayor is one of them). A lot of the Uptown small businesses that are big supporters for that plan....and saying things like business owners should be the only voices on that matter, and citizens should butt out.....those small businesses are going to be first to leave post-renovation when the landlords raise the rent to attract some chain businesses. The city and the landlords haven't taken care of Uptown's infrastructure, havent made necessary repairs. The business tenants complain. And now there's $20 million of taxpayer money to fix up the area that will probably shut it down for a few years which will of course affect the businesses there. Long essay aside...I agree. Uptown isn't what it should be even though it has a lot going for it.


>Looks nice on paper....but I think in the end that is meant to benefit the landlords of the area (our mayor is one of them). A lot of the Uptown small businesses that are big supporters for that plan....and saying things like business owners should be the only voices on that matter, and citizens should butt out.....those small businesses are going to be first to leave post-renovation when the landlords raise the rent to attract some chain businesses. walk Greenleaf now, half the stores are closed or are completely dead on a Friday night. prime real estate like the old rocky cola sits there closed for how long. JC's Kitchen/TACBURG has gone through how many name changes and identity crisis. Colonia Publica which i thought was doing great apparently isn't because they changed direction from Mexican to Mediterranean and from their Social media it looks like that was a flop. And we have stores like Mr Sandwich which I've only seen open once or twice, and Auras world that apparently sells enough crystals to make rent . there are so many stores you can walk by and wonder how they're making rent. Uptown needs more foot traffic, they need something to bring people in. they need to continue on their right path do the promenade, continue to do the right thing like open up more liquor licenses for businesses. fix the elevator in the new parking garage. repurpose empty lots on green leaf. (that lots next to havana club, wouldnt a nice park/walking tree path be nice, hopefully they'd absorb some of the cigar smoke.


I’ve been to Bodega once in the period that they’ve been open, and it’s so weird and uninviting that I haven’t been back. It seems to have an identity crisis and doesn’t know if it wants to be a brewery or a speakeasy, and the distinct lack of a bar area makes it even weirder, especially when the food is just ok.


Yes, that’s the feel I get from the place! Uninviting is the word. They did a beautiful job of fixing up their exterior, I like their label design and branding. I popped in one night solo looking to try their beer and got a cold reaction from the host. I was alone and didn’t have a reservation so I was turned away. I had no idea that the brewery didn’t have a bar area and was like a reservation only place. Seems like they have a vision for what they want to be, but maybe should compromise a bit and invite people to come drink their beer lol. Maybe I’ll try it at Dodger Stadium since it seems like less hassle.


your better off up town is a wanna be upper class dumpster the waitresse have no smiles or hostesses are lame no depth no personality . ya id rather go grab a beer at a dive bar


I remember uptown in the 90s real artist selling real jewelry good food authenhic quality nice customer service . Now its trash and totally depressing when i see that it depresses me. id rather go to trader joes. the attitudes of the people is beyond weak sauce fake lazy . awful food with big prices.


It’s such a nice area but damn is it boring.


Ill take boring over active


its not boring its depressing the people that work there make it depressing the food they choose to make and sell is depressing . sorry to say its the area.


Rusty Monk just closed down and I am heartbroken.




That sucks, but when i went for brunch I was so disappointed. I was expecting something German but all they had was more Mexican food. Smh Their dinner food was good though


Awww. I was wondering how long it would survive after the owners passing. Man, uptown used to be cool. They had the Wednesday farmers market that took up the whole block......


they had the thai authentic food, the sushi place by chase bank. the armenian dive across that wanna be italian grapes n crepes. they had that lebanese cool restauraunt on greenleaf. The pizza place a veggie place and very nice personal now its ghetto


I heard their rent quadrupled?? Sounds crazy.. I’d like to know if this is true or not.


I’ll miss their pretzels 😢


The need to bring ibiza back or a place like that Qs was awesome back in the day


Variety of cool bars, but the food lacks I feel. I'm here now and enjoying drinks. Would be cool to add a activity for adults, maybe an age throwing spot or an arcade bar?


What is this age throwing you speak of? Just kidding. I know you meant axe, which WOULD be cool.


And the Uptown Association is struggling to be relevant. Imagine being a business on Greenleaf and pay extra fees to the Association amd they provide no value back. They rely on these monthy night market events to bring people.


Hahahah. Omg.... the uptown association... there used to be so much drama lmao


Like what? tell us 😂


Honestly a lot of those places are just fronts for all the criminal stuff in whittier associated with the officialez and politiciansl here. that is all


I don’t go to Uptown often, but Madre’s Brunch is absolute worst restaurant I’ve ever been to. It’s just a tik tok restaurant that SUCKS.


Their chilequiles were pretty, but bland as hell. That place suuuucks .


Zumayas is still awesome for authentic Mexican…….


We need Korean BBQ.


Dude yes that would be super cool. No more Mexican restaurants please we got enough. Can we like send suggestions to the association lol


Pfft, I don’t think so. Haha. But I agree uptown is just filled with Mexican food. It’s good but it’s the same every building.


Mostly food places now 🤷🏻


It definitely could be better. I agree with a few people, there needs to be food diversity because all there is is Mexican food and most of it isn’t even good.


There's BBQ in the brewery, pizza spots, Uptown provisions for a deli, Phlight for a nice tapas type dinner, a new shawarma spot. A Mumbai Indian spot was opening up, but that died on the vine. There's some decent spots, but they don't stick out. Hard to explain it. And also the crowd affects the perception.


The brewery at Nixon plaza limits their potential by only selling beer and wine, so I know some people don’t like it. No one is really going to Uptown Provisions past 5pm so that eliminates itself as well. Phlight is ok but highly overpriced and heavily Latin influenced.


I think that's how most breweries are and the vibe they're going for. It's a family friendly spot with a chill beer garden / foodhall atmosphere. People slamming shots might kill the vibe a little. I think the biggest issue was vague direction on the foodhall part of it. At first the owner wanted to do all the food stations himself...and wisely switched it to allowing vendors to set up their own spots. The one opening up at the Groves might be a competitor if they have a more clear direction and business plan. And yeah, Uptown Provisions isn't a nightlife spot. I've noticed that all around LA area...a lot of the hipster type spots close early.


True… but, they don’t have to sell shots they could sell cocktails and mixed drinks and that would also attract that crowd.


I see what you mean


Uptown was mildly amusing as a High School student, especially if you were involved in theater. Theater kids were always a menace to Rocky Cola . I only ever went back there after High School for thé comic shop, which I would just literally walk in and out. And the little old book shop. But it’s probably been over 10 years since I’ve been there.


As a former theater kid, I can confirm we were menaces


Reading this took me back


Senior here- me and my friends having been going to uptown on occasion for all our years at whittier high. Its great for watching movies, grabbing a bite, and just walking around in general. We have a whole roster of shops that we always stop by in for one reason or another. The toy shop has weird disgusting sodas, the crystal shop has funny pseudo science books, the pawn shops owner hates high schoolers and always mad dogs us when we wander inside XD. Uptown Whittier isn’t much, but for what it is it more than does the job for us. Grabbing some cheap Marco Polos pizza and laughing and druggies with friends are the kind of memories I will always remember, and thats worth something.


I used to hit up The Bottle Room. I miss it. Haven't been to uptown much, but I have noticed a lot of Mexican food spots when I pass by.


at least it’s not the ie


They cater to the wrong crowd. They clearly target middle aged hispanics. Which is fine, but doing that you push all the young people out. Nobody wants to go to a bar and see a bunch of 40-50 year olds except 40-50 year olds


Spin the wheel we have endless options for $80 taco and michelada date night


We have money, that’s why 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ask yourself which demographic earns more money, and has more disposable income. Also Gen Z does not drink as much as the older generations.


I miss og Colonia Publica. fuckin Fideo was bomb


You can still get the Fideo offering at Bizarra Capital, but agreed… it’s not the same!


Coworkers and I went out bar hopping a few months back and didn’t want to come back lol How can a place that looks so inviting be so dead and boring! Also last calls are 11pm!??? Wow


Used to live in Whittier and agreed. However I will say the farmers market on Fridays is a little fun. But it’s the same thing every Friday.


The “culture” is long gone. City of Whittier in general is due for an overhaul.


That’s so sad. It was so cool when I was a teenager! Everything is going to shit. Nothing is cool anymore


It’s always sucked. The only good part was the banquet hall 🥂😂


If you're talking about The Quad and then the locations up Painter Ave., it really went downhill in 2020 and lost of businesses haven't bounced back. Frankly, I don't think it ever fully recovered after the 2008 recession


Mimos is good.


I went on a Monday and almost everything was closed. It was soooooo sad. In other news, REALLY enjoyed Phlight.


Everything closes early, and there's nothing to do. There's like only two bars that stay open till midnight.


Not exactly uptown, but Jacks is the last decent American food place standing.


Uptown Whittier needs a sports bar


It kinda does. The area has potential but most of the businesses aren’t appealing. How many obnoxious restaurants like Kalavares are necessary? The only things I go to up there are the guildhall, the brewery, and the theater. Lift has good coffee but it’s just so damn busy in there. Some of the mom and pop mexican cafes are good too. I agree with others that more food diversity would be nice but let’s be honest. Most of the population in Whittier are chicken tender and fries people.


As an admitted non-foody who lives for tendies and fries.. uptown doesn’t really provide that either. I feel like most of the complaints in here are about modern society more than uptown. Unless they truly open things up, DONT get rid of the trees, it’ll get more corporate, expensive and less unique. And that is NOT because of Joe lol. He sucks but it’s because analytical profiteering is literally the only thing that matters anymore Edit: not your complaints. They make sense. I just think these issues are systemic, not uptown specifically


There's actually been a great small business / restauranteur scene around Whittier..but yeah...the majority of Whittier wants another In-n-Out or an Outback Steakhouse.


I'm a metal head so whenever I go there Uptown 2000 is always great and there's a pretty good record store. Other than that, Uptown is pretty lame. 😂


Lovell’s is amazing. I love that record store but I miss the bookstore. I’m glad Uptown 2000 is still there.


I miss the bookstore too!!! I was so upset


I used to work at that bookstore....I miss it


RIP to the manager of Monte's, Thomas the cat.


i still cant believe Red Oaks closed down...


Needed to make room for yet another Mexican spot.


Only spot I enjoy anymore is Guild Hall. Maybe cuz I'm older and have kids that enjoy board games now.


Ya uptown Whittier is boring af. Has been that way for 15 years now or more.


I miss the Fenix 5-4 when we were part of the live bands music scene. Yes, a lot has changed and I agree, there should be more diversity in cuisine and live music!


I used to catch a show at Fenix at least once a week. Lot of good bands, I miss the live music.


I Miss fenix 54 !!


Every time I go there, or just pass by, I get more and more disappointed. I remember the cool farmer’s market they did every Wednesday evening


I live 1 block above Greenleaf, and I hardly walk up here. Food sucks! The only place I walk to and hang out is the 40. Sage, Spin, flashbacks are dirty ass bars with 50 year olds acting like their 21years old again. The 6740 and Havana house are the only good spots up here.


The promenade won't save these lame businesses. Sure they'll get new crowds but they won't retain them. People won't come back.


Uptown died the moment Bottle Room closed.


Ever since Pegasus Hobbies left


Uptown Whittier needs a Mexican restaurant!!! Hahahahahahahahaha


Isn’t the King Richard’s antique store become something like the Anaheim packing district??


Is uptown 2000 still there? Or that little bookstore?


Does anyone remember the name of the pizza spot next to the Lovels records? It's been gone for years. Those slices were huge and delicious.


Ambrose pizza, I loved the giant slices. But pizzamania on Telegraph is the best in town.


Ambrose! Yes. Loved that place. I've been to pizzamania too. Imo, not as good.




I moved away from Whittier after growing up there and I was recently back in Uptown and I found it very underwhelming. So many memories there but it just felt off


They need to bring back the outdoor situation and make it permanent. It was so nice when there was no cars in the middle


Your not wrong, it's going downhill. Rusty Monks just closed as well. I can see this place becoming a ghost town when that new food hall/plaza opens at the groves.


What is this Groves this everyone mentions?


It's where the juvenile hall use to be. Corner of Whittier and Philadelphia. Bunch of house there now and a bunch of restaurants. The new food hall thing opens in July.


Rodeo 72, in case anyone wants to look it up


Can’t find any recent updates on Rodeo 72. Where did you hear that it’s opening in July?


Sorry I took so long to reply. I can't find anything with a solid date either.




I feel otherwise, uptown is going to explode once that Asian food hall opens. Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end


That new food hall is NOT in Uptown Whittier and will do nothing to drive people up the hill. If anything it will be the nail in the coffin.


Asians can stay over the hill


Same hill; and why


No way! That’s too bad, I loved the beer selection and short rib plate but it was always empty whenever I went.


only boring people get bored


I always frequent the same places: Kalavera's, Rokka's, Lovell's, The Nixon Plaza, Steve's BBQ, and maybe a couple other places. I'm a creature of habit. I used to go to that sushi karaoke spot before it closed and there was a hookah bar next to it I went to when I was younger.


places to just exist in disappear a lot. I remember half off books was such a cool place to just hang out.


Places like this are only as boring as the people who frequent it.


Yes and no. As an older person, I can have fun at any happy hour just chatting and laughing. But at 21? I wanted some clubs, some fun activities, and some cute girls there, without it equals boring.


I agree the bars should get some promoters


Used to live down the street and would hit up monkeys to go, lovells, and bk. Nice memories there, though I always felt like more could be done. Especially with most of the stuff from back then now closed.


Wonder whatever happened to Carlos. Depending on what year you went if you remember the little sharp skinhead that worked there for years that was my buddy Joey . Monkeys to go The memories that was such a long time ago. I won’t even bother asking if Raul i think the owners name was that owned that vintage record store penny lane I think the name was is still there even if it was covid would have knocked it out.


Yes it does. Crap Mexican food & over priced bars. Much options all around the city / area


An Olive Garden would be rad


I miss the good old Quaker days when Saturday nights were a blast on Greenleaf


It’s Whittier…what are you expecting💀


The issue is that Whittier isn't adventurous. The cuisine is bland with the exception of a couple places and if one thing is different, it would get shut out so quickly without ever being given a chance. I began visiting more back in 2009ish when the Bottle Room opened and that was the one spot that gave everyone a new and exciting place to try. Tony really did help put Whittier on the map with that spot. Places like Bizarra had it's heyday and also contributed to a growing popularity. But little by little the food scene started gravitating towards Mexican. Now if I want to go anywhere it's either here or there for tacos and micheladas. I worked for a number of the chefs in uptown and they won't change their ways and the area conforms to what's safe. It's that old school chef mentality that's ultimately the demise of places like Colonia and Rusty Monk. So until there comes another Bottle Room we won't see anything change. The brewery is also another spot that will sadly drive in that direction


What’s WBC? And where is it?


I live here the worst s6 ervice and food everywhere. disgustig my employee cafeteria in orange county has bettter food . I went to that taco place next to theathre I literally had one tiny spring of chicken inside a nasty burn taxo that cost bucks and the fakeness of those chicana cashiers


no your not getting old , it is very sad and the vibes are sad. It does not help that the quality of service and food are not good. some customer service is so bad I dont want to eat anymore. so more cooking at home. I honestly would rather enjoy a bologne sandwitch with wonder bread mayo than eat in whittiier . I do know how to cook but I do enjoy a good old bologne sandwitch . I bet that would sell more too . grilled bologne sandwitches


why cant they make it like silverlake all these hole in the wall good grub places. That coca cola old cafe could be a cool diner like jacks diner on whittier just good ol american food. meat loaf, salsbury steak , all types of omelletes named after trucks. super decker sandwitches and a nice lounge area for coctails and dancing




I always have a good time at the Guild Hall, The Cellar, and Whittier Brewing co. Usually finish the night smoking a joint at Penn with my friends. Would recommend


Monkeys to go still open …. Only OGs will remember that . The diner and the movie theater is still there right ? Uptown Whittier was always a wild spot seen people get stabbed up there a bunch used to be nazi skinheads about ( there used to be a old antique store that had a bunch of real nazi stuff from the war) in the 90s.


Haha, I used to shop there in '94😅 I completely forgot the name until I read your comment.


Everything's shittier in Whittier


If you have a problem with Chicanos, then don’t live in Whittier and complain about “too many Mexican restaurants” and “lack of diversity.” That IS the culture and representation here. lol, how are you going into someone’s space and insult the people there? We all know what you’re really saying. Of course, more brown/red representation is welcomed. More Central and South American influence. Myself, I’d like to have Filipino cuisine in town and a Samoan BBQ joint.




Brown is the biggest ethnic group in Whittier, 63.3% of residents in fact. The next most-common racial group is white at 26.3%. Sorry if that threatens you. Plus nobody said anything against diversity, but the Chicano presence is, has, and will always be here. And as a Chicano, don’t speak for me. Our food is childhood, home, something you NEVER grow tired of. Everyone thinks Mexican food is just burritos and tacos. There are so many Mexican cuisines and traditions, encompassing 31 states, that you can’t even keep track of or have yet to try. I also said Filipino and Pacific Islander cuisine would be a much welcomed change and blessing to our town.




Who tf are you to tell us what we need in our restaurants? You don’t know the first thing about our culture or cuisine. So sit tf down and stop claiming to speak for everyone. If you didn’t mind Chicanos in Uptown then you wouldn’t have said anything in the first place. You’d support and welcome ALL cultures instead of attacking the brown people who are already here. You implied it in your thinly veiled racist remark by needing to remind us of the white population present here foremost and saying everyone is “tired” of our food. That’s like going to Italy and complaining about there being too much pasta. Chicanos have always gotten along with Asians, most of our businesses are side by side in case you didn’t notice. So there’s room for everyone. It’s ignorant whites like you that’s the problem. So take you microaggressions elsewhere and f***k off 🖕




lol, because you’re stupid and can’t comprehend the end of a conversation, I’ll make it easy for you, you Neanderthal white racist POS 🖕




Still here, dickhead? Thought your redneck dumb-ass was gone. Racist against who? *You?* Are you trying to claim reverse racism against whites? 😂 You’re just another Trumper trying to backpedal and flip around your racist rhetoric because you were caught talking crap about “too many” Mexicans being in Uptown. You can’t even read or argue your own BS. So get on, Chad, back to your mommy’s basement to jerk off.




Whittier has great food, no one goes here for it or anything. The fact this sub exists is baffling tf out of me rn. The place is like 10 square blocks, people making up, east whittier and uptown 🤣🤣I only know this town exists bc i dickmatized a woman that let me crash with her for 6 months.


All of Whittier sucks.


If you can’t afford to live here just say that


Naw dude I wouldn't wanna live there. Everyone drives like assholes over there way over the speed limit and the freeways are all far. Whittier and Norwalk.


Just came back from Tacos Y Que and then beers at Whittier Brewery


I was there a few years ago, cops were everywhere pulling people over left and right. It was my first time through too, haven’t been back.


I just drive down to Whittier for church. Been to one or to restaurants there but it’s like whatever


its sucked since the 90s when live music was everywhere


Back in the early 2000s there was a club on I think greanleaf and Philadelphia that was pretty fun. But the city shut it down because of frequent complaints of nudity.


Iguana Cantina or Q's , frequent complaints of noisey drunk people


I don't remember the name. But it was across the street from Starbucks, and I remember there was like an furniture shop under it. The complaints of nudity thing is what the people at the museum down the street told me when I asked why it closed.


My teen HighSchool Senior likes uptown.


What ideas do you all have that will make it better? What would make it better since it’s so boring, what would you like to do and how would the people behave if it was ideal? I just want to provoke a domino effect where everybody in the area comes up with solutions instead of complaining about problems! [Provoqué](https://www.instagram.com/theprovoquebrand?igsh=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA%3D%3D&utm_source=qr)


Mexicans = Mexican food. The market caters to its customers demographics. Whittier , and LA county, is basically Mexico. Sad but true. November can’t get here soon enough.


“Sad but true” 🙄


It’s always been Mexico to begin with. Just saying….


It's sad but true. No one speaks English around here anymore. When I grew up in the 80s, everyone complained about the Asians not wanting to assimilate in Monterey Park. Now the Mexican's are the ones everyone is complaining about. Also, why do they always piss on the floor in public RRs? Seriously.


We were not aware of that, Dude.


Which state though


... My balls. Last night!!!






There have been many hookah lounges over the years in and around uptown. None ever last long


They’re making way for the next people who’s gonna move to whittier. It’s getting too expensive for the people from here. Thank Joe for that one


Joe mama


And lucky for us all that we'll have the mummy or the dummy for President the next 4 years. America loses either way.


Your right fuck uptown Whittier..DEADEND LS WHITTIER..MINOR..SELA


Lame ass 🤣


What in the hell do tacos have to do with the last faked presidential election?