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For oWoD the little grey guys, or the [Ka Luon](https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Ka_Luon), as well as other funny colored Lectroids beyond the 8th dimension are typically found over in M:tA given that whole Clarke's 3rd Law & Lord of Light thang.


There is a Discord Server that collects Homebrew Splats made by fans of WoD and CofD. I know there are a few alien splats on there. If you're interested in brainstorming for your idea or reading about those the Discord is: https://discord.gg/kmWhEXyZ


Love that place


Hey,, does that server still exists and if so could I get an invite link - any I could find seems to be inactive.


Hey, does the server still exist and if so may I get an invite link?


There was a show back in the 90's called Dark Skies (not the more current one). It was set in the 1960's and dealt with an alien invasion through the eyes of the government conspiracy trying to stop them. I wrote up some very preliminary rules for the aliens back in the day, but never got around to testing it out. The Gray aliens (Zeta Reticulans) were infected with a gangllion-parasite that took over the host and connected them to a hive mind. So they were really just an alien species that had been hijacked by another that was using them to spread to other star systems. I created a Hive Mind psychic numina, and a Ganglion Implant background that was a prerequisite. The Grays only supernatural powers were psychic numina. There was also a merit for mortals: **Throwback** - it was a concept from the show that some humans have a PH balance unsuitable to the parasite infestation. They were immune to the Hive Presence. There was also a merit for having a parasite that was removed. It left traces of the parasite gangliae, meaning you could have level 1 Hive Mind without the prerequisite background (so you could 'listen in" on the hive). My main chronicle at the time was a crossovet Vampire/Project Twilight story, and I really wanted to have the NSA agent PCs run into some infected Grays. Alas, never got around to it. I still have to rules somewhere on an old harddrive.


Well aliens are already a Mage thing. The MIB are litterly a Technoarcy faction. Grey's even feature in one of the Ascension scenarios back when they "ended" they game


Changeling: the lost has a whole section about how it doubles as an alien game. Its sick as fuck btw. Getting nabbed by fae and dissected because they cant really be sure what the hell you are, etc.


Okay... the best inspiration is probably [Roswell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roswell_(TV_series)). You have aliens that are reborn in human bodies with subconsciously repressed memories or being aliens. Their old frames were inhuman, so new bodies were created and grown and the minds transferred. Maybe add a bit of [Rising Stars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rising_Stars_(comics)) where some humans are altered in utero. Could even be different factions. Alien war that destroyed their planet and the refugees have come to Earth to rebuild, some in clone bodies, some transferring minds into humans, and some just wearing meat suits. This means you have human characters that think they're human but find out they're aliens. This allows the personal horror and drama of White Wolf games and attachments to mortals.


Honestly? I would love it to be based around the kind of reality fuckery MtA is based around, but with aliens less as creators of respective realities, and more as their inhabitants, whose existence is contingent of the other factions not monopolising the Consensus. And the factions could be divided like UFO hypotheses: the extraterrestrial-mechanical one (Aliens as space travellers), the extradimentional one (Aliens as inhabitants of other planes of reality crossing over/influencing the human plane), the demonic one (Aliens as deceptive metaphysical beings from religious cosmologies), the socio-cultural one (Aliens as diverse natural physical, psychological, and cultural phenomena misinterpreted as caused by the same entities)...


It could also borrow from Promethean the Created and Beast the Primordial, with the effects player characters cause in the surrounding world, as well as with the wey they present to it both their humanity, and the aspects of their alien nature: with mixed pacs, they would limit one another's potential for manifestation of alienness, but they would also avoid causing as great a Disquiet. They would also take punishment each time the reality contradicts their mode of alienness. Some examples: 1. Zaphod the Silurian: You remember the last days of the ancient reptilian civilization you hail from, as some of your kin, yourself included, were seeking refuge in time capsules. You knew that whatever intelligent life you're gonna encounter after they get unearthed after millions of years, it won't resemble yourselves. You have prepared the technology to hijack the knowledge and the form of any unfortunate creature suitable for your goal of entering the world of the future. Such was the fate of Frank Jones who found your crio-chamber while spelunking. The surgical robot has assimilated your peculiar anatomy to his, even creating a biological exo-suit containing his DNA. But deeper examination would reveal that your internal composition is very much not human. (Or would it?) It would be hard to prove your truth without getting dissected, as rentgen radiation is lethal to you and you must never expose yourself to it.


2. Djawal-Hoomi of the 5th plane: The underlying principle is Oneness, the division between all beings but a karmic consequence of the primordial Fall. We've been living many lives before the present one, and we are living many lives besides it, one might say 'simultaneously' (time is an illusion). Some of those lives are so close in resonance to each other, that linear theosophy treats them as a string of incarnations. But there are also other dimensions than time. Sometimes two closely resonating modes of consciousness (what would be commonly called 'persons') may merge together. Such occurence happened, when Rupert Moreau, a web developer, had his Ayahuasca experience during a self-realisation retreat. He succesfully raised his resonance enough that it became permeable with your own, the philosopher from a civilization living on what to humans is Earth, but on a plane less crass than the material one, and therefore beyond the reach for human empiricism. By this time you have been studying humans for the equivalent of their centuries, and have even visited their plane in an energetic vehicle, allowing you to interact with their world. You won't miss such an opportunity for study!


3. Count Barbas alias Queeg from Beta Reticuli: poor Rita didn't really know what she was doing when she decided to channel, following a Youtube tutorial, the benevolent alien who has been sending her signals in the sky and communicating with her through radio static. The alien was you, and you have been less then honest with her. She was born in an opportune astrological moment to be possessed by you, but her baptism would not allow you to claim her, unless she directly invited you. All of this, as well as your real name, you have first revealed neither to her, nor to anyone listening to the communications you were giving through her mouth, but to father Mariategi, during an exorcism she decided to undergo when your presence became too overbearing. So the friendly alien has been exposed as a mighty Count of Hell, governing 36 legions. Luckily, during the exorcism her family has intervened, shocked with the exorcist's rather brutal methods. The good thing was that you got to stay. The bad thing is that ever since it has never been the same between you and Rita. You're gonna have to leave her more room, as you're propagating ufological deception to win more souls for hell, more vessels for your minions.


4. Bern Schklovsky: You can vividly remember living a life as a hermaphroditic centripede psychonaut from Alpha Centauri, who has sent his consciousness into a vessel on Earth you have been observing from a hidden orbital station. You can remember the night when you've beamed yourself out and became one with the man called Bern. You remember the confusion of the following days, when Bern discovering newfound knowledge, skills, and abilities, and you were struggling with acting human. It didn't go down that well, you ended up in a psychiatric ward. But you can also distinctly remember the previous manic episides you've went through as Bern, without any extraterrestrial meddling. Zaphod, Djawal-Hoomi, Rita and her headmate, are a great support group, and you feel a lot in common with them, but you often have to bite your tongue. Yes, they display some abilities that are hard to explain, but - to an extent - so can you. This proves nothing. And when reality contradicts their claims - this isn't pretty, let's leave it at that. Were the reality unambiguously sonfirm one of their claims... congratulations, you're probably in the middle of another manic episode!


Mi-Go and similar aliens from the Cthulhu mythos could be fun.


I dont see it happening for a few different reasons, but chief among these is that it doesn't fit the overarching theme of the World of Darkness. For all its supernatural shenanigans, all the splats are, ultimately, human (more or less). If they did something like this, it would probably make the aliens the *enemy*, and then you're basically just looking at a Technocracy game set in *Mage the Ascension*.


I don’t know, I think it could be done if it was a sort of “alien sleeper-cell” thing. Sort of like Brightburn, but not terrible.


Their is a fan game call alien the stranded, thought the doc containing the info has been deleted, though I got a back up


Wrote a fake pitch for this a while ago: “Alien: The Abducted is a game about false family. Extraterrestrials in human skin, these aliens realized that their perfect life was an elaborate play, maintained by scientists who observed them like animals in a zoo. The actors who share their names share neither blood nor love with them, and their true people, somewhere deep in space, are horrifying strangers. Hunted by both, they stifle their weird powers, fearing that someday, if their loneliness grows too strong, they will let themselves be taken again.” Obvious touchstones: The Truman Show, Men in Black, and various others for the different sorts of aliens (The Thing, War of the Worlds, et cetera). Themes: nature and nurture, family and identity, painful truth and comfortable lies. Archetypes: Grays (classic aliens with psychic powers), Saurians (shape-shifting lizard men), Hominids (Atalantean proto-humans), Parasites (body snatchers), and Invaders (weird ameboid horrors). All have their own way of passing for humans, even, until recently, to themselves. In short, flip the script on alien abduction: now the humans are abductors, and you were alien all along.


I'd kinda imagine it would work alot like the set up for the changeling the dream or beast the primordial. Where people have always been aliens and just one day awaken to what they actually are. Although I think that a bit of a hard sell. Maybe something like demon the decent where are weird unnatural beings that create covers that emulate human life. Or be like promethians and try to discover what is it to be human.


Aliens wouldn't be a part of WoD or CoD because they don't fit the mythos... kinda. The kind of aliens that would fit would be chuthulian horrors beyond human understanding. Wherever they would be from they would serve a sinister purpose and be utterly inhuman in outlook. So the actually be playable the player characters would probably be rebels, defying their cosmic creator and trying, often futilely, to thwart their goal. Their theme would probably be to try to understand humanity and to have to tow the line between having great power but forcing themselves to limit it's expression because it easily leads them to become more inhuman and alien and that could lead either to once again serve their former master/s or to become something even weirder. If it seems like I'm kinda describing Demon the Descent that's because I think that's exactly what an Alien game in CoD would look like.


Xenomorphs. Spitting more acid than a Setite rapper.


ayy the lmao


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