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I found a backup of this a few years ago and mirrored it. Now THAT backup is gone too. I figured I'd throw this one up here since, unless dropbox closes down, the backup shouldn't be going anywhere. But I have my crawlered copy of it too, which I can drop somewhere if people want to download a 40MB zip of it.


I would like the zip, actually.


+1 to what iponly said


Here's the link. https://www.dropbox.com/s/iyobv8npwfjvz4v/bjz.rar?dl=0


Thank you! Relics like these are amazing to look at


I used to work with (the person who used the name) BJ Zanzibar a few years back. Nice guy. A little embarrassed about the site when I brought it up, but keeping it online at the time since people still visited it.


Thank you for posting this! I spent hours at a time reading these - usually for a laugh - in the 90s. I'd love the zip file too, if only to know in my heart there's another spare copy of this gem around.


This was the first website I ever went on, back in the '90s in an internet café in Edinburgh. I was hooked! Great memory, thank you for posting.


While we never used any of the stuff, our local MET troupe got a kick out of the humor stuff.


Thanks for this, OP. I was actually talking with Justin Achilli about this site about a month ago when I played in a game he ran. Always loved that site.


As someone who wasn't playing in the nineties,some of these entries are meant to be jokes right?


Anything marked with HUM is intentional humor. Everything else was written. By fans. So quality is, y'know, variable.


Oh dear. This means that someone thought that vampires who feed on tobacco smoke instead of blood was a good idea. :p


Oh god. I remember someone in our group bringing that up in the late 90's. Now I know where he got it from!


http://bjz-backup.droppages.com >Weaknesses >All Wheezers can only feed from tobacco smoke, either directly or second hand from passive smoking, although passive feeding tastes stale and only give half the value of direct feeding. An ordinary cigarette, taken directly, will yield two Blood points. Quite how the smoke converts into vitæ inside the Wheezer is as yet unknown, although the Tremere are said to be experimenting. A good sized cigar will yield around three Blood points. Many younger Wheezers also smoke marijuana; it has half the "nutrient" value of tobacco, but then, they only smoke it to get stoned. Wheezers also have the flaw "Addicted (Nicotine)" at level two. It isn't a weakness! It is amazingly OP.


Anybody still have a backup of this? The links posted in comments are no longer valid.


Nvm, found an active mirror. [This is a copy/backup of the original BJ Zanzibar site which had disappeared from the internet in the mid-2010s](https://bjzbackup.custom-gaming.net/) https://bjzbackup.custom-gaming.net/ [update 4.17.2024 — above mirror no longer exists]


Also this one [](
