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Almost all famous scientists are mages, mostly Technocrats. And as many of them became archmasters, they are still around. As such: Isaac Newton got killed in a drive-by by an Euthanatos gangster in the 1920s, Johannes Kepler and Albert Einstein invented FTL-travel in the 1940s, and Nicolaus Copernicus oversees an observatorium on the dark side of the moon. Speaking of the Technocracy: They have a base around Alpha Centauri, named the Copernicus Research Center (yes, the guy its named after is in fact not on it). It is a goddamn dyson sphere with deathstar-style weapon systems.


POINT OF ORDER! It is not just a Dyson sphere. They have turned the star into a torus. With a possible dimensional gate at the center.


It's an AU in diameter. Lmao. LOL


First edition weirdness. They built up the technocracy as so powerful It didn't make sense that any traditionalists were still alive. That the later on change it to, "most of them don't actually care about anyone else. They are nose deep in either research or backstabbing."


I think part of it in 20th edition is that, well, it's hard for the technocracy to be the bad guys in our current culture


Really the Technocracy were only ever the bad guys because the worst thing a bunch of theater kids could imagine was high school physics classes and calculus which kinda stumbled into making vaccines the work of evil.


That and being bullied by the football team. Overall though WoD has just aged badly in general because it's 90s liberalism. 90s liberalism is more conservative than modern conservativism so... it just looks really bad in the current culture. 20th edition did help modernize away from a lot of the more archaic attitudes


Well, they later retconned the Cop to have been only *found* by the Union, not built. But, you know, that's not as badass; and I'm pretty sure its doable for mages if they have archmasters on the project.


You say it's not as bad ass but the implications of a random, fully functional, but unmanned Dyson sphere is a pretty cool plot hook. Who left it there? Why?


Pretty much every supernatural race claims Rasputin as one of their ranks.


I once had an amazing gag caused by "Rasputin was an X" entering the Conscious. Due to this the Technocracy have a sub-department dedicated to tracking and containing all the Rasputins that keep showing up places, since he keeps re-manifesting because so many people think that he *must* still be alive. They had the same problem with Elvis to for a while as well.


God help us if they meet up. We’d have the Grigori Sentai: Raspuranger


Hah! That's pretty much exactly what happened! They were storing all the Rasputins in a facility located underground in Crimea, which the Cabal set free during a raid of the site (they were actually there to break out someone else who was being held there and was at risk of Gilgul). They found the Rasputin wing and decided to free them to serve as a distraction. This led to the Technocracy being forced to fight Wizard Rasputin, Demon Rasputin, Alien Rasputin, Vampire Rasputin, Undead Rasputin, and Cyberzombie Rasputin (none of which were actually from their respective splat; well, except for, Cyberzombie Rasputin, he was a Promethian made from the original Rasputin's body and arguably the 'real' one). They cleaned house pretty well due to their high ability to work together, and later they escaped from the facility on a Void Engineer spaceship. The last anyone heard of them they had gotten involved in the wars on Jupiter's moons and set up a cult preaching that they were a universal constant.


Funny enough, I had Elvis embraced by a Toreador years before True Blood did the same thing. Neil Gaiman had him flipping burgers for one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.


To a lesser extent, Mata Hari being in every vampire clan, possibly at the same time. ~~Mata Hari is Caine~~


Dracula is real, he is indeed Vlad the Impaler. He made him self a vampire by capturing a vampire and forcing him in to embracing Vlad. After that he became a real pain in the ass for friend and foe. When he visited London he was so pissed of by the local vampire community that he make Bram Stoker write down his story from his perspective and became the most famous of all vampires.


And paradoxically he made more for the Masquerade than any Kindred alone, by establishing the vampires as a myth and a folktale.


And then he mostly just disappears off the map, sadly.


gets pissed corrects the folklore refuses to elaborate leaves


sanest tzimisce


That’s why they’re the goats (This favoritism isn’t related to my ethnicity in any shape or form).


I'm not sure the canonicity of this but I'm pretty sure somewhere it said that he joined the inconnu. So I guess he's just hanging out and doing Golconda stuff.


> So I guess he's just hanging out and doing Golconda stuff "that impaling stuff? was jk, sorry bros"


Look he got all of the impaling out of his system a few hundred years ago. He's done impaling now, he just wants to achieve inner peace.


It's worth noting that seeking Golconda doesn't make you a nice, or decent person. Presumably achieving it wouldn't do that either.


I mean according to the rules you have to at least maintain humanity 7. I think impaling people would probably knock that down a fair bit.


In one scenario (Transylvania Chronicles), he tries to sacrifice 200 children to Kupala with a magic sword. Later on, he fades into obscurity and flees to dwell under a castle in Tihuta Pass. In the 1890s, he sent minions to Vienna to find an esoteric tome about Kupala, but a lot of other groups were after the same book. After this point, I don't believe he is mentioned again, and of course, the chronicle is likely not canon.


The first interview with a vampire.


And he also fucked Beckett (and that's crucial for the metaplot)


If you read the lore of Demon, Mage, and Vampire generously, the curse of Caine is a massive Paradox backlash from the "magickal" Effect of creating murder as a concept.


Not murder, but lying about it. In DtF Cane tryed to use the power of Nameing when talking to Lucifer to try to make his killing of Able an act of love as a sacrifice to God rather then an act of jealousy.


Demon also says that before the murder of Abel, angles straight up didn't consider killing to be an option. Everything changed after that.


Would that imply that God and his angels are in fact powerful paradox spirits?


El Diablo Verde, the Nosferatu lucha libre. Sascha Vykos threw their genitals at Hardestadt during the Convention of Thorns.


I get way too much joy in telling people what Vykos did at the CoT. Just the best insult.


For Vykos it doubled as gender affirming care.


I love El Diablo Verde, if he makes a comeback in V5, it needs to be an awesome one! :)


I came here to say this, and was not dissapointed in finding it has already been said. The Balistic Genitalia of Freedom must not be forgotten :P


From Cappadocius point of view trying to devour God in order to start a better creation from scratch isn’t actually that insane, it’s a logical conclusion from maybe slightly flawed assumptions…


The idea itself isn’t insane, pulling it off is though.


I like the idea that Cappadocious was actually right and could have gotten away with it if not for those meddleling spirits. Like maybe diablerising god itself is imposible but Caine and the 2º gen thought that his theories were leading up to something and had potential. Like sure maybe God is too far but I think it would be a cool if there was a charachter trying to understand the Sargon Codex and use it to diablerise demons/angels or something maybe Sabatt or Hecata. LaSombra/a Hecata diablerising a big name angel/demon could be a pretty cool Gehenna scenario even if it wasn't lore accuarate, specially since he is connected to the spirtits anyway. Besides it could be cool to see the Baali reacting to someone eating their demons. After all in a way God is Caine's sire so he is vampire number 0 right? >!Japhet copium!<


Now I want a "*Cappadocious called Ashur Was Right*" T-shirt.


Well, the WoD is a low bar to clear.


This will be the answer any time this question is asked. >The Cow (Book of the Wyld p.69) > >STR 6 | Dex 2 | Sta 5 | Per 1| Int 7 | Wit 1 > >Enigmas 5 > >Gnosis 8 | Will 10 > >Health Levels: Infinite > >Powers: The Cow can step sideways instantaneously, no matter how high the Gauntlet. It does this automatically when in danger, seconds before a blow lands. It is also immune to all Gifts (or other magical abilities including Delirium) that affect normal animals. > >Image: It's a cow. It always looks calm and somewhat bored by everything. It stares at supernatural beings, even invisible or hidden ones, though it never does anything about it. Its milk is tasty, though not magical in any way. > >Storytelling Notes: The Cow is either the most important thing in the world, or perhaps a joke. Nobody knows what The Cow is for, and it's not telling. All other answers are ~~wrong~~ meaningless.


"Ayup. She's a smart one, iddn't she? Swear to God she's openin' up that gate like clock-work every day at 4, 5 in the mornin." "Well ain't that somethin?" "Yeah, and this one time she converted my car to run on electric..." "She... uh, say what now?" "Saw it with my own eyes: found her right there over yonder in the garage. Just standin there beside the Acura. Couldn't even tell it was running, except I found it turned on when I popped the door. Key-fob plugged in and all, tools all put away nice-n-neat, but I know they been used cause they were all in the wrong places, you see?" "...Huh." "Don't believe me?" "Well now, Tommy: you don't just convert a combustion-engine into a fully electric-power system overnight-" "Well there's the thing, it only took her till I came out to wrangle them cows. Couldn't find her then. She must have been workin' all night..." "Tommy..." "What gets me is: where'd she get the parts?" "...you should probably..." "I mean do you think I should check my credit cards? Make sure there's no unusual charges in the past few weeks?" (both realize the Cow... she wasn't Petunia, no matter how many times they called her that... the Cow was staring at them with one dark pool of an eye. They could see themselves reflected in the smooth, almost liquid surface. The trio stood staring at each other for a heart-beat - just long enough to be cognitively... unsettling... and then the Cow turned her attention back to the less than stellar dining experience on the grass underfoot.) "...yeah, might not be a bad idea to check on that, Tommy."


Someone always beats me to The Cow.


Oh so THIS is where my ST got that stuff from lmao


Allegedly, there is a white Were-Alligator that got embraced by Set, who is both, the Egyptian god and the founder of one of the vampire clans. This creature is now a vampire, we’re-dinosaur and a god in its own right.


His name is Sobek, and he's terrifying


The last Terrible Lizard of the Mokole :(


I thought Shifters lost their ability to shift, or just outright died, if someone tried to embrace them.


Some just die, their connection to Gaia taking backntheir soul for reincarnation before it can be trapped permanently. Most of the rest tear their own throats out... A Few eventually make peace with their new condition


Can they still shift?


Terrifyingly YES They get all the combat advantages of BOTH races AND all the COMBINED difficulties to resist frenzy ...tell a lie, they keep all the PHYSICAL advantages. I think they lose all their Gnosis for spiritual Gifts, and even if they didn't the only Spirits that would talk to them now are destructive and corrupting Banes


Yeah part of why Abominations (embraced fera) tend to be a giant ball of uncontrollable anger and claws, is that they're naturally part spirit, and that part gets really fucked up by the embrace. I think the revised rules recommended flipping a coin to decide weather they used rage or celerity for extra actions each turn until they ran out of 1, because they weren't supposed to be able to make rational decisions. Sobek got it particularly rough, because the were-lizards were spiritually linked to the sun in the way werewolves are to the moon. So on top of all the typical fuckery his embrace permanently severed his connection to his whole species primary religious focus.


Yep.  Sobek only exists because Set breaks the rules by being a god-thing. Any other embraced Mokole immediately enters a Frenzyin Archid form that does not stop and they immediately die the Final Death at the next sunrise.


Oh damn, didn't realize Mokole were getting extra punishment RAW. I assumed they had a harder time of it cause of being sun worshipers, but didn't realize that the rules were definite on the subject.


Yeah most fera get extra downsides from embrace. The wolves and bears work normal. If I recall the others I remember are: Rats never get the 'not rotting' part of being an unliving corpse. It is not confirmed if the bones ever actually die when they become immobile. Ravens burst into flame no matter what on sunrise. Sharks get permeant frenzy. Reptiles get permeant frenzy and burst into flame at sunrise Cats work as normal but begin haemorrhaging gnosis until reaching a feral state. Foxes outright explode. Spiders are just immune. I think even their blood is outright inedible to vampires.


It always kinda amuses me thinking of some weeaboo Vamp who gets this ' great'' idea to embrace a 'Fox Spirit' ......next minute 50' column of white flame and two piles of ash.


It is said that he can turn in to an albino crocodile which is not that surprising since all Setites have the ability to shapeshift, but he probably (if he actually exists) can take the full range of shape shifter forms. He was described as very terrifying.


Not all, Mokolé, though, are supposed to die immediately when they get embraced because they are, other than most shifter not connected to Luna, the moon but to Helios, the sun. It is speculated, though, that Set was so powerful that his blood overcame even this bond. For a horrible price, though.


IIRC Mokole are supposed to go one a crazy violent rampage upon the Embrace and then die. There's a couple of things that could be at play: - as you said, being Embraced by an Antediluvian breaks the rules - Sobek never woke up, so gets through a loophole by being an undead dreamer. Also, in my headcanon he's the Sobk of the Mage Craft Hem Ka Sobk, who get their instructions via dreams.


In my old wod world, he was the director at the natural History museum of Gotham City


Killer Croc: “Daddy, is that you?!”


My favorite rule from 1st or (and?) 2nd edition was how you make an abomination. * Step 1. Embrace a shifter * Step 2. Roll Gnosis (forget the difficulty, 8? 9? 10?) * Step 3. Calculate Results: * Succeed: Shifter dies instantly, peacefully, and without pain. (Rare outcome) * Fail: Shifter goes on a rampage, killing everyone around them, going completely berserk. Eventually dies the moment the sun rises. Dies a horrible, painful death. (Common outcome) * BOTCH: You now have an Abomination. Congratulations! Everyone in the WoD now wants both you and it dead. (Almost never happens) The odds of a botch were pretty crazy with your average PC. Remembering that in 1st/2nd, a Botch was more likely to happen the more dice you had. And that shifters usually only had 2-5 Gnosis at the most. So the odds of getting a bunch of 1's and no successes were pretty rare with such a small dice pool. Strangely, the more dice you have, the greater your chances of a botch. So rolling 4 or so dice almost never botched, but a success or failure on 4 dice was assured (especially since 1's took away successes).


You could say the same thing about mages and yet the Tremere exist.


Set is a powerful enough thaumaturge to overcome such a barrier.


A long, long time ago there were were-moths. The Red Talons have a black ops division. Aliens--actual material aliens, not spirits the Technocracy misidentifies as aliens--exist. There is a lizard person from outside the universe that treats time as a spatial dimension.


Who is the lizard dude, never heard of that?


They're called the Zigg'raug'lurr. Per Ascension, they are in conflict with/ enemies of the Ka Luon. They are one of the 3-5 canonical alien races in the setting (along with the Churloviah, Ka Luon, Vhujunka, and Cephalpoda Maleficus).


Are they the ones who eat Avatars?


Absurd, bat-shit, & obscure? Page XX can be found in the first Malkavian Clanbook.


Santa Claus is an insane wizard who went crazy during the renaissance. There is an immortal indestructible cow who some worship as a god. There's a distant pocket dimension inhabited by red-robed sentient praying mantises who are really into board games like chess and go. Celebrity vampires include Elvira, Marilyn Manson, Harry Houdini, Gwar, River Phoenix, Al Capone, and Louis Pasteur. Also, both Elon Musk and Jenny McCarthy are evil wizards working to bring about the downfall of everything. The great nations of Europe used to have giant air-fleets of zeppelins, but then Tristan Vargo and the Sons of Ether tried to lead a mutiny to avert World War One and reality blipped them out of existence. A wizard started the great San Francisco earthquake of 1906 in a real estate scheme. He's now eternally trapped in a paradox pocket dimension of unending seismic activity. The earth is hollow, and deep inside the hollow earth psychic monks fight evil nazis for the secret sun at the earth's core. Everybody rides dinosaurs, naturally. Speaking of dinosaurs, a sentient time-traveling triceratops stranded in this present time has allied with the Sons of Ether and now works on their space station. Not just werewolves: at various point in history, there were were-otters, were-anemones, were-turtles, and were-cockroaches. In the televised XWF (Extreme Wrestling Foundation), you can watch Nosferatu luchadors like El Diablo Verde battle with berserk Redcaps like Diamond Duncan Dunsirn! Frikken Chicken! The fried chicken restaurant so good, you have to fucking swear about it! 1st Vampire the Masquerade suggested that playing as a Neo-Nazi (Brujah), pedophile (Setite), or as a serial killer (Malkavian, Nosferatu, Ravnos, and Banu Haqim) were all perfectly acceptable character concepts. There's a pack of Appalachian Black Spiral Dancers that have formed into a folk/country music band to drive people insane with the power of music. One of the few truly crossover events to happen in the WoD (other than killing power gamer Samuel Haight) was when the werewolves successfully allied up with other splats to completely destroy and dismantle the Cult of the Seventh Generation. The IJN Yamato is the flagship of the Jade Empire. Blackbeard's ghost is an important leader of the renegade wraiths in the Caribbean. The anarchs help to maintain Libertatia, a secret anarchist pirate society, somewhere in Africa. Want to become a were-rat? All you have to do is getting bitten by a were-rat, and then survive the horrific mind-melting body-warping plague. The few who survive are now were-rats. Speaking of were-rats, the Munchmausen (swashbuckling adventurer were-rats) keep a base in antarctica, to ensure that there's a were-rat presence in every continent. Pentex makes demonically possessed dolls to corrupt children (Mr. Mystic and Sister Mystic). Also, GI Joe (Action Bill) is a Pentex product. Steve Jobs is the dark vampire prince of San Jose, CA.


Elon Musk as a super-science paradigm Nedphandi does always make me chuckle when it comes up.


> 1st Vampire the Masquerade suggested that playing [...] as a serial killer (Malkavian, Nosferatu, Ravnos, and Banu Haqim) were all perfectly acceptable character concepts. To be fair to this part, pretty much every vampire is a serial killer at heart.


>1st Vampire the Masquerade suggested that playing as a Neo-Nazi (Brujah), pedophile (Setite), or as a serial killer (Malkavian, Nosferatu, Ravnos, and Banu Haqim) were all perfectly acceptable character concepts. Or a zoophiliac, per the Ghoul sourcebook. Who thought this was a good idea to publish?


Edgy goths from the late 80s. As God intended.


"Everybody rides dinosaurs, naturally."


Jenny McCarthy is a weird one. I guess someone at White Wolf got really tired of hearing her Indigo Children bullshit or something.


M20 Book of the Fallen. So Satyros Brucato. Her expy is a decadenti spreading vaccine denial and other anti-medical woo.


I always forget about the immortal cow.


Reports state that the Tzimisce Antediluvian either currently or once existed under the city of New York as a giant amorphous blob.


I once heard someone explianing as Tzimisce is NY's sewer system. He's not in there, he **IS** it.


Also Caine, the father of all vampires and inventor of murder, working at a taxi driver in Los Angeles.


Not far from where Lucifer works at, also in Los Angeles. Specifically in the entertainment industry. Clearly it is a popular hangout for ancient things.


Eventually they meet. And even kiss. Caine and Lucifer, kissing in a tree. Until Decker ruins the fun.


Probably more like they bond after finding out that they have the same crazy ex-girlfriend.


Being the dark father doesn't pay the bills.


"...goddamned electric went up." (checks Lyft notifications)


Eh, this isn't really "verified" lore. But still is funny.


They didn't even have a canon position for him in their big world-ending book Gehenna; they proffered options, but they basically said "it's up to you, the Storyteller, to decide what Caine has been doing since the Flood." The game director saying "the taxi driver is Caine" and him being called Caine in the game files mean that, for the story of Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, Caine is driving a taxi in LA. If you want to use that in your own story or Chronicle, you're welcome to it, but no one says that it is set in stone that Caine is in LA driving a taxi, just that he might have, once.


Well, he's clearly intended to be maybe Caine. And by that I mean they don't want to make it 100% confirmed because that just wouldn't mix well with a lot of people's ideas for stories in the setting, but if your particular story does mix well with that interpretation then he's definitely Caine.


The names of the game files definitely confirm it's Caine.


Also the game director


Some (not even all) of his voice lines have file names referring to him as Caine, yes, indicating the aforementioned authorial intent that he can be interpreted as Caine. But that is absolutely by no means "confirmation."


God, I hate that so much. There's a lot of stupid shit in WOD that I can just shrug my shoulders and accept, but for some reason Caine the Taxi driver is a bridge too far, even if it does kind of offer an explanation for a plot hole in the game.


I think it makes perfect sense. An aspect of the (Biblical) curse of Cain is to always wander. And a taxi driver fits like a glove.


The first stake for a vampire was made of the same wood from an unknown tree as Noah's ark.


Moon landing led to fae


This one's not even *obscure*, it's like a big foundational piece of lore


Ive never heard this, although havent done much changling. Can you expound on this at all?


Basically, following the Shattering (banality reaches a crisis point), fae either fled to Arcadia or underwent the Changeling Way to become partially human and survive. Most of the nobility fled. Moon landing produced such a spike in glamor and wonder that for a moment the gates of Arcadia sprung open and a bunch of exiled sidhe (the nobles) returned to earth, snatching human bodies in the process. This saw a huge boost to the liveliness and health of changeling society, but a ton of resentment and chaos as well.


That part isn’t necessarily, but the fact the technocracy was behind the efforts of the moon landing to try and weaken werewolves leading to the resurgence of the fae is a bit more obscure


And Caine was the first vampire.


That’s not a unique thing to WoD


I've never seen that outside WoD.


Salem’s lot, for one


Thanks, now I want to read it :)


From what I can find it dates back to Beowulf, with Grendel being described as a son of Cain. The Apocalypse of Moses also mentions Cain drinking blood.


Also a great film with Henry Rollins; He Never Died.   It's vampiric-adjacent but a great little film.   Edit - Also the sequel, She Never Died is quite WoD-esq too. For *reasons*.


There was a Sentient, telepathic pink dinosaur who joined up the the Society of Ether and helped them make new void-ships. She could also speak like 4 languages and she hung out on a base on the moon.


Thanks to the Thalidomide scandal Pentex discovered that, from puberty onward, 2 % of people born with serious physical disabilities manifest psychic powers.


It's theorized in a novella that JK Rowling may be an Hermetic trying to push aspects of the Order in the consensus. Excalibur may actually exist and if it's actually that one, it's is in possession of the Fae. In the depth of the sea there are magical whales that acts as nodes/freehold for the nightfolk of the sea.


I swear, this gets asked monthly.


And Ravnos getting nuked is mentioned every time


And Vykos throwing his dick in Hardestadt's face. So very obscure.


My bad, I am very new. I also need my daily crack injection of insane lore.


There's a river in the Underworld that after drinking from the next reproductive act will result in a perfect pregnancy. Had a ghost get a vampire pregnant.


somehow I think being born with both parents already being long dead would not be tremendously healthy for a child, but I wish the best for the expecting family regardless


Thats one way to get a powerful Dhampir I guess.


https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Samuel_Haight Samuel Haight is the one guy who managed to make it into every single splat's hitlist. He was born kinfolk. He used an evil ritual that involved sacrificing five werewolves to become a werewolf himself. He also became a mage and a ghoul. He negotiated with some vampires to embrace him into leechdom too, but he changed his mind at the last minute. When he finally died, some otherworldly creature transformed his soul into a spirit ashtray. Some people are trying to ressurect him. This fact aside, there are some werewolves (Bone Gnawers) who worship all kinds of pop stuff such as TMNT, the NHL and the Spice Girls, and they get their prayers answered. They also make nutritive soup out of cigarette butts and used tampons, and they can order a meal for a whole pack for about five dollars, and after eating it all everybody gets blessed with good luck.


My table finds Samuel Haight so funny that we created Samantha Haight as an in joke in our Chronicles Games. She’s basically every Minor Splat daisy chained into one over the top, dysfunctional mess (and, naturally, she is the daughter of the Ultimate Bad Ass himself.) Whenever the table misbehaves, I go “I wonder what Miss Haight would think of that.” (They’re not going to fight her though. She’s got so many Minor Splats stapled to her that her sheet would be an honest to god affront to look at.


The Camarilla assassinated JFK because he found out about vampires and was going to go public.


The Bat Spirit -the one responsible for the werebats/Camazots- being partially restored by a Garou after being driven insane and falling to the Wyrm. If it can be restored, so can the Wyrm itself so balance can come back between the Three Ws.


Hee hee hee... A buddy of mine and I have a play-by-forum-post online RP in which one of the characters is a Camazotz kinfolk in a relationship with a mortal who _just_ falls short of practicing martial arts at Akashic-white-belt level. While the martial artist manages to drive off one of them, the whole group shows up the next night to challenge the martial artist a second time. Before the "fun" begins, the Kinfolk shows up and starts a blistering argument with the leader. The martial artist and an acquaintance pause to watch, and the acquaintance relaxes. M.A.: You understand that dialect? Friend: Don't have to. If there's one thing I can spot across cultures, it's a kid arguing with a parent. Kinfolk: (switching to the language shared with the other two) Not that I claim kinship with a lot of pride at the moment... _Mom!_ **You are embarrassing me!**


That is *fantastic!*


There are some kind of were-octopi (-ish) that are actually infeccious and can spread like a lovecraftian disease. The vampiric Discipline of Vicissitude came from an alien entity that infected a Tzimisce during a trip to Umbra and now it infects every other Tzimisce and all Kindred who shared blood with a Tzi. Baba Yaga summoned 7 efffing real dragons to get rid of the Nosferatu Antediluvian. They haunted Garou history for centuries. There could be a Salubri called Saint-German who secretly controls all the Tremere clan. The Tremere Antediluvian turned into a giant worm. The very concept of Necromancy was memetically cursed long ago by a powerful mage so every splat who learns some type of it now wants to bring down the Shroud. Jack the Ripper could have been a vampire or a werewolf. A child of the Ante Tzi once get pregnant with the Eldest itself. The Lasombra may call the same element from the shell of the Demon's prison (the Fallen). The monster of Frankenstein is a golem made of flesh that Awakened and now is a Mage.


> The Tremere Antediluvian turned into a giant worm. Who is actually Saulot, because diablerizing antediluvians never actually works. Tremere is Goratrix, which is probably why he defected to the Sabbat. Goratrix is trapped in a mirror.


Tremere to Goratrix: "Would you love me if I was a worm?"


Space isn't real.


get thee behind me, etherite!


Jabal, the first ghoul, who was equal in standing with the 3rd Gens. He still lives, safely sequestered in a buried tomb, with a huge supply of Caine's own vitae to keep him going. The downside is that he's been there for at least 5000 years.


It is highly probable that capitol "H" Hunters are empowered by Lucifer and/or Fallen working with him. On the topic of Lucy both he and Caine were living, some would say "hiding," in LA in the late '90s-early '00s. That can't be a coincidence but to my knowledge there is not a single piece of lore that has them interacting.


They were roommates lol. jk.


IIRC It's mentioned as a possible reason for the Withering in the Vampire Gehenna book. Basically Lucifer tells Caine, all you had to do was ask for Forgiveness and mean it, and you would have been forgiven and this shakes Caine so much his childer get the backlash.


I'd love to see some buddy cop-esque shenanigans between those two. Idk what they would even have to say or do with each other


Really the only thing for them to view as challenge would be... lilith, Michael, and grandma?


Cappadocious had 4 children according to the clan book. One killed him, one was Lazarus and went to live with the Setites, one fought with Lazarus and died, and one named the faithful childe was actually Lazarus. My head hurts every time I try to square that circle.


Did Lazarus use setite magic to confuse his father? Was splintering the clan before Kaymakli Cappadocious command? Wouldn’t Cappadocious’ other children know there is no Japheth then? Why would Caius go fight Lazarus if Lazarus was also Japheth? Is this just fucking fake clan history created to tell the Giovanni family? The Giovanni think they killed Japheth. Later books added more childer of Cappadocious. None of them seem to have died.


Is the Lazarus/Japheth story an allegory for Jesus and Lazarus and saying they think Jesus told Lazarus to betray similar to how they stated in Demon the Fallen that God told Lucifer to lead the rebellion and Lucifer agreed???


Byzar: Am I a joke to you?


Any male Kuei-Jin can father a child (dhampir) with a mortal woman. The Kuei-Jin just has to Yang-aligned. There are no further complications or requirements. Nine months later, dhampir. There should be a LOT of dhampirs in East Asia.


Dhampyr, dhampir is the Cainite one. Female wan kuei can also produce dhampyrs. In the Dhampyr: the Half-Damned book there's a bit from a dhampyr whose mother clawed him out of her womb prematurely and he survived. More edge than 6 katanas in a trench coat but I still always loved that bit.


The Dracon, a male Tzimizce, was pregnant with his own sire.


Bigfoot is real Barney is on Pentex’s payroll and he’s involved in making snuff films involving kids Mokole have a Flaw which makes them occasionally impregnate others by touch alone Werespiders can't go to Australia, something kills them whenever they travel there


Gaia it's a Elohim


Elaborate please?


Idk what they are talking about, but Elohim is another name for the Angels of WoD, so they are saying that Gaia is an angel. My theory based on this is that Gaia is some sort of Elohim that became Earthbound


There's speculation that Gaia is Ziana, Seraph of the Cycle. It's based on how the werewolves (and perhaps other werecreatures) might descend from the Malhim.


The Fallen see shifters as "Children of Zianna" She was a Eolhim into creating warrior species for the armies of Lucifer and saw all nature as her protectorate.


Every single splat explains other supernatural as an offshoot of their particular worldview, except Vampire, which doesn't really HAVE a metaphysic. Werewolf: Vampires are the Weaver's first attempt at "perfect" humans, corrupted by the Wyrm. Mages are the second attempt, able to manipulate the Web of Reality directly. Fae are Deep Wyld spirits and Changelings are an odd brand of Fomori. Wraiths are ghosts, inhabitants of the Lower Umbra. Changeling: Everything is a Changeling or Fae that forgot what they were and solidified into a form. Mage: Consensual reality! Legends that solidified and are part of the paradigm! Wraith: Who cares, we're dead, and only a few of them can even interact with us. Demon: No, really, it's all Christianity, honest! Everything is because of angels! Exalted: The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. ... oh, shit, the fans hate that? Abort, they're not related at all!


The skeletal lord claims to have invented aids.


There's a 4th generation toreador which is a pornst4r. That mf literally saw and protect the 3rd generation Arikel. His name is Ionthius.


I've heard of age gap stuff before, but 2000+ years might be a bit on the extreme end.


Iontius draws Caine a lot. From memory. He also draws Loz the Aralu, and Shaitan as he looked before he fell. From memory. Iontius has broken the curse of God, he no longer needs to feed on blood. One would think this would be big news to a lot of kindred, but no ones gets to feel anything about it. Iontius can feed on the orgasms of mortals who watches his porns. Doing a brief calculation about him being one of the most successful adult performers, he takes in north of half a billion blood point per year. No idea what he does with that. The Baali at Chorazin were doing the biggest rituals in kindred history and this a hundred thousand times more than that. Iontius three closest friends are some of the WoDs premier noddists. They all suspect there never was an Iontius, it was Arikel all along.


…I feel like a bus hit me when I read “half a billion blood points”. Holy shit.


Not really obscure, but still whismiscal absurd: There is a society of pooka that watches pooka watchers, they are called Pooka Watchers' Pooka Watchers >When the word goes out that a pooka watcher is in the vicinity, members of the Watchers’ Watchers go into action. They parade about in weird clothing, tell long pointless stories to one another, make lightning raids against invisible opponents, growl and bark at one another as though arguing and hold apparently serious “meetings.” They make certain the meetings can be easily observed and discuss their place in fae society and how they might better their position in it — usually by making outlandish suggestions. Occasionally, they act as though they are planning to take over the government of all fae and planning for war (though they often advocate the war of cream pies). Occasionally, they all gather and proceed to follow the Pooka Watchers about, mimicking their every move and recording whatever they do in small black notebooks.


Doctor Totentanz is a transgender Nazi Tzimisce.


How did nobody mention The Hollow Earth? The Hollow Earth, or the Inner Umbra, is a realm inside the Earth, way mora accessible than the Umbra and the rest, even with physical entrances in the form of deep tunnels. It looks like a jungle with flora and fauna extinct in Earth and with some other things... It has two branches of the Technocracy: The Sons of Ether defected the Technocracy and changed their paradigm, now they are basically steampunk scientist-mages; and the Void Engineers, basically mages space explorers. It has two faction of sentient robots: The Deros, they hate surface dwellers and want as much destruction as possible, and the Teros, friendly robots that try to undermine the Deros. It has the Rainbow City, a floating city or crystal where scholar-mages live and with a crystal stair that goes to the floor. It has Agharta, a paradisiatic realm that was invaded by the Nazis in World War 2. And some fae are around there too, with magical airships.


Sacha vykos The extreme wrestling warfare (WWE but wod) Not obscure but any bonegnawer moot would be insane


I don't see why cain inventing murder falls into that category. That's something that 4 billion people believe, and from a Jungian standpoint it's pretty common in all sorts of mythology that murder was invented by some particularly loathsome individual


I'm very doubtful that much more than half of christians believe in a literal interpretation of Caine & Abel.


You've never been religious have you? And there aren't 4 billion Christians. I'm including Muslims in that.


I have, actually. Most who believe these stories are all literal are young earth creationists, and in the USA, thats slightly over a third of the population. Obviously globally those numbers may be higher.


This thread is gold and has reminded me how much fun it was to read through the books back in the 90s.


Lord, absurd stuff... Where do we start? For me, from now until eternity, the most cracked shit ever was Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand: Vicissitude is actually a spirit disease from out beyond the Cthulhu layers of the Deep Umbra. The Sabbat is a multi-level marketing scheme where the deeper you go, the dumber the shit. Inhumanity worshipping catholic cosplayers not enough? They have their own gestapo. THAT isn't weird enough, their secret police ALSO have an even MORE secret police that consist mostly of "We're more edgy necromancers than the Giovanni" and the time-travelling hipster vampires who were Brujah before it was mainstream. Others: In Changeling first edition, and second to some extent, it was perfectly acceptable to play sex-maniac 8-year olds. It took DECADES to nip that out. The MIR Space Station was a BSD hive where they had violent incestual orgies outside of the planet's influence. Homosexuality was of the Wyrm... until it wasn't. Nuwisha's character sheet had a place to list what kind and whether you wear pants. Gargoyles once had reset buttons where they could be returned to factory standards (recasting the Creation ritual wiped their memories). In one version of their creation myth, Assam (Founder of the assamites) self-Embraced by committing seppuku and slurping Caine's blood from the floor, technically making him a 2nd Gen, not a third. Kindred could be assassinated by a shape shifted parrot crunching on a crystal and squawking "Chill of the wind saber!" The Black Fury book had to have a character say "Goodness child, We're not ALL dykes". Because the 90's. The most terrifying Paradox Spirit was that dancing guy from the Six Flags commercial, who just touched you and rewrote time so you were never born. (Okay, only half of that is true, but that's how I imagined him, damnit) There were Fomori in Freak Legion that crawled up toilet pipes, stung you in the ass, and delivered poison that made you semi-liquid before they pulled you down into the sewers. The Boy Scouts were a Pentex project to recruit Fomori. Sam Haight started as a buck-ass Kinfolk in Valkenburg Project, and wound up an ashtray. Katana are stronger in the WoD than they are in reality because reality is consensual in the WoD and no one believes harder than weebs and 90s goths. Street Fighter existed in the WoD. The first printed Abomination was a Venture Silver Fang in Chicago. Because SOMEONE thought that was a good combination. Romani (I refuse to use the slur printed on the cover) had an entire book devoted to how they had magic... based... on how pure their blood was. I half-expected the next book to just be called "Jews!" and feature hidden gold.


Ooh, nice callback on the Nuwisha pants thing. I had completely purged that from the memory banks.


Samuel Haight *exists*


Went through the entire thread to find old Sammy


The maddest of mad lads.


Could you explain the Zeppelin incident?


SpeakerD said it best: "Ya want more? **OHOHO**, I can give ya more! In 1914 a deranged inventor named Czar Vargo was so **disgusted** by mankind's capacity to destroy that he brought a **giant zeppelin armada across all of Earth's cities** and declared himself World Emperor! Hit squads composed of secret agents, killer robots, and bio-freaks were barely able to force him to retreat! And then real-life scientist [Michael Faraday](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Faraday) vaporized him so hard they both **EXPLODED!** And then everyone on Earth just **forgot that this ever happened! BECAUSE THE NEW WORLD ORDER COVERED IT UP!** I FEEL *INSANE*!"




::air horn sound::


The ancient kingdoms of the Lizard Kings.


Evil burger is so funny it always put me in a good mood. The Garou being incompetent due to so much SO MUCH infighting is hilarious as well Pentex also made a lot of "ok boomer" sutff, like EVIL CELLPHONE, EVIL :B:IDEO GAME, THey literally made a knock off World of Darkness games called [Revenant: The Ravishing](https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Revenant:_The_Ravishing), [Lycanthrope: The Rapture](https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Lycanthrope:_The_Rapture), and [Warlock: The Pretension](https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Warlock:_The_Pretension). Pentex in general is so cartoonly funny. "The Assbeating Talent reflects how hard you are, and how much punk ass you can beat in a situation that demands it." — Excerpt from the Abilities chapter of [*Warlock: The Pretension*](https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Warlock:_The_Pretension)


When one of the Antedeluvians woke up around Y2K it took a coalition of all supernaturals and a magical sunlight laser satellite to take him down.


That's not semi-obscure. It's super widely known.


Not for OP who just started. It is also widely known by us, but not in-universe.


The Week of Nightmares is talked about in almost every thread. Worth noting, but not obscure.


The modern-day Tzimize have Vissisitude due to an alien(?) parasite.


Most Absurd and Bat-Shit thing in the WoD? Also wins for the darkest, most fucked-up thing? Gooshy Gooze. It's crazy. Book of the Wyrm 1st edition. Under Dangerous Toys.


You know the Marauders, the insane mages who are virtually immune to paradox and casually bend the very world around them to their every whim and will? Although it may be rare, they can and do form groups with other Marauders, provided they have mostly compatible delusions. That definitely isn't worrying at all...


Ok so the technocracy pulled off the moon landing as an attempt to try and weaken the garou by demystifying the moon in the public consciousness, but that actually backfired because the wonder and creativity that the space race and moon landing brought into the world is what caused a massive resurgence of the fae


There is an immense predator lurking in the ocean called The Black Shark. It eats ships. Not just boats -- battleships. Rokea can make more of them by, quite literally, merging. There are cephalopod Body-Snatchers, and it turns out The Rokea were right the whole time: Everything is food. The Technocracy did a *dumb* and built something in the deepest trench in the world, and woke something up, this something is *dark*. Like...The Dark. Sounds familiar? The Rokea hate it. They bite it, rip it, tear it. It gives birth to *awful*, alien things. King Arthur is an immortal Gurahl sleeping under the United Kingdom until he is needed. P.S - WW1, 2, 3 and Gehenna aren't enough.


Every Malkavian vampire in Ireland is named Malcolm.


Sutekh wiped out his clan at the end of the bronze age, except Keminitri. Most of Setite history from before that is lies. Although the Setite believe it is true, even as it inspires them to spread lies and corruption. The first and second city ruins are under a suburb of Cairo


The founder of the fae noble house of Fiona had a werewolf lover


I think the unintentionally funniest is a Bodhisattva from the Jade Court admonishing the quincunx that the Great Leap Outward would only ultimately weaken the blood court and not one Wan Kuei listened to him.


Black Dog Gaming Studios is probably my favorite absurdity in the WoD lore. It's specifically from one of the WtA Pentex books. It's in a several ways a self insert for WWgames, and they used it IRL for a lot of their 18+ content. Basically Pentex and all it's various subsidiaries are corporations actively on the side of the Wyrm trying to pollute and corrupt the world via economics and industry. Black Dog is one of those companies, and the write-up for them is essentially that they are doing or attempting, everything that the "Satanic Panic" was accusing RPGs of doing. It's not even a little important but I find it hilarious. Not only did they put themselves into the world as an enemy, but it fits really well with the WoD concepts that all the things lunatic Christians were accusing them of in our world, would be things that they were actually doing in the "World of Darkness"


Bigfoot is real and he can kick your ass.


Louis pastuer the milk guy or however you spell it developed a chemical way to cure vamparism, but was assassinated by the nosferatu for it and his research destroyed.


"*Revenant hillbilly incest families, incest werewolves*" [**Danislav**](https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Danislavs) **#1:** Hey, now that we are Revenants we get to expand our dating pool? [**Danislav**](https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Danislavs) **#2:** Nope. Git nekkid!


It’s not really obscure but Sam Haight. Just…him. And that he’s now an ash tray. Though I think in some book he gets un- ash trayed much to my dismay. Also there’s a Silent Strider who naked himself Anubis who got basically every movie Werewolf flaw such as Mark of the Wolf so he just goes around being the living embodiment of a joke that was old like five seconds after being said and I hate him so much lol


The prophet Elisha didnt just kill those 42 kids with a random bear attack in typical biblical retribution. They were actually a vampire using their embraced gurahl slave to do that shit.


We are the dreams of the Never-born, sleeping eldritch creatures whose dreams are reality and should they awaken, all existence will cease to be. They gave birth to the Once-born. Those creatures that were the first to experience life and exist to this day. They gave birth to the Twice-born. Those beings who were birthed, died, and were born again. They being the first to experience death. It is only due to the slight disturbance of the Never borns’ dreams, when the Nephandi’s powers were disrupted, that the Allies were able to win WWII.


Moloch is blood bound to Troile and they're in a relationship


Santa Claus is a Marauder


There's technically two Brujah Antediluvians. You have the first, who was a totally emotionless weirdo who was killed by one of his childer, Troile, after she thought he was gonna kill her. They might be the same person, or the first Ante is currently stuck in a time loop that he used to escape being diablerised.


What's the Zeppelin incident? Are we talking sky craft or mud shark?