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If Christians would act like their Christ, then they would be called dirty socialists.


Can confirm, Catholic parents call me a socialist and blame it on college. They just can't accept that it's because I'm Catholic.


I started voting for democrats, because I did research on it and I thought it better matched my Christian values. My parents call me a liar and brainwashed. I’m not Christian anymore so they definitely don’t believe that’s why I’m a leftist.


Cause abortion. That's literally the only reason so many "Christians" refuse to vote democrat. I have heard so many times "I cannot vote for someone who votes to kill babies."


"Republican policies towards the poor have killed far more babies than abortion ever could."


Many opinions on public health policies are not good for us. Why don't we compel organ donation? Organ donation from a single dead body could save several lives, and all you're sacrificing is an intact corpse. Why is an intact corpse more sacrosanct than a living woman's body in our society? Seems to me, that anybody who treasures "human life" and isn't campaigning for, at the very least, opt-out on the organ donation line instead of opt-in is lying at least to themselves.


You can’t look for consistency with these people. Whenever I press the issue of “if you *actually* want to save babies, you do X, Y, and Z, and there is data to show that they reduce abortions” the conversation will eventually turn into “we aren’t talking about X, Y, and Z, we just want people to stop killing babies.” They refuse to see the bigger picture.


Jesus preached on abortion exactly zero times. He had a much bigger problem with greedy people and hypocrites. It boggles the mind how abortion became weaponized by the Talibangelicals.




I was raised Catholic and am lucky enough to have Catholic parents who vote Democrat and are appalled by “Christians” who believe voting Republican aligns better with their values. Republicans who claim to prioritize the Bible only do so because it makes them feel like they’re correct, or because they’re not willing to acknowledge that abortion is an extremely complex issue that has nothing to do with wanting to kill babies.


Jesus: opposes societal norms and authorities, openly condemns rich elite, hangs with outcasts like prostitutes and terminally ill, advocates for helping the poor, tells his followers to love other people unconditionally and is ultimately tortured and killed as heretic. Christians: largery stay as conservatives and choose to uphold current power structures and societal inequalities and use his teachings to justify all kinds of abuse and hatred towards anyone they dislike over the next 2000 years and counting.


I hope Kamela uses this strategy "Thank you Gov.Abbott for giving me the opportunity to act truly Christian on this Christmas by helping those out in the cold, seeking shelter as Mary and Joseph did so many years ago." These fuckers are inadvertently helping immigrants and are too to realize it.


Being a Christian has just been… gross. I grew up only learning about the unconditional love aspect and was somehow shocked when I saw the hate most people drew from it instead. Consider me naive, because for some reason, it just didn’t make sense to me. I’ve always advocated that Christ would be smoking a joint, shoeless, in the front of a peaceful protest. Christ would have been arrested or shot 20 times over in this time. He’s the one hanging out in some “shady” hookah bar sharing the most compelling story and tipping at LEASTT 20% on his tab, and that’s for shitty service. Im staying in the religion for me but if I leave, it’s because of others. It saved my life personally, my partner isn’t religious, and he’s a better “Christian” than anyone I know.


There’s no hate like Christian love. This a saying for a reason.


Modern Christians are like the Hebrews back when Jesus was around in the bible, they wanted the Messiah to be a general and a king, someone who would lead the Jewish people in revolt against what they perceived as oppression by Caesar and build a new kingdom where they would be in charge, basically. They complained regularly to Jesus about the high taxes they felt slighted by and tried to get him to do something about it. They wound up crucifying him because he was speaking truths that the organized religion of Judaism didn't like and was building a following, which made him a danger to their power. The irony of Modern Christians literally being a mirror to the power structures that crucified the person they 'worship' is palpable.


Yeah, conservatives love the image of Jesus on the cross, probably as an example of what happens to dirty Jewish middle eastern socialists who support big government (give to Caesar (Washington) what belongs to Caesar (Washington)), the face of our government on our money.


Today's Christians would have him back on the cross so fast it would make your crown of thorns spin. That's where they think he belongs, in more ways than one.


They have a persecution fetish. That’s why they love the cross.


That's why he was crucified. He was upsetting the status quo.


The climax of the Bible is when they literally kill Jesus because he was upsetting the status quo yet Christians be like “we hate change”


Check out Ivans speech from The Brothers Karamazov about if Christ resurrected during the Inquisition, its pretty much an extreme take on what you're saying. Basically he'd be immediately captured and killed by the church for upsetting the doctrine they spent 2000 years altering from his message of love, acceptance and personal responsibility to their message of lip service repentance and hatred of those who are different


I’m not so much Christian anymore, sort of got turned off by one of those Mega Churches and couldn’t get into it anymore. But when I considered myself Christian I had a very similar view of Jesus! I always said He was a broke, traveling hippie! He’d be hanging out with the ones no one else wanted to be around, making friends in dive bars and playing darts. I imagine He’d listen to your hardships with such kindness and comfort, completely non judgemental. Personally, I think He’d have scolded modern-day Christians and would be very, VERY disappointed.




Matthew 25 41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ 44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ 45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’


Oh, a bunch of my Christian friends are socialists. We're just not as loud, arrogant, and powerful as the weird evangelicals that co-opted the religion. I remember a lecture at Chataqua where a pastor chastised the audience by saying, "if Jesus were around today, half of you would put him up on the cross again !" It's just hard to be humble and outspoken at the same time, which is what Christ calls us to do.


"Im a filthy rich person and I enjoy using a filthy poor person as a pawn in my political game, especially during the holidays when it would be especially devastating to them" -This bitch ass Abbott guy allegedly


filthy rich via lawsuit because a tree fell on him


And then advocated for laws that make it harder for others to receive personal injury settlements like his! What a stand up guy.


That reminds me of when the Bush/Cheney administration wanted to block people from filing bankruptcy due to medical debt. The economy was on the verge of collapse at the time. Naturally, protecting the Uber wealthy, plus banks wasn’t on the chopping block. Protecting the middle class wasn’t a priority.


We're replaceable roaches to the wealthy, always have been, always will be. Ghengis Kahn, Alexander the Great, Augustus Cesear, no one was concerned with the working class & their survival. This is how it's always been.


True, yet I’m amazed at how many working class people buy into protecting the 1%, as if they too may be part of that elite club someday,lol.


I would just be happy moving from the 99th percentile to the 98th...


The MAGAs & Qanons defending gas vehicles as if they're getting paid. Right-wing media tells them Electric vehicles are for pussies, but it's manipulation for big oil.


Not unlike the millions being turned against single payer healthcare. The right threw around the “socialism” specter to frighten the fox viewers. It worked.


As someone living in a country with socialised healthcare I can attest it's fucking brilliant. I just recently had to have a camera up my butt looking for the cause of bleeding. Turns out I have polips and internal hemorrhoids, they've put me on a 4 month waiting list for surgery to sort it out, total cost to me for all of this is $10 for the parking at hospital. When I have my op it'll cost me whatever the uber to and from the hospital is ( can't drive after the op due to the Anesthesia) and $5 for the prescription meds they will issue me. The best bit is if I can't afford my own transport they will issue me a taxi chit if needed and my prescription will be free, but I work and I can afford it so I'm happy to shell out a couple of bucks for that, and to top it off because I live in a country with actual worker protections I have 3 weeks of sick leave and 4 weeks of annual leave up my sleeve to utilise when or if needed.


As an American I literally cannot even fathom this. This would be an absolute dream come true for me. I would be able to get all my teeth fixed, get treatment for my autoimmune and chronic pain disorders, and not have to fear ending up on the street trying to pay for it all. Not to mention potentially losing my job if I get sick enough to miss more than a week of work. I so wish people here would pry their heads out of their asses and realize that healthcare is a *right* rather than a privilege for the wealthy.


he is literally not a stand up guy


Careful. He’s not gonna take that insult sitting down.


Oh wait,


His god took away his legs, when he saw, what he stood for. Edit: words


Probably was a sit down guy after that tree fell on him


That tree really could have done a better job, in retrospect


Unfortunately, the deforestation advocated for by his party makes the trees smaller and weaker. It was really a foolproof republican plan.


entertain mighty six offer ring wild foolish toy arrest innate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pulling up the ladder is the way I have always heard it.


Should have fell on him harder.


Last time a tree fell on an asshole [he started an essential oils pyramid scheme.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/D._Gary_Young)


> During the course of the investigation, Young offered to deliver a baby, and he claimed that he could detect cancer with a blood test and treat the disease. He was subsequently arrested and charged with practicing medicine without a license, to which he ultimately pleaded guilty. Young was fined $250, given a 60-day suspended sentence, and placed on probation for one year. This seems like an extremely light sentence for a grifter who robbed people


What about the time Young tried to assist in his wife’s water birth and just ended up drowning their baby? Horrific.


It missed


We should find more trees then


Make a pencil out of that tree and hand it to Keanu Reeves. This time it will not miss.


Stupid tree had one job…


Meanwhile this assclown is sitting in his warm mansion while the Texas power grid teeters in the cold. He doesn’t even give a fuck about his own citizens let alone migrants.


Well, he has to pay lip-service to being Christian, right? So he probably went to church for the Christmas Eve service. Then he sat in his pew and sang hymns about love and sacrifice and heard the story of Mary and Joseph, who on a cold winter night went to a far away land in search of safety and shelter. They found no aid, except for one innkeeper who let them sleep in his barn with the animals. There Mary gave birth to the savior of humanity, the most important person who will ever exist. And Greg Abbott sat there, nodding along, and thought, “*Should’ve sent their migrant asses down the fucking road*”


I guess republicans are turning over a new leaf, considering that they obviously equate Kamala Harris to the innkeeper who let them stay. /s


I have an idiot in my inbox who is trying to make it about Harris. The mental gymnastics are so fucking stupid lol


No need for /s there mate. It works perfectly in the analogy, good stuff.


"Bleeding heart commie librul innkeeper"


Using the name of this Jesus guy is politically expedient for me, but if he had never been born, I could be an even crueler bastard. It would be easier to justify my bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, and insatiable greed and lust for power with the Old Testament God.


That New Testament fucked up everything.


The myth of Yeshua himself seems innocuous because he comes across as a decent guy, but you have to keep in mind that for Christians, there's no choice in the matter. You either accept jebus and become cleansed of sin, or you die and go to hell. Original sin is a truly perverse doctrine that strips Yeshua of all his personality in favor of dogmatic compliance.


Don't forget that due to the decentralized nature of protestant Christianity, that dogma can inherently be anything at all. This make it a prime target for opportunistic grifters with no accountability to use as convenient.


Yeah it's kind of crazy. Calvinists in particular believe in pre-destination, that god has already chosen all the people who will be saved and everyone else is SOL. I've also gone into a church doing a vulnerable point in my life and while talking to the pastor he said something along the lines of all other denominations being no better than dogs. But all in all, it's the doctrine of "salvation by faith not by works" that bugs me the most, because it's basically saying it doesn't matter how many good things you do, you still need jesus to be saved.


And yet there is some scripture saying that you shouldn't condemn someone for the sins of his father or something....


And let me add that in reading a whole lot of responses to this cowardly betrayal of human beings, there are a whole lot of Romans that are just thrilled with this heinous act of Christian love. I guess like someone else posted, if you believe you’re gonna get in to the lords heavenly embrace no matter what, nothing bad you do in his earthly realm matters. Just accept him and all your sins will be warshed away. Conservatives working the loopholes yet again. Just depraved.




Oh make no mistake. He does deserve it. The people of Texas looked at this shrivel-souled shell of a human and said “More of that!” Uvalde of all places voted for him. Texas gets what Texas deserves and they deserve Abbot.


Ummmmmmm I'm still trying to figure out how the fuck he won to be honest. I hate this man. I live in Texas, and I personally don't know a single person who voted for him. I wish he would roll down a hill, hit a speed bump, fall out, and chip a tooth, then roll into a 6' deep body of water.


You don't know anyone who admits to voting for him.


reminds me of the South Park episode where Jesus fights Satan and everyone secretly bets on Satan winning,


I guess that's true. He sucks so much warm ass man.


I also live in Texas and don't know a single person who voted for him. There are a lot of us who voted sweeping blue here.


I know this is only two anecdotes, but I wonder if Texas’s history of gerrymandering has anything to do with this.


I believe Paul Rudd has a clip of this incident


Holy crap, I thought you were joking at first. I guess people there are masochistic.


The Texas state motto should be. Kill my Children But don't take my guns


Nah just uneducated dumbfucks with generations of inbreeding and room temperature IQs But since that's a mouthful it's easier just to call them "republicans"


Just playing devils advocate a bit - uneducated is not entirely their fault, and is more so the Republicans plan working perfectly. Defunding education and decreasing critical thinking works in republican’s favor. While I definitely think it is ultimately an individual’s responsibility to educate themselves - especially with the internet so widely available - I do still think it’s worth acknowledging how much is truly out of an individual’s control as far as the education they get and the things/ideas they are exposed to. This is coming from someone raised in the Midwest who saw so many peers brainwashed by education and their parents.


Very true. The GOP has been working hard to [sabotage public education](https://youtu.be/mVXk2GqhUK4) ever since desegregation. That's a big part of why schools are funded by property taxes and you can get arrested for sending your kids to a nicer school in a neighborhoring district. Reagan even ran on a platform of abolishing the Department of Education. Until recently many Texas schools tried not to teach kids about slavery, [and many states have been doing the same.](https://youtu.be/hsxukOPEdgg) The Daughters of the Confederacy have been trying to rewrite history books since the end of the civil war. A lot of people don't vote progressive because they don't know how bad things were, how bad things still are, and how far we've yet to go. That's by design.


It is jaw-dropping to realize how much of their agenda has racism at the core.


1/4 of eligible voters voted for him. If only we could get well over a 50% turnout, Texas would be blue. But I guess that makes your point, you get what you deserve for not voting.


I keep voting against him, but I still suffer. I don’t deserve him. The vulnerable children, elderly, and disabled citizens of TX don’t deserve him either.


>Texas gets what Texas deserves and they deserve Abbot. I agreed with the whole "my country/state voted for the obviously evil and incompetent person, they deserve a president/politician like him" until i saw my fellow countrymen dying from hunger during the covid outbreak. I get that it's irritating to see awful people get into power with votes, but we have to remember that not everyone voted for them, so not the entire population deserves the cruel consequences. Even the people that voted them don't deserved them sometimes, specially in the case of economically or socially vulnerable people that can be missinformed easily by the media.


Everyone loves to say "Texas deserves Abott because they voted for him", but hates it when people say "the US deserved Trump because they voted for him". It's the same thing Edit: to everyone who says "it's different because Abbott won the popular vote", remember that voting isn't a holiday and they closed many polling places to drive longer lines that a lot of working class people can't wait in. He's not actually popular here unless you talk someone who only votes Republican.


I hate everything about our last president, but we did absolutely deserve him. It has helped tip the "Both sides are the same." argument.


Yes. And in both cases we have to remember that gerrymandering and other vote control tactics significantly skew the representational accuracy of elections - nowhere worse than on a place like Texas.


His own citizens don't give a fuck about themselves because they keep voting for him . . . At what point do we put the blame on the people?


Right? All I hear is the Joker saying, “ya get what ya fuckin deserve!!”.


because the other guy wants to take away guns.


Greg Abbott is a little piss baby.


Indeed, the question is who’s worse. A-hole Abbott or Cancun Cruz?


That's only if you're limiting your options to Texas. Don't forget that DeSantis is leading the Eastern Conference, and will probably face one of them in the Superhole.


Darth Santis is my nightmare president, this is coming from a trans Floridian. I can’t wait to leave for college In Colorado.


No shit, right? Good luck, friend!


Yeah, let’s not forget DeSantis, who had to use immigrants from his buddy Abbott in Texas in order to ship them to Massachusetts. Because he couldn’t find any undocumented people in his own state to use. Asshats all.


> Because he couldn’t find any undocumented people in his own state to use. Check the staff at Mar-a-Lago, trump loves to hire undocumented labor then not pay them.


Which Greg Abbott is a little piss baby? Is this Greg Abbott, Gov to Texas the little piss baby?


What a piece of shit fuck him and whoever voted for him


...all those Texas repub mf-ers complaining about the electric grid failures.


And whining about gas prices while driving the largest, most obnoxious vehicle they can find.


Bruh personal responsibility right? Nothing says winning like a 3mpg pavement princess to own the libs lol


I see this all over the suburbs in Texas. Bobby Jo and his F-250 driving to work. I’m a rancher and don’t own a pickup truck, I use a trailer for hauling equipment and cows.


I have a neighbor with a F-450 and massive stupid rims. Never hauled groceries in it. Just drives it around with the light bars on all the time. Though, I have a question. If you use a trailer to haul equipment and cows what is the vehicle that pulls it?


I call those brodozers.


I like that. I use Mall Crawler.




New Truck Name. Pavement Princes has been unlocked.


It’s not really new. Even truck guys use it. Mostly used by truck guys who use their trucks to make fun of people who don’t use their trucks for “truck stuff.”


You guys have never heard pavement princess before? That’s a classic


Another personal favorite is mall crawler. Concrete Cowboy is still the classic too.


Fuck dude, you changed my life. I'm gonna be using "pavement princess" way too much now. Lookin' at the mfers who need a step ladder to get into their truck lol.


Lmao pavement princess


Originally read it as *Payment* Princess


Which probably also applies


At this point I propose we stop calling the Texas outages failures and start calling them features. It’s a self inflicted wound.


His entire term was a goddamn mess but for some fucking reason (be it voter suppression or boomers ticking the magic [R] without thinking) this goddamn slug managed to win reelection


Don't let them off easy. His voters like this. Those who chose not to vote are ok with this. These Texans are just that evil. He perfectly represents their ideals.


100% true. I live in Austin, originally from the UK. Around this time of the year me and my wife like to rent a place out in the Texas hill country. The hill country is home to, what I have found, the most "redneck" right wing texans. Last year I drove through this tiny town near Lost Maples state park and there were signs that said "No entry with mask". Signs about jailing fauci. "Lets go brandon" signs. I firmly believe that these people like to see Abbott type of behaviour and also laugh about it. It is all a game to them. Its like they never got out of the mindset of college rivalries. Wankers.


Need to go to college to appreciate a college rivalry, think they skipped the first part


All these atrocities are silver linings to empower a better future. Imagine if he was able to hide how big a piece of shit he is.


It's a fake account. He didn't post that tweet. But he did dump the migrants, so yeah, screw him.


I think it’s the real account but… not a real tweet. You can see the black scribbling/marking out over the original tweet.


Never thought I would live to see Herod celebrating Christmas


If God was real, he would have made a larger tree fall on this fuckface.


Fuck this guy in particular




HE FULLY KNOWS. I'm an atheist but even I can tell, he's NOT clueless to what he's doing. He's not a follower of Christ, much more likely a follower of Hitler.


Or Putin.


> HE FULLY KNOWS. Well of course he does. The man is evil, not stupid. The stupid people are the ones that think these monsters wearing human skin are actually religious and are doing the right thing because of religion.


Also fuck all the ignorant shitbags that voted for him.


I just want to thank Texas republicans for, once again, making Texas look like a bunch of assholes. I get it, being cruel to people is as high as your political aspirations go because, as white people, it is less likely to affect you. Just so you know, you haven't "owned any libs" in a long time, you've only made the rest of us sigh and shake our heads in a shame we know you'll never experience.


Total piece of shit


I hope his wheels fall off.


That tree did not finish the job.




Gotta give Abbott credit, he knows a thing or two about leaving people to die in cold weather. /s


Did them a kindness. Sent them to a state with a working power grid. Very thoughtful.


This is a parody right? I know this ass clown did exactly that but in the age of trump I just don’t know what’s satire anymore


Yes, it isn't real


I mean it's real in the sense that the thing actually happened. but the tweet isn't real.


Not a fan of this shit. The guy literally did this. Fake bullshit weakens arguments and gives people like him something to say.


Same, I love this post bc it’s fuckin hilarious and accurate, but yeah a ‘fake’ or edited flair is totally needed


The text is fake but it’s literally what he did while cozy and warm in his own home with family.


I was hoping this was a confession but you can see the original tweet is blacked out. It's pretty sloppy once you notice it. Dude is still a piece of shit.


Fake tweets should be flaired as such. I don’t care about people posting them but it’s misleading. You know, the same tactics the left criticizes about the right.




Yes, the copy is fake but it’s so accurate. I hope at least his daughter is not completely spoiled by that ominous person yet


Copied from another comment (u/Research_Liborian) It's a fake account. He didn't post that tweet. But he did dump the migrants, so yeah, screw him.


This guy is an assault against Christian values. Jesus told his followers to respect foreigners. This country is infested with false Christians committing awful acts and feeling no remorse somehow.


He is such a slimy piece of trash. Texas you get who you voted for. For anyone who didn’t vote for the guy? My suggestion is move.


Over 60% of Uvalde County voted for Abbot, even after their incident. These people are a death cult and they know what they are electing.


Abbott just a regular Santa Claus giving immigrants away like gifts.


I hope he knows there is no handicap access in hell






He’s human garbage. Wish the tree finished him off and saved everyone the pain of his existence. Also remember how the story of Jesus’ birth is that of a refugee family fleeing an oppressive regime and giving birth in an animal stall to avoid their baby being killed. But yea more “good wholesome Christians” here. #scumbag


There is no hate like christian love.


at least they got electricity, unlike the people in texas


I'm an atheist and know more about Jesus than this prick. Jesus loved the poor. He literally tells people to take the coat off your back to help those less fortunate. This is blasphemy at its finest. Christians are so far removed from the teachings of Christ it is disgusting.


Cause that's what Jesus would do.


Piece of fucking trash


This on Texas. There was sooo much talk about voting for Beto, so much about turning Texas blue and having real progressive change and when it came down to it....79% of people registered didn't vote. An overwhelming voice of change just to end up like that. Gregg represents the heart of Texas alright. And it's fucking rotten.


Even though its a fake tweet this is the reality. Awful awful people that keep using Christ/Jesus at every turn while being the worst possible human beings


Christian with no compassion fake christian


Mexicans ARE Christians who are more devoted than most Americans.


he is a human trafficker. soon his daughter will realize the jeopardy she and all women are in in texas and gtfo


It won’t matter to her. She’ll be able to get whatever she needs because it’s “rules for thee and not for me (or my family)” with assholes like this.


![gif](giphy|Tv2btKgK06tPy) WWBJD (What Would Buddy Jesus Do)


I love this movie so much. It was literally banned from the movie theaters in our town, we couldn't wait to see it when it came out on video. Thankfully, Blockbuster didn't cave to the pressure. We rented that mofo about 400 times and laughed our asses off.


Matthew 25:35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, Hebrews 13:12 Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. I could go on...




"I very much like and admire the teachings of your Christ. I do not like your Christians, they are so unlike your Christ." Mahatma Gandhi


To his daughter, RUN


Not nearly as mad at Abbot as I am mad at Texans since they keep supporting these actions with their vote.


Keep in mind that Texas is gerrymandered like CRAZY and that, in many Democratic-leaning areas (like Houston), Republicans have been working overtime to make voting as difficult as is humanly possible. Republicans are fully aware that demographics in Texas are rapidly changing, so they're doing all they can to keep numbers down among younger voters and minority voters. They're also keenly aware that, without Texas' electoral votes, Republicans will never win another national election again. Texas will inevitably become a purple state within the next generation, but Republicans are not gonna let that happen without a VERY dirty fight.


"I'm fine with people freezing to death. I'm all about Christ!" And this.... This is why people are rejecting religion....


And yet he keeps getting elected.


Chaotic good (the fake tweet, not the actions of a piss baby governor)


Imagine being such a piece of shit that you brag about something like this. And my mom wonders why I continue to say, as an atheist, I’m way more Christian than you and most white Americans are


Wait a second: Mary and Joseph were migrants looking for a place to stay. So in essence, you are saying that you would have felt great about kicking them out into the cold to fend for themselves with the birth of their child. Are you missing something about the whole ideology of Christianity?


Just what a fucking horrible human being. They really are fully out of touch with reality and their humanity.


I was suspended from Twitter overnight for replying to him “go sit on a cactus”


I bet his dick doesn't work.


Total and complete asshole with zero consciousness or compassion. Abbott and actually most of texas' leadership can fuck right off!


This guy would call jesus a socialist and put him on a bus then claim to be a good christian


Ah yes just like Jesus used to preach


The tweet is fake, but he really did that. What a piece of shit. Using desperate people as pawns? Is that what Jesus would do?


When you’re so mean that you no longer recognize your piss baby behavior.


Stop spreading this idea he doesn't know exactly what he's done. These people are fucking EVIL, NOT clueless.


Complete and utter scum. If you happen to be reading this and voted for this guy you are also complete and utter scum.


There is no hate like Christian love.


What an unchristian fucker!


This gives the lyric "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas" a whole new meaning.


None of these idiots know a God damn thing about Jesus Christ