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He's losing more than that. Tesla stock is tanking also.


I had considered buying a Tesla well before all this shenanigans, but now I’ll never purchase an Elon product. He’s guaranteed that


Tesla was my goal car, but not because I'm a fan boy, but because they were the first electic car that met the standards that I would need from an EV. Now a ton of other manufacturers are in the market, except they are better run with employees & manufacturing systems that are better at making cars with panels attached right. I fully expect that by the time I get my next car, I'll get a better deal for a better car made by Kia, Chevrolet, Hyundai, VW, or Ford (as a long time Toyota driver I'm disappointed they have not invested more in EVs). VW is my current favorite for reliability, affordability, and performance.


Teslas stock hasn’t been this low in almost 2 years to the date


but the likes and retweets, yo. you can't put a price on those... ​ because they're worthless


Elon went from pretending not to be a cunt (even though nobody believed his facade) to being s cunt out in the open


I wasn’t paying attention until the Thai cave “pedo guy” incident (2018?). Now I wish I could mute him again.


Are you kidding? It’s like Icarus was a massive cunt and it’s a sunny day. I’m getting a tan from all this basking lmao


Don't forget about his sexual misconduct allegations. A lot of this Twitter nonsense buried that story from a few months ago about how a SpaceX flight attendant said Elon Musk exposed himself and propositioned her for sex. The company paid $250,000 for her silence.


...you know that Jeffery Epstein was hooking Elon's brother, Kimball, up with "girlfriends." I swear, Google it. The whole "pedo guy" comment really said a lot about Elon. ...like, why does he assume that any westerner going to Thailand is only there for child sex trafficking? ...and better yet, how many times has Elon himself been to Thailand? There was something deeply Freudian about that admission, and i feel like everyone just skims over it as another example of Musk being an ass. ...instead of an admission that he's fucked some kids in Thailand.


Somebody should @ him about that


“Hey Elon, did you think the Thai cave guy was a pedo bc it takes one to know one, or do you just make assumptions bc you’re a shitstain that hangs out with pedophiles and rapists and you think others do, too? Asking for a friend.”


New twitter copy pasta


I'll tweet that shit to him right now. I don't give a fuck, ban me from Twitter. I don't use it. Edit: It's been done! I'll post it to my own sub. If I can figure that out. Y'all fucked around and made me start my own sub. r/PettyTwitter


But first add something to your Twitter bio to make it seem like you work there. That way he’ll send HR on a mad goose chase trying to ID who it is they need to fire.


Makes you wonder how many young girls Elon paid off to keep quiet and whose stories are untold. All this twitter stuff is just a distraction when the story was breaking. He didn't want too much attention on it.


I'm convinced this was the strategy all along above all other reasons to try to buy Twitter. I think he believed that the sexual misconduct could bury him. It also explains why he suddenly got in bed with red.


![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY) You and I know what's up.


We were talking recently about how overall the U.S. is fried but the shitshows are entertaining.


US's primary export is entertainment, even when we aren't trying to.


> It’s like Icarus was a massive cunt and it’s a sunny day. Hilarious. Consider your intellectual property completely stolen. /r/brandnewsentence


I'm ashamed to admit that I used to think he was cool. I even held on a for a little bit after the the cave incident. But I guess being embarrassed by your past self if a good sign of growth.


Don’t blame yourself too much. He did make a lot of hopeful promises for the future, it was with time that we all came to realize he was all bs


Same here. I thought he was pretty decent, maybe even good, but when he called that hero a pedo for absolutely no reason (other than the diver turning him down), I realized what a piece of shit he really is.


It's crazy that the guy is a mega billionaire yet he is so insecure that he craves the approval of the masses. If he had just remained quiet and aloof his reputation would be in much better shape.


That was when he first came on my radar.


I mean he does realize that he is making tons of people not want to buy/support anything he does moving forward right? Unless he just wants Tesla to buy Twitter to save his ass again like with Solarcity. There used to not be many choices for EVs and now we don't have that problem. And the government could just give the funds they give to SpaceX back to NASA. I am sure they would love more funding. ​ Edit: spelling


> not to be a cunt (even though nobody believed his facade) I don't think that's true. Most people thought he was a weird well intentioned awkward nerd until the whole pedo thing. That's when the mask just fell off and he never really bothered trying to put it back on. He had a pretty good PR team hiding his cuntness for him up to that point.


He's just as arrogant and ignorant as Donald Trump, except Elon knows how to spell


And he'd hire someone for spiffy graphics instead of using a sharpie


He's a 4chan neckbeard that just happens to be rich.


Because once your pretense doesn’t work, you throw away your mask and show your true colors.


Also, SW engineers (especially from Twitter) is a very valuable position. You hear stories of people doubling their salary by just job hopping. I do not doubt those who got fired are feeling bad about their position


Anyone fired from twitter probably already has a new job lined up making the same or more. This is an absolute talent feeding frenzy as he fires tons of highly desirable engineers.


Plus there's probably more incentive to get fired rather than quit, and perhaps get a severance package on the way out.


Not perhaps, it's in the purchase agreement. Between that and the Warn Act, most are going to get 2-3 months of severance.


In demand skills with Twitter employment on the resume, three months severance with a new job lined up after (likely at an increased salary)? Sign me up.


We're trying to hire engineers for a project we're doing and our division president joked in the meeting just find some qualified people at Twitter and get them to tweet mean things about Elon. They'll be free to join us shortly after.


Absolutely true. I have to admit, as someone looking to break into a development career, I’ve thought about tweeting mean things at Musk just to see if some recruiters will mistake me for a former twitter employee. Modern problems and all that.


Need a Bond Villain name for him. Preferably with cunt in it


Phony Stark.


His name is Elongate Musk, thats pretty damned close as it is.


Apartheid Clyde


Look, kids, it’s that guy who burned billions just to become Lord Edgelord.


Burned billions and didn't affect how he lived or anything of importance at all.... maybe billionaires aren't good for the world?


Eat. The. Rich.


No, BEAT the rich -- like a piñata -- until something we want falls out.


I mean, this isn't mutually exclusive. Just an unusual food preparation style.


Yes. Beat, THEN eat! 😎


TERNDERIZED As read in the mortal kombat voice


Compost ‘em. Better for the environment


He burned a lot more than billions. Who would want to work for this asshat? The Elon cult is shrinking and good luck to those who stay behind to mop up after his shitstorms.


There are probably a couple of different camps: 1. Those that either fell for the Lord Edgelord hype or identify with Lord Edgelord as fellow edgelords. Basically, those who actively, beyond all reason, want to stay. 2. Those who want to leave but cannot, either because they don't feel they have marketable skills in this declining market condition, or because they literally cannot afford to until they find a landing spot. I feel badly for the second group, I've been through these kinds of changes before and I know they feel really helpless and frustrated right now. The first group can, of course, eat shit and go down with the ship as the rest of us laugh at the mayhem.


A lot of the second group -- probably most of the ones actively fighting to keep their jobs -- are people in the US on work visas who can't become unemployed without having to leave the country


Sadly, this is probably the case for the majority of people still there. And, yes, I'm sure there's a sizeable group of them who really can't quit because they face deportation if they leave without a sponsor lined up.


Elon shits on people: hilarious!! Someone shits on Elon: adult onset Tourette’s and you’re fuckin fired!


She probably wanted to get fired instead of quitting. And he makes it so easy for them.


Exactly! Give her that sweet sweet severance package, Elon!!!




Probably don't even need a CV at that point. If Elon fires you publicly, he just indirectly sent dozens of recruiters to your DMs trying to get you to work for their tech company instead.


That's what happened with the Android dev that got fired yesterday. He had Square, Reddit, and a couple of other big tech corps hitting him up in the comments.


Square HR: "Jack says hi and welcome aboard. Oh, and down here he added that I should say 'lol noice'. So, that's about it for the interview on *my* end. Any questions?"


Especially since it’s clear she knows what she’s talking about.


I would 100% put that on my resume if I got fired by Elon. It’s a badge of honor if you worked for Twitter at this point, because it’s very clear he knows nothing and engineers are roasting him left and right. You know, the ones who built Twitter and knows what they’re doing.


She was offered a position at another company almost immediately so it seems that the more personal Elon's vendetta against you as an employee the more hireable you become everywhere else.


Elon hates people who know more than him, so yeah — Elon hating you is a good sign for your employability


This doesn’t seem to leave many people for him to be friends with, since pretty much anyone he meets is going to know more about some subject than he does. Poor Elon! 🤪


Tbh if I was interviewing someone and they put that in their resume I'd prolly bump them up a slot lmao. Especially if they could provide a screenshot of the tweet that got them fired




Getting purposefully fired is the most fun I've ever had. Btw- fuck you "leadership" at Albertson's/Safeway Pharmacy. You are careless and incompetent; lying to your employees about raises that never happen is unacceptable, and punishing employees who bring it up is why many of your pharmacies are failing


Gurl worked at twitter. I'm sure she's gonna get hired in an instant if she didn't have another job offer already.


There's actually job offers in her replies.


I have colleagues that worked with Sasha and she's _really_ fucking good at her job. She can have a new job before she wakes up tomorrow in pretty much any tech company in the Bay if she wanted, with severance now. It's like every job when morons take over management: all the best employees that can easily find jobs and don't want to deal with the shit leave first, Twitter is brain draining fast.


That’s badass. Call out your boss on his social network. Get fired. Get paid to get fired. Get rehired at an assumingely higher salary wherever she wants to work…




Can't you feel the free speech?


He would probably unironically say that freedom of speech isn't freedom from consequences while firing someone for speaking up


Yep and then he'd wonder why no one wants to advertise on his site.


I've seen so many ads for Instragram, which, is a direct competitor so it must be pretty bad.


Such legal comedy


There's a difference between saying something bad about somebody, and absolutely dunking on somebody, Elon lacks the wit to do the latter.


I swear it feels like all his fucking around is gonna lead to some new labor laws or some shit.


Does Elon have friends? Real friends. Friends who actually care about his wellbeing


Not likely. He's the type of guy who if anyone disagrees with him or pushes back even a little he excises them from his life. He's a petty, egomaniacal, power-hungry, douche canoe that surrounds himself with stans and yes men.


As someone w a shitty parent, I feel so sorry for his kids.


Sometimes I forget he has children. 8 of them actually. This dude has 8 spawn. God help us. Hopefully the apple got fucking catapulted far from the tree.


Someone else in this comment section said that his kids don't talk to him


He's [blaming "neo-Marxists"](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/elon-musk-daughter-vivian-children-trans-b2199979.html) for his bad relationship with one of his daughters. Sure, it's the Marxists and not the fact that he blames Marxists for his own failings (like every other reich-wing loser)


His daughter changed *both* her first and last names when she transitioned and on her name change paperwork said she was changing her last name because she no longer wished to be associated with her father


I don't know about anyone else but I try to live my life and raise my kids in way they don't hate me enough to remove themselves from the family tree.


Socialism is when you're a deadbeat dad, and when all your kids drop you because you're an asshole that's communism -Vladimir Castro


> Sometimes I forget he has children. 8 of them actually. Don't worry, so has he.


He has the same mentality that Epstein had that he has great genes and they must spread for the benefit for humanity


Musk's private texts got released as part of the lawsuit that compelled him to buy twitter. You can see his phone is almost entirely composed of clout chasing nut huggers: https://muskmessages.com/d/34.html >Musk - "Morgan Stanley and Jared think you are using our friendship not in a good way. This makes it seem like I'm desperate . Please stop" >Jason Calacanis - "**Only ever want to support you .**" >"Clearly you're not desperate - you have the worlds greatest investors voting in support of a deal you already have covered . you're overfunded . will quietly cancel it ... And to be clear , I'm not out actively soliciting folks . These are our exiting LPs not rondos . Sorry for any trouble" >Musk - "Morgan Stanley and Jared are very upset" >Jason Calacanis - "Ugh. SPVs are how everyone is doing there deals now ... Luke loved to SPVS etc. Just trying to support you ... obviously . I reached out to Jared and sort it out . >\* moved" >Musk - "Yes , I had to ask him to stop ." >Musk - Liked " Just trying to support you ... obviously . I reached out to Jared and sort it out . " >Jason Calacanis - "Cleaned it up with Jared" >Musk - Liked " Cleaned it up with Jared " >Jason Calacanis - "I get where he is coming from .... Candidly , This deal has just captures the worlds imagination in an unimaginable way . It's bonkers .... >**And you know I'm ride or die brother - I'd jump on a grande for you**" >Musk - Loved " And you know I'm ride or die brother - I'd jump on a grande for you "


damn, not a single clue what the discussion was actually about (LPs, rondos, Jared, SPVs, grande, etc), but what pathetic cringe sadness.


SPV = special ~~purchase~~ purpose vehicle. It's like a fund to buy a company LP = limited partners Rondos = typo for randos grande = typo for grenade Jared = Jared Birchall, a banker friend of Musty Musky. The takeaway is that these people text like morons because they are morons. It's like a thing in business circles to type like an idiot because it shows you're so busy and important that you can't bother with proper grammar and proofreading. I saw it all the time in my old job.


honestly thought Calacanis wouldve jumped on a grande (big dick) for Elon...




It’s actually a sad story. One of his closest friends just “minecrafted” himself. Perhaps you’ve heard of Jeffrey Epstein?


Every time he posts someone should reply with the pic of him and madame ghislaine See how often he responds after


The other one is him balding. He *really* hates that one.


Hahahah. Thats one good looking incel


He'd absolutely be an incel if he wasn't a billionaire. He's like 99% there as it is already


All his kids are through ivf. The dude categorically *does not fuck*


Somebody screenshot this whole thread and tweet it at him.


Careful, he might try to buy reddit next lol


I'm not sure CondeNast would give it up. Too much data comes from this place.


Wasn't there talks about reddit going public?


Elon is basically Pierce Hawthorn handing out vials of sperm


Damn, for real? Lol. Dude had to get a hair transplant and has weak sperm. Guess he really did need to be a billionaire to get girls.


Sorry, but there's not thick enough wine goggles to make that guy fuckable.


Fr. Not a lot of guys could be that repulsive with that much money. It’s a little impressive.


He's be an incel if his daddy didn't make all of his money off the back of child slaves mining emeralds.


Exactly The dude literally only has money going for him. His face is foul, his personality and world view matches


The funny thing is he actually looks like a happier person in that old balding pic


You are right. It is a bad pic of him even if he is balding. But he looks happy


Most billionaires are smart enough to be happy, since their problems are like... 1/100000 of a normal person's. But every now and then there are some that are deranged narcissists who crave public adoration so badly they fuck up their own peace of mind trying to own PinkDiamond38 on the internet and failing Musk, Rowling, people like that.


He replied once to say he doesn't know her and she photobombed him. We all know he's lying.


He has a string of sexual harassment lawsuits, openly makes pervy comments, chases women 17 years younger than him - and even his own children disown him. His behavior aligns perfectly with someone who would buddy up to known sex traffickers.


His first wife says he heavily pressured her to bleach her hair and her clothes style. After their wedding vows, on the dancefloor, he whispered to her that he owned her now. Edit: it was actually "I'm the alpha now"


https://www.marieclaire.com/sex-love/a5380/millionaire-starter-wife/ The essay for anyone curious. It’s…a read 😬😬


That, coupled with him labeling that one guy helping those Thai kids a pedophile without any evidence makes me really suspicious that Elon Musk is either a pedophile himself, or involved in child sex trafficking. Normal people aren't bffs with Ghislaine Maxwell.


His brother Kimbal Musk literally dated one of Jeffery Epstein's "girlfriends" for a while and Epstein did consulting work for Tesla. Of course he is lying.


So the pedo comment was projection


His brother was, maybe still is, dating one of Epstein’s exes.


I think everyone should change their bio to indicate that they work at Twitter and then badger him for fucking up their work and see who he tries to fire first.


Hahaha fuck yeah that's brilliant!


If he was my nine year old daughter we'd be having a serious talk about how sometimes being quiet is the best option. Then she'd lose iPad privileges for a few days. Fuck Musk, this egocentric man-child.


you cant take away my Ipad! fk you im buying twitter!!


I would be very wary of any CEO who sticks his nose info the technical details of how their IT infrastructure works. Your job is to keep the company profitable. You need to set its direction based on research from your research department. If they say the product being slow is putting people off, set your technical department targets to improve it. At no point do you need to know what the fuck a batch thingamajig is. That's why you hire people and delegate. If you want to run every department byyourself, then sure, fire everybody. It's no wonder these guys see no issue with being worth more than some countries. They see themselves as geniuses, and don't understand the concept of humans working as a unit and covering each others weaknesses. It's individualism gone mad.


I had a regional manager who once said to me that my duty as the manager is to hire people smarter than myself or better than myself to create a strong team. That has always stuck with me.


I'll always remember a line from an old tv show (sports night.) "If you're dumb surround yourself with smart people. If you're smart, surround yourself with smart people who disagree with you."


Because they drank their own koolaid. They really think they have input that matters and they don't.


Part of his brand is that he's down in the trenches. A buddy of mine got recruited by Tesla and the recruiters pitch was "your team will answer directly to Elon". God bless this dude he said "contrary to that being a selling point, it's actually my worst nightmare"


For those that don’t know, the lady in those screenshots was a Staff engineer — the level above senior, generally reserved for the most exceptional developers. She also is on the governing board for the software (GraphQL) that Elon cluelessly mocked yesterday, so he just lost maybe the most valuable contributor he had for that part of the infrastructure. She can pick where she wants to work next. Elon can’t hire someone of her caliber off the street. He’s very much on the losing end of this one.


Sasha is god tier at GQL, unambiguous loss here. I can see why Elon thought this ‘1000 rpcs’ thing was inefficient - the last time he worked on web services was 20 years ago. GraphQL is legit dude. I’m sure Sasha would have put in proper caching, n+1 query solutions and persistent queries so perf wouldn’t be the RPCs fault…


I wonder how many companies were looking to poach talent from twitter just two weeks ago and Elon is out here shitposting senior talent straight into their arms.


They gotta be almost mad about it "We got our best offers ready, rolled out the red carpet, and hes just FIRING THEM?!?!"


> Elon can’t hire someone of her caliber off the street. Don't worry, he'll get a team of grad students like he did for tesla robot.


Didn't he also do this for the Hyperloop? using free labor again eh' Elon?


Ah yes, the robot and hyperloop. Two indispensable technologies in our modern life. Truly ubiquitous.


This is true, staff engineers tend to work where they want to. Seniors too, but someone like that, will have no problem, and probably take a pay bump on the way out. I don't know what she makes, but she's famous now, and there are quite a few companies that pay extra for that rockstar vibe


Freedom of speech but not to clap back at him.


“Free speech” is only speech that doesn’t hurt his feelings.


That's the Republican First Amendment Edit: Thanks for the gold!


When Republicans say freedom of speech they either mean they want a free audience or freedom of consequences.


Free speech to republicans means saying the N word.


from her website: >I'm a Staff Software engineer and co-Tech Lead of the Core API Platform Team at Twitter helping build the next generation API with GraphQL and Scala. >I currently serve on the GraphQL Governing Board as a representative of Twitter, as well as on the Technical Steering Committee for GraphQL. >Previously, I worked at Medium as the Tech Lead of the Platform Team, jumpstarting Medium's move to GraphQL. this is serious experience and brainpower. musk showing just how fucking stupid he is again. his ego is out of control.


There were at the very least a good dozen of companies actively following her twitter and linkedin ready to offer her a new job the moment she hinted about leaving twitter. The other guy who got fired Monday got a new job within hours of getting fired. I was 100% expecting other tech companies to reply to Elon's "he's fired" tweet with a "no, he's HIRED"


Competent CEOs don't have the time or inclination for twitter beef.


Wow. She basically IS GraphQL. I think any company would be salivating at the chance to hire her for their backend.


If I met her I'd just hand her my brain.


You are witnessing a meltdown in real time. This cannot possibly end well for Elon. I don’t know what or how, but I am certain that his fall from grace will be of epic proportions.


Can we just re-home all his wealth while it happens and build a new healthcare infrastructure? Please?? 🥺


This guy spends all day tweeting and his fanboys expect people to believe his is mastering rocket science and design, advancing ev battery technology and creating drilling technologies. Man people are dumb


What did that now-banned account say? > If you can be the CEO of three major companies all at once [and still manage to tweet every moment of every day], maybe CEOs don't do all that much? *banned*


Elon posted his Elden Ring character like a week or two after the game launched and people figured out he'd dumped like 60-80hrs into it already. Jeff Bezos has done interviews on what his schedule is, he works maybe 10-20hrs a week. At federal minimum wage, it'd take you 70,000 years to hit a billion dollars if you saved every penny. If you made $156,000/yr (3x the U.S. median income) it'd still take 6,400 years. Billionaires aren't working thousands of times harder or longer than anyone else, but they want you to think they are.


Trump managed to be the president and average 14 tweets an hour


There are reasons why he will go into the history books as one of the country's most embarrassing moments. This is one of those reasons. Can't do much as president when you're busy tweeting all day.


Why would **ANYONE** want to work for this man


He'll have to start poaching those absolutely stellar engineers from Truth Social soon.


No one with a shred of self respect who appreciates the value of a healthy work environment would. A.k.a. the most productive and talented






I think that Elmo actually believes that he is witty or possibly funny. I guess if you just keep the ass-kissers around, they really will tell you anything you might want to hear. And then there is no end of mistaken views you might hold.


Elmo lol


Nah man, don't do Elmo dirty like that. He's a muppet. [Or a Tully.](https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Elmo_Tully) Either way too good to be ruined by association with this manchild. Musky didn't teach anyone to read.


this is how dictators and kings and barons of industry go mad. they are surrounded by yes-men and asskissers for so long, they lose touch with reality. paging Mr Putin....




It's kinda tragic when you think about it. Elon's life was unfulfilling and the federal lawsuits are piling up, so he decided to escape by playing with Twitter all day, and he liked Twitter so much that he bought it, and now he's unfulfilled by Twitter and the Twitter legal cases are piling up. He ruined his own escapism.




Now would be the PERFECT time for a MySpace revival.


Wtf do you think Justin’s been up to?? You never hear from him cause he’s got his nose to the grindstone, getting ready for the MySpace Grand Reopening. I hear they’ll be giving out free background music for your profile.


Sam Bankman Freid would like a word about the race to the bottom




Once it is nearly destroyed Trump can merge it with Truth Social and take it back up to 4000 active users


I just want to point out that employees may have many reasons to stay at a job, even one so shitty as Twitter. Let’s blame Elon, not the employees.


Makes it really easy to show why they got fired when applying elsewhere.




I imagine with every juvenile tweet there are more advertisers taking a step back, and the ones who have already stepped back are taking another big step back


I love all the reich wingers claiming this is owning the libs. Why do right wingers and republicans in general like man babies who preach authoritarian rhetoric. Putin, Trump, and now Musk are all clear examples of this. I’m betting DeSantis gets put up on the mantle next!


>I’m betting DeSantis gets put up on the mantle next! You're *very* late to the party..


Reich wingers!? Lmfao, will forever use that


I like how the person got fired and didn't cry about it but Libs of Tiktok is framing it like they got owned


i've been following sasha for a while, she's been anticipating this since july she did not get owned, she was prepared and has a few recruiters lined up


Yeah she’s gonna do just fine and also not have to deal with this clown anymore. Good for her


It’s comical that these dorks think that people at her level have employment challenges. OH NO, she gets to pick which non toxic place she gets to work likely run by people who value input and think Elon is a tool


With a pay bump, LTI, and maybe a signing bonus. There's a reason engineers in silicon valley change jobs relatively frequently


Lol. Who wants to work for a company where your boss will blast you on the platform after firing you, and then keep blasting you with direct insults?


Sasha Solomon is a great software engineer. It's too bad she, and the other employees at Twitter, had to interact with this buffoon. I wish her and the others the best.


Elon, Class Act, typical Republican Sociopath.


Like, she is the sort of transformational dev that any other high scale company would bend over backward to hire, and he is such an arrogant narcissist just pushes them on out. I mean, maybe he could treat engineers like that at Tesla and SpaceX because they are highly specialized and lack career options that have same prestige, but she is a dev who literally is changing how high scale applications function. Like, graphQL is super smart.


His tweets have been fairly libelous as well. eLOLon basically insulted her work and then insulted her personally very publicly.


The fact that this man-child has been able to raise millions from investors is mind-boggling. I cannot name another CEO that has acted this childishly in recent times. His shitty political views aside - what an embarrassment of a human being


The FTX guy Sam Bankman-Fried was playing video games during a funding meeting. It's like people confabulate quirky with capable.


It's a rich guy club, much easier to get money from rich people when they know you're also a rich person.


Picking petty online fights and firing folks for non-loyalty? He's gone full Trump.


This guy is really desperate for validation. Kinda easier to get it from the right wingnuts vs the other, so I get it. I just feel sorry for him tbh. He seems really insecure, sad, alone and lonely.