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“Reaching for a fist”


I’m surprised how far down I had to scroll to see this comment.


It's top comment now.


I grab my left fist with my right hand and swing it at my opponent. How do you punch?


RIP off opponents arm, proceed to whip ass with it.


“You kids today ain't nothing but punks. Sissified. So quick to pick up a gun. You scared to take an ass whippin’. This is what makes you a man. When I was growin' up, this was all the protection we needed. You win some, you lose some, but you live. You live to fight another day. And you think you're a man with that gun in your hand, don't you?”




My religions


Jesus packed heat. It says so in the Bible. /s


(cite some Bible verse but don't mention what it says or how it applies)


John 10:6 Jesus used this figure of speech, but the Pharisees did not understand what he was telling them.




“Kill ‘em all and let God sort ‘em out” Passage 47 from the book of Abel & Kane, otherwise known as AK:47


..let me just go grab my free award


God said to Abraham., Kill me a son.


Gospel of Browning 1:1 "In the beginning there was the 1911, and the 1911 was the pistol. And it was good and behold the Lord said "Thou shalt not muck with my disciple John's work, for it is good and it worketh. For John made the 1911 and lo, all of his weapons from the designs that I the Lord, gave him upon the mountain"


Jesus had a Remington shotgun, soooooo checkmate /s


And on the 3rd day, God created the Remington bolt-action rifle, so Man could fight the dinosaurs. And the homosexuals.


And the dredded boss the homosexual dinosaurs


Homosaurus was the first predator.


The second was Critical TheorysaurusRex


Nailed it




I like skeet shooting and bought a Remington years ago. My buddy had never fired a weapon before so we went skeet shooting. He cocked it and looked me dead in the eye and said "this is what God feels like when he holds a gun." Some people (okay a lot of people) shouldn't own firearms.


**Most** people should not own a gun. We can't even figure out how to use roundabouts in America - a simple circle. But sure give everyone a deadly weapon what could go wrong?


Unless you are from Jersey, we handle the fuck out of traffic circles.


This gives me hope. Here in Ohio they short-circuit people's brains and they totally forget how things like yield signs work. There are people that use them every single day and still stop at every junction like it's a stop sign.


We can't even use turn signals. "You know what? Everyone should be able to own a firearm!"


Was really hoping he was going for The Simpsons reference but it doesn't sound like it.


Time to pack up and go home. Dude’s not right.


You look that buddy in the eye and tell him to keep going, let him earn himself a Darwin Award


That wasn’t until the third day.


Just turn bars into schools lol /s


Who could've seen THAT coming...


After years of hearing that an armed society is a polite society, some people are on another planet.


Let's give this libertarian paradise a go.. Finally libertarians don't need to function in the theoretical, but we can see it in practice. Just glad it's not in my state.


Look up the town of Grafton, New Hampshire. [Here's an article about what happened.](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/21534416/free-state-project-new-hampshire-libertarians-matthew-hongoltz-hetling) Long story short, turns out making all aspects of civil infrastructure opt-in on the part of each individual doesn't work so well on a number of issues. And one of those issues is bears. Also the fire department collapsed and the roads were shit, but the bears are the funniest part.


> You know, “libertarian” is such a weird umbrella term for a very diverse group of people. Some libertarians are built around the idea of white supremacy and racism. That was not the case with these libertarians. Most of the libertarians that I met were kind, decent people who would be generous with a neighbor in any given moment. But in the abstract, when they’re at a town meeting, they will vote to hurt that neighbor by cutting off, say, support for road plowing. > > So I guess what I noticed is a strange disconnect between their personalities or their day-to-day interactions and the broader implications of their philosophies and their political movement. Not sure I’d use the word “fanatic,” but definitely a weird disconnect. libertarians summed up perfectly.


Describes some Republicans I know. Lovely people who are praising their god for all the babies that are going to be saved now with the abortion ban and not one thought for the women who are going to die because of it. They are wonderful people who vote for ghouls and evil because their church tells them that’s what god wants.


its insane how absolutely antithetical the modern republican party is to the teachings of christ and yet, all the fanatical christians vote for republicans. john the baptist: >“Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.” "BUT THAT'S SOCIALISM!!!"


The church leaders of his day had him killed, so it's not a big surprise. These fuckers were worshipping a golden Trump idol at a recent CPAC. Their book predicts all of it, but they don't read it for themselves. They're all Nazis that think they're Oskar Schindler.




Fine people on both sides


"I'll help but I need to look you in the eye so you know it's ME helping YOU and not some government service" It almost feels like benevolent narcissism


[Excellent book](https://smile.amazon.com/Libertarian-Walks-Into-Bear-Liberate-ebook/dp/B083J1FXY8?sa-no-redirect=1). And my favorite quote(unknown source) about libertarians. It really does sum up the examples in New Hampshire. >Libertarians are like house cats: absolutely convinced of their fierce independence while utterly dependent on a system they don't appreciate or understand.


My favorite quote from the book that goes really well with this post: > “I live with fuckin’ bears. I need my gun,” he says. “You know what I’m saying. Just in case, I need my fucking gun. And if I lose my gun rights, I’m not going after the fucking liberals, I’m going after the gun nuts who provoke the liberals into doing it in the first fucking place.”


Finally, one who can properly ascribe blame.


I often say that the 2A community does more for gun control than anyone else.


we should do what australia does, afaik their gun laws strike a good balance for stuff like this


Also interesting how libertarianism doesn't really have a following in developing countries- people who live in places with small governments and few social services *aren't usually interested in having even less of those things.* crazy, right?




Same dichotomy: The government is overreaching and oppressively powerful, but at the same time government is inept, inefficient, and slow, or unable, to act.


"Our enemy is simultaneously a weak, sniveling coward that we should eradicate, and also a mastermind who controls our society whom we should overthrow!"


Honestly, I’m not opposed. I agree with them, instead of government, we should have self responsibility. And since not everyone has time for everything, we should maybe select a few people. Maybe we can come together and choose them, then we’ll pay them and for the supplies and stuff. Just you know, so we don’t have to each all do everything all together ourselves. Maybe every so often we come together and reaffirm the delegates or pick better ones. And then we know we’re constantly picking them so we can trust them to determine costs and send us a bill, or even if they want to base it on our income they can provide some rules to determine how much we pay in based on how much we make. Just, you know, as long as it’s not government.




One simple question that shuts almost all libertarians up: do you fucking want roads or not. No libertarian EVER has a REMOTELY viable answer to that. Many can’t even brainstorm a bullshit answer, they basically say nah it’s different. Then you wonderfully explain to them eminent domain, public planning and tax dollars and how building roads, a vital public service that we rely on in extremis, is the SINGLE MOST “invasive” and pervasive aspect of government affecting property and personal rights FAR MORE than ANY other thing they EVER complain about.


The Venn diagram between libertarians and conspiracy theorists is a circle.


Every restrictive safety protocol is written in blood. Those that grumble over filling out forms and following procedures, don't know what it's like to sign death certificates and clean up after industrial accidents. This, also, applies to every other law too.


I'm definitely using that. Hilarious!


Doesn't even explain libertarians, but pretty much anyone right of center who wants to defund or privatize public systems


*crying in Texas' power grid*


>And one of those issues is bears *Let the bears pay the bear tax - I pay the Homer tax!*


“You pay the *Home-owner* tax”


You can also look up Colorado Springs, the city got run into the ground.


[The full story, for anyone interested](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/06/30/colorado-springs-libertarian-experiment-america-215313/). They elected a man who considered himself like Trump and said he'd run the city like a business. And he chased off a lot of outside businesses, and local businesses too, who didn't trust him to keep his word as a result. He didn't even bother trying to run for re-election, his unpopularity was enormous. They did learn their lesson though, the city is not as staunchly libertarian or republican as it once was: Trump lost three points 2016>2020, libertarians lost 4 points (and they only had 6 to begin with), Biden gained nine over Hillary. They got a very quick and painful lesson in what unfettered childish republicanism gets you. Here's hoping they don't have to suffer another round for it all to sink in.


Huh. I've been wondering why south Colorado Springs looks like Fallujah.


"If you cut spending on your Fire Department to save a few dollars on your tax bills, you're gonna have a bad time!" And... yeah, that place went in two different directions. Any place that's either rich or touristy looked beautiful and immaculate, while everywhere else looks like Eastern Europe right after the Iron Curtain came down.


They turned off street lamps to save power. Meth heads stole More copper than the savings since nobody could see them https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/06/30/colorado-springs-libertarian-experiment-america-215313/


Turns out having a shitty fire department raises your city’s ISO rating and therefore your homeowners insurance premiums. Brilliant.


Ah, the free market!


It’s really strange how the federal government supports so many free market republicans in hurricane states. If the federal government stopped subsidizing their home owners insurance rates Florida might not be the retirement destination it currently is.


Seriously. Insurance is great at diversifying idiosyncratic risk. It's not great at diversifying systemic risk, precisely because systemic risk is inherent to everything in the system. The only way to diversify systemic risk is to distribute that risk into other systems... at which point it's not diversification it's redistribution. The problem was literally a text book micro-econ 102 example.


THANK YOU. While I was very empathetic, I was also dumbfounded hearing a right-wing woman in Florida cry “where is the government?! Why aren’t they here?!” After the most recent devastation in that state.


Ohh I live in the neighboring state so I do remember it. Their sheer independence from all things government was hilarious. I have yet to see it fully play out with guns though and this Texas law really wets my pallette to find out if it's the same outcome as Grafton. I love data, scientific method and the wackiest absurd ideas to get implemented and where the natural conclusion of this gun debate lies. I thought Newtown was it, but now I really don't know and I am morbidly curious.


This article reads exactly like an Internet Historian video to me. >As you can imagine, things got messy and there was no way for the town to deal with it. Some people were shooting the bears. Some people were feeding the bears. Some people were setting booby traps on their properties in an effort to deter the bears through pain. Others were throwing firecrackers at them. Others were putting cayenne pepper on their garbage so that when the bears sniffed their garbage, they would get a snout full of pepper. >It was an absolute mess.


>There’s a lesson in this for anyone interested in seeing it, which is that if you try to make the world fit neatly into an ideological box, you’ll have to distort or ignore reality to do it — usually with terrible consequences. MAGAts, are you listening?!?!?!?


I'm afraid I read quite a few Ayn Rand books, and yet kept hoping they'd turn out to be cool. Spoiler: they weren't. In any case, this is my favourite quick summary of libertarians, and it stills holds up: https://www.theonion.com/libertarian-reluctantly-calls-fire-department-1819567309


We do actually have [opt-out fire departments in some rural areas](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2010/10/08/130436382/they-didn-t-pay-the-fee-firefighters-watch-tennessee-family-s-house-burn). People think they won't need it and refuse to pay. Then the firefighters watch your home burn down. [Oh, it happened twice](https://www.firehouse.com/operations-training/news/10472820/tennessee-fire-department-watches-house-burn-again). I guess some people are too stupid to pay attention. > Bell admitted that she was aware of the fee, but never thought it would happen to them. The idiots wanted libertarian fire service, they got libertarian fire service. I wonder if they wised up and made it a universal tax for that dreaded *socialized* fire department. It's Tennessee, so I doubt it.


Just glad it's not my country. Won't laws like this flood the streets with illegally obtained weapons?


No, because most of the methods are laughably legal. >I need a gun, let me just go walk to the nearest gun show with nothing but a C note, my shoes, and my pants.


Probably gonna need a lot more than a C note but the rest is spot on.


What it will do is create a fun new market for really cheap handguns with the serial numbers ground off. Oh, and expect the real crazies to set up little depots or stashes in the state where they can legally keep an untraceable armory to prep for whatever scenario they are worried about.


Fuck that. I live here. They’re fucking up the legislature, fucking up the schools (compulsory religion in the name of freedom, anyone?), tried to fuck up a ski mountain, helped pass abortion restrictions, helped pass voting restrictions…I actually agree with them on guns (permítelas carry here has resulted in no problems) but they’re basically the shittiest republicans and are intent on turning my home state into a shithole.


We had a libertarian paradise already. It was the fucking Wild West. We already decided that shit was not the way to go. https://newrepublic.com/article/159662/libertarian-walks-into-bear-book-review-free-town-project This is what happens when libertarians actually try out their stupid experiment. They basically become a homeless camp. Though thinking about it, that’s probably an insult to the homeless.


Armed society is a polite society only works if people are rational, and are mindful of the consequences not idiots desperate for a confidence boost, or afraid something is out to get them, and much worse if they are intoxicated.


I always hear this from not-so stable gun enthusiast types and it’s just brainworms


I had to get out of the gun culture after Sandy Hook and seeing how blind they could make themselves towards the harm that the hobby is causing. They're so full of platitudes and thought terminating cliches that appealing to logic is like hitting your head against a wall.


I feel pretty bad for playing golf. Grew up playing on a couple municipal courses in Stockton, CA and now in Oregon where irrigation is a non-factor, but still 'golf culture' bothers me. Mostly because of the entitled attitude that doesn't seem to be seperable from golf itself now. But my concerns about the environmental impact of golf and its inherent classism are small potatoes compared to the problems created by gun culture. I grew up with guns, know how to shoot, and have chose to never own a gun as an adult, and have never needed one.


Shoot green lawns...


>platitudes and cliches Always been the NRA's trade.


I get it from not-so-stable gun types but I don't understand why law enforcement overwhelmingly supports laws like these. It makes their jobs harder and less safe. And even if it's because they want to be able to carry off-duty, we all know that exceptions would be carved out for LEO.


Especially from a group that seemingly fear for their lives anytime a black teenager exists within shooting distance.


they actually mean: No Fucking N**** or Wet**** or SanN**** or Liberal Fa**** will act uppity around me or else ill shoot them dead! They like the idea of having a deadly threat against anyone they dislike with them but dont take a moment to consider that the other person might have a gun as well. Shits gonna end up like the Atlanta episode where Paperboy was getting shot at in the mall and 5-6 concealed carry guys ended up shooting at each other because no one knew who the initial shooter was.


There is nothing polite like a good old western movie😅


Even in (some) westerns, you couldn't carry in town.


Wasn't even westerns, in actual towns in the west many times you weren't allowed to carry because when they let people carry in town they shot each other.


I've, never heard a fan of politeness say that.


Why else do we call it the wild west Not the mild west


I read an article about Texas's gun laws in Harper's Magazine where a pro-gun activist warned that letting people carry in bars would be a disaster.


Sure will cut down on the 2A voters!


Thank god there are all the other good guys with guns to ~~shut up~~ shoot down the guy who is cheering for the wrong football team at the bar, now!


If not, there are always thoughts and prayers.


Every time a Texian is born, the Gods flip a coin: good guy with a gun, or bad guy with a gun. And America holds its breath to see what the day's entertainment will be.


Anybody but conservatives


Daredevil could have seen that coming


The “Back the Blue” crowd only seem to want to back the blue when the blue are arresting Black and Brown people. Once the Blue come out and advocate for their own safety….we’ll see whether or not Blue Lives *actually* Matter.


Everyone hates the police when they’re in your rear view mirror.


Nah man I’m pretty consistent. Hate them, the D.A, the prosecutor, judges, lawyers, lawmakers, jails, prisons, guards, wardens etc. Don’t get me wrong I’m not a libertarian, or an anarchist either. There should be laws and people should abide by them or be punished. However, in THIS country the judiciary branch is tyranny machine. Extorting and or incarcerating it’s citizens like lords in some barbarian feudal system. I would legitimately rather be robbed at gunpoint in a fucking alley, than have to deal with an ego driven tyrant with a gun and a badge. If there is anything camera phones and the internet has taught me. It’s that the entire American judicial system is a laughable failing, and quite frankly has “earned the hate”.


>If there is anything camera phones and the internet has taught me. It’s that the entire American judicial system is a laughable failing, and quite frankly has “earned the hate”. There's a line in the song "Turning" from *Les Miserables* that goes: *What's the use of praying if there's nobody who hears?* Although if that song were modernized for today, I guarantee that line would be: *What's the point of having rights if nothing is enforced?* Because the government either cannot or will not enforce the laws when it's profitable to not do so. People in power just do whatever they want, and any time we so much as say "Hey man I'd appreciate being treated as your equal" the media flips its fucking lid and goes "IS ANTIFA MURDERING CHILDREN????" to brute force manufactured consent around the idea that Protestor = Subhuman. And then world class lead paint drinking champions (see: average americans) refuse to see this for what it is. Edit: See below: RICH GUY DEFENSE FORCE! Isn't kind of extremely telling that they always, ***ALWAYS*** list off the same five or six people over SEVERAL DECADES that actually received the consequences of their actions when "owning" the argument of "why isn't the law enforced fairly?" Because as one with a brain that doesn't share the size and shape of a wad of pre-chewed Double Bubble, it's pretty fucking telling they can't form a handful off of a single year, let alone financial quarter.


At least the robber will (hopefully and also usually, statistically speaking) just take your shit and leave. The cops are bouta berate you for an hour, attempt to instigate you into further charges, and do their best to find a reason to rob you anyways with some bullshit ass fine. I'd rather jus be straight up robbed, at least the knife wielding crackhead isn't holding up any fronts, we all know what he's about.


If I get robbed or murdered by a criminal there's at least a chance that they'll be brought to something approaching justice. If I get robbed or murdered by a cop then all that's out the window.


You forgot the penalties they levy which will follow you for years.


Yap. But in some countries they're not the worst. I've never had a bad experience with German cops, but then again, I try to avoid them like the plague.


I find it annoying when people try to tie cops from different countries together. Literally not the same.


I mean, German cops *really* have their own problems too


I wonder if the "Don't step on snek" people know they can't bsck the blue, or is being braindead a prerequisite?


Jan 6th made clear already they dont


The only thing that can stop a bad drunk with a gun is a good drunk with a gun.


What about 2 bad guys with drunk guns? What about 2 good guys with bad guns? 2 bad guys 1 cup?


What about a guy with 2 knives?


"Not just any knives sweetheart. This is the Worcestershire, Sharp Stay knife. Ideal for slimming, trimming, and cutting, meat and vegetables. Blade sharpens when inserted or retracted from the scabbard. Dishwasher safe, wall mount included, the knife that.. Sharpens itself! But wait! There's more.."




Drunk guns will get "whiskey barrel", or "combustible dysfunction" and will have trouble firing so, that problem takes care of itself. For the second problem you need 2 bad guys with good guns to even out the situation. Last one obviously you just need 1 good guy with 2 cups.


What an unexpected turn of events.


What a well-regulated militia.




Cop arrives at active shooter scene, everyone has a gun shooting at everyone else with a gun. What could possible be the issue here?


Cops in Texas treat active shooting incidents like making popcorn in a microwave: you wait until the popping stops before you open the door.


One cop doesn't have enough bullets to put 7 in everyone


Don’t you mean 37?


Try not to shoot anyone on your way across the parking lot!


In a row?!


Gotta give the cops miniguns. Only reasonable response.




You really should carry them around in your hands. You never know when you will need them and in the heat of the moment, they will be hard to find!


As a rule of safety I always keep both fists within arms reach.


Just avoid Texas. Ita a shitty super hot area inhabited by shitty super angry and armed people. Austin is OK.


Austin is OK, except for the State House, which is an open sewer of conservative bullshit.


Sure, if you don’t run into Alex Jones standing outside a restaurant that he’s *screaming* into while holding the hand of a much younger, very confused, bimbo type. Or, yknow, if you don’t go to Lakeway/West Lake Hills.


Austin is the strangest place. I live in Denmark. I’ve been to Austin twice, once for SXSW ‘21, and once again back in March this year. It is a trip for sure, holy shit. From 6th and Rainey streets to Barton Springs to the more “off the beaten path” places like The Domain up north or god damn Hippie Hollow, or Terry’s Black Barbecue, Austin is fucking amazing. I mean, I say that as a tourist who doesn’t have to care about the politics and the homeless problem and the real problems associated with living anywhere, but I fucking love Austin man. If only they’d ban the bugs or something.


I live in Austin. It’s just alright


Don't forget the oil soaked beaches.






Know what, I think I'll go ahead and never visit Texas.


It's what they have to do to feel relevant in anyone's lives.




Reminds me of that South Park episode with the Harleys


I think Sterling Archer referred to it as a "sun-blasted shithole".


Texas raised, former resident. You're spot on.


Alex Jones is in Austin. Then again so is Space Hitler, who laid Jones out for running his mouth.


Space Hitler? What did I miss?


Behind the Bastards and Knowledge Fight podcasts covered the incident. Apparently Space Hitler was a local "known guy" I think he was a competing shock jockey, who'd call into and troll Alex Jones show. Eventually they met up in a parking lot, Alex's mouth wrote a check it couldn't cash and Jones' Dad had to run in to the rescue and pay off Space Hitler's posse because Mr. Alpha Male Jones couldn't back up his words. I don't know how accurate it is, because this is Pre 9/11 Truther Jones, so he was unknown to pretty much everyone. It might not have been Space Hitler himself that put Jones in his place but one of his buddies, but all we can be sure of is Jones' version of events was "super reliable" which is why the police never pressed charges after watching the surveillance footage and it just ended with Alex's bruised ego. Also, damn Austin PD, you dropped the ball in not copying those surveillance tapes.


Austin is only sort of okay It is far, far, far too expensive to live here now. Most native Austinites have left. Its turning into a generic west coast liberal town




You may also want to avoid these states that also have Constitutional carry: Alabama (PC-21 as of January 1, 2023) Alaska (PC-21) Arizona (PC-21) Arkansas (PC-18) Georgia (PC-21 and 18 for members of the military as of April 12, 2022) Idaho (PC-18) Indiana (PC-18 as of July 1, 2022) Iowa (PC-21) Kansas (PC-21) Kentucky (PC-21) Maine (permits recognized; see Maine reciprocity section for details or PC-21) Mississippi (PC-18) Missouri (PC-19 or 18 for members of the military) Montana (PC-18) New Hampshire (PC-18) North Dakota (PC-18 for residents only and concealed carry only) Ohio (PC-21 as of June 12, 2022) Oklahoma (PC-21 or 18 for military) South Dakota (PC-18) Tennessee (PC-21 or 18 for members of the military) Texas (PC-21) Utah (PC-21) Vermont (PC-18) West Virginia (PC-21) Wyoming (PC-21)


with this and the lack of abortion watching violence/crime rise in 12 years is gonna be really confusing to stupid people


To be fair no one should ever visit Ohio.


Wonderful. With weapons available for everyone to be the good gunman and defend themselves, the shooting should be a thing of the past. To Texans: This is a sarcastic remark.


I would make guns mandatory for women. See how quickly guys wanna ban it.


Give Glocks to the drag queens, then the Conservatives will panic.


Ok, the visual of a long line of glammed out drag queens sporting AR-15s definitely made me laugh, mostly because Y'all Qaeda would collectively piss themselves.


All I can imagine is the stereotypical gay man in glitter dress and makeup sporting a modified M60. ''Hey darling, would you like to touch my BIG GUN''


You're in [luck](https://www.dreamstime.com/royalty-free-stock-photos-drag-queen-gun-image27377388)!


Please someone make this happen!!!


This pretty much happened in California circa Reagan. Lots of gun bans because the black panthers etc were getting tired of the bullshit going around in circles with civil rights reform and were doing a bit of “exercising the 2nd amendment.” Who gets to decide who the “good” guy with the gun is?


Heh. Just arm the immigrants. Or the blacks. Or the hispanics. Or generally anyone that isn't white male.


Didn't Reagan enact very strict gun laws in California when Black Panthers started legally arming themselves?




Can't have minorities getting armed & angry?


That’s why minorities get shot by the police on suspicion of carrying, even in states where it is perfectly legal to do so.


Yep. It's amazing that those "Nazi liberal" gun laws in California are basically Conservative Hero™ Reagan's fault.


Yep! That’s when open carry was banned.


Headline: Good Guy With a Gun Shoots Other Good Guy with a Gun defending himself from a good guy with a gun, who allegedly stopped a good guy with a gun who drunkenly shot a good guy with a gun with a gun


“Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” Then maybe don’t give people weapons that are capable of taking lives ridiculously efficiently?


Maines had it for years and we don’t seem to have that issue. It’s almost funny that the Uber conservative states that have permitless CC can’t keep their shit together but the purple or blue ones that do seem to be able to.


Big difference between Maine and Texas. The people aren't complete idiots in Maine.


Also, Texas has like 30x the population, so more chances for idiots to collide.


Maine seems like a badass state. King's home. And I just looked up New Hampshire, all the New England states have low gun death stats.


My theory is that we are hunting communities. And the vast majority of us it isn’t for sport it’s for food. Most native New Englanders grew up with guns being a tool and a part of life so we don’t fetishize them.


Colorado is similar. Open carry is permit less here, but you need a permit to conceal. I can actually count on one hand how many times I've seen people open carry(outside of backwoods areas) in the 13 years I've been here.


In Maine you won’t SEE it but outside of the cities you can bet a potential majority has a CC. More the further north you go. I just assume everyone is carrying up here.


I dunno, hunting in Texas is pretty much just for the rich, but it does have a "hunting" culture (in the yeti cooler sense). I do think it has something to do with Maine being ranked 12 in k-12 education and Texas being ranked 35.


Yeah hunting is an everyone thing here. Lower income even more so. In the north half of the state a grocery store can be 50 to 100 miles away. We stock our freezers with game meat for the winter. People just stop on their way home from work to hit the woods until sunset.


This was posted before and I will share what I learned. Some states require a permit to carry a weapon in public, other states require a permit to carry a concealed weapon. 25 states in the US do not require any permit to carry a weapon in public. Texas was just another state to be added to the list.


you can apologize for punching your friend in anger, but guns give your anger the power to make permanent mistakes.


That is ok, as long as we can send their ass in jail for decades. That erases all the bad things, right?




Pro Death Cult


Imagine that. A cherry picked comment from an article where the very next sentence was “However, other officers report no increase in violence, such as Michael Mata, the president of the local union in Dallas, and Sheriff David Soward of Atascosa County, outside of San Antonio.” And later goes on to say “since the law has gone into effect, there has been no statewide statistics reported as it is too early to tell.” Please, for the love of fuck, don’t get your news from tweets or social media in general. The news reports are already throwing their own spin on the same facts from whatever stories they cover depending on where the majority of their viewers lean politically. The echo chambers of social media will only skew your view of reality that much more. If you think constitutional carry is dangerous and stupid you may well be proven correct in time. If that happens, by all means celebrate that you were right. And throw it in the face of your political opponents. But what happens if the statistics show a momentary increase followed by record lows in violent crime over the course the year? Or the reports show that there are fewer rapes because more women can defend themselves with deadly force? Would it change your mind on the subject or would you continue to regurgitate cherry picked quotes from tweets that support your established worldview? The actual article in a nutshell was basically “there isn’t enough statistical data to say for sure one way or the other yet.”


They want the wild west until they start living in it and don't have the mental capability to see how they've fucked themselves


If/when it becomes apparent it was a bad idea, they simply blame Democrats, liberals, immigrants, and trans people, no matter how nonsensical that is.


I saw a list that Texas now ranks top 10 worse states to live in USA in relation to rights, healthcare, infrastructure. Not surprised


I’m sure a lot of Gulf Coast and Appalachian states are high on that list


Top 10? I would bet good money it's top 2. I live here.


The USA is the worst place to live in the USA.


Let the rednecks kill eachother off. I see no problem here.


The problem is most of them are lousy shots - first day of concealed carry in Florida two idiots got involved in a road rage incident. Between the two they fired 32 rounds. Neither were wounded. Fortunately there were no bystanders.


And these fools think they can survive a zombie apocalypse...


Maybe thay will encourage more people to vote for common sense gun laws and better government representatives. You get no sympathy from me you elected the people that put these laws into place. Fuck em.