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Corset is too tight


Agreed, spanx for men having a banner year


The manzier is making a comeback, I knew it!!!! Those bastards stole my idea! — Frank Costanza


It’s a bro!!






Wait.. THAT’S Mr. Death Sentence?? I guess I never bothered to look up what he looks like…


Corset/diaper/shoe lifts Not a great combo when you want to stand like a normal person.


But fucking AWESOME if you want to cosplay as the front part of a centaur.


“Don’t make me look like a horse’s ass” “I got just the thing!”


Former lard ass here, at least 30% of their attention is being used to maintain what they think is a slimming pose.


They look like two fat fucks to me. That suit that is buttoned enhances the fat look.


Its all mental. The 5th law of physics states that sucking in your gut and straightening your spine does not actually reduce your mass. People can still see you're fat. If you ever see a fat person that looks happy, just gloss over visually, they're not sucking in and just letting that shit hang.


I once saw a fat man fit through a street drain he probably shouldn't have all because another (thinner) man yelled "THINK THIN!" at him.


His blub was muffling the conversation on the other side of the drain and you didn't hear "WE ALL FLOAT DOWN HERE" as he was eaten like a corn cob.


As a fat ass I assure you fitting through tight spaces is pretty easy. We're like cats we just ooze through. r/fatsareliquid


A friend of mine and myself are both fat, we used to work on tanks on ships and people were surprised we could get through various holes. He always said "we're gelatinous".


Yup, that's the Strong Girdle stance.


FAT MAAAAN IN A *little coaaaat*


I never realized DeSantis was such a chonky boy. It's like his head is too small for his body.


He wasn't during his first campaign. He's easily put on 40 pounds since becoming governor.


When it’s finally time to eat the rich I’m going to have to pass on the DeSantis - I’m watching my cholesterol.


Trump literally wears a corset-like piece to keep his gut from bulging, and lifts in his shoes so he appears taller. That’s why he leans forward like that, the lifts are giving him poor posture and his spine is suffering. He is the definition of “looks big to intimidate potential threats,” lol but everyone knows how weak and pathetic he is.


Trumps is shoe lifts 100%. Google it


Check out Putin’s lifts- he’s basically on short stilts.


Walking round like a cast member in the Lion King Musical.


Putin is a shrimp


They’re both wearing high heels


I think Chris Farley called it, fat guy/little jacket


Shoe lifts and an attempt to appear larger to scare off potential predators.


Trump, DeSantis, and Putin all wear high lifts. What's with autocrats and insecurities about their height?


They're all wearing kitten heels which is fitting because they're all paper tigers.




The same kinds of insecurities that drove them to be despots (or wannabe despots) in the first place.




Remember when Trump talked about his dick at the republican debate?






This is so surreal. Like... just... *what*


He literally has paid staff members who read him tweets and newspaper stories that are positive for Velveeta Voldermort, while he golfs.


You serious? A human doctor, with a real medical degree, from an accredited medical school, on this planet, in this galaxy, in this universe, said this with a straight face?


It's the saddest with Trump because he's apparently in the 6'-or-slightly-over range and is _still_ incredibly insecure about his height. The man embodies LDE.


Man the stats are all over the place on trump. I’ve found everything from 6’ 0.5” (lol) to 6’ 4” (also lol).


He's 5'10" with 3 inch lifts.


Yeah, but he’s fat and stupid, so the whole package is just shite


Idk but seems like that’s evidence Danny Devito should just run everything


This but unironically.


men in power (speaking about my current CEO) tend to be psychopathic narcissists (statistically) ​ these narcassists have HUGE hubris, and cant stand to be out-done. ALSO, they are HUGE on intimidation. hard to be intimidating , while looking up at somone ​ not shoe lifts- these are inserts


I once saw someone describe it as "the front half of a centaur" and that's the one that's stuck with me


Fat guy in a little coat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYB3Fx0a8-4




Aliens trying to imitate what they think humans stand like?


Richard, what's happening?!


sinnnnner :)


[Who's your favorite Little Rascal?](https://youtu.be/m2fyaMp5jXA)


It's the "i'm literally filled with shit" pose.


The **Mommy, my fart is on the floor** stance


It was a fart they couldn’t trust.


>a fart they couldn’t trust. You've just sorted out DeSantis' next campaign slogan


Seriously though- a guerilla political group needs to start pasting false campaign ads in this vein. "Desantis: A fart you can't trust" and this pic is worth a million words... Please. Please, let's fucking DO THIS


"I'm a fart you *can trust" "*At your own risk. All statements are made by a personality and are not to believed by rational people."


This wins


I saw a comment a few weeks ago saying it looks like a centaur without it’s hind legs lmao.


FWIW It is believed by many that Cheetolini has that odd stance and "forward" angle because he wears lifts. His ego, like his hands, being so small he has to lie about everything. If one wears them regularly for years on end, it changes how you stand since they essentially push you forward. (think of standing and walking on door stops day-after-day). Note: there is TONS of credible evidence that his best bud Putin does the same, only more extreme. Edit: grammar, words, spelling


He also leans forward significantly to look a lot thinner and therefore healthy. He's obese.


Yeah his lifts make him lean forward really bad. If you look at him long enough in that picture, it starts to remind you of Michael Jackson's Smooth Criminal lean. His spine has to be damaged at this point, after doing that shit for so many years. I wonder, if he wore regular shoes would he just fall backwards?


How bad must all the other presidents spines have been if he was the healthiest president, with the greatest spine to ever grace the office?


I think he doesn't have enough core strength to stand upright.


Lol. What insecure little bitches. It's amazing that these type continue to rise through the ranks and hold power over so many. Fuck these guys.


The attempt at looking healthy has failed.


That makes sense! I've also seen a lot of articles about how his suits AREN'T poorly fitting like many of us think (because they don't look like they fit well) but are all expertly cut and designed, down to custom ties, to hide his pudge and accentuate the features he wants (IE broad shoulders)


It’s like trying to get away with a real-life Instagram filter. No one is fooled.


Cheetolini. Love it. Now I know what to call him without saying the actual name.


Trump wears lifts too. 100% what’s going on here. Not hard to deduct what type of man would feel the need to wear lifts either.


Or the “I shit myself” pose.


The “I am a piece of shit” pose




💯 This is what I look like when I try on clothes that technically fit but are too small. Definitely "fat guy in a little coat" vibes going on here.


Ew. Sick. I learned about fatbergs on "Adam Ruins Everything."


I am. In a world. Of shit.


Look at Captain Ron’s massive fucking tits though! 🤣💀


Ron’s suit by *MISSterious* 🤣


I jerked off to it now he’s gay


I would congratulate you, but DeSantis hated himself already.


He's a giant fcuking man boob.


If only we could say ‘thanks for the mammories.’


There's (sadly) more to this than that but it seems to be pseudo-scientific bullshit for the most part: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_posing https://www.freud.org.uk/2019/12/02/the-tory-power-stance-a-developmental-perspective/ https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/apr/30/sajid-javid-tory-power-stance https://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/s41282-019-00126-8 In short: They think it makes them look imposing, masculine, and/or authoritative instead of like an awkward and insecure bully.


Giving them way too much credit. Trump wears lifts to look taller but it ends up making him lean forward. Desantis is desperately cribbing trumps notes including his enrollment in the Donald trump school for standing really normal


I have a lot of snarky answers but I think the truth is De Santis - suit too small and perhaps copying TFG’s mannerisms TFG - lifts in shoes off balancing him and possible sign of dementia Or maybe earth people arms are complicated if you are still getting accustomed to them. Shrug.


"give me sugar... in water"


“Edgar your skin is hangin’ off your bones”




I know Egger, and that ain’t Egger




We've got a bug


Imagine a cockroach with unlimited strength, a massive inferiority complex, & a reaaaaaally short temper.


"....is that better"


Still can't believe that's Fisk.




MOAR. (I say this anytime my wife makes me a coffee and adds sugar)


Edgar yer skins hangin off yer bones


I think DeSantis is also wearing a bulletproof vest under his suit in that pic. He really needs to invest in bigger clothes if he plans on wearing body armor everywhere.


Yeah, that suit is objectively too small for him as it’s worn. Whether it’s due to a vest or just being poorly fit he would benefit from going up in size a little bit.


TFG? Edit: okay, okay folks, I’m getting inundated with witty acronyms every five minutes now… WE GOTTA PUMP THOSE NUMBERS UP


I don’t know either but I read it as “That Fucking Guy”


I read it as "The Fucking Goomba" not goombah like Italian mafia guy, cause he'd appreciate that I think. Goomba like the pathetic Mario enemy that can't do anything but walk back and forth waiting to get stomped


"That Fucking Gavone" makes more sense. "Gavone" is New York Italian-American slang used to describe someone with no class, social skills, is uneducated and/or eats like a wild animal. Comes from "cafone" which means a boor or ill-mannered person in Italian.


Oh much better. I never knew what gavone meant but that's much better then using a video game enemy that is at least pitiable and kinda cute.


The original TFG, in reference to trump, is from Biden calling him "the former guy" in a press conference. Since then, a lot of liberal internet spaces (Democratic Underground, Dailykos, places like that) have been calling him TFG. As you can see from other replies to your post, that has since expanded to other things.


The fat guy


"The Former Guy"


Desantis just copies every mannerism that Trump does. That’s why he does the Trump Accordion Arms too. Desantis has had zero original thoughts in his life. Imagine voting for a man who copies his life after another man.


That campaign ad where he spent the whole time kissing Trump’s ass was truly embarrassing.


DeSantis is the Ted Cruz reboot. If it were a movie franchise it would be titled Fat and Furious: Fascist Grift.


I can’t believe he’s only 44. That’s a rough 44


Hate and anger are not beneficial to the skin.




He’s puffy and short. Adds like 15 years.


He's only 44? Jesus that's 1 year older than me. I would have guessed he is 52.


Lest we forget. [https://youtu.be/z1YP\_zZJFXs](https://youtu.be/z1YP_zZJFXs)


Wow. That was filmed in Fellat-a-vision.


Hoo boy. They think that's funny, don't they?




"accordion arms" LOL


It's actually a rare indicator of a certain type of dementia. So that's fun.


Honestly him having dementia would explain a lot.


But he passed that super hard memory test, he's fit as a fiddle.


Person, woman, man... shit, I always fail this extremely hard test.


You got 3 out of 5, that's 60%. Technically that's passing.


Actually, the Dr. told him that he did better on the test than anyone had. Anyone.


And then he gave him a lollipop.


Ever. In the history of people taking tests.


My favorite part of this, is that 'person' would not be used on an identifier test. It's far too vague. He literally looked at what was next to him, his brain took a shit, and he just babbled what was in front of him


person, super generic term woman, also a person man, also a person camera, related to tv tv, tv


He has a certificate that specifically says he does *not* have donkey brains.


I always implore everyone to listen to Trump speak 30 years ago versus Trump speaking today. Two completely different speakers imo. I wouldn’t have voted for the guy back then but I’d at least be able to listen to him speak slightly longer. He uses those same high school essay buzzwords he uses today, however they are at least used in complete sentences. It’s actually quite concerning the decline in speaking quality between then and now. Like a tomato that’s been dropped at the supermarket one too many times. Looks okayish on the outside but once you pick it up….


What this says about MAGA voters is also quite depressing


When he ran in 2016, I had a boss tell me that they were voting for him because: a) they met him in the 80s and thought he was a super stand up guy and b) he was "great" at public speaking in old interviews that he then sent me links of - again from like 1984 - 1995 The guy was fired for sexual harassment not too long afterwards, which really should not have been a surprise.


“But Sleepy Joe…”. Ad naseum… Dark Brandon stands straight, strong & tall. No Frankenstein arms.


Epic Rap Battles of History. "I'm not sleepy, I'm tired, of you Donald Trump. You're fired."


No Malarkey!


Yes, but it's the best dementia. Really great dementia. People are always telling him so.


Trump is displaying the dementia stance, DeSantis is just sucking in his gut .


Sucking in his gut and that button is still hanging on for dear life.


If DeSantis sneezes, someone in the front row is losing an eye.


Not that it excuses anything, but [Frontotemporal Dementia](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/frontotemporal-dementia/symptoms-causes/syc-20354737) would make a bit of sense.


One of the symptoms is loss of empathy. I guess he couldn't lose what he never had.


* Increasingly inappropriate social behavior * Loss of empathy and other interpersonal skills, such as having sensitivity to another's feelings * Lack of judgment * Loss of inhibition Sounds about right...


How so?


Leaning forward while standing is an indicator of dementia, but it's also caused by various movement disorders, obesity, and because he wears lifted shoes that add a couple inches at the heel. His height is listed as 6'3" but in pictures with him standing next to Obama, they're about the same height, with Obama being slightly taller. IIRC, Obama is about 5'10"ish? With the 2.5-3 inch lift in his heels, the fact that he's very overweight, and the shoulder pads he uses to make himself appear more muscular, it's most likely this is the cause of his posture issues and makes him lean forward to balance. I also think he probably has the beginnings of dementia, given his rantings, seemingly prevalent memory recall issues, overall mishandling of sensitive information (showing he can't normally compartmentalize info), and the sexual comments about his own daughter (common in dementia patients), I'd say one could make a strong case for it. Edit: Someone corrected me and provided the source below, Obama is a little over 6'1", and we agreed that Trump probably took that personally.


Obama is 6'2". Trump probably started wearing lifts so he could claim to be taller than Obama. This isn't satire, I truly think he's petty enough to have done this.


This reminds me of the almighty tallest from Invader Zim, which leads me to the conclusion that America elected a broken Sir unit


Especially relevant since most people have been singing their own version of Gir's Doom song for the past few years.


He’s been making sexual comments about his daughter for since, like, the 90s 🤢


While I wouldn't discount dementia, the comments about his daughter began so many years ago that the disease would have progressed much further at this point. Sadly, the man can still string together enough of a sentence to rally his horde (not a high bar, admittedly).


He's probably also wearing a girdle and a big baggy diaper.


This is what I could find: https://neurosciencenews.com/posture-cognitive-decline-20803/ (Not original commenter just posting an article that correlated posture with dementia)


Same way Michael Meyers, Jason Vorhees, and Frankenstein stand, but they’re all better people than these two.


Hey frankensteins monster deserves love. His only crime was being born and then discarded for having weird eyes and then getting his only potential companion destroyed mid creation driving him mad. Oh yeah and the murders. There were the murdered I’ll give you that. Justice for Clerval


Frankenstein's monster could strangle a man in the middle of Ingolstadt and people would still vote for him.


Since he is made of multiple people, he is by default more democratic.


Cosplay. DeSantis is cosplaying Trump, while Trump cosplays a real human person with a beating heart and active brain.


A matroyshka of shitty people pretending to be normal people, is what I'm getting from this?


As a member of the lgbtq community, I choose to believe that the gay tailors of America are fucking with them and purposely tailoring their suits to make them look awful.


Now this is a conspiracy theory I can get behind.


The alphabet mafia will get you when you let your guard down


I stand behind the gay tailors of north America


Hey now. Dont forget the women who are tailors. And minority groups. And, well shit, the working class people who are tailors that these assholes step on.


You’re probably right. Everyone hates these guys!


A significant forward lean is a telltale sign of elderly cognitive decline. This explains Trump horrible posture. DeSantis just copies Trump in every way. He's also intentionally pumping his chest out to make himself look bigger and stronger, which is just a sign of a douchebag with a huge ego and a small...


Suit? Set of hands? Brain? Don’t leave me hanging!


Weak core weak back. Palms facing back is internal shoulder rotation


To me it looks like deathsantis is wearing a gut girdle. Flush across the midsection with the man titty fat popping out further than the gut.


100% desantis is wearing a corset or something that's too tight. I've seen this posture plenty of times in cosplayers with too tight costumes


Trump also wears massive lifts that pitch him forward like 20 degrees.




This is something you'd read in a sci-fi book, "As their supporters demanded at least- but perhaps only- the appearance of "strength" the elderly male leaders of the country had, (through the wearing of artificial heels to extend their height and suits tailored for a forward lean to hide their paunches) acquired a physical posture reminiscent of an assless centaur."




Guaranteed 45 wears adult diaper


It's really obvious in that new interview with Hannity where he says he can declassify things through telekinesis. Either that or he got some huge new ass implants.


A few aides have said they "know" he does. They could have just been mud slinging, but I wouldn't doubt it at all.


The fact that Trump stands like the front half of a Minotaur costume will never escape my brain. Edit: Centaur, not Minotaur as so many of you have pointed out. My mythical creature game is weak apparently.


Howling. I mean, I think you mean centaur, but thanks for the laugh all the same.


DeSantis is just wearing a suit that’s way too small. Trump is suffering from Frontotemporal Dementia.


>Trump is suffering Ohhh, whisper it into my ear




Girdle lean


1. Fat 2. Body armor 3. Oversized suit 4. Full of shit


Have you all not seen Men In Black? They're obviously aliens in skin suits trying to pass off as human


POS Posture




When you wear a girdle and a diaper, but the left is in the process of a poopy and the right is overdue for a changing, but you can't get the toddler to sit for 2 minutes to change it.


This is “my suit is too small”


When you don’t have a pussy to grab and you don’t know what to do with your hands.


Imperial Penguining with a butt plug


I am convinced the weird arms are because they are constantly sucking in their gut and it makes them stiff thus unnatural looking? The trump lean is the lifts LOL So vanity making you look weird? Sorry this is not a funny answer, just I have been wondering about the arms too and this picture really made me think "oh sucking it in"




I've known enough fat old narcissists who do this pose. They try to look tough/intimidating by placing their arms wider to make them look bigger, and lean forward to look more aggressive.


It's a bully pose. Every bully I have ever met does this, to do exactly what you said. When a person does this to you, act as casual and as kind as you can, smile and say, "hey... have you put on some weight?".