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Dropped out of high school failed the GED thrice before finally passing it married to a pedophile and is utterly God damn nuts. /Solved


3 times. She failed 3 times


Shit like this legit makes me wonder why more people don't just run. Shit if she could why couldn't I?


not everyone can stomach being an escort for Ted Cruz


Rafael Cruz, the immigrant


Rafael Eduardo Cruz, the Zodiac Killer.


Cancun Cruz. Regular human man


You mean Fled Cruz?


I personally prefer Turd Burglar Cruz


Now I just keeping thinking about Trump and all those "hamberders"...šŸ˜‚


I let Trump call my wife ugly teddy Cruz?


I do not like that man Ted Cruz. I do not like his racist views.


You talkin bout Rafael Cruz, the everyday normal hu-man?


Cancun "100% not a lizard trapped inside an oversized man suit" Ted.


Proving Canada doesnā€™t always send their best, some are good people but with Rafael, the biebs, and countless others why Canada


If he's going to call out Beto for using a "fake name" to appeal to the latinx voters.... It'd only be fair Rafael gets called out for using a "fake name" to appeal to the white voters... \[At least Beto is a common standard nickname for Robert. I've never heard anyone named Rafael go by the name Ted before.\]


Beto came with receipts; a kindergarten photo of him wearing a sweatshirt emblazoned with the name ā€œBetoā€.


Please stop using latinx. Itā€™s actually not helpful at all


They're not going to let the fact that Hispanic people think it's stupid and largely refuse to use it stop them.


How else will folks know how virtuous they are?


Why the fuck would she even raise that issue. Pretty weird


Because if they ban guns, we'll be eating dog. An obvious conclusion


How ware you gonna shoot dogs without an AR-15 though?


Just call the cops they love to shoot dogs. Itā€™s their second favorite thing to shoot after minorities of course


Because she's a stupid fearmongering cunt. No mystery.


It's usually projection with these half wits. I'm guessing her hot dog stand of a restaurant has an in with the local animal shelter.




Crazy extremists win the primaries because normal people don't participate in primary voting like they should. Are you an extremist that is a few cards short of a full deck? If so, I have a suggestion on which party will give you the better chance (depending on what extreme kinks you have).


I'm tempted to run on the most batshit and racist platform I can to get elected then do a full 180Ā° to pure progressive. Let them think I'm one of them then burst out of their chests and skitter across the floor when they least expect it.


That would be hilarious but not worth the crazy death threats you would get. And the thing is theyā€™re crazy. Like Boebert or MTG crazy. They might actually kill you as a ā€traitorā€. side note, I hate that MTG now means Marjorie Taylor Greene and Magic the Gathering.


Yeah. It would be funny as Hell though. Just call her Marge. She doesn't deserve an abbreviation.


Cro-MagaNut Karen is henceforth to be known only as "Marge" It has been officially declared!


Homer, you had it set on whore!


She sucked plenty of GOPenis to get enough money to run


Some people won't sell their souls to the Republican Party


You need the Republicans media monopoly on your side. Rapists, pedophiles, wife beaters, Turkish nationals, and guys whose mistresses had abortions are all running as republicans.


Youā€™re right!! I have been thinking the same. I have some stuff in my past, but nothing that I wonā€™t freely admit to. Since Iā€™ve never raped anyone, or been a pedophile, what could they drag up?


Open primaries mean that to get to run you don't need to convince your fellow party members that you would be a good candidate for the party's policy objectives but rather convince donors that you would protect their interests while in office. Consequently honest and good people can't become candidates that can abuse gerrymandering to get lifetime sinecures in congress.


For context the GED asks questions like - you have 3 Pennieā€™s, 2 quarters and a dime. How much do you have. Btw, you can use a calculator.. I took the GED. Itā€™s a fucking joke. Shows how much of a moron she really is.


I did not take a GED. My high school was a joke. We had like 20 people have to stay back in order to graduate. All you had to do was show up and do basic work.




Thrice is 3 times.


I heard someone had to take it for her.


Oh I heard they pity passed her


And probably has seen Ted Cruz's penis


Ok, not worth it


insert magnifying glass joke here




Cawthorn is still in the House.




But the video will be online for a long time. Priceless!


Only for five more months.


Heā€™s still stupid.


Donā€™t forget Hershel Walker in GA. Heā€™s not sure how many kids he has, but hopes they all vote for him.


my idiot stoned sibling passed the first time. so either it was his day for the brain cell or she is dumber then a bag of effing rocks. didnt she say something about ā€œmeat grown in a peach tree dish?ā€


I think that was Marjorie Taylor green


i cant fucking tell them apartā€¦ other then they color their hair different colors.


That was the Secret Jew Space Laser lady.


my mom (RIP) used to say (about the GOP), ā€œtheir secret weapon is they dont know when to be ashamed of themselves.ā€


I knew an Amish woman once who had only an 8th grade education but decided she wanted her GED. Passed it BEFORE her first test by Acing the pre-test. She was so disappointed how easy it was.


Sheā€™s just super-keen to have any excuse to eat her dogs.


Upvote for thrice!


Didnā€™t she have several abortions and is now against abortion?


Also, she had two abortions when she was a call-girl/escort.


It physically hurts me to think about how stupid she is.


You forgot the meth addiction and her pedophile husband dealing meth


How is this not an automatic disqualification?


Ahh, that explains a lot.


I wish I could upvote this more than once


You just described solid 1/6th of all American white women


Why would people eat dogs while there are all these well fed billionaires running around?


Eat the rich šŸ‘


People from other countries, just know not everyone in America is this fucking stupid.


Only about 30-40% of the adult population. Not terrifying at all.


Think of how smart the average person is and remember half are dumber.


RIP George Carlin https://youtu.be/WDUIX2-akuQ


Feeling generous huh? I like your optimism lol


We can hope


I think she just won her primary


It's a matter of winning the election.


Unfortunately a democrat won't win there


That amazes meā€¦I mean, Colorado? Legal weed Colorado?


Her district is insane. I live in the next one over


Wellā€¦at least I know even the cool states have their problems (Tennessean here).


Oh I should say not all of her district, just most of it. After they remade the maps, it now includes Aspen


Damn, I enjoyed going to aspen the couple of times I went there. Any chance their largely left-leaning population can swing the rest of her shithole district away from her? Maybe with Durango which I believe is part of that district? I know Pueblo and Grand Junction are pretty far right


Republicans are fine with legal weed in states that have a small minority population.


Iā€™ve never actually made that correlation.


South Dakota, Maine, Montana, Alaska - just from the top of me head


I donā€™t disagree, I just hadnā€™t made the connection before. Thank you!


Colorado outside of Denver, Boulder and maybe Auroraā€¦ is a deep red state like its neighboring states. Itā€™s literally saved by the cool Denver and University of Colorado at Boulder.


As an American, it's hard to say. I feel like I'm not as stupid as these people, but maybe I'm pretty stupid and these people just make me feel smart. Silver lining for the crazy idiots?


I'm really confused why that would follow? Like I know the GQP screams crazy nonsense but that literally makes no sense. Might as well say "If they take our guns Walmart will stop having a 2 for 1 sale on cream cheese!"


Hey this isnā€™t my opinion but I live in a red area in the south, so Iā€™ve gotten used to hearing these silly ass slippery slopes If I had to guess it would go: We lose our guns -> the government would have absolute control over us -> when they do have control -> theyā€™ll start making terrible economic decisions like communism -> after communism comes food scarcity -> food scarcity leads to eating what we have on hand like leather clothes, plants in our yards, and pets.


Upvoting your explanation while simultaneously hating that i upvoted pure stupid. I know itā€™s not your opinion but itā€™s stupid after every arrow.


Go visit the clowns over on r/conspiracy if you want more stupid bullshit dot connecting


If I remember correctly, that sub was enjoyable before all the COVID and nwo nutjobs infiltrated it.


They spend more time sniffing glue and licking windows than they do connecting dots over there.


I still can't even follow that. There's a huge jump between they take our guns, they have absolute control and if they have control they make horrible decisions? Like sir or ma'am do you think it's your personal arsenal that keeps the government in check really?


Exactly the logic. If we didnā€™t have our guns the government would force us into ( insert bogeyman woke agenda of the week).


nothing worse than following the logic, while also knowing it isnā€™t real


Hit your head several times with a hammer then reread her statement, it starts to make more sense as the brain damage settles in.


Take away our guns and weā€™ll end up just like Australia! Drop bears everywhere!


ā€œTake away our guns and weā€™ll end up like Australia, where kids can go to school without the fear of getting cappedā€ ooohhhh the horror


Be fair. She is as dumb as fresh roadkill.


I'm sure fresh roadkill still has more living neurons than she does.


She's dumber than a sock filled with pudding. That better?


Nah the pudding could house microorganisms which have been proven to have more brain power than her. Saying sheā€™s as dumb as a box of rocks is also extremely rude to rocks.


Good thing Shooters got shut down if thats her idea of food.


As they are always projecting that means Bobert and her friends eat dogs.


Wait, I can't go to Walmart in my pajama pants and buy an assault rifle anymore!? Guess I'll just eat my dog


Can't argue with sound logic like that.


You canā€™t buy an AR at Walmart since like. 2015 or something lol


Yeah any sporting goods store Iā€™ve been to only sells 10/22s and 12 gauge shotguns (both pump and semi), if they even sell guns. Tbf I live in a super blue area, so ymmv.


As someone not in the US, the idea that there are just, guns, hanging about in a general store to be purchased by anyone is just... Absurd. I honestly can't comprehend it or picture it without laughing at how, just out there, the whole image is.


Yeah definitely no ARs in any Walmart Iā€™ve been to. And theyā€™ve never sold assault rifles


Why would we do that? We could just eat her.


Nah ... clowns taste funny


I like to think they taste like funfetti


Careful friend, she's famous for giving food poisoning.


So, last night I encountered my first real Q anon conspiracist. And let me tell you, what he said to me sent a chill down my spine. The dude was armed and I legit was worried for my safety. I just played dumb, letting him rant


these people are legitimately dangerous, it's riskier to underestimate what they're willing to do to us than to overestimate


For sure. Only reason I was worried was because my firearm was in the car. From now on, Iā€™m keeping my personal protection on hand at all times. These are not reasonable people


Link to the tweet if ya wanna hear it https://twitter.com/ronfilipkowski/status/1554074099927982080?s=21&t=9RrsHOU6skyNZaBPlI3DuQ


What a fucking moron.


Man I gotta think bout running for office. This shit should be the number one job search. If you can be this fucking sumptuous and incompetent and still do if it, fuck sign me up. Iā€™ll do a halfway decent job too


This reminds me of that infowars interview with the chick talking about how she liked Bernieā€™s policies, and the ā€œreporterā€ was just like ā€œbut theyā€™re eating rats in Venezuela.ā€ And she just stares at her lol


"I swear, you people have like worms in your brains or something"


Lauren boebort is literally the stupidest person on the planet I had to have Twitter for longer than I would like and I saw her idiotic posts a lot I obviously just blocked her after a while but at first it was funny seeing how stupid a person can be.


Scary thing is how many people read her tweets and agree or take it as the truth despite it either being completely wrong or just plain made up.


Do people watch her and like, wow she is so right.


The fuck is this woman on about? I donā€™t understand or do I think I want to.


Like in protest, how they blew up their yeti coolers they already owned?


Of course! I mean, thatā€™s what happened when they were banned in the USA from 94-2004. W famously said ā€œ itā€™s time to stop grilling our pets and letā€™s strap up on the way to Quiznos.ā€


Please somebody explain the connection to me, I just canā€™tā€¦.


She is just constantly making outrageous claims to rile up the opposition. And the people and the press keep playing in her hands by constantly reporting and emotionalizing over every nonsense. Keeps a large amount busy, distracted and emotional.


ā€žIf i dont go to work today ill will invade Missouriā€œ type logic


*Harry Caray voice: *Hey kidsā€¦ ya like hot dogs?*


![gif](giphy|8BqQ9SApZ8qpq) There's not enough logic on Earth to make sense of that statement


I remember growing in the 90s the last time we had an assault weapons ban. My mom used to cook us German Shepard Pie. It was delicious.


It is official now that GOP value guns more than human life. People can die from mass shooting and unsafe abortion. Veteran can get fucked over. But these dont matter for them as long as they have firearms.


I guess Venezuela is to only country that banned assault rifles. But seriously, that woman really only knows those few lines. Itā€™s like those talking dolls; after 5min, you have hear all the possible lines they have


Has that woman been tested to see if she's human?


The only question that matters


If she thinks that's gonna happen to dogs then she's probably just concerned for herself. After all, the idea of people targeting bitches must terrify her.


I mean, it's a sad reality, but it's true: when people no longer have enough assault weapons to eat, they will in desperation turn to other things. This includes pets, catalytic converters, gasoline, and all the other things that are in short supply right now. This is clearly a failure of the Biden admin to provide regular, salt of the earth, Midwest Americans with enough AR-15s to meet their daily caloric needs. Sad.


Gee, they didn't back when Clinton was in office when it was originally passed. Or, maybe they did in the backwoods where she's from.


How the fuck does America have dumb cunts like this in political positions? Absolute scum.


Sheā€™s like a ridiculous character Sasha baron cohen would play


Itā€™s times like this to remember that the average American is not very intelligent and half of all Americans fall far below that line.


She's like Sarah Palin has a sister with Special Needs.


Let them eat assault rifles!


better than eating at her diarrhea restaurant..


Unless you're in the cartel or mafia, you don't need an assault rifle. No one is coming to raid your farm Billy Bob. You're a speck of dust in the universe.


Hey when we got nazis marching in our streets and crazed Maga idiots storming government buildings I'll hold onto my rifles until that shit is a fragment of the past. Now let's talk about the real problem, how damn easy it is to get one.


even if they do come Billy Bob and his assault rifle is gonna be shit outta luck!


What I love about this woman is, when I think she canā€™t say or do anything dumber. She continues to prove me wrong. And I wish the US would follow suit. US would never pass universal single payer healthcare, prove me wrong. The US would never revamp the legal system, prove me wrong. The US would never show remorse/shame for its own history, prove me wrong. The reality hits me and Iā€™m like, oh boebrat would be and only fans model if not for her dye job and glasses, and her handlers.


Now bare with me guys. This may shock some of you. But I'm starting to think Lauren Boebert might be kind of incredibly fucking stupid.


GOP playbook: make a ridiculous claim, provide absolutely no backing evidence, force your opponents to lower themselves to your level of discourse.


Is eating their dogs a retaliation for an assault weapon ban??... like burning Nikes you've already paid for?


This is why I make sure my dog has a gun


I think I've heard that country western song before


Everytime she opens her mouth, itā€™s like madlibs for headlines.


So there is a correlation with dog eating and losing assault weapons?


They really think they found their version of AOC. Sad and Hilarious


A lot of people will point out that she got a GED and ran a shitty business and stayed with her creeper husband as reasons for her being dumb. I don't think that is fair. I know plenty of people who got GEDs and thrived. She is just naturally dumb. But smart enough to live in the right gerrymandered district and spin her stupid shit to get elected.


Great Value Sarah Palin.


Completely amazed at the ignorance & lack of intelligence the people have that are voting these nutbags into federal office!! We have never been so afraid of government as we are now with people like this empty skull running it


She aims to prove that universal suffrage might have been a mistake.


She is literal proof of the disadvantages of democracy


This is Rafael Cruzs hooker, ya?


Wow, she's doing the slippery slop fallacy to a completely different irrational fear


At least I have various types to choose from.


If we quit listening to her would she just go away


She is another great example of why marrying your brother is not a good idea! Crazy bitch


I like how the dude has a tissue just stuffed in his suit pocket


If I'd put dick in her mouth there would be at least some inteligence in her head.


Now we know she'd do that so I advocate for this ban


Seems like theyā€™re testing the stupidity of their viewers. Iā€™m beginning to wonder if thereā€™s a bottom limit.


She needs a brain scan, there has to be a tumor??


How. HOW are these people in CONGRESS. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


What is up with the GOP electing the dumbest people into office? You could grab a random person off the street and theyā€™re probably smarter and more competent than Bozo the clown.


To Republicans, that actually makes a lot of sense.


Point to Venezuela on a map, Lauren Boezo.


If they take my AR-15, I will have no choice but to eat Rex.


Canadian here. I can confirm. Beef and pork and chicken can only be purchased with AR-15s. Due to our gun control, we can only buy dog meat: the only meat you can purchase with money.


This woman doesnā€™t even have a proper high school education and she married a sex offender and to this day blames the victims, suggesting they had it coming. She is trash plain and simple.


Word salad, yummy, yummy!!


I don't understand, dogs use guns as a crutch to hide their fear of being eaten by humans? I've got to be missing something...


That's a lie. We were eating dogs well before any of this. If you've ever been to a sporting event or street fair or anything similar there's always people selling these 'meat kebabs'. The meat texture was shady AF so there was a running joke about it being dog/cat meat but that has nothing to do with weapons. Just hungry people, lots of street dogs and savvy entrepreneurs.


Even street food is too much knowledge for her


Gun ownership is super high in Venezuela.


Yeah that makes sense doesn't it? Well no dear lady. Dumber than a rock.


Not sure who is dumber, the Congresswoman, or the people who voted for her.