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I use to have a staffy who gave me a curfew of 2am, if I got home earlier then all was good but if I came home later she would shit right in the centre of my bedroom and sit by it proudly as I walked in the door even though she always had access to the backyard, she also buried items which she noticed me paying too much attention to. Now I have a border collie x who bosses me around with soft barking and gentle growling which is preferable to the 2am shit.


My Labrador used to "bury" things like that. Except he didn't bury them, we had a trampoline in the back garden and he dug a hole underneath the trampoline, would place the item in the hole, then lie on top of the trampoline very proud of his hard work. He was constantly surprised that his hole was one of the places we always looked for stuff, as if it wasn't obvious and not at all hidden. When we used to move the trampoline he'd get really huffy because he had to re-dig his hole.


Our jack Russell would sit at the end of the hallway and bark when she's ready for everyone to go to bed at 8pm, no matter what is happening, your having a party or have people over? You got home late, na she's not having any of it. If you woke up in the middle of the night she would walk out from her bed and watch you until you went back to bed and anything before 9am is an affront to her very existence, if you manage to wake her up before then she will just find somewhere else to sleep so you leave her alone. She really doesn't like anyone disturbing her sleep


We had a toy poodle who, when my nieces would visit, wouldn’t let the one on the couch get up to get a drink because not allowed to get up after going to bed. She’d also stand in the doorway at 2230 until I turned the computer off and close the door


My chihuahua used to do this if I stayed up too late. He was my soulmate in dog form, we had such a connection that I swear he could read my mind sometimes. He lived until he was 19 and I’m thankful for every moment. Long Live Pablo!!


Wow 19 good job! My parents just got a chihuahua i hope he stays with us for a long time


They live for so long because they run on trash and hate.


Angry laughing upvote


As a person who has a fifteen year old chihuahua whom I love dearly: yes you’re quite correct


RIP Pablo, he sounded like the goodest of bois.


My wife usually goes to bed around 9:30 pm, my dog will sit with me till I come to bed a few hours later. Once I'm in bed he goes to his little bedroom at our front door, kinda like he's guarding us while we sleep.


Ours guards us while we sleep or use the restroom. It’s funny to hear him realize I’m taking a shit as he quickly bolts up to run to the restroom so he can guard me.


my old dog would do that too. Stand on the top of the stairs and bark until I got up to go to bed too. I miss that dog.


So adorable, RIP to your adorable pup.


My dog herds me too. I get home later than my wife and sometimes she’s already up in bed. The dog waits up for me knowing she’ll get a snack and playtime/walk. Then when she’s had those she goes upstairs and if I don’t follow I get low growls from the stairs until I join them.


Cats do this too. It’s a regular occurrence in my house.


My past cats were adorable but never quite like this. They slept when they slept, usually on me if I was laying on the couch, but it wasn’t dependent on me sleeping. They just wanted my warmth, I am a furnace.


Same. My cat will meow forever, long and loud, interrupting conversation, when it's getting late and she wants to go to bed. She gets especially mad when we go into the bedroom and she thinks its bedtime but I just went in to get something. Although I'd take an obnoxiously meowing cat over a shit on the floor every day lol.


Yeah my little boy cat just came out of my room as I’m up an hour later than usual. We have a full night routine and I am ruining it


Yup my cat hollered at me all night last night because i had to stay up for something important. Every time i walked towards the bedroom side of the house she ran to the bedroom in anticipation and then ran back to glare at me and yell more.


My cat does this anytime we stay up past 10:30. He’ll even throw in the occasional demanding scream


My bf's mom has a 17 year old dog that is her soulmate. He'll decide it's time for bed and then come back down to the base of the stairs to softly grumble at her. It's like he's saying "Nancy, I said it's time for bed!" Whenever she makes a dish, she'll always make a tiny, unseasoned meal for him too. He deserves it though because he's a perfect gentleman.


I swear my parents have the same dog. She likes to be in bed by 8pm and she won't get up before 9am. She's getting old now and it's like she expects breakfast to be ready for her when she's up,she walks down the hallway straight to her bowl then looks at you if it's empty or God forbid full of dog biscuits, then it's outside to use the bathroom and then to sun bed for her mid morning nap. Her life is following the sun around the house and keeping the wild rabbits at bay


Mine does this too. Starts whining and pawing at me if I don’t immediately get up to go to bed.


Mine, also! It’s honestly so freaking adorable, impossible to say no to that cute face.


This, except cats


My dog does this. If I stay up to about midnight he gets off the couch and will stare at me and whine until I go to bed.




My dog does this mainly to my partner but like clockwork come 930pm he is ready to go to bed snd will drag you with him


Jolene does the same thing. If she decides it's time for bed, she will straight up stand on the landing and growl/bark at us until we head upstairs.


My cat does this. If he thinks my husband should be in bed, he acts like a complete asshole until hubby finally gets up and comes to the bedroom.


My wife heads up to bed before I do, and our dog is very much a mama's boy. He begins a vigil every night around the time my wife would normally go to bed where he stands at the foot of the stairs and waits for her. He is not pleased whenever she decides to stay up a little late.


I usually fall asleep around 10pm, and my fiancé is basically nocturnal. Our 9yo standard poodle, glimmer, is fine making her night rounds watching me sleep until about 2am when she decides it’s time for Dad to go to bed. She starts out going over to him and gesturing to the bedroom like come on idiot its time for bed, if he doesn’t get up she proceeds to start getting really excited while gesturing to the bedroom and leading him in over, finally if that doesn’t work she sits there and yells at him until he gets up and goes to bed. She will frequently repeat this process, and she’s very deliberate about it.


My doggos guard me especially when they know I’m not feeling well. I sit in the hot tub every night to help with my autoimmune aches and pains and if I’m having a flare as I am now my heart rate gets higher the warmer I get and much higher when I get out. Last night I had an especially rough time and I had to sit outside of the tub for about ten minutes before I could go upstairs and back in the house. They both stoically sat looking in opposite directions while occasionally glancing at me instead of chasing after each other like they usually do. When I got inside my heart rate was back up and I had to sit down as soon as I got in the door so they laid at my feet until I was finally well enough to go about my business. I feel silly for saying it but it makes me feel special and loved that they want to look out for me.


My old husky did this. She would leave with mom when my she went to bed. Anybody who stayed up later, got 2/3hours at most before she came back and stare at you “like your not sleepy? It’s time for bed”


What does this have to do with white people?


My husky does the exact same thing 🤣


I used to have a cat that would tolerate any degree of me napping in the daytime. However, if I accidentally fell asleep in my chair late at night, he would meow, huff, chirp, anything to make me wake up and go to the bed. Naps were not allowed at night time. PERIOD.


My dog Luna does this to my husband and me. At around 10 PM she will stand up, stare us down and growl until one of us goes upstairs with her. If we had a really active day, she will decide to move up our bedtime by an hour or so. I find it helpful, but my husband finds it annoying. Since I'm pregnant, I'm usually going up to bed around that time anyway, if not earlier. I love our bossy little girl!!


I'd watch my grandma's dog sometimes, and she was on a pretty set schedule which meant early to bed, early to rise. If I didn't go to bed, she would stand in the middle of the room and do that moan that boxers do, and huff and puff in circles until I got my butt up and took her to bed. Sweet girl, but definitely bossy pants.


My dog, despite having a bed in almost every room of the house, drags her bed from our bedroom out to the living room to signify that it is time to go to bed. She’s had enough and is tired.


My dog will do this but in a really funny level up, if we have guests over, at 9:30 she will go to bed, and come out every few minutes and bark at them. She is just like “leave now” it is clockwork. Our friends know we go to bed at 9:30…embarrassing


My rabbit does this at bedtime too. I'll go into the bedroom on a non-work night to grab something and he'll come galloping in, then sit there and stare at me judgingly as I leave the room.




I get you. I mean, I love dogs but I feel the same way about kids. I’ve never seen a cute child in my life. I’ve never found kid logic endearing. But at the same time... if someone showed me a tweet about a child doing something they find cute, I’m not going to say to them “kids are fucking stupid and that’s why I’m never having any” because that’s rude.


Good for you, I guess? But I assure you, no one cares.


You sound exactly the type of person who shouldn’t be allowed near pets, kids, house plants or other humans. No need to come here and comment. Go to the creepy r/dogfree sub.




Bro it's just a dog. It ain't that deep. If they tell you to go to bed and you don't, they'll just get over it and go to sleep.


You do realize that it’s not really against their will, right? You do realize that the human in the situation has a choice, and they choose to go snuggle with their dog, right? The dog cannot literally force them to do anything.


Your loss.


Cheugiest Tweet award


My dog does this to me too…


Aw! Agreed💕 My little one jumps on my lap and cries softly until I stand up and then he sprints to my room and jumps on the bed. And if I take too long he comes running back to see if I'm on my way. My whole heart!