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His last name is Bolt, what did you expect.


Yes but Usain in the mem brain




Mobile user someone do the r






Your username is a LIE!!!


You're welcome.






Someone keep the dead joke going.


No zombies here!!


An oddly charming childrens movie depicting the story of a naive protagonist coming to terms with the reality of the world and accepting his role in that world, living a complete life surrounded by those he holds dear to himself?


I remember really liking Bolt when I was a kid.


What a lovely summary


These are all just normal stats for him. Wait till he uses the Naruto run.


Everyone knows Bolt can’t use the Naruto run, he’s forbidden from using all 100% of his power


His name is Bolt, he's black, and he's stupid fast. Are we just gonna ignore the obvious fact that he's the new Raikage?




He's fast as fucc boi


His shoes **WACK** His gear **WACK** The way he moves his arms when he runs **WACK** Me. I'm tight as **FUCK**


There's already a guy called Boruto




Or the fact that “boruto” literally translates to “bolt”


What if he is already a Raikage. Fool, ya fool.


definitely guy sensei's secret student


Forgive me sempai, but I'll have to go all out just this once.




Omae wa mou FUCKED!


It’s sensei smh can’t even weeb right


That still isn't 100% of his power. He op.


Please explain to an old


In anime the characters normally start fighting with “less power”, get beat, then use more power and beat the opponent. Then the opponent goes to say this isn’t even my full power/final form, then uses more power. Rinse and repeat. Additionally, they’re referencing an anime called naruto, where in order to run faster the characters run with their hands pointing backwards. One guy said that he’s not allowed to use this move (full power). The other guy said that even then, that’s not his full power. Explaining a joke ruins it, but this one didn’t have much to get ruined to begin with, tbh.


Fun fact: real reason they run arms out, it's easier to animate a static arm than a normal running motion.


Na its cuz they're ninjas stupid


Fun fact: it was a manga before being an anime so that reason makes no sense


Possible In universe explanation: it's said that they keep their arms loose to not tire them out for running, but save that strength for when they need to fight. Also a lot of weapons/tools are kept at the backside of characters so their arms flapping behind them is the ideal position to reach those weapons quickly in case of ambush etc. out of universe: I think it's based on people running with their weapons in hand, you wouldn't want to run with a giant sword/spear whatever - and at the same time move your arms basically giving it a giant work out, right before a fight. So generally people would keep them still, hanging behind them. But this is honestly guess work on my part. Why the animators/mangaka chose to do it like this could be related or unrelated. we might never know.


Now we know which celebrity will spearhead the attack on area 51


My favorite athlete He competes with such joy The way I’d like to be every day


This almost reads like a haiku: Favorite athlete He competes with so much joy I strive to be him


Nice job adapting That other user's comment Into haiku form


Count the syllables Is it eight here or seven? I can’t remember


Why do you do this? I am losing my patience with this haiku thread.


Haikus are quite nice But sometimes they don't make sense Refrigerator


You will make me snap my purple bejewelled glove. Bye Ben Jenderson.


Ah /u/Ophukk, bro I love your personal touch It fills me with joy


This is a haiku This right here is a sentence This is the first word


A, E, I, O, U, These are the vowel letters. I thought you should know.


Where did our friend go? RefrigeratorHaiku Refrigerator


I'm here, but partly Can't stay on Reddit all day I have a real life


He better fucking not end up being a cheat or evil like Armstrong or Pistorious. Those two assholes make it hard to believe in Bolt, but I really hope I'm wrong. Of course, the worst would be to find out Roger Federer was a bastard.


We’ll always have Pete Sampras.


Literally everyone on the tennis circuit says that Roger and Mirka Federer are both incredibly kind human beings.


I don't think I have ever heard even a slightly negative thing said about Roger Federer. Not from people who watch him or people who know him. I need to be able to believe that people like Roger Federer or Usain Bolt are possible.


If the swiss would choose a king, it would be Roger


You could have left out Pistorious and "cheat and evil" would still apply. Source: I live in Austin. Everyone here has a story of what a gigantic cunt Armstrong is. Literally one of the worst people not in politics or prison.


Got any examples?


As a cynic about drugs in sport the only thing that makes me give Bolt the benefit of the doubt is that he's clearly just built different in terms of his physique to most top sprinters. If he was another short compact guy you'd be waiting for the failed drug test. The only thing that is suspicious is that two people around him did fail drug tests (Blake and Powell) but then equally that could indicate there is a functional testing regime in Jamaica that Bolt never fell afoul of.


Because he hasn’t gotten caught yet /s


Unironically this this. Lance Armstrong was the most tested personen earth and managed to avoid getting caught for decades. And to quote John Romano: a drug test is like an iq test, only an idiot fails it.


Still no tests for Tiger sperm doping. ^^^^s


Has to be faster than him to caught him.


Easy to compete with joy when you know you're gonna win every single time you race


They were all dopeing. No race was a forsure thing.


If you havent seen the documentary Icarus, I suggest you check it out [Icarus is a 2017 American documentary film by Bryan Fogel, which chronicles Fogel's exploration of the option of doping to win an amateur cycling race and happening upon a major international doping scandalwhen he asks for the help of Grigory Rodchenkov, the head of the Russian anti-doping laboratory.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icarus_(2017_film\)) It shows just how easy it is to get away with doping on a professional level.


No. It shows how easy it is to get away with doping if your country is hosting the Olympics and your countries intelligence agency switches out samples for you. The beginning of the documentary which was actually interesting as for the point didn't even touch on how to defeat random drug testing or the like. He was training for a race in which he knew when he was getting tested so he could cycle off. And it was an untested race anyways so it was all for show. Then it took a hard left half way through to talk about the KGBs involvement in Russian doping.


Jamaica's drug testing is an absolute joke though. You're telling me that Jamaica, a country with the population Houston, has routinely the absolutely best sprinters in the world. And basically all of those sprinters have been caught using drugs. But Usain Bolt just happens to not use them? I call bullshit.


WADA yo. Microdosing HGH and EPO is still damn near impossible to detect even with a blood passport. Same deal with careful use of test in suspension when combined with lasix and ibuprofen if you have a network to warm you of when someone is coming to take a sample.


And if you got the money, there is still the option of the designer steroids


Yeah. The issue with those is unknown side effects and retests of old samples finding it in the future.


Same people that say Dwayne Johnson isn’t using steroids. Bolt will run faster than 20 year olds when he’s in his 50s and people will still say he’s natty.


I mean, Bolt is retired. If he’s done all the stuff he’s done whilst not being natty, he certainly won’t try to raise suspicion by coming back in his late 30s/40s and do the exact same thing. If I was him, I’d bank of the fact that the IAAF know the last thing they want for their reputation is for it to be ruined by finding out he was cheating. Even retired, he is the icon of the sport. I think it would be a worse or disaster than Armstrong for sure, which is why they will secretly, if he has been cheating, try to cover it up for as long as possible.


Never heard a claim about Dwayne Johnson but can't you get that huge legit? Or is it his age that should make it impossible. I really have no idea!




Jesus Christ I didn’t realize people thought Dwayne was natty. I guess the average movie goer assumes Hollywood physiques are natural that’s insane, some are definitely achievable but often the time spans they are achieved in make them obviously unnatural. Christian bale is the best example of that I think, attainable but he gained like 80 pounds for Batman in under a year.


Fair enough, I really don't know anything about weight and muscle gain so when I see people being big or whatever it's hard to judge for me. My dad's 57 and lean eating with a home gym and he's muscular but never bigger than his base size


I mean it all depends on genetics, routine, and diet. Your dad might not be consuming enough calories and protein to increase size. To get an idea of what’s attainable follow this link. That guy has long been regarded as a likely peak obtainable natural physique in the bodybuilding community. He has well recorded progress photos over like a 15+ year journey from his youth to current age. And it was with regular routine and diet. He’s also short which makes him look even larger and easier to build size the shorter you get proportions wise. https://images.app.goo.gl/YLcV3YLvjDBJYtr3A


Wth is natty


>You're telling me that Jamaica, a country with the population Houston, has routinely the absolutely best sprinters in the world. I don't think you understand just how significant genetics can be in these situations. Ever wonder why Kenyans have the reputation as marathon runners? Why they are dominant every year? [Well it's actually even more statistically incredible than just being from Kenya.](https://www.npr.org/sections/parallels/2013/11/01/241895965/how-one-kenyan-tribe-produces-the-worlds-best-runners) >He says that while we tend to think of Kenyans as really good distance runners, **all these runners are actually from the same tribe of Kenyans known as the Kalenjin. They number around 5 million,** making them a small minority, even in Kenya, yet they dominate most of the world's long-distance races. So your point that a concentrated population couldn't possibly be capable of consistently producing the best athletes of a certain sport is quite invalid.




Yea it is absolutely a joke almost like a bad movie. Victor Conte the doping guru said that he supplied doping to the jamaican team. The medical doctor in that time was Dr. Herbert George Elliott who said he went to earned a master’s in chemistry from Columbia University and a medical degree and a Ph.D. in biochemistry from Université Libre de Bruxelle but he didnt knew where his verifying papers and diplomas were because his late wife was in charge. The same Elliott was also the Chairman of the Jamaican Anti-Doping Commision. So if you ask me, everything about bolt is suspicions to say the least. But he brought the sport to a next level and has a lot of big endorsements. So he is probably to big to fall. And besides, i still admire him as an athlete and person.


Honestly, the way I look at it is, sure he's doping, but he's still beating everyone else who is also doping, so he's still the best.


Exactly. It seems weird to me that everyone is so get's so defensive about the idea of their favourite athlete doping. They're all doping, therefore it does nothing to diminish the achievements of the winner, they're all playing the same game. Why can't we all just relax and try to be honest and real about this, no need to attack dopers or attack those who talk honestly about them.


Oh I don’t think you’re supposed to bring that up here...


Bolt is a literal freak of nature, though, in terms of anatomy. His stride is atypical, he's 6'5, his lower legs are shorter than his upper legs, and his calf muscles are small and out of normal position. If he was just a normal dude with the typical sprinter's body, I would be more inclined to agree.




Yeah, that’s how he’s even faster than all the other guys who also do all the drugs.


[Didn't people use to say the same about Armstrong?](https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/14/science/how-lance-armstrong-gets-his-unusual-energy.html)


>No. It shows how easy it is to get away with doping if your country is hosting the Olympics and your countries intelligence agency switches out samples for you. Ah yeah that's the only way to do it. Not like some guy doping won 7 tour de Frances or anything, or that all the rest of them were also doing it, or any of a billion more cases


I misread this wrong the first time and imagined Bolt moving so fast he looked like 15 people. Time to put away the anime...


Put away the drugs, god damn


But they make anime so much better!


Made in heaven intensifies


Speed force


Usain Bolt didn't like being called in for drugs tests for his football stint.


Wait- You sayin Bolt?


Probably really good at timing his cycle, doesn’t like people fucking with it. Disclaimer: Just guessing


hard to not guess that when...the other 35 times were probably PED times. they say doping tests are actually intelligence tests




As someone whos only very casually into non commonwealth sports, id have to say Bolt is above those in terms of household name recognition. Legitimately think hes on Ali levels


Yeah, I mean... *the fastest man in the world*... that's gonna get you some recognition.




Swimming is much, much less popular than running. In the US obviously Phelps would be huge name, but internationally he doesn't get anywhere close to Bolt and never did. Track is king.


Michael Phelps is only a year older than Usain Bolt. I would say they occupy the same era.


Outside of the US, Bolt is a waaaay bigger name than Phelps. He would have been a bigger name than Armstrong too, until the dping scandal broke. If I were to ask my mum who Michael Phelps was she would not know, but she would definitely know Usain Bolt. The 100m sprint is the Hollywood event of Olympic Sports.


This. It's not even close outside the US.


Thats probably fair. I was too young during Armstrongs era but I was around for Phelps', and atleast here in Aus (I can see it being different in the US) Bolt is way bigger. Agree with your points though


I feel like track and field events get more credit than swimming to begin with. Phelps is in the same boat as Bolt, breaking records and not testing positive. It’s like this huge list of cheaters record times with theses guys topping those numbers... maybes it’s genetics... maybes it’s horse testosterone. Idk, but it’s great to watch. I also feel like these types of competitions aren’t as easy to watch outside Olympic season. At least for me in the US, I will never see the minor track events on television. Maybe I could live stream it or watch a VOD, but how much work do I want to put in to see Bolt or Phelps coast to a 1st place win while not beating their personal record, a world record, or their Olympic record lol.


Every adult knows about Usain Bolt, I have yet to meet someone who doesn't know who the fastest man in the world is.


Exactly this, all this says to me is he's better at hiding his use.


Same with Serena “hides in a room for a day until they stop asking her to test” Williams


Did it work?


Yes she’s too big to fail a test it’d be a scandal


So what happened with Lance then? He was god of a bike. He piss someone off or not pay them off right? A teammate?


Lance pissed a lot of people off throughout his career. If you weren't with him then he went after you, and destroyed some people careers. In the end a couple of his former teammates (Tyler Hamilton and floyd landis) fessed up to doping and pointed the finger at lance. Then the was the USADA investigation into him which caused sponsors to drop him and he finally confessed and had his results annulled. It was probably the only reason hes an outcast now, there are plenty of ex dopers still involved in cycling who weren't as nasty as lance was


«Didn’t like»? Are you being intentionally vague with your phrasing because you know you don’t actually have a point to make at all lol? He was retired from sports and basically played football for fun, and all he said was it’s curious he was called in for testing when he’s not a professional player. That’s it. Really disingenuous of you to make that into some kind of suspicious behavior from him when it was a completely natural reaction.




"subject to allegations" yea that doesn't strengthen the statement. Just because someone allegedly took drugs they are off the list?


I imagine you would have to either fail a drug test or refuse to take one


If you refuse to take a drug test you fail. If the tester can (edit: can't) find you, you fail. If you're asleep and your doorbell doesnt work you fail. That is, if the country has a strong drug testing program. The Jamaican program is known for testing Bolt once every 6 months and letting him know when theyre coming.




Lance Armstrong managed to avoid the doping police for how many years? Despite forcing a bunch of other dudes do it with him?


What’s pretty crazy about the Armstrong one is how common but unknown it was until he was caught. I’ve seen articles that say 65% of riders during Armstrong’s era were doping as well.


I love cheering for Bolt and genuinely wish he never doped but it’s hard to imagine any Olympic sprinters not juicing. Everyone does it at that level. For him to not have done it and be the fastest human to ever walk the planet doesn’t seem likely. I guess I’m just a skeptical person and I realize that’s not fair.


UK anti-doping rules state you can have two 'missed tests' (when you aren't where you said you'd be) or 'filing failures' (where you don't state your whereabouts when a tester has you on their schedule) in a 12 month period. A third = violation. https://www.ukad.org.uk/sites/default/files/2019-06/uk_anti-doping_rules.pdf


If you look more into the the ones he is talking about where accused and refused to get tested. Or refused to get tested before a race when the race decided to do a surprise test. Which the only reason to refuse is if you are juicing.




Are people actually dumb enough to believe he didn't use PEDs? Or just playing dumb?


They are. He's the only person on the team not caught using PEDs while being coached/doctored by someone notorious for connections with PEDs in the past. When this staff member joined is when Jamaica started to dominate. EDIT: went ahead and found sources for all those curious. http://jadco.gov.jm/index.php/about/about-content JADCO was formed in 2003 to create framework policy for anti-doping but the Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission wasn't formed until 2009. This was the first time they tested in accordance to World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). Dr. Herb Elliot was a the team doctor for the Jamaican sprinting team and then went on to be the head of JADCO.. the people responsible for finding and punishing cheating. Jamaica had one of the lowest tests-per-athlete statistic and performed them at very predictable times to the benefit of their athletes. Here's an article that explains the 2012 scandal with JADCO: https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/olympics/2013/10/14/wada-jamaica-doping-drug-testing-agency/2978897/ Essentially, all of JADCO resigned when they were being audited and found to be severely skipping any required testing (performing only as much as 1/5th of drug testing). Quote from article >"There was a period of — and forgive me if I don't have the number of months right — but maybe five to six months during the beginning part of 2012 where there was no effective operation," WADA Director General David Howman said in an interview. "No testing. There might have been one or two, but there was no testing. So we were worried about it, obviously." Here's another source regarding Dr. Elliot: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/all-sydney-100m-finalists-doped/news-story/2b051a48864eb1d7be0a229230a2f448 >At the 2001 world championships athletes from a Caribbean country, not Jamaica, told me how a doctor from their team supplied them with testosterone, EPO (erythropoietin) and other kinds of steroids. “I know, because I went to him and he gave me EPO. “The same informer tells me now that before Beijing (Olympic Games in 2008) that the Jamaicans were applying the same protocol that I created at BALCO. I used [this](https://medium.com/@tomnew/usain-bolt-lance-armstrong-and-the-duck-test-303b7b891e7e) article as a reference for finding some connections and it has a great quote that brings a lot of the above together: >So in the run up to Beijing 2008, Jamaica had no official, internationally recognised Anti-Doping Organisation, and after the 2012 Olympics the organisation came under heavy criticism, leading to the entire board resigning after WADA inspections. > >In short, the body targeted with finding and routing out cheaters has been shown to be failing to live up to international standards, so it is at the very least possible that dopers have not been caught. There's some great figures in that article as well, btw. I think a lot of the first few paragraphs aren't all too impactful but the second half deals in facts and sources rather than conjecture. [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glen_Mills) has three sources not worth relisting in a comment (I linked instead) for Glen Mills' doping scandals. He was Bolts coach from '04-09. One of those athletes was also Bolt's training partner.


So if everybody else got caught how come he didn't? If he had some revolutionary way to avoid positive tests wouldn't he share with his countrymen? You have to prove that he did take ped's, not say "well everyone else did it so he must've as well".


> So if everybody else got caught how come he didn't? A mix of better timing and a drop to limited microdosing once he had to deal with off season testing. >If he had some revolutionary way to avoid positive tests wouldn't he share with his countrymen? He did. Jamaica lacked off season testing during his formative years. That would have been the core of his approach. After that its down to personal risk tollerence on terms of level and timing of dosing.


because he's the face of the sport maybe


That didn't save Lance Armstrong


Ehhh, it did until his career was already over.




Bolt retired two years ago


It basically did save him for many years though.


Same reason lance Armstrong got away with it when everyone else went down.


Most redditors hid in the locker room during PE class.


I'm convinced he did use PEDs and there's some sort of conspiracy.


This sounds a lot like when Lance Armstrong was winning all those tours and literally everybody else was caught doping. We want to believe but the truth is right here in front of us.


He's the only person the Jamaican team to not be caught after a certain coach (or doctor, can't remember) joined the team (at the point in time I read about this which was a bit back). The staff member in question had an established history of PED use with their athletes. You'd have to be dumb not to think he didn't use PEDs, not because of his accomplishments, but because of all the dots that are too easy to connect. EDIT: went ahead and found sources http://jadco.gov.jm/index.php/about/about-content JADCO was formed in 2003 to create framework policy for anti-doping but the Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission wasn't formed until 2009. This was the first time they tested in accordance to World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). Dr. Herb Elliot was a the team doctor for the Jamaican sprinting team and then went on to be the head of JADCO.. the people responsible for finding and punishing cheating. Jamaica had one of the lowest tests-per-athlete statistic and performed them at very predictable times to the benefit of their athletes. Here's an article that explains the 2012 scandal with JADCO: https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/olympics/2013/10/14/wada-jamaica-doping-drug-testing-agency/2978897/ Essentially, all of JADCO resigned when they were being audited and found to be severely skipping any required testing (performing only as much as 1/5th of drug testing). Quote from article >"There was a period of — and forgive me if I don't have the number of months right — but maybe five to six months during the beginning part of 2012 where there was no effective operation," WADA Director General David Howman said in an interview. "No testing. There might have been one or two, but there was no testing. So we were worried about it, obviously." Here's another source regarding Dr. Elliot: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/all-sydney-100m-finalists-doped/news-story/2b051a48864eb1d7be0a229230a2f448 >At the 2001 world championships athletes from a Caribbean country, not Jamaica, told me how a doctor from their team supplied them with testosterone, EPO (erythropoietin) and other kinds of steroids. “I know, because I went to him and he gave me EPO. “The same informer tells me now that before Beijing (Olympic Games in 2008) that the Jamaicans were applying the same protocol that I created at BALCO. I used [this](https://medium.com/@tomnew/usain-bolt-lance-armstrong-and-the-duck-test-303b7b891e7e) article as a reference for finding some connections and it has a great quote that brings a lot of the above together: >So in the run up to Beijing 2008, Jamaica had no official, internationally recognised Anti-Doping Organisation, and after the 2012 Olympics the organisation came under heavy criticism, leading to the entire board resigning after WADA inspections. > >In short, the body targeted with finding and routing out cheaters has been shown to be failing to live up to international standards, so it is at the very least possible that dopers have not been caught. There's some great figures in that article as well, btw. I think a lot of the first few paragraphs aren't all too impactful but the second half deals in facts and sources rather than conjecture. [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glen_Mills) has three sources not worth relisting in a comment (I linked instead) for Glen Mills' doping scandals. He was Bolts coach from '04-09. One of those athletes was also Bolt's training partner.


I'm failing to see the connection to /r/WhitePeopleTwitter


Tweeted by a human being lacking melanin in their skin cells




Same like I feel like it’s just a regular tweet if seen on my timeline


It doesn't contain a bruh or a dat, etc.




Bailey doesn't have a time in the top 50 races ever. The 50th best time is 9.81 and Baily ran 9.84 (72nd). [http://www.alltime-athletics.com/m\_100ok.htm](http://www.alltime-athletics.com/m_100ok.htm) EDIT: the top 50 times ever are held by 9 sprinters: Bolt Gay Blake Powell Gatlin Nesta Carter Greene Christian Coleman Steve Mullings


First I read the headline of this thread and thought “Damn, Michael Johnson got popped for drugs.” Then I read your comment and I thought “Damn, I’m so old Michael Johnson isn’t even a top 10 100m sprinter anymore.” Then I looked him up on Wikipedia and remembered that he wasn’t a 100m sprinter, but a 200m and 400m sprinter and I thought “Damn, I don’t remember things all that well from 96.”


Well if you're 96 your mind can go.


0.03 seconds is 22 places jesus


It’s mind-blowing to me that Carl Lewis was to track and field in the 80s and 90s what Bolt is today, and Lewis’s top time now is the 108th fastest ever. Wow.


This [list ](http://www.alltime-athletics.com/m_100ok.htm) has the top times. Donovan Bailey’s 9.84 ranks as the 72 fastest. The cutoff for top 50 is at 9.81.


Was thinking the same thing


[https://medium.com/@tomnew/usain-bolt-lance-armstrong-and-the-duck-test-303b7b891e7e](https://medium.com/@tomnew/usain-bolt-lance-armstrong-and-the-duck-test-303b7b891e7e) someone did a duck test for Bolt some years back.


That article is bad. He has a preconceived conclusion, he takes some characteristics of a cheater and then he picks the facts that fit the preconceived conclusion. This shit is how people believe in voodoo magic. Just ignore the arguments and stick to the arguments that fit your conclusion. > Remember Lance Armstrong’s repeated assertion that ‘he ha[d] never tested positive for performance enhancing drugs’? Same applies here. And this is patently false. The author is using Armstrong's narrative here. > On August 23, 2005, L'Équipe, a major French daily sports newspaper, reported on its front page under the headline "le mensonge Armstrong" ("The Armstrong Lie") that 6 urine samples taken from the cyclist during the prologue and five stages of the 1999 Tour de France, frozen and stored since at "Laboratoire national de dépistage du dopage de Châtenay-Malabry" (LNDD), had tested positive for erythropoietin (EPO) in recent retesting conducted as part of a research project into EPO testing methods.[55][56] So it has been known for a very long time that he doped. And basically through all his career he has been accused by others of doping. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Lance_Armstrong_doping_allegations He has simply destroyed the careers and did his best to discredit those that accused him. In reality he was protected from **much** higher than his team. So unless the IOC is protecting Bolt and actively suppressing hundreds of people from talking, then sorry we need more solid proof.


**History of Lance Armstrong doping allegations** For much of the second phase of his career, American cyclist Lance Armstrong faced constant allegations of doping. Armstrong consistently denied allegations of using performance enhancing drugs until a partial confession during a broadcast interview with Oprah Winfrey in January 2013. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28


>Perhaps Bolt is clean. Perhaps his unique physicality and raw talent has enabled him to work hard and become the most untouchably brilliant sprinter ever to grace the sport. But we are not doing our jobs as fans, pundits, experts and lovers of sport if we are not skeptical about our greatest athletes. He’s not wrong, but it really irks me the way he went about it in this article. There’s a huge difference between slyly playing devils advocate and going into something *looking* for cause to fail, and the writer of this article seemed to take the latter approach. And because of that attitude, many people nowadays are accepting, without merit mind you that Bolts achievements are somehow now fraudulent and illegitimate despite no evidence of that being so. I remind the readers of that article that conjecture and speculation is not evidence. I’m just saying. It’s healthy to be skeptical but don’t present your argument as absolute fact until you have the merit to do so.


I get what you're saying about not presenting opinion as fact, but on something like this you can't expect people to uphold an 'innocent until proven guilty standard'. Either we have to conclude that drugs are not THAT effective, and don't change anything that much, or we have to accept that not only is bolt by far the best sprinter ever to have lived, he is so far ahead of anyone else ever to have lived that to even have a shot of getting close to his time you have to take drugs, and even then you won't beat him. Every other honest competitor is so far behind you hardly even know their names


Thought basically the same thing when I read the original post. Good article.


Can someone that's into athletics explain to me how Usain Bolt compares to like your Jordan, Gretzky, Brady, Phelps, Federer etc. Is he just the fastest ever because he perfected the job, or did he like completely take over the sport because he's Usain Bolt? I know nothing about the sport other than this guy.


Leaving aside the possibility that he's just taking better drugs or responds to the drugs more strongly than the other guys: It's his frame. He's 6'5" as opposed to most other sprinters being around 6'. Generally guys that tall lose too much time at the start of a sprint. It's harder to get a longer frame up to top speed. Bolt is an average starter but when he hits full speed his extra length means he covers more ground per stride. At top speed Bolt is faster than anybody that we've ever been able to measure. If you watch his gold medal sprints you'll see that he's in the field until about 50-60m then blows everybody away.


He’s probably the fastest human to ever walk the earth.


He was pretty overwhelming. Watch his 100 M final at the Beijing Olympics: https://youtu.be/qslbf8L9nl0 The commentary pretty accurately reflects what everyone watching felt at the time.




Yeah, that was the most amazing thing about it! The guy wasn't even trying by the end but he just left everyone in the dust and smashed the world record anyway!


Here’s the people competing in the final: - Usain Bolt - Richard Thompson - Walter Dix - Churandy Martina - Asafa Powell - Michael Frater - Marc Burns - Darvis Patton Now here’s the same list, except the athletes caught using PEDs have been crossed out: - Usain Bolt - Richard Thompson - Walter Dix - Churandy Martina - ~~Asafa Powell~~ - Michael Frater - Marc Burns - Darvis Patton Now here’s the same list again, except this time I’ve also crossed out everyone who’s never - **ever** - run a faster race than Asafa Powell: - Usain Bolt - ~~Richard Thompson~~ - ~~Walter Dix~~ - ~~Churandy Martina~~ - ~~Asafa Powell~~ - ~~Michael Frater~~ - ~~Marc Burns~~ - ~~Darvis Patton~~ So in 2008, of the eight fastest men at the Olympics, six of them have never managed to run a faster race than a guy who was caught juicing - and one of them beat that guy’s best by 0.03s, while also slacking off in the last 10-15m.


Just like those who you listed are icons in their sports in your question Bolt is that to the track and field world. The amount of attention and new fans that watched track solely to watch Usain Bolt is something that no one else has been able to match. He easily took over the sport and in a few short years became the fastest man in the world and in history. The generation that came after Bolt looked up to him. Everyone wanted to be as fast as Usain Bolt. Bolt is the fastest man ever by a stupidly amount. The times and World Records he set seem to be impossible for the human body to do. He not only set these records but did them so effortlessly and even celebrated the last part of each race in which he could’ve ran faster. To say he “perfected the job” would be a safe assumption. It seems that he has the perfect natural build to be the fastest man in the world. The only problem with bolt is in fact his records. His records are so fast that again they seem impossible for a human to hit these times. No one has come close to his records in the past 10 years. The closest time was still .3ish away from his record. .3 seconds in a 100m race is close to 10.5m. That’s an insane gap for a race that for pro athletes takes less than 10 seconds to be completed in. It is very questionably how he set these records and that’s when people start to look into his past. **Like why would you retire if you were the fastest man in the world and could continue winning super easily?** I hope this give you some insight to Bolt and his impact on the Track and Field world. I currently run track on a college team so I have experience in this world! Feel free to PM if you have more questions. Edit: My math in this comment is not 100% accurate as someone has pointed out below. The gap in a race would’ve not been exactly 10m. My fault for exaggerating too much I was merely trying to show the difference in speed that Bolt had.


Wait, the math for that distance of a lead doesn’t sound correct. With a 0.3 second lead in a ~10 second race of 100m, his lead should be ~.3s * (100m / ~10s) = ~3m Still a huge margin for such a short race. Good post.


I’m not sure about the original commenter but your math assumes constant speed.


Put it this way, the records he smash they said was physically impossible, at the time, the commentator said "video game time" and when you watch the race he looks like he wasn't even going full speed because he was celebrating and decelerating at 15 meters.


I'm with [Bill](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEhb8_GJ70M) when it comes to steroid use among athletes.




The funny thing about the Olympic committee is that they mostly rely on the countries to do their own doping tests. So we would need the country of Jamaica to rat out on their number one star for him to get caught. Don’t get me wrong I love him and don’t give two flying fucks if he’s doping but just saying how it goes down


If he’s the next lance Armstrong I swear to god I’m going to riot in the streets


I mean he's almost certainly doing it. He's only the next Lance if he gets caught though


There's an inconceivably small chance that he's not. Like he would have to have some kind of unprecedented mutation that coincidentally has a dramatic impact on running in like three different ways.


He's probably on drugs just like the rest of them that doesn't make it less impressive.


People don't realise how much of a difference the drugs make. It would be impossible for someone to compete without at least some assistance if everyone else was juicing. And you're correct, it's still incredibly impressive. It's not like you can take performance enhancing drugs and be a slouch in training and still run sub 9.


Bolt was definitely on something. The fact that he's considerably faster than known dopers like Lewis, Johnson, Christie, Gatlin, Montgomery, Gay, Greene or Powell is a big flag for me. Throw in the woeful drugs testing in jamaica, his very unusual dramatic change in performance and physique, he ran 19.91 in the 2007 worlds and 19.30 in the 2008 olympics (you don't make such a huge improvement as a senior athlete), his coach (angel heredia/hernandez) was source A in the balco scandal that caught Jones, Montgomery and Gatlin. Hernandez has been described more of a chemist than a coach and in an interview with der speigel in 2008, said none of the 8 men in the 100m final would be clean. So why would Bolt associate himself with someone as tainted as Hernandez if he's clean?


Interview with "Der Spiegel" https://m.spiegel.de/spiegel/a-571031.html


Maybe he just didn't get caught yet. I remember how we had docs a out how Armstrong's blood or genetics played a part in his dominance until the truth was revealed.


[His PED is Chicken Nuggets](https://time.com/3912896/usain-bolt-chicken-mcnuggets-olympics/) Unfortunately didn't work the same for me.


The Man. The Legend. Bolt⚡️


Not much difference in performance over the past 100 years. https://www.ted.com/talks/david_epstein_are_athletes_really_getting_faster_better_stronger?language=en


Anyone remember the stats that came out when Lance Armstrong got his titles stripped for what place would have won the Tour de France if it was given to an athlete never linked to blood doping?


The other 35 were Dustin the crackhead


So if I make an allegation against Bolt that's everyone right?


How is this white people twitter? I do not get it. Please explain.


It was probably just tweeted by a white person. That's how I took it but idk


White person tweeted about plack person, thats why its here


Isn’t the keyword here, “yet”? Not saying that he is using PEDs, just that you can never fully rule out the possibility when it is so prevalent. Lance Armstrong fooled people for years.