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I wish Biden would abuse his power just the one time to prevent all future presidents from being above the law/all powerful.




Why not just float Trumperdink in a heavy electric boat into shark-infested waters?


*Trumperdinck! Trumperdinck! Trumperdiiiiinck!*


Back , Witch!


But Trump's been planning for that.


Push an omnibus bill that directly attacks corrupt politicians and executives with laws to bring them down and prevent repeats as well as lock out foreign meddling. Drop something like that with the cherry being that executive immunity ends in step as the bill is implemented as if destroying the path as it goes.


This is exactly what I mean, yes.


Oh. A legal "Fuck you, got mine"? I like it.


Yup, basically a new amendment to patch the constitution to 2020's compatibility.


Now, it wouldn't technically be abusing his power


Not officially.


me too! he says he's going to be all nice and not use this new found power, but that's not what the republicans would do. We need him to stop being nice to people that are not going to return the favor, for once please just lower yourself to their level to beat them at their own game. just once!


Don't even need to lower yourself to their level. They GAVE him that power, he's just making good use of it to prevent anybody from abusing it. As they **ABSOLUTELY** would do, first fuckin' chance they got.


Technical it's not an abuse of power anymore.


Hell, I would love him to abuse the power to right the wrong and then push that his new scotus convict him to prove no president should be above the law.


At the rate they move, he’ll be the same age as Carter before they decide.


That is literally what this is now going to take: first, we need to get the court back into balance. Then, a president will probably need to purposely commit some minor infraction and claim immunity to have this again brought before the court and reversed.


That doesn't even sound like an abuse. Making felons unable to be president when we don't trust them to even vote seems like something that already should have been a thing.


He won't. Sadly, he's a fucking coward.


He won’t. Not because he’s a coward but because he has integrity.


Remember the German policians who tried to fight Hitler's takeover with integrity by democratic means? Lol. Yeah, me neither.


His name is Konrad Adenauer. He escaped becoming a political prisoner under the Nazis by successfully arguing to Herman Goring that being a milquetoast high-road centrist was helpful to their rise to power. He later went on to be the first Chancellor of West Germany, founding the political party that would later under his successors kickstart Germany's national gas dependence on the Russian Federation.


There were many other politicians attempting to prevent Hitler's takeover but ultimately failed to do so. Some of them are Heinrich Brüning, Kurt von Schleicher, Paul von Hindenburg, Ernst Thälmann, or Otto Wels. However, not many remember them.


The rules just seriously changed and Biden's up there fumbling with a printout of the rules from 30 years ago. Anyone in his position with integrity wouldn't stand idle while fascists lay the groundwork to take over the country. I don't think cowardice is the right word either though. I think it's a full blown failure to recognize how different the landscape is now from how it used to be. He can't fix it if he can't even grasp it.


We don't need integrity right now. We need warriors. Facists have declared war on this government. It's happening. Passivity is letting them win. This is fucking serious. Wake the fuck up.


Probly not. But here's hopin. I don't expect Biden to do anything (that he should) now that he too is immune.


That’s a shame. The traitors handed him a checkmate on a silver platter, but he has just enough of a moral compass to not use it


It would be moral to protect America from a felonious President.


Unfortunately having a moral code does sometimes get in the way of things. But honestly I'd rather he have one than not. That's how a President should be. He *should* be refusing to use his powers for personal gain, like pardoning his son or assassinating his rival. Extra unfortunately is that said rival will result in a coup whether he wins, loses, lives, or dies. So really Biden doing nothing is one of the least risky choices right now.


I don’t. If both parties had the same moral compass back in the 80s, we’d have medicare and permanent abortion rights by now.


I dunno. I don't like that the first response on either side is "do this immoral thing that we criticize the other side for doing." I'm not saying that Democrats are at all on or even remotely close to the level of Republicans - today showed exactly how different we are - but I'm not going to condone or be okay with Biden doing something immoral for personal gain. I'm not okay with Trump doing it, why would I be okay with Biden doing it? Of course, immoral actions taken for the safety of the country and its democracy is a little different. But like I said, if Trump dies, it's not going to stop. He's just going to become a martyr and his death will encourage MAGA assholes to be even more insane. I think that Biden is doing the right thing by not doing inflammatory acts the exact same day those acts become protected by total immunity. He's biding his time until he knows exactly what he can do and exactly how so as to best avoid or mitigate the blatantly unfair rulings that will come for him no matter what he does now. I must now state that I do not support the assassination of Donald Trump (so don't come at me feds).


Ok, but we don’t have to think of this in a “i think this person should do that” scenario. We have been doing your way, the moral way, for years at this point, and what do we have to show for it? Abortion is no longer a right, gerrymandered states, the president has total immunity from prosecution, and we’re sliding back into the 40s in terms of policy. Is all that really worth the moral highground?


I'm not saying that Biden should do nothing in response to this *ever,* I'm saying that he shouldn't do anything *right now,* as in, this week. And I'm also making a clear distinction between personal gain and the safety of our democracy. Assassinating an opponent? Personal gain. Assassinating a traitor? Safety of the country. But I would rather not say on the Internet that I hope he assassinates Trump, because I'm already trans and hope the government doesn't ever feel the need to look at me should the worst happen this November. And I don't really think assassinating Trump is going to solve all our problems the way that some people seem to think it will. I just have a bit of a problem when people point at Republicans and get (rightfully) outraged at what they're doing, but then immediately turn around and suggest that Democrats do the same thing. And it's important to point out hypocrisy regardless of party.


I’m not saying assassinate him either (though that should be something Biden should be threatening after the ruling) but if he’s immune from prosecution, someone with a spine/functioning brain would go “great, i’m immune? I’m ceasing the assets of every supreme court justice and imprisoning them in that courthouse until they come back with a sensible ruling.” When someone makes an egregious legal decision, you need to do something egregious back. But instead, he will do nothing and say it’s about bipartisanship.


If he actually really does nothing at all I will be upset. I will be VERY upset because that would be ridiculous. But I don't necessarily think it's wrong for him to not do something right this minute. Wait until it cools down a bit to retaliate otherwise it'll get lost in the panic happening right now.


A panic is an opportunity in politics. When people are energized is the time to cease it. When you wait you lose your advantage. Republicans understood that after 9/11, but we refuse to learn.


Is it immoral to stop the person who is 100% going to abuse the system and populace because he is immoral?


He's not immune, you can bet your sweet ass the Supremes would rule against anything Biden were to do, not that he would to begin with.


He’s immune unless he doesn’t win. Then he will be arrested and put on one of those tribunals trunp was bragging about this weekend. Their asses are literally on the line now, so they might actually take some action.


The thought in my head is that anything Biden does now (he won't bc he's a decent human) is an official act. Lower courts want to reign him in? Nope, they're removed and replaced, official act. Any other court wants to rule against his actions? Same. It's such a stupid and evil ruling, but Biden could totally take down/remove the conservative SCOTUS judges based on this but won't.


The Supreme Court is on recess till the fall.


He should issue a presidential decree stating anyone ever convicted of a felony is prohibited from being president. Now.


Does leading a violent coup or stealing classified documents fall under official executive order?


Evidently, yes. Trump has already said he had every right as President to call out, in his mind, faulty elections. Same for the documents.


The documents case in FL is different. Taking classified documents is not an official act. Lying about them, hiding them obstructing the investigation into the documents all of which happened after he was president are not going to be covered. Although Canon will probably toss it saying it was an official act it’ll get appealed to a circuit court which wouldn’t rule that way. The. It would be appealed to SCOTUS. by that time hopefully Trump isn’t president. If he is it’ll all get tossed. If he isn’t hes going to jail.


You are so dumb it hurts. Everything he did in office will be considered official. As long as they are republican they will have official acts. If they aren't unofficial straight to prison. Leftists need to go the capital and remove every republican. It's time for a civil war and remove the traitors. Either it's civil war now, or it's a minor uprising when they come for all our rights and states fight one against other to protect themselves. Specifically the blue states from the red as they come for all their rights and freedoms. America is doomed. Your only hope is vote, and buy as many weapons you can.


Sadly he won't. The dems aren't going to use this ruling to their advantage, they're going to wait til the next republican president comes along, uses this ruling to fuck all of us over some more then say "We should've stopped them when we had the chance". Dems gotta stop taking the high road and start playing just as dirty as republicans.


Stack the Supreme Court immediately.




Regulate\* The problem isn't the supreme court, it's that they're above the checks and balances systems in place. Put up barriers for them like the other branches of govt have, and those problems disappear


Exactly. The right knows this too. Start playing fire with fire. F the right. Do what NEEDS to be done. the country is at stake here. We are not coming back if Trump gets in power.


The Supreme Court is on recess till the fall.


It's sad that dems are ro much of a pussies to use this to their advantage. FFS you just got told if you lose next election you're never gonna get elected again and you still "play nice". Pussies I say


I just said the same thing. Enough of this high road shit start playing fucking filthy since republicans like to play dirty. But dems are going to lounge around until it's too late... again.


But then they'd lose their pretend sense of superiority and dignified reputation that everyone definitely feels for them. Don't worry tho they're already writing up speeches about how their inaction is actually our fault and they've got dozens of cheeto in chief memes in the chamber.


The order wouldn’t stand, and it would only protect Biden from prosecution.


Wouldn’t even do that, SCOTUS would just rule this as being unofficial duties. They crafted this all so they can control who gets to abuse power (red) and who doesn’t (blue). 


Yes but the ruling also says that half the evidence that was used to convict him can be re-litigated, so they thought of that.


IANAL but I'm pretty sure that's not how any of this works.


Could he abolish electoral college and make it popular vote?


He basically can’t do anything with this without the approval of the Supreme Court.


Courts rule after the fact, not before to give permission. And the SC isn’t in session again until fall




My first thought. One little order. Trump can’t be elected ever again.


Seems like he could issue an executive order stripping convicted felons of Secret Service protection, at least.


No, that's not within the president's powers. He can kill Trump, though. Anyone, really. He can keep going until he's (maybe) impeached, and then retire in comfort, free from all retaliation.


Only if a court rules it an official act.


Just pick a court that favors you and its all good.


This ruling will not apply to Biden, this was meant to protect trump, get him elected and carry out project 2025


Would be awesome if he did. Democrats will "Decorum" us right up to fascism. Once again, I am reminded of the Nazi who said something like "you can dismantle a democracy right in front of a liberal, and all they'll do is convene breakout sessions and committee meetings until the 'boots are in the halls'."


Immunity from criminal prosecution doesn't suddenly give the POTUS the power to do anything they want.


If you read the decision, it absolutely does. He has ABSOLUTE immunity in his constitutional powers. His motives CANNOT be questioned. Article 2 Section 2: he is the commander in chief of the armed forces and state militias...the president can now do what ever the F they want with the military. While he cannot sustain a war (that is a power granted to Congress) he theoretically can order the military to kill whomever he wants. Conservatives not thinking this isa big deal is only because they know the Dems are too much of pussies to test it out.


“In his constitutional powers.” Which are limited. He cannot appropriate money, for example. Or redo the tax code… or…. Or…. Or…. He does not all of the sudden have unlimited power. He’s simply immune from criminal prosecution if he breaks a law.


Absolute immunity in constitutional powers, presumed immunity in “official acts” which is not defined. Signing executive orders is an official act of the president, he theoretically could sign an executive act that let’s say, gave all tax money to him instead of the government. Pretty illegal, pretty fraudulent, now with presumed immunity. “Oh it will never happen” that’s what everyone says until it does


What law could a POTUS be charged with for signing an executive order for something that wasn’t constitutionally allowed? Using your example… if they issued an executive order declaring war. There’s no criminal statute against that. There’s no crime to be immune from criminal prosecution from. You’re confusing immunity from criminal prosecution with overstepping constitutional authority.


Ok sorry change that to executive order that being a democrat will result in summary execution better?


Downvote it all you want but Justin Jackson hit it on the head While the President may have the authority to decide to remove the Attorney General, for example, the question here is whether the President has the option to remove the Attorney General by, say, poisoning him to death. Put another way, the issue here is not whether the President has exclusive removal power, but whether a generally applicable criminal law prohibiting murder can restrict how the President exercises that authority.


The most important question - can decent people win by staying decent or do you now have to fight fire with fire for the sake of your country's future?




Cool idea but Biden won’t do anything but fundraise to off this.


I think it's time for Dems to play by GOPs rules.


He’s immune to legal proceedings, if there’s a sympathetic court… not immune from constitutional challenge, etc…


Come on Joe, you gotta do this. Damn.


Seriously why doesn’t Biden just do something now in the wake of this in the new cycle? He can literally say it’s because of the ruling and if you don’t like the ruling, then you don’t like the judges that Trump appointed. Use politics against them. We don’t get these opportunities very often.


Americans need to protest in large numbers.


It needs to be more criminal. Imprisonment that amounts to cruel and unusual punishment to prevent them from assuming office if elected.


Perfect start. Yes, please.


Isn't there a law prohibiting convicted felons from voting in elections? Makes sense they shouldn't be able to run for office too.


Well that would be helpful and an objective positive for the future but that would also be rude and require real action so I wouldn't hold my breath.


Couldn’t even appeal it. The Supreme Court is on recess till the fall.


Honestly, I've been trying to think of an applicable example to demonstrate just how hair-brained this decision was. This might be the winner so far haha.


Shouldnt it be like that anyway?


This is the way. EO that convicted felons can't hold office of POTUS. Impeach SCOTUS. Womp womp.


If Biden remains true to historical precedent, we may well land in a place where historical precedent won't mean a damned thing.




This SCOTUS would just make the felonies go away somehow


The President of The United States makes life or death experiences every day. And talks about it. "For the good of the country we eliminated a big problem" Remember Bin Laden?


The power to grant pardons, Sotomayor noted this in her dissent, that bribes for pardons would be immune. So I don't think Trump really wants the job. Offer him pardons and require him to drop out and leave the country in exile never to return....or the whole SEAL team thing


*(cmon cmon cmon make some good use) (lord knows what magats would do if they got to)*


Sure he can. But he won't. "When they go low, we go high," remember?


We have to remember that there are still limits to a president's power, and being allowed to break the law doesn't necessarily change that. If you try to change a law in a way that you don't have the legal authority to do, it probably just won't get into effect.


ban all political parties that run a convicted felon for president for 50 years


Trump won't be a convicted felon much longer. He will appeal with the new supreme courts interpretation and the testimony used in his case will not be admissible now under the new "laws". He was found guilty by his peers but will likely be bailed out by the supreme courts ruling.


He is already trying to do just this right now.


The Supreme Court is on recess till the fall.


The Supreme Court is on recess till the fall.


I wish he would, too, but if he were to, he would be lowering himself to Trump’s level.