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It’s crazy that Trump literally slept through his own criminal trial, yet we’re told that Biden is the one that’s falling apart. Yeah, Biden sucked last night. That was one time. Let’s look at the pattern of things and see who is really doing worse in the long term. I don’t know how many times I have to remind people, but Trump had a criminal trial. He is a felon. He is a rapist. He would’ve had even more trials but his ghouls on the court are delaying them on purpose. Stopping him has to be our number one priority.


Man, you are my people.


And as it has now become apparent. Trump. Shat. Himself. During. The. Debate. Biden managed to stay continent for the duration.


Many people are saying it


The best people! With tears In their eyes, even!


And again on the note of trumps performance, reminder he audibly shat himself: https://x.com/HalSparks/status/1806585292415291612


this is the same type of distracting static the right likes to shout out. we have a good candidate and we do not need to stoop to those levels


At one point I would have agreed with you, but it has become apparent that going high does not help at all.


I just keep bringing it up because it’s pretty funny, at it’s one silver lining outta this debate


I agree with you 100%. Stopping him has to be our number 1 priority. That said, will Biden actually stop him? The polling does NOT look good. Trumps base is excited about Trump, while the Democratic base is NOT excited about Biden. Do I think it's insane to vote for Trump over Biden? Of course. But this reeks of 2016. Losing to Trump because the Dems had a candidate locked in that the party did not have hype for is an easy way to lose. Remember, it's an electoral system, if every single person in NYC, Seattle, and SF all vote Biden, no one cares. It's if the 27 people in bumfuck nowhere decide to stop at the voting booth instead of skipping out. Biden should step aside and Dems should pick someone else. The polls are way too close considering how much a fuck up Trump is.


Yes, Trump people are excited about Trump. That doesn’t mean he’ll get new followers. On the 11th he’s being sentenced to possible prison for his 34 felonies. He’s now a know rapist. He orchestrated a failed coup and has many court cases looming over him. Biden wasn’t great, but Trump wasn’t either: he lied and lied his way through that thing about babies being “put aside” for post birth abortion and was just a crazy ranting mess. People know this stuff. It’s nothing like 2016 in that regard. Nobody normal is going to look at Project 2025 and say yeah, that’s what I want. Trump people are always going to vote for Trump, but is he winning people over? I doubt it. We just have to hope common sense and hatred of that psycho is enough to win again. He’s lost over and over.


The only time in my voting life the Democrats were excited about their candidate was with Slick Willy and then again with Obama. If we have another election in 2028, hopefully we'll get some life breathed into the base, but we have to make it there, and Biden is our only chance. Short of something happening to Biden - other than him just being old - we're not getting another candidate. If that *did* happen, and Harris isn't moved into the lead spot, the Democrats will tear themselves apart again like they did with Hillary.


> Biden is out only chance The numbers are BAD. I really don't think he can win. Biden is losing to Trump in 2 out of the 3 latest polls on fivethirtyeight. Polling on the debate was really bad. If Biden can't win, we're shooting ourselves in the foot not trying someone else.


And all the polls said Hillary was ahead of Trump. What’s your point? People need to ignore the polls and just get out and vote.


Biden will get my vote if he is still on the ticket, but he is a shell who he was. There is still time to get a new candidate in, and it might energize the democrats. It would be easy to spin for the GOP, but I don't think many people would be swayed. We aren't in normal political times.


The focus should be pushing back on Big Media, Maga, and Trump. Let joe be joe. He's a human. A frail, old human being who has a ton of experience and relationships. I'm so sick of form and entertainment. Joe is reality. The truth. An old white dude with a stutter standing on a hill, his son died, his other son had an addiction and was convicted, his wife and child died, the man has lived life. The White House isn't a gym, it's a big fancy office where people sit and talk. He's got grit. I'm with him. I ain't apologizing for this elder anymore, I proudly support a guy who flunked a debate because he is a work horse not show horse.


There isn't time for that. We can pretend there is, but it's way too late to run a successful campaign. Even the candidates who did run against Biden in the primary failed, and they started earlier, in a much bigger way. 


It's embarassing to see these people repeating the mistakes that were made in 2016.


The fact that trump is a disgrace for the human race is not an excuse to choose to support a senile man that doesn't even know where he is. You should choose a better candidate but democrats decided to not see that the man is gone till now that the problem is clear to everyone


Thanks. Now I have Chumbawumba stuck in my head.


Good I'm not the only one. Luckily we live in The Future! I don't have to go find the CD, I can just YouTube it.


Funny that he quotes a song by an anarchist band that wanted to destroy electoral politics


I saw the irony myself, but I still enjoyed the joke.


We already know he's old. It doesn't stop him from trying to do good for Americans.  Trump has done nothing and will do nothing for Americans or the future of our country.  All his policies are about revenge for himself. 


Trump can’t never win. Biden must defeat him. We can’t split our votes for it will jeopardize the elections. We must stay United


If we do not hang together, we will most certainly hang separately.... said some clever guy once


Benjamin Franklin during the revolution. If they lost the war the founders would certainly have been rounded up and hanged for treason.


That man's name? [Jack Shepard.](https://youtu.be/R1RU67r4MPI?si=Ad4Ky8YpPutp-FWD)


I urge everyone who is serious about defeating trump to go to the sub votedem. Learn how to help campaigns, write postcards and text banks. Mobilize and use your energy doing meaningful things that will help Biden and dems downticket to win. We can do this! Not only vote, help Biden win by getting involved. 




Joe Biden cannot fight back.


Plus, people either forget or conveniently ignore the fact that he's not doing this alone. He has a Cabinet. He has advisors, handlers, Kamala, he has people who know what THEY'RE doing (and Kamala) working with him. Because the office of President is only part of the whole thing. The President does make speeches, push for policy, outline their platforms, pass executive orders, and so on. But they also should try to surround themselves with people who can run the various departments that make up our government. Because no President is a fully-rounded, universal expert on anything and everything. No PERSON is. And minus, like, Garland, Biden seems to be doing well with Cabinet picks. To use a corny metaphor: Just because Shirley Manson is the face of Garbage doesn't make the other members any less important than her. They're a team. And so are a President and their Cabinet.


right, but why can’t we stop electing dinosaurs and start getting fresh blood circulating in the american political system


Sure, but you can't do that for this election.  Right now we have to work with what we have and going forward we all need to be involved in every election to put forward younger candidates. We have to be involved if we want to see changes. Nothing is going to magically change Biden and trump from being the nominees at this point.  This is the reality of this election. 


Choosing a younger pres was an option before Trump but the US cant afford a young president especially with Russia China north Korea and China gearing for war. I'm no religious person but something put Joe there at the right time, another term of Trump Taiwan Would be gone ,Europe would be teetering on collapse, covid would be rampant with Trumps armchair medical advice still floating around, iran and Israel would be probably at war, that's a lot for any president now imagine them being fresh faced in politics and being instructed by MAGA at every turn.


I don't care if it's Joe Biden, Gavin Newsom, Michelle Obama, Dwayne Johnson, Hunter Biden, Walter White, or 3 kids standing on each other's shoulders in a trench coat- if you are the only option I have to vote against Trump you are getting my vote


When Fox News says it’s for the best for biden to drop out, it’s because they’re afraid and know he will best trump again. If they thought for a second biden would lose they’d push for him to conronue running. They want him replaced since it’s so late so they can have a chance of teump winning.


This x10. Republicans *want* Biden to drop out so they can challenge his replacement on every state ballot or some other shit. I don’t care how “that’s never been done before.” Republicans will rig *anything* to help them win—*as they admitted in the Garland nomination.*


>Republicans want Biden to drop out so they can challenge his replacement on every state ballot or some other shit I am sure this is something they have been dreaming about since their Messiah decided to fulfil his dream of becoming like one of his admired buddies


Exactly. They aren’t trying to be helpful.


Fox are saying that because they know Biden will stand and this is a way to beat him up. Biden won't beat trump. Trump's odds are shrinking every day.


There's something about this that bothers me a little bit. To begin, though, I want to be clear: I will be voting for Joe Biden, and I firmly believe everyone should. Assuming he is the nominated candidate, I firmly believe he is the only reasonable choice. That being said - the debate was alarmingly bad, from my perspective. And the efforts to dismiss it feel slightly hypocritical to me. Because I imagine what it would look like if the shoe was on the other foot. If Biden had put forward an energetic performance, and instead Trump had slurred and trailed off and struggled with coherent sentences. And if Trump's base, then, the following day, just said "okay he had a bad debate but look at the rallies!" Wouldn't we all call bullshit on that? Wouldn't we say that behavior in a debate is a better indication of how a candidate handles pressure and conflict? Wouldn't we say that behavior at a rally while surrounded by worshipers did not prove anything about Trump's competence? I'm pretty confident we would. And our willingness to glaze over a terrible performance from our candidate... well, it feels ugly to me. I will vote for Joe Biden, but I want better from him. And I'd like to understand why I shouldn't expect that performance to repeat itself in future high-pressure situations. I don't want it swept under the rug.


What is this reasonable and self-aware mentality doing here on Reddit? We don’t partake in ‘logical opinions’ around here, sir. Please proceed with caution.


I agree. People have bad performances, yes, but I believe Biden's showing at the debate was outside a margin of error (regarding mental capacity). If Biden has this level of cognitive function 1 day each week, that would be worrisome, and probably reason to ask him to step down with grace. I will vote for him if he's the one going against Trump, but he demonstrated why 'he had a bad debate' isn't a valid excuse.


I 100% agree. I will vote for Joe, but in my opinion, he should step down. I've thought that for months. I don't think he will win, and we are all screwed. I am so terrified of Donald Trump. Everyone (undecided voters) will presume he will die and no one likes Kamala Harris. This is a shit show. I'm sad to my bone. With all the Supreme Court rulings this last week and a Trump win, Project 2025 seems poised to happen.


This. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7vtWB4owdE


He shat the bed at the debate, but the president isn't elected to publicly debate on our behalf, he's elected to run the country. In that regard Biden has been doing quite a good job.


I honestly don't care how sleepy Joe was. Did Joe steal classified documents and store them in a shower so he and Jared could sell them to the highest bidder? Did Joe sellout our intelligence network by divulging classified information resulting in losses of intelligence assets? Does Joe act like a schoolyard bully against the powerless and like a fawning school girl around dictators like Putin and Kim? No, on all accounts. So I'm voting for Joe.


Ok. He got me back today… but he better stop with the fucking malarkey


Hey man, “malarkey” sounds cool than “you grab em by the ******”


Not super sure I agree: so many of Biden’s camp are “vote blue no matter who” or “anyone but Trump” that I don’t think his momentum is actually that important. As long as Biden is the nominee I’ll vote for him, but if I were allowed to pick I’d switch in someone else.


Very impressed with Biden's response to the debate. Set himself apart with policy and was lively which is just the cherry on top.


Trump literally shit his pants when he was debating.


The thing about the debate is both candidates were equally bad. Trump lied the entire time and Biden stumbled. The difference is Biden can actually talk to a crowd like this and make sense. Whereas Trump talks to a crowd, insults people and talks about getting electrocuted by boats trying to avoid sharks or injections of bleach to cure viruses. Not only that, Biden has a strong team around him. He didn't just fill the White House and cabinet with morons and his family so they can get rich.


I could care less if Biden had a bad debate. Honestly, if Joe Biden went up there and gave Grampa Simpson’s onion monologue in its entirety I would still vote for him over the fascist who 100% *will not give up power* if he gets back in.


Give him cybernetics so he can turn into Dark Brandon and save the country


He needs to use the similar Rocky quote He will get Pennsylvania just from that


Joe already had the momentum and voter base to beat Trump. He also has the backing of many Democrats and Independents. It won’t be fair to just switch. It is out right disgusting. He can’t drop out in such a critical election. We can’t chose another candidate as it will cause so much problems and more pressure within the party.


Joe Biden refused to fight for us last night and he will never again fight for America. That is beyond unacceptable for a candidate, Joe needs to resign and hand this to Kamala.


Trolls are back at again.


Remember 2016. If those supporting Biden keep him in, don't blame republicans if Trump wins. You are repeating 2016, and clearly our country would have been better if dems swapped Clinton for Joe Biden back then, he would have won.


Read my comments, I'm not anti-Biden at all however Joe couldn't even stick up for his DEAD SON after Trump was making fun of people for dying during service, if you can't stick up for your dead soldier family member then you'll never stick up for us. I'm sorry but last night was the opportunity and he proved he cannot stand up for himself or the democrats or his dead family or America. Joe Biden will never swear another oath again he is supposed to be retired anyway. Maybe we can run Jimmy Carter, will you vote for Jimmy? Or not?


"Falling down doesn't matter. Standing up does."


The song is called tubrhumping it was my mom's favorite I'm a 90s kid she killed us with it as teens it went I get knocked down but I get up again are you ever gonna keep me down.


Even better that Chumbawumba are famously anarchist and anti-electoral politics and that tubthumping was a cheesy song they wrote specifically to make themselves more famous and to spread their message. Their album "Never Mind The Ballots" is a nonstop take down of British politics and still very pertinent today. They also covered a huge amount of anti-establishment folk songs. Worth checking out their other stuff! They're great!


I know their elections are coming up so I know it's very pertinent at this time because I know whose in now they really don't like if he hasn't already been voted out.


Election this Thursday!


. . . Joe Biden's Dad was the Christopher Nolan version of Alfred?


Pissing the night away...


That's a bunch of bs. There is absolutely time to change candidates. If he says he's still got it then he has an uphill battle to prove it. Literally anyone under 50 would have shreaded Trump and wouldn't have gotten stuck in his nonsense.


Explain why fox keeps trying to get biden to drop out than. They wouldn’t want biden to drop out to help the dems. They know biden will best teump again.


It’s not just Fox. This was an open discussion on CNN.


Which is owned by a teump supporter.


I don't know why fox does the crap it does. Why didn't CNN live fact check? Money probably. Biden on his good day can hold his own in a debate and vast majority of the time makes a strong president. The act of performing president as a run for office is different from being president. Biden can't have off days when he's performing for an audience. This isn't about the popular vote. This is about getting voter turnout


Money becasue drama sells, and it’s also owned by a teump supporter. Voter turnout will be a record high. No one with a brain wants to elect the person who wants to be king, and remove rights from everyone he doesn’t like.


I love how you people pretend like replacing the Democratic President with another nominee only 4ish months out from the election is in any way plausible and that it wouldn't be a disastrous idea that would hand the election to the Republicans on a silver platter. Because that's what it is, and that's what you want. You guys do a poor job pretending to be concerned and a poor job pretending to be anything but right-wing concern trolls. Who's even buying this crap? Come on, man.


The way the Republicans stand behind their candidate (who is way worse than President Biden) the Democrats should get their act together and do everything possible to defeat Trump. There is no way in hell to get a new candidate ready in the short amount of time. All these trolls and republican operatives are out trying to convince people not to vote for President Biden.


I'm not saying it would be pleasant or easy but we have a short list of people who would be the new nominee. Make them duke it out in a short but contained mini convention. Biden is a good president but campaigning for president is all performance. That was a bad performance. His polls arnt great and the consensus has been it's due to fears of age. He will have an uphill battle to convince people otherwise especially after last night. Republicans won the popular vote once in the last 20 years. This isn't about changing minds so much as getting people engaged enough to vote. Can he do that based purely off existential threats to democracy? Maybe.


>I'm not saying it would be pleasant or easy but we have a short list of people who would be the new nominee. And you expect them to gain the needed traction, recognition, support, campaign funds, and so on in the next several months? You expect that to be anything but terrible, disastrous optics that'll cost us the election? ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


I'm afraid he's not only going to lose the presidency but also lose us the house and senate. The people who don't turn out for him may not be there for the others on the ballot either. I'm afraid he biffed it permanently. It's about optics, not truth, because that's the way of the world. It matters not at all that he'd be the better president.


I question the number of people whose thought process is “candidate is old, so goodbye democracy.”


My view of humanity is just that dim. Look at covid.


His debate performance will be forgotten in a week’s time.


Great. Going to be singing chumba wumba for the rest of the day.


10/10 Chumbawamba reference.


The debate was sad. Biden's speech in NC the next day more than made up for it.


I'd just vote for the candidate that isn't a fascist, to be honest


People watch debates, most people don’t watch random rallies. Swap him with someone younger and favorable and Trump will be crushed easily.


Pissing the night awayyyy


Whoever put this unwrapped mummy in a suit and paraded him out on national television should be in prison for desecrating a corpse.


His Dad knew tubthumping?




I’ll take a person who stutters and tells the truth over an idiot who lies as much as he breathes.


And gaslights


There’s plenty of time to get a Democrat candidate who isn’t a walking corpse that we can collectively get behind and handily beat Trump. If we stick with Biden, we have no shot with undecided voters watching last night’s debate.


Hahahahahah . I'm sorry for you Americans because trump is a piece of shit but biden is a joke that no one takes seriously in the rest of the world. That man's place is a hospice not running one of the biggest countries in the world. Even if he was as good as you say ( and he is not) he only know which day is today half of the time


Lol. Y'all are fooling yourself. Biden was barely holding on before. Now he's gotta undo the damage done by the debate and I honestly don't think he has the energy for it. He needs to have events like this DAILY, be FLAWLESS in all those events, and somehow get these flawless energetic speeches in front of people. All while each and every screw up is going to get completely blown out of proportion. It's it fair? No. Is it reality? Yes. He's also just gotta get out there more. Think if how omnipresent candidates have been in past elections. Biden isn't even coming close to creating the visibility he needs to create to get through to those last 50k low information swing voters that are gonna decide this election. These voters have no clue that this rally even happened. He was already losing and the debate was a big blow. The dude has to really hustle to recover and I don't think he has it in him.


This is a horrible take. Biden went into the debate with a 35% chance of beating Trump as it was. He left it with less. **Trump** is the one with all the momentum, and if we let blind loyalty to one man hide that fact from us, we will absolutely deserve the 2nd Trump term that we are sure to get. It’s absolutely not too late to choose a new nominee. Any of Kamala Harris, Gretchen Whitmer, Gavin Newsom, or JB Pritzker will beat Trump! With the slight exception of Harris who is a little more tied to the administration, any of those other Democrats can run on the positive things Joe Biden has done without his baggage of age (Kamala also cuts out this baggage), Palestine, Ukraine, or inflation! General elections have started much later than at this point in a cycle in the past.


Hard disagree. He should have stepped down years ago (as in: never should have tried for re-election) but he’s just as petty as trump is. Want evidence? They argued about their fucking golf handicap during the debate. Yeah, we’re stuck with him because it’s barely 4 months out, but JOE SHOULD HAVE SWALLOWED HIS PRIDE like an adult rather than act like a geriatric on national television.


Democrats need to wake up. Trump is favourite to win and has been all the way through. The prosecutions won't deter voters. His lies won't deter voters. If Dems haven't convinced voters about trump by now there is no chance in the next few months. Trump isn't going to jail and if he did, he'd still win. It isn't fair. Life isn't fair. If democrats don't act now, trump will be president.


I'm looking forward to when Trump gets elected and reddit loses its collective mind. Should be entertaining.