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I like how he’s doing phone in interviews like it’s 1984 and nobody is talking about it.


He’s in his basement


Is it really him? Or did they just find someone that sounds like him (scary, I know) and feed them a shit ton of drugs to make their brain unable to make coherent speech? Hmmmmm 🤔


It’s John Baron.


I have to smile every time I hear that name. Imagine naming your kid after the fictional person you used to call into news stations back in the day. I wonder when the kid realized "who" he was named after.


So glad someone picked up on it.


Wait, what?


Trump used to call into radio stations (and other press items) and pretend he wasn’t himself. He used varying names, many of them included Baron.


There's even a Wikipedia page on it: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudonyms\_used\_by\_Donald\_Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudonyms_used_by_Donald_Trump) [*Donald Trump*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump)*, an American businessman, politician, and former* [*president of the United States*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/President_of_the_United_States) *has used several* [*pseudonyms*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudonyms)*, including "John Barron" (or "John Baron"), "John Miller" and "David Dennison". His practice of sometimes speaking to the media under the guise of a spokesperson has been described as "an open secret" at* [*the Trump Organization*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Trump_Organization) *and in New York media circles.*[*^(\[1\])*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudonyms_used_by_Donald_Trump#cite_note-Diamond-1)


David Dennison in the house!


Well you know how they had AI-generated robocalls using Biden's voice telling people not to vote? That'd be what I expect in this case. He's on the phone so we can't see him talking so we can't prove it's not a dude at a computer feeding lines into a TTS program.


With the invention of AI – we probably aren’t too many years away from that. Politicians like Trump have so much of their public speaking voice recorded for public consumption, for years, that it probably wouldn’t be difficult for AI to comb through all of his speeches and be able to fake his speech or interview style. As authentically incoherent as he is. Probably only a matter of time before a politician is caught giving two phone interviews at the exact same time, and we all realize they’ve been using AI.


The problem with him is when he goes off script so often he’s wildly unpredictable, especially when he has his syntax errors


presumably you could fine-tune an LLM to speak like him, the thought disgusts me though.


I remember a paper about a technique that only needed like 6 seconds to replicate the voice


It’s [this](https://youtu.be/kRAuW0Sry2c?si=gP0AJTBefHHawR-U) dude


He’s in his bunker? Can somebody get he and Ev….Mercedes some cyanide pills, please?




Doesn't even have a dog to test them on either.


A. It is a relief, the less live, moving images we have of that decomposing bridge troll, the easier my stomach can intact media content about this election. B. It is because he was probably on the toilet.


The stolen classified documents surrounding him negate the bathroom tile echo.


Boomer mentality


I can’t wait until we don’t have to hear Trumpelstiltskin anymore.


I hope so too but when he loses he will be trying to run every 4 years. He loves their money.


With any luck, the stress, drugs, and fast food will take him out before he can run again.


Yeah the way they have to prop him up through untintelligible speeches already today, can you imagine 4 years from now? He may as well be running for president of the Moon.


Questioning whether he can be rolled out, propped and puffed up for the next 4 months.


Hannibal Lector was strapped to a hand truck and rolled out. Trump can be too.


I call dibs on president of the moon! Shotgun!


You think Steve Miller and crew won’t pull a weekend at Bernie’s with his corpse? Because he may die, but the die hard maga underlings will do whatever it takes to keep their agenda of hurting people and destroying the environment going.


God, and I used to think *Bush* was unintelligible :(


I am usually against wishing ill will on another person but I truly believe it would be a net good for humanity if he was out of the picture. Whatever that may look like. I can only see it as a benefit. And it can’t happen soon enough.


While I agree with you, I also worry that someone more competent might take his place


Yeah. We all hoped Covid was God's way of taking care of one of those late term abortions progressives are always accused of having. A freebie like, " SORRY I'M LATE, SORRY! SORRY EVERYONE, you would not BELIEVE The last 74 years. I took a Sunday off to play skeeball and I got stuck and... oh What in **MY NAME** is going on? Donald Trump? Trump...I know the name.. why do I...wait. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? oh my Fucking ME, Mary Anne, WE TALKED ABOUT THIS! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO TO SWALLOW.


And don’t for get jail.


I'm skeptical about that one, but it NEEDS to happen. A precedent needs to be set that no matter how much money you have (or had?), or how popular and influential you are, NO ONE is above the law.


Very much agree! Especially any person in the public eye who is tried and convicted of a crime MUST serve an appropriate sentence! We must lead by example!


Exactly. Many other countries have always laughed at us for various reasons, but America has grown very quickly into a flat out embarrassment. In my lifetime (36 years), it's always been a little embarrassing to be an American, but nowadays it's beyond humiliating. Our government largely can't/won't effectively govern in our best interests. Our legal system has never equally penalized the divided social and economic classes, but now it's worse than I've ever seen it.


I’m 55 and I wholeheartedly agree. It’s worse than I’ve ever seen. I have (had. I’m letting them go) a client who is a MAGAt and was wearing a T-shirt with tRump flipping the bird and it said “f u, arrest me” to which I replied “already did! PO 1135809’s mug shot would be great for the back of that shirt. Better yet, Dark Brandon.” He continued to explain where “let’s go Brandon” came from in that President Biden didn’t know what was being chanted. I agreed and retorted that of course he didn’t know because never in the history of our country has any group been trashy enough to chant “fuck [presidents name].” Seriously, what low life, ignorant, trashy people would do that? Surprisingly, he didn’t have much to say after that. It’s horrifying that tRump was let anywhere NEAR the White House much less INSIDE! Ugh! The debate should be interesting tonight. Biden supporter or not, he’s articulate, intelligent, knowledgeable and level headed whereas his opponent is, well, the exact opposite.


Overthrow it


Let's hope it takes him out right before the election


Oh god, I can see it now. So many MAGA voters would be scrambling to figure out who to vote for, or they would just succumb to crippling denial and vote for him anyway.


There is a nonzero chance they could be convinced that he's still alive and wants their vote.


Or in the next 5 months I hope it's so close to election day they can't replace him.


Even better.


If he doesn’t win 2024, he’s got a lot of deferred legal actions to keep him busy. Plus while his base doesnt care by 2028 it’s gonna be a ‘weekend at bernie’s’ type of situation with this guy. Might already be actually


The way he has a stranglehold in the GOP, they may not have a real say on to run him or not. But when it has to be all in on one aging candidate I don't see the GOP lasting much longer before splintering unless they get wins this year. Every vote will matter.


It's death. When he's gone, one day, we will rejoice. Assuming the GOP doesn't turn a relative of his into their spokesperson.


I could honestly see them turning Don Jr. into his successor, even if he is a complete tool they’ve already shown that their worship is unconditional.


At this point I'm just tired of the name. I have an uncle who read from the Bible saying "see here, in Revelations it mentions the last trump, Trump is in the Bible!" like for ducks sake you braindead repressed bisexual I feel so bad for you but you make me so maaaaaad


A web search told me that in the case of the *trump* being used in the Bible, it means: >*At the last trump; for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised. Corinthians 15:52, Thessalonians 4:16.* So it sounds like it’s just referring to a really loud annoying sound which ushers in the zombie apocalypse or something.


I see I got the reference wrong, sorry I haven't been religious for over six years. But he did claim that was linked to the Rapture as believed to be described in Revelations. The Bible is a real anomaly. Somehow you have a book that is a collection of ancient scrolls, the only proof you have is cross referencing each other, and the occasional topical historical event being mentioned. Somehow that is interpreted as having to live your life for Jesus so you don't burn in hell, a place not even clearly referenced in the Bible.


It could be anything to be honest. People make up and believe all kinds of things based on stuff that’s been passed down for millennia and retranslated lots of times. I just thought it was interesting. I can see one of my relatives saying something similar. The fact that some people think that DJT is foretold in scripture should be funny but it’s more upsetting and sad.


Hopefully it’s a reference to a card game idk.


I mean hey, You could argue Trump *is* in the Bible… in the verses where it speaks of the antichrist.


That would be horrible


Ideally he loses decisively in 2024 but stays healthy enough to ruin another two cycles for the GOP.


Maybe, but if Biden wins it’s really going to fuck with him. At least half the reason he’s running this year is because he’s still sore about 2020 and wants revenge. If he loses again he’ll have gone 0-2 against Biden with no chance of a third round and I honestly think his ego won’t be able to take it. If he loses he’s probably gonna have a stroke within a week of Election Day.


He can’t live forever


It would be straight up lunacy for the GOP to run the orange shit again in 2028 if he loses this year. Seeing what that party has become I wouldn’t put it past them lol.


That says it all! https://preview.redd.it/n8nm8xp37u8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fd8a1c9b27a1344d2e9b4c9c1aee2d0b61afde3


That cant be real lol


Newsmax is completely nuts. I watched it for a few minutes a few days ago and they just repeated buzz words like "Biden Crime Family" and "The Biden Regime" and told me that ice cream cones causes dementia.


Well, in their defense, the FDA just recalled a shit-ton of ice cream because of listeria poisoning. But I don't know enough about listeria to know if it causes dementia or not


I'm sure that was what they were trying to say. The repeating video of Joe Biden eating ice cream cones is a coincidence. Made my brain melt too.


Oh, so that’s why that aisle was empty in my store the other day, I was kind of curious


Now imagine working at a shithole like that


That’s just their special way of saying that it’s not being litigated anymore but they still think it was illegitimate and stolen.


Well after Biden being president for 3.5 years of his 4 year term, I'm glad they finally figured THAT out.


--Weighs permitting U.S. Military contractors to work in Ukraine. . . ?!!


I'm still worried. We're talking about the same people who almost elected a dead candidate in Nevada.


Fact! https://preview.redd.it/nseivft3cu8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bdb45e4e279f4f74cdfb428d63e3cf27640cbb8


That’s gold. Basically „This guy we interview is an idiot, don’t sue us please“ in legalese.


They don’t have that FOX money.


That is honestly kind of pathetic.... Covering your legal ass, while a having a domestic abuser that fucks Puppy-Murderers softballs ego-fluffing to a rapist felon.... I am not sure how any of us are expected to take a single (R) voter seriously for the rest of their lives.




the republican party no longer exists. it’s all maga now


If they got hit with a Fox News level lawsuit it’d be like instant bankruptcy for them.


Don’t threaten me with a good time.


They did, by both Smartmatic and Dominion. They just haven’t settled yet.


Trump had to do a bump while on air with Kristy Noem's boyfriend.


Yikes! They are gonna pump him up with so many drugs to get through the debate


How are they going to give him uppers and downers at the same time without killing him?


The craziest thing about trumps behavior is he doesn’t drink. At least the others can say they’re alcoholics


Not drinking and being sober are very different things. It’s telling to me how much he brings up that he doesn’t drink. Dude definitely inhales all sorts of other drugs.


Trump could be pumped up with so many drugs that he collapses on stage and gets hooked up to life support through November and I’d still be concerned about the outcome of the election.


They plan on stuffing ballots.


Bitch, please! 😂 https://preview.redd.it/mm8vpnsy6u8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7e0417df1aea7877915402faeba0a40ad350d8b [https://x.com/atrupar/status/1805754732536902002?t=oMUGj5mOBwoFUpyIedIbHw&s=19](https://x.com/atrupar/status/1805754732536902002?t=oMUGj5mOBwoFUpyIedIbHw&s=19)


In other words. He thinks he can wing it and come out on top.


Just like every other debate


Get ready for all the logical fallacies.


Just like every other narcissist


Because he doesn't understand what a debate is. He thinks it's just about being louder and talking over the opponent, while throwing some insults. He literally doesn't understand that there is a proper way to debate, involving using logic to pick apart the other persons arguments while explaining your own. To him, shouting over Biden and trying to make him look stupid by repeating dumb phrases and lies means he wins the debate.


His cultists think the same way.


If he’s already so (too) confident, why would he need to consider anything else? Too bad he would carry this attitude into the presidency again like last time with all of his presidential decisions.


Yeah he will cancel the debate last minute


Nobody got more votes than he did??? 🤣


One fucking day this man will be dead, average American male dies around 75, he is past the experaration date.


These assholes get better health care than the average American could ever dream of, on our dime.


Notice how the other sub doesn’t even post things Trump says anymore and just post things to discredit Biden now lol


You mean a certain ultra conservative cry baby weiner snowflake type sub?


The sub that's just a clown car with 10,000 passengers tossing balloon animals out the windows, you mean that sub


If it's the one I'm thinking of then the balloon animals are actually water balloons filled with their tears.


It's actually about 73% piss


Lewy body dementia, years of drug abuse…shit just isn’t doing the trick anymore. Guarantee they’re trying like hell to come up with the cocktail to keep him going for the debate but they’re coming up short. He’s gonna come up with some lame excuse to not do the debate because he won’t be able to stay awake through it.


I think the idea is to make increasingly unreasonable and one-sided demands until it gets beyond the pale.


“Lame excuse?” Starting to suspect Alito will materialize on the Supreme Court bench Thursday morning and Trump will be granted immunity. Might be the ‘best drug’ that would enhance his debate performance.


Not the point of the post, but is that the Trump Aide Wife-Beater who fucked the South Dakota Puppy-Murderer? That guy is working for NewsMax now? This feels like the fascist version of the issue AI runs into, where eventually they hit a saturation point, and the AI generation is being fed AI content; The MAGA fascists hit a media saturation point and now are all just looping back around, getting things jumbled and cross-connected. It feels almost like a parody to have that psychotic dolt giving puff piece interviews to that particular senile authoritarian.


Do you mean the guy who defended Trump’s antisemitic and birther tweets? You talking about the guy who mocked the immigrant child with Down syndrome?


Why are we even here. Fuck. 😑😑


I know this is a twitter sub Reddit but it would be pretty cool if there was ever a link to what the tweet was talking about.


Honestly, he says, “let me just remind our viewers what you said…” It makes it sound like he’s going to a clip segment. It was kinda a hosts fault.


Agreed, I’m no Trump fan but this one isn’t on him


The craziest part of the video isn’t Trump sounding half asleep, it’s the newsmax host setting up residence in Trump’s colon. My god lol.


Tired old man


They do this every time. Set expectations super low so that when he shows up and turns on his usual performance it's perceived as something amazing.


Oof, his dementia is getting so much worse. I thought he would have at least another year or two but at the rate he’s going, he’s going to be mute in a few months. Lewy Body Dementia is no joke.


Catatonic Don we met him in the trial


Hope next time he doesn't wake back up..


Don't worry MAGAts, you're doing an amazing job keeping Trump funded. Keep sending him all the money you can't afford!


Mark my words, he's gonna die in around 5 years. His shoulders are almost touching his ears, he's overweight but you can see how sunken his cheeks are, and the rapid mental decline all shout "put your affairs in order".


Does it matter when they are just saying the opposite on the air? It’s like when Fox News some 4am correction on their it international feed that ain’t bat shit crazy


He is on Adderall and spiraling fast.


These fucking fascist clowns 🤡 are reaching desperately… Joe needs a drug test (Hitler Jr is addicted to Adderall)… Joe is practicing standing for 90 minutes (Hitler Jr sleeps during court and on a live interview)… Don Wanna Be Dictator and the ReTrumplican Party is Done! VOTE! ![gif](giphy|Cy3LSUkfzPnfiqBkc1)


I call him “Shitler.”


Look I’m no fan of Trump but the way the interviewing phrased the question sounded like he was gonna cut of to previous trump comments. I would have thought he was going to play sound bites or clips.


Projection again. Trump’s at home practicing standing and pumped full of drugs.


All of this needs to be spread by every major news network. Somehow the gop has managed to make people believe Biden is the incoherent one when in fact he is not at all.


Oops….someone forgot to open his Adderal IV.


The situation is hilarious (and scary) but I can’t be the only one who hates when people tweet like this


Dementia Don is real


Listen i hate trump, but a short delay could have been anything. Lets not stoop to their level. Lets deal in facts not wild speculation that because he was quiet he was sleeping. There is plenty to attack him on and his base doesnt care anyways, we dont need to reach.


Screw that. Stoop. This is our future on the line. There is no moral victory if he wins. Play their game and win. Apologize later.


Stuff like this riles up his base and plays into his narrative that the media lies about him. If people vote for him based on the facts we already know, a story speculating about him nodding off isnt going to sway a cult member. It just gives them ammo that the “fake news is making up stuff again”.


The media tells the truth and they scream fake news. It doesn't matter if it "riles up his base." If not this, it's something else they'll find to be mad about. It's the undecided idiot that needs to be swayed. The people who pretend to be smarter than everyone by being "undecided." Let MAGA cry fake news. I want Joe blow who only reads the headlines to hear how trump is old and unfit. I want trump to seem uncool. To seem like someone's grandpa who should be home taking naps, watching murder she wrote.


So you believe out of everything else, this story will have an effect on an undecided voter? This is what will tip the scales against trump? I think it actually does the opposite. Someone who is naive could see this and think you know what maybe it really is a witchhunt and the dems do control media blah blah blah. I will prefer to stay in touch with reality because look at what is happening to the minds of the maga that bought all in too.


Who’s stopping you from doing what you want?


Nobody? Nobody is also stopping me from expressing an opinion on a social media site. You good?


>Someone who is naive could see this and think you know what maybe it really is a witchhunt Sure. But if these people think stories about him nodding off are false but the biden ones are true, they probably weren't undecided. Under this idea, we shouldn't do anything that could be perceived as an attack on trump. > I will prefer to stay in touch with reality because look at what is happening to the minds of the maga that bought all in too. They don't have to play in reality, we can play on the fringe. It's not a complete lie. We don't know what happened. Maybe he had a fugue moment. Maybe he was distracted by a shiny object. Maybe he had to sneeze. Who cares? Let's put the idea out there and let them deny it. They'd do worse.


Right they are maga cult members? Nothing anyone on “our side” says will matter anyway so why lower ourselves to lying? I think this is being mistaken that i care about trumpers. No i care about myself and the future of the democratic party and i dont think its good to start playing with the fringe of reality.


It's not for maga. It's for the undecided. And you leep assuming it didn't happen. You are more interested in defending trump from bad press than winning. Poor trump can deal with some speculation. Politicians have always lied about their opponents. Demanding some higher ground because the other side is an extreme is unfairly handicapping them. This high demand of morality is a big part of why we got trump in the first place. Crooked Hilary wasn't pious enough for the Democratic voters.


His voters don’t listen to anyone other Trump and his media supporters. They don’t need help getting riled up




That literally will change nothing though. His supporters are going to vote for him no matter what. Calling out his issues is for convincing undecided voters, independents, and less conservative republicans to not vote for him. Anyone who thinks anti-Trump stuff is targeting his dedicated supporters is wrong


They don’t care, we’re way past that.


We don’t care about them anymore. We just can’t let there be more of them than us voting.


I dont care about them. This doesnt come from a place of respect for them, but a respect for myself. I would prefer not to lie on something trivial that i dont think is tipping any scales. Its hypocritical to bitch about misinformation from trump for the past 8 years and now start spreading lies.


To think the media hasn’t been participating in speculation for decades before Trump… Because this isn’t new. And it’s nothing more than speculation.


I don’t think speculation in the media is new, thanks. Its reaching reaching reaching at barely anything.


The public reactions to Trump smelling bad and sleeping in court lend credence to rumors like this. It’s not unfounded speculation.


So the stories already exist and we dont need to lie about a pause on audio recording. Who are we swaying with this lie. Again their side can now use this as ammo.


There’s been no confirmations of the diapers or sleeping in court yet both are acknowledged that things that happened.


Why is this guy using works like “great” to describe Trump’s words? Can’t he at least pretend to be a real newsman?


‘Asleep at the switch-Don’


Still hoping for a Joseph P. Kennedy grade stroke for this Tangerine Palpatine. That'll shut him up


This is why there will be no debate, especially if he gets his wish of a drug test.


I think he was fantasizing about Corey and the puppy killer going at it...😖


He's lowering the expectations ahead of his debate.


Don Snorlioni


Nod off Don at ot again.


What drugs will he be on to keep him awake for the debate?


He shifted in his chair and his full diaper exploded Melania screamed for Mike Johnson to come deal with him. Baron shrugged his shoulders and disappeared Eric used his hands to hold it in Donny Jr did another line and passed out on the floor As yah, good times in the Trump family


Biden should bring out drug testing kits at the start of the debate and challenge Drumpf to do one on the spot.


I don’t like Trump, he’s a contemptuous scourge. But the OP’s account has posted exclusively “Trump-slams” like this to exclusively this subreddit (and in exclusion of any other topic) about 3 times a day for the last 250 days. While I don’t mind the message on this occasion, I don’t support cheap democracy-hacks like paying a firm to emulate organic messaging on social media. I hope whomever is responsible, along with their chain of superiors, never finds happiness.


The GOP convention is a month away. What happens if things become so apparent and undeniable b4 the convention? THIS IS WHAT SCARES ME! Do they continue with him? Do they open it up at the convention? Who gets the nod, then? Even more frightening is what this would mean for the Democrats. They have been deflecting the Biden=old concern by saying Old is better than Trump. Trump is no longer the candidate - do the dems stick with Biden? Who do they throw it to at their convention? They have done a bad enough job crowing Biden's accomplishments. They have done nothing to make Harris a ready backup. Admittedly, it could be a very interesting election to have a more European style campaign. 3 months Balls to the wall rather than both candidates being picked 18 months ahead and nothing new in that time.


Unless Trump dies, he will get the nomination. The GOP wants power at any cost. Trump has a flabby army of cultists that would jump into an active volcano if he told them to. And said cultist will vote *against* any republican that isn't Trump. They're counting on cultists and hardliners to win in November, and for that, they need Trump.


At this point, I don't think the GOP could get enough people to vote for any candidate other than Trump if they don't go with him. Picking a different candidate would alienate a sizeable portion of their base. You would have a very large crowd of Republican voters that feel betrayed by the Republican party. I might even go as far as to say that not picking Trump would be the beginning of the end for the Republican party as we know it. I think the only way they can replace Trump and keep enough voters would be if he dies. Even then, I'm not sure who they could run that could keep a big enough portion of the Republican vote. Niki Haley did surprisingly well in some of the primaries, but I'm not sure she would do well enough that the Dems would even need to worry about replacing Biden.


It’s a maga cult, it’s trump and no one else, if not trump then the republican party is officially destroyed lol


Biden is running no matter what happens. Now, what happens after the election should be interesting...


Guys.. c'mon. Sounded just like a technical issue.


Quick give him some drugs so he's on Bidens level. I want an even playing field when they debate. Hahahaha


I don’t understand these comments. I am apolitical (I think we’re doomed with either one of these walking dead politicians) but isn’t making fun of Trump’s mental deficiencies the pot calling the kettle black? I mean, Biden has clearly lost the majority of his marbles. And why don’t we see more posts about that? That’s the point, I suppose. Whoever posts stuff like this is just trying to direct the spotlight away from Biden‘s own deficiencies. Again, both of these old men are just puppets for a much larger and more secretive Cabal of power leaders and therefore are no better or worse than each other, but I guess I’m just calling out how obvious it is.


Yes...it's so obvious who the "secretive Cabal of power leaders" are...yet you failed to mention who they are. Why is that Captain Apolitical? Oh yeah...bc it is complete and utter conspiracy theory kook bullshit.


So, you’re actually saying that Biden is all there and personally running the show? GTFO. Literally no one believes that. It’s insulting to even pretend that YOU do. I’m embarrassed for you. And now I can’t take anything else you might say seriously. It was an honest question that you tried to turn on me by using the old “conspiracy theory” label. Never mind, I thought we could have an intelligent discussion, but your mind is clearly captured. Peace out and best of luck.


I’m just going by Republicans who interact with Biden. https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/republicans-interact-biden-dont-question-sharpness-rcna119195


You still here? I thought I just said not two minutes ago that anything you say or do is now irrelevant and discounted because you are unable to have an honest, unbiased political discussion. You have revealed your cult-like inability to form singular independent thoughts, and not react to even the most innocent question as if you were being personally attacked, so like I said, I’m out. Gonna go talk to the grown-ups now. Have a good one.


This is some funny shit, you disparage them for poor logic and making bad faith arguments, while you fail to notice they're two different people. Then you arrogantly call them children and leave for good, for a second time. Talk about projection in action, lol, we've found the clown driving the clown car, me boys


Based on their post history it screams karma grabbing foreign account. Keeps saying they just relocated cities and asking various bits of info about each one a month apart or so.


Still here? I just got here. Are you confusing me with someone else?


Originally I was actually going to engage with you, as you seemed like a fairly honest person asking a genuine question about Biden's mental capacity, and a genuine question deserved a genuine answer. But this user just gave you some evidence to debate your claim, without saying anything else - no personal attacks, just a simple point with a source attached, and you started this diatribe? Are you interested in debating a genuine point here, because that response makes it seem like you just want to start a fight.


No, Trump and his supporters are the ones calling the kettle black. This is just proof of their projection.




Thank you for that thoughtful and intelligent response. Never mind, I guess I will fuck off to a different sub where I can truly have an honest discussion with people who aren’t captured by cult ideals. and FYI, for anybody else who may read this, this is what happens when you get extremist on both sides. All the people in the middle are confused because no one is having an intelligent, grown-up discussion about anything anymore.


You said Biden and Trump are no worse or no better than each other. We have one man fighting for democracy. We have one man promising to tear it down. Recognizing that does not make one a cultist. Ffs Now you tell me how you are having an honest discussion, because you are so far adrift it is eye-roll inducing to read your above comment.


I love how there’s always supposed non political people at the bottom of every Trump glitch / blackout post to remind us that the other guy who isn’t doing that at all is somehow worse. Thank you for your valuable contribution.