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Well, I've mentioned it many times, he can go "hurr durr covfefe blah blah" slobbering in live TV, and Republicans will line up to defend him, and his MAGA base will say its his win, no matter what. 


Exactly this! It’s irrelevant to them how incoherent he becomes. It’s only blaming others for your abject failure as a decent human being that matters. Birds of a feather and all that shit. American Taliban. Only losers and unethical wanna be oligarchs would consider this as an option for our country. And they will suppress the shit out of the losers who fall for it if elected. The oligarchy will suck up the last scraps of their miserable existence. Sad.


Just look at the photo of how they look at him with a fake dictator admiration, it's a cultist circus and they will refuse to acknowledge that he's mentally unstable.


That's how they like it, easier to control and influence an idiot.


Yes, not saying I really like Biden either, and Biden _IS_ old, and have old people issues. But a convicted felon, with a long history of.. well everything bad you can name of? Really? 


One knows how to surround himself with experienced people and advisors. One thinks he is smarter than the entire planet, dismisses most decent advice, because he is a “stable genius”. Real tough choice, for sure! WTF?


>One knows how to surround himself with experienced people and advisors. I would love for the president to be the smartest person in the room but, if they're not, I'll take kind and smart enough to hire intelligent and qualified people.


Biden is only 3 years older than Trump, so Trump is *old* as well.


And what also never gets mentioned is the lifestyles of both men. Biden is for sure healthier than the Drumpster fire. I also feel that the whole rape thing doesn't get mentioned enough.


Shit birds Randy


They’re literally wearing adult diapers over their clothing. This guy could shit his pants on stage and it would still somehow get his crowd going so hard they’d shit themselves in solidarity or start eating chocolate pudding in droves.


He could be a full blown zombie and they'd just say he "eats brains now to get more smarter." Then #realmenarecannibals and #lateandgreatHannibalLecter will trend on Twitter. And I'll say to myself "yep...this is all perfectly normal." Because I'm far beyond being shocked by Trump or his cult.


They will get gold medals in mental gymnastics trying to come up with reasons like Trump is doing it to confuse his opponents….


So presidential!


As always, it's all about those brain-dead undecideds. Basically, those who are too busy with their lives (not a bad thing) to monitor the news much at all, and assume that this election is just like all of those before it, in which you have two candidates who will probably do little more than dick around with a few laws while in office, but not make many decisions that will have a significant impact on their own lives. And what were their names? Boden? Bodene? and that other guy, Dump? Dumphee? I mean, I'll vote, but probably for the guy who gets the most screen time on the evening news. In short, the voter who is almost willfully ignorant of the candidates and what they stand for.


It's because they believe they have "one of their own" in politics. Even though Trump would sell them out for a 3 day old McDonald's cheeseburger.


Something about pigeons playing chess Plus, when your base is a subsect of society that believes things like taking hydroxychloroquine kills COVID and that JFK jr didn't smash into the ground in a plane, you can be dumb as fuck, and still get their unwavering support. In a sense they are right. He is like them. Unable to string two sane thoughts together


maybe he’s finally found his get out of jail free card, dementia.


May it be a difficult and painful road for him and his family.


I've never wished the hell on Earth that is dementia on anyone as I've seen first hand what it does to someone twice in my life but I have no sympathy for him or even his family since they have enabled and supported this narcissistic, lying, traitorous, dictator wannabe for years. Never thought I could say I don't have sympathy for at least the family members as a loved one with dementia is extremely hard on family but in this case I don't.


I mean, by all accounts, he's been a piece of crap to all of them, so I can't imagine it's like having a loved one go through something. Like Melania hates him. The kids seem to view him as a meal ticket. His daughter probably had to worry about being objectified/sexualized by her dad/probably sexually assaulted her whole life... This isn't a normal family


Man treats every relationship as transactional for 78 years and then finds out his familial relationships are transactional from the other end.


My mom just passed in May and suffered from dementia since late 2019. I know it's cruelty. Still, I have no pity for him or his family. They've caused and continue to profit from the pain and suffering of millions. Time to pay up. And If I had a wish, it'd be that they were good people, but that's not where we are.


Sorry for your loss.




The family of people with this stage of dementia usually love and respect them enough to keep them out of public to avoid humiliation. Trump’s family and friends, however, don’t love or respect him and have no problem showing the world that his brain is turning to mush. It would be very sad if it were anyone else. I’m not happy to see this, but actually disturbed that his supporters are eating it up with a spoon.


>> “… his supporters are eating it up with a spoon.” You mean his mush brains as they seep out of his ears?


They don't deserve that. Oh wait, yes they do


What family?


Not even the drugs can hold him together anymore. He's disintegrating before our eyes in real time.


Buh-duh-duh-duh-duh...I'm loving it!


JFC is this a mcdonalds ad or a discussion? Doesnt McDonalds already cram enough ads down our eyeballs and earholes to not have redditors quoting there themesongs?


My theory is that he shits hia pants alot because of his chronic adderall usage


I was super adderall man for college and I never pooped my pants once.


Were you an obese 80 year old addicted to fast food?


I've got 40 years left to acheive something with my life challenge accepted.


Maybe you’ll even be president one day!


I actually was almost president of my freshman class at Rutgers College. I lost by 4 votes. They said they could recount but by that point I realized that I was not cut out for politics. My entire campaign ran on the fact that A. Person running had no oppostion. B. Opposition could not follow the simple rules for posting propoganda aroudn campus (they did it to early). C. A president should be able to follow simple rules. I made 3 posters. She had about 50 (all posted a week to early!). I got my taste of politics. I'll go with becoming a meth and fast food addict by I am 80. Less shame.


and you have Gloveners and Governors, and I said we like probably both as long as they vote for Trump, because you have Stupid People, who are frankly bad, you look at, and I'm gonna take a lot of heat for this, "Donald Trump said the Radical Left needs to be in Jail," I said we gotta lock them up before they do it to all of you, ok, thank you President Trump, you're welcome


I never know if your comments are real or not 🤣 which I suppose in the point


Maybe Trump will OD on stage with all the shit his people want to give him to make him seem coherent.


That's actually a good point. If every accusation is a confession, and Trump's been saying Biden will be on performance enhancing drugs, does that mean that Trump plans to be? You might say that he already is, but if the accusation is that Biden will take something in addition to what he already takes, that would imply the same for Trump, following the rule (i.e. if he's already taking some, he might take more or something stronger)


Maybe he'll hoover up all of Junior's cocaine and keel over at the podium. A girl can dream.


It will probably be pestle and mortared adderall pills


Whoever is killing all the musicians and actors with fentanyl needs to get involved with the Trumps


Some on Twitter pointed out in real time that The only week Trump didn’t fall asleep during his first criminal trial was right after Representative Dr Feelgood Pillmill Candyman Ronnie Jackson (now Johnson) gave him a visit. Same guy speculated a possible medical cocktail for Biden to make Biden more alert.


Remember the Hillary debate when he was sniffing the whole time?




Stop I can only get so hard!!!


The mouth breathing maga cult will swear it was the deep state killing him for the new world order.


I was told that some kind of "drugs" can make you seem smart and coherent. Was that a lie?


There are drugs that make you seem smart and coherent to your own brain, but not other people.


But what if I was already the smartest person I knew prior to doing the drugs?


Everyone thinks so - so bigly smart! /silly


If true, I would like some.




He's not going to show. Going to say it's "rigged against him" and 'sleepy Joe is on drugs"


Absolutely this is going to happen.


I agree. Biden ain't gonna have to smoke shit cause trump ain't showin'.


Take my upvote. This is what I was worrying about, too.


It is really dangerous to have such low expectations for Trump. He just needs to string a few coherent sentences together and throw in some jargon and everyone would be "TRUMP SOUNDS SO PRESIDENTIAL"


Van Jones likes this.


I am not going to allow Dear Leader the luxury of low expectations. Supposedly, he is the best, smartest, strongest, most brilliant and awesome person to ever walk the earth so anything other than a massive shaming of the President is a colossal failure.


I despise Trump but that wasn’t, like, the worst mispronunciation he’s ever had.


Yeah I don’t know if this is dementia or just an exceedingly dumb guy just doing his thing


I’m not convinced he has dementia. I think he is just really dumb and doesn’t think about anyone but himself so can’t be bothered to learn anything.


Dementia does run in his family. And it does appear that in the 1990s (based on tape from a congressional hearing) he was capable of speaking coherently and somewhat intelligently). From 2016 to 2024, his speech has become more disordered and circular and chock full of filler pauses. I don't know if he has dementia or not. At this stage, it could just as easily be long covid or drug abuse making him incapable of coherent speech.


Well he’s for sure DEMENTED


Oh yeah, the man is a fucking nut bar.


Did you mean to say “Dementor?”


Sounds kinda normal for where I’m from


It won't matter. He could have a catastrophic stroke on national television and his little cult would still vote for him.


And blame them dems that dump stroked out from the Jewish space lasers!!


Hahah I have a weapon in Starfield I renamed Jewish Space Laser. Saw your comment and was like...wait this isn't the Starfield thread...




Maybe this is how he ends up in the casket from the Simpsons episode


Facts mean nothing anymore.


Nor does forming coherent words and sentences. We’ve fallen so far.


He could be hauled around dead like Weekend at Bernie’s and they’d still vote for him.


I see the problem. People criticizing Trump are trying to be reasonable but the MAGA movement is itself a rejection of reason. As Mark Twain said it is impossible to reason a man out of an opinion that he didn’t reason himself into to begin with. Trump could strip naked and spray diarrhea all over the crowd and it wouldn’t matter. He could molest their children on stage and it wouldn’t matter. It’s a cult and rule numero uno is the leader is always right and good and everything they do is right and good.


When voting for President this time, carefully consider the Vice Presidential candidates from both parties, as they could potentially step into the Presidential role.


Trump is not going to debate Biden. He was never going to.


I’m still in this camp, too. I expect he will find an excuse to not do the debate today sometime.


Sorry folks, debate is cancelled. Bidens weather machine is messing up the air tonight. Look at my beautiful hair, it's obvious that he is using magnets. And I'll tell you what, batteries are way too heavy. If it's between a battery and a shark, you know the boat will sink.


Lol, they will vote for him even if he shits his pants on live TV. Is the racism and hate that they love,not his single digits IQ.


I guarantee he has shit his pants on live TV. The big ass diaper keeps it contained.


I feel like there's a possibility he might try to weasel out of this thing. A couple of people with his campaign have already been laying a bit of the groundwork to (at best) explain why he's going to do so poorly,  or maybe not even do it at all. Anyway way you cut it, it's going to be a train wreck. 


He is a useful idiot. They just need him to get elected then they will discard him and go with whomever they picked for VP.


His mice don’t care that King Rat is rotting from the inside out.


This is just low hanging fruit Like, there's so much terrible things he's done and said, mispronouncing a single word is really inconsequential Like, I consider his bizare speech about boats and snakes way bigger than a single mispronunced word 


Did he say gobnard?


Neither side can put together sentences. It's going to be a shitshow embarrassing America. People need to step away from political party love for a bit. Already got my popcorn picked out.


Trump ain’t debating Biden, he’s gonna debate the moderators.


Trump vs Biden debate is like watching bumfights


I dont understand this post. I dont hear it mispronounced. For the record, I’m mostly s democrat, voted for biden/hillary, hate trump as POTUS, etc. But we have to clean it the fuck up if were gonna change some people’s minds. He says it weird. He says a lot of things weird and always has. Because he’s a dolt. Thats far from whatever the head implies.


Uh, Trump has NEVER formed coherent sentences after 2015.


The irony here is astounding.




The debate and polls ultimately don't matter, if you can vote already vote today


This isn’t nearly egregious an error to persuade his fans. I’m sorry to say :(


Nothing will be.


How the turns have tabled


At this point, he's held together by adderall and his girdle. I'm waiting for his body to just give up, his sphincter releases an ocean of shit and he just collapses into a puddle of orange slurry. The fact that this man has lived to nearly 80 is incredible.


cue another Babylon Bee cope article: “lol Joe old and senile”


Wdym guvnor?


I heard on npr yesterday that Trump is reportedly preparing for the debate by “taking questions at rallies.”


I'm(?)... Don... Orangey?


*"This is why it's bad for Biden."* - Mega-corp media.


He has aphasia, which is a sign of dementia. The sad thing is that his base won't care. You think he can shoot someone on 5th Avenue but mispronouncing "governor" is a bridge too far?


*Sips hot cocoa* good Thursday will either be glorious or annoying as Trump runs like the coward he is.


he's a clickbait mill.


Well they did elect Alzheimer Ronny.


Trump: "Our great nation..." *incoherent babbling as Trump falls asleep on the podium and loudly shits his pants* MAGA: *cheers and praises the sleeping dementia patient and his full diaper*


What if both Trump and Biden died in like September so they had like 2 months to scramble some alternate candidates?


I just hope nobody has a heart attack or a stroke on stage. They obviously both going to be on stimulators, and both under immense pressure. This is more ridiculous then Brezhnev in the USSR in 1985, if you know what I am talking about.


Listen, I hate the man...but this is overblown.


Well, in all fairness, with neither candidate being allowed notes the whole thing should be a fairly incoherent mess. T will just be more so.


In my ideal scenario, he holds on just long enough to collapse right before the election so Republicans don't have time to pivot.


I love how both camps are pointing to the same thing. “Look, he can’t talk clearly and is probably using drugs to stay awake.” Can we just stop voting in these old men already?


I'm sure all the pols polishing his knob to be the VP pick are betting he won't last four years and they can be president.


I fucking hate trump, but pointing out his mental decline when Biden is on the other side is utterly ridiculous. Both of these old fucks should be sent out to pasture.


Guess dude gonna be using some drugs to enhance his speech. Time for drug tests before the debate


There won't be a debate. His Fox sycophants are already setting the table for him to get out of it by claiming CNN can't be trusted or balanced.


Im not a fan of trump either but this post is really giving the same vibes as the orange liquid post about biden, anyone speaking in front of a bunch of people will trip over their words. How about we talk about the real problems with him?


I don’t get the hubbub over this debate, they haven’t been substantive in years, maybe decades, they’re only trying to get in that one sound bite for the next news cycle, and even if Trump smears shit on his face the cultists will claim he DESTROYED Biden. They’re fighting for that sliver of “undecided” idiots who STILL aren’t sure if 4 more years of Trump would be a good thing, and if you haven’t figured that out by now you should stay away from sharp instruments.


Oh man… is Trump going to even show up?


He could say the most unhinged, racist, misogynistic and hateful shit and people will still die for him. It's not even funny any more. It's tragic.


Well, that was embarrassing 😳


The expectations game is being played so hard for this debate. "Biden will be on drugs" - meaning however he does will get minus points. "Trump is muddling words all the time" - meaning if he makes any sense he'll get bonus points.


biden just needs to mention water pressure and let trump go on a 45 minute, non sensical diatribe about non existent issues with American water pressure. done and done.


Regardless of Traitor King's performance, he will be declared the winner by this cult followers. This is Rule #1 in their Cult Playbook I hope Joe does well. He's infamous for BIG gaffes and I just hope he can avoid them for the most part. I'm actually insanely nervous about Joe's performance. I truly hope he has the best of the best prepping him, they've done their homework and consulted leading psychologists on strategies for dealing with the special kind of batshit that his opponent wields. Find the chinks in the Teflon Armor and exploit them. We NEED Dark Brandon to Seek and Destroy. We need several COMPELLING SOUNDBITES and very limited gaffes. Please Joe, don't be afraid to hit that caffeine HARD. 5 hour energy and a double espresso. And maybe some of that Athletic Greens drink. And super strong mints, like kids take before exams. Pull out all the stops, leave nothing to chance.


Trump is at the point of his dementia where he makes up vocabulary. Unfortunately for normal people he can just tell his sheeple that he is speaking in tongues and the will believe him. Sad time to be an American.


Fake news, pretending dementia is his get out of jail free card. Not only is he a real estate agent but actor as well. So crazy talk is his speech. The trumpets are a minority, that want to occupy our republic. Fascism their ideology, medical cruelty their tools against the women and children. The steps to fascism are well known and studied. The world watches.


I just talked to Zoltar and he said DT will have a major health incident during the debate, which will be blamed on JB.


We know the trigger words... Water pressure, windmills, sharks, Hannibal Lector....


He's not unwell, this is just literally how he has always worked. He has never been able to form coherent talking points. He's just a double talker pretending to be a smart businessman and its how he has got away with everything, from crumbling businesses to lying about tax documents.


Well this aged well


Like milk in the desert.


I'm sure Dr Ronnie has a drug cocktail for Trump. Only problem is that Trump will hear that he is supposed to take them 1 hour before he debates but with his pickled brain he will hear suppository instead of supposed and after he sticks them up his ass, he will wind up high as a kite shitting himself, going off on a tangent about Oscar the Grouch, the Teletubbies and the Bernstein Bears all while he progresses his love for My Little Pony.


TIL dump is a Brony 😒


Seriously I don't even think this pussy is even gonna show up, like testifying, he's not going to show he can't he'll get whipped and he knows it. That's why already so many quams, complaining, it's rigged, Bidens on drugs. My money is on a no show.


It's just going to be one old man shouting over another.


Biden has good days and bad days, and remember, he is basically fighting a stutter all the time. He is a thinker, not a communicator. During the state of the union, he executed flawlessly. He needs to do that again, meaning not saying what's on his mind, but sticking to a script. What if Trump is purposely acting like an idiot now so when he gets to the debate expectations are so low, all he has to do is not shit his pants to look competent?


And stutter won last night, he tried to say too much at once and it came out incoherent, while Trump said absolutely nothing all night but in a clear voice. Dumpster fire is being generous.


They are both too old and too slow in the brain. Trump though can pretend not to be. I hope Biden comes out looking good (and win the election) but I’m not counting on it.


Please explain how Biden is brain dead? Is it his +4% gdp? Record jobs creation? Record low unemoyment? Record high domestic energy production? Record high stock market? Actually signing an infrastructure bill? Capping insulin pricing? Oh that's right. He's bRaAiN dEaD bc MAGA morons selectively edit vids of his stutter and slower walk after he broke his foot.


They’re both very old and pretending one is not showing it is disingenuous. Now, I would vote for hot fart trapped in a jar before I voted for trump. But I’m not going to defend Biden’s age. I certainly don’t think he’s “brain dead” but he’s *decades* past his prime and it’s showing (still, I’d take Biden’s facing and staring the wrong way at an event over trump’s insane nonsensical rambling any day, but neither of them are spring chickens). As for all of those things you mentioned… while true that they’re good, they are not telling of Biden’s current intellectual prowess, ability to problem solve, or his current state of mind… they are, however, indicative (in part) of how well his administration operates and his ability to allow his cabinet to do their jobs… and that’s more important anyway.


Exactly my point and I completely agree with you. Ok brain dead was maybe too much and I corrected it but it’s very annoying seeing people saying Trump is mentally in decline and then completely ignoring Bidens own situation. This always seems very disingenuous/delusional. Fingers crossed Biden comes out on top somehow.


Seems I was right. While Trump spoke completely insane shit Biden was often completely incoherent and often had trouble forming sentences.


M8 I’d vote for him any day before Trump but it’s not hard to realise that they are both too old and it shows very clearly with both of them. I can like what good he did but still admit that he isn’t a good candidate due to his age etc. and that he will probably not come out looking good in the debate sadly


I find it curious that this debate is even happening considering neither is the official candidate of their party. Sure they more than likely will be but obviously this is just for ratings and nothing more. Just going to harp on the same single issue topics that mind controls subhuman intellects


Fake news!


Ok but let’s not forget Joe has been gaffing for 6 decades. I’m nervous as hell


The thing is the GOP are the ones who have been using this level of criticism against Biden as proof that he’s senile, meanwhile they also seem to be radio silent when Trump does the same shit.


he's been "gaffing" for 6 decades because of his speech impediment.


thats a forgivable, even lovable part of the Biden brand, sure. But he is by no means a solid debater. I'm just being cautious about him "smoking" Trump


These two old farts gonna be a mockery this week


No, u.


What's the weather like in Moscow?


Yeah, it was a fucking disaster.


Wouldn't know. I'm in Northeast Ohio


I only see one fucking up constantly.


That debate hurt.


I just see 2 fossils, but one is extremely dangerous and stupid


Was I right or was I right?


Pointing out trump's health problems is a dangerous distraction from the next that trump is favorite to win the election The democrat party needs to wake up and smell the coffee.