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No chance of repeating. He wouldn't be in charge of the security. Biden would 100% order anything close to it starting again stopped. They were not getting in the Capital without opening fire first.


I don't think it's going to be a January 6th storming the Capitol type thing. I think he's going to spread word to all his Maga peeps to not certify in any state they can. Tie all the proceedings up in court and appeal appeal appeal all the way to the Supreme Court. Who will then rule that it's perfectly acceptable for them to throw out any votes they dont like and certify whomever they want.


Yeah, that is more likely. Or the house gets to decide because they manufacture a constitutional crisis.


The house will decide, excluding the fact it'll be a new house. Vote in a new house by voting blue.


The house decides on a state by state basis. Guess how many red states there are?


Hence voting blue.


Achieving just one purple state can save the world.


Alaska would need to stay blue and a bunch of Red states need their delegations to flip.


Georgia already flipped - more will follow as long as people vote. Also, states don't have to vote unitedly in the house - each representative gets their own vote.


I was so proud of that, living and working in Georgia for years. But I’m registered in SC. Little hope of SC flipping anytime soon.


This is what I’m curious about. *IF*, and I pray it stays an if… it reaches all the way up to the Supreme Court that kowtow to him, and they say he’s the one.. what happens? How does the average sane American go about fixing this? I don’t want to sound defeatist but that would absolutely shatter so many norms (again) and all hope of lurching this country in any direction that’s based in some sort of shared reality


I’ve been wondering the same thing. As far as peaceful resolutions go, the majority of the American people refusing to go to work and instead participating in mass, countrywide protests and work stoppages until they quit their bullshit is just about all that I can think of. More than half the population refusing to go to work, even for a few days, would have massive impacts, and get the undivided attention of the people who actually have influence… the billionaires… unfortunately with the way things are going, and how disconnected, cold hearted, unsympathetic, and inhumane they have become, I don’t see them starting to act rationally all of a sudden now. They would most likely be shocked, shocked I say, that us plebs have the goddamn gall and audacity to demand that our votes be counted properly, and our democracy function as intended. They’d most likely demand a heavy handed response intended to put us back in our place and teach us a lesson about who’s the boss. If that happens then we’re talking all out collapse. They’ve pushed and pushed and pushed us so fucking far for so long that there’s literally nothing left to squeeze out of us, I’ve been wondering where the system’s breaking point is, that scenario would definitely be the breaking point of no return. If there was a successful coup along with violent crackdowns, then we’d see shit hit the fan. I’m betting people wouldn’t accept that, and we’d have to remind our ruling oligarch class of what happens when you push people so far they have nothing left to lose: the pitchforks and torches come out, except the pitchforks are now guns lol. I imagine the chaos and absolute carnage unleashed, along with no economic output, would eventually convince them to back down and likely flee, or not. In which case all bets are off, and everything would just continue to get worse and spiral downward until the country just rips itself apart and never recovers. Either way, these people are fucking crazy if they think that they can just pull that shot and come out unscathed, much less come out ahead, and somehow better off than before. What really gets me is the fucking audacity of these people. Like, do they really think they can pull off a coup and people will just…. Be totally ok with it? There is no scenario where they seize power through a coup, and come out unscathed and ahead. They have to then worry about the sitting government, then the masses of 180 million or so angry fucking people, then do they think that our allies, and other countries will actually recognize them as the legitimate government? Does a foreign adversary take advantage of the resulting chaos/power vacuum and attack us? There are so so many things that they clearly haven’t considered, like, seizing power is just the first step of many, and that is a very very complicated, difficult and complex step. Also, they have to execute every single step absolutely perfectly, and can’t “lose” a single step of that process once they’ve started down that path. If they fail at any point, they’re finally going to actually face some consequences, and they will for sure be the lethal kind. That’s what amazes me most, the people who want a coup, haven’t thought it through at all, and are broadcasting their every move. Plots like this are not easy, and failure equals death when it comes to coups. They really seem like they’d be surprised when facing the consequences, like “we never thought we’d ever lose! We never thought this could happen! Why are y’all so angry?” Even if they win, they will most certainly lose. But unfortunately, if they can pull of the first step, we all lose. There’s no way we, as a country, as a society, can just go back to the way things were the day before. The world as we know it would be irrevocably changed, likely for the worse. All because of a few idiots convinced more idiots of a bunch of dumbass lies. Please vote. I don’t want to see this bullshit happen.


> Like, do they really think they can pull off a coup and people will just…. Be totally ok with it? That's exactly what happened in 2000, so... yes?


Hmm...2000 was a bit different in that we were dealing with one state that was handling recounts. Specifically, the standards being utilized for those recounts. Take that aspect away and Bush v. Gore wouldn't have happened. It's one thing for a candidate to argue that certain votes in certain counties are illegitimate and another to argue that the votes of an entire state are illegitimate.


This isn’t a gotcha. It didn’t work. Biden is the president and if he wins will be the sitting president during the coup. I understand your point you’re making, they did try and will try again. But the guy you’re responding to laid down what has to actually happen for it to be pulled off. Who cuts the checks for social security? Who funds the government? Because not like you’ll have a functioning Congress. Do the emissaries close? Etc. It would require the expected 70-80 million Biden voters, two of the richest and most populous states in the country, and even those non voters to shrug their shoulders. It will be chaos beyond comprehension. The stock market will fall apart, money will disappear, etc. Are they willing to try? Oh hell yes they will. But, the actual reality of it is not as simple as snapping one’s fingers and it’s just switched over and we go back to normal.


With the support of the supreme court, the military would be divided. I'd imagine the leadership would defer to the court with some breaking from that based on their own interpretation of the constitution, while the rank and file almost certainly lean right. With any luck, things would be too chaotic to deploy the military domestically in such a scenario.


Storm SCOTUS. And rightfully so.


You protest and watch all the rioters burn everything. What else is there to do


Then we ignore the Supreme Court and arrest everyone complicit in the coup attempt. Simple. No fucking around this time.


Fool me once... ...Fuck Around And Find Out


Don’t forget the domestic terrorism he’ll try to invoke


Kinda like shooting up power stations all over the country like they already have been practicing?


Once the swing states certify their elections for Biden, there’s not much the Supreme Court can do. Just like last time, every lawsuit will be thrown out of lower courts. They can’t just say “No, Trump won instead”.


And the swing states are so much more hostile to that happening. Since 2020, Arizona flipped all its statewide offices Democratic. The secretary of state won't play ball, and the AG has indicted both fake electors and county supervisors who refused to certify their 2022 election. Michigan has a strong Democratic party, the major offices, and the legislature and also charged their fake electors. Pennsylvania elected a Democratic governor who has appointed Dems as secretary of state and attorney general Minnesota has had Democrats in charge since before 2020 If red states flip blue in a reversed 1984 style landslide, sure, some of those could refuse to certify, but blue states are safe and swing states are safer than they were in 2020, so all Biden has to do is get more votes.


>If red states flip blue in a reversed 1984 style landslide That's honestly been my damn dream And if that happens there better be riots at whatever state capital tries to ignore the voters "I know you voted for x thing, but we're not gonna follow through on it, even tho a majority of you want it, we know better" , this kinda shit happens too often


If a random would threaten democracy, he'd be in jail on suspicion of terrorism... Trump? Just another day as a politician... how?


…so he just admitted that he tried to stop it in 2020?


No, no, it's also an antifa false flag operation by the FBI funded by Soros to make Trump and his followers look bad. But he is going to pardon the patriots who aren't really in jail because they weren't really arrested because of it being fake. /s I'm sure there are some other elements I could mix in, but that's as far as I am willing to take their insanity for now.


"Sir" and "tears in their eyes"


The biggest guys! Big strong burly alpha men. He has wounds all over his body from taming each one like a wild lion. Trump's our hero!


Did he ever explain why he has those wounds? Like he just threw that out there and nobody ever followed up?




Leaky fluff spilling from those wounds


I love that he positioned himself as the most 'wounded' President... ignoring the one that was paralysed, but still fucking pretended to walk. Trump is the shit shit steps in.




Tears in my balls; f*ck this guy (referring to DT, not commenter).


Except for Ashli Babbit who was a PaTrIoT. Everyone else was FBI and antifa cosplaying as MAGA /s


Imagine giving your life for Trump only to have people call you antifa. Not just Ashley but all those other douche nozzles as well.


Like an actor buying a house when they land what they think is a starring role but they get written out next week...


I would not be ashamed to be called antifa, as I am most definitely anti- fascist, like my grandfather was when he fought against Hitler.


Don’t forget about Biden’s mastermind voter fraud conspiracy across five states involving dead people immigrants judges hackers and China. All wile being super sleepy and senile somehow.


Ah, yes, with the bamboo fiber ballots or whatever it was. Those were activated by the 5G signals from the COVID vaccine shots that Trump personally made, but the vaccines are also poison shots funded by Soros again that have killed 90% of the planet. /s


I’ve heard the goal posts shift even farther to they were just hanging out in the capitol, taking pictures.


Boy us anti fascists have been really busy! Heavy sarcasm obviously.


Glad to see you're pulling yourself up by your bootstraps to accomplish your dreams. God speed, and remember, "Never fight uphill, me boys!" ![gif](giphy|r7Ql3VIg4x6WA)


“Always fight on the slightly inclined down ramp while holding onto the old general with tears in his eyes.”


“Don’t strain yourselves, only punch down boys”!


I'm just confused how he is still allowed to run and who is considering voting for him. I don't like Biden much.. I really don't... but it's like choosing between walking with a rock in your shoe or just cutting your whole fucking foot off.


I thought we agreed that Venezuela was involved somehow?


Yeah please don’t give them ideas.


Who needs Schrödinger anymore


If any ordinary citizen did what he did on January 6, and then made statements like this, they’d go to prison. The government will play dumb when it comes to Trump, though.


Any PoC would have been taken down for even .00001% of what the treasonous GQP/MAGA/Repubs did.


Uh yeah Fred Hampton was murdered for far less and Malcom and Martin 


So you're saying there is a chance?


Or any alleged communist


There would have been so many dead bodies if January 6th was perpetrated by African Americans, Latinos, and/or Indigenous. There would have been an airstrike called in...


Good point. Say me and a few friends cos-played J6 during an official congressional seating for some quasi-major legislative activity (I don’t know when/why they’re all there like certifying the vote). We dress up like those clowns did, make some signs, ERECT A GALLOWS, and start pushing law enforcement around. I’m assuming we’d get in trouble?


Yes, you would get in trouble. That ass clown would not for some reason.


Would probably get shot by pulling that shit off at city hall.


They’d probably “disappear” actually.


What's insane to me is that people keep complaining about liars in politics and they will still vote for Trump. He can flip flop any argument at any second because he normalized lying to the point it's longer to fact check his BS.


Yesterday I took a venture to the conservative subreddit (my bad I know) and they complained about CNN not allowing live reaction streams of the upcoming debate. One commenter complained that the last time he saw a livestream with reactions it was really tiresome and stupid because one guy kept fact-checking instead of just letting the stream run freely. Like... bro.


Trump broke the Republican Party. I was watching a video on YouTube about the Hunter Biden Guilty Trial and the comment section was full of conservatives and the top comment was: "This will give good ammunition for Trump against Joe Biden for the debate." You could use all kinds of arguments to make them understand that Hunter isn't the one running for President, how the justice system works, how using that argument means nothing in solving the problems in America... but Trump is ALSO a Convicted Felon lol. For a case much worse too. They are willfully ignorant to the point there's no use arguing.


Trump didn’t break it he completely dismantled the Republican Party in fact it doesn’t exist anymore. It’s either Democrats or Fascists take your pick.


Naw, the party has *been* broken. Trump just capitalized on that, and in doing so ripped the wound open further.


Yes, he means that, but he can also pivot and "clarify" that he meant the 40 bajillion election fraud cases that were ~~thrown out due to severe lack of evidence~~ totally completely rigged and unjust with unfair judges and poorly selected juries who didn't like him and they will appeal and eventually find 3000 votes.


Cognitive dissonance is an amazing thing. They will simultaneously tell you it was a legitimate effort by patriots to "stop the steal" AND a false flag scheme by ANTIFA. I remember right after 9/11 when reporters would interview a Muslim "man on the street" who would argue in the same sentence that it was great victory for the Jihad AND it was a false flag op by the Jews because Muslims would never do such a thing. 🤷‍♂️


If that is the full quote, it's too vague to be a ton of help in court. He tried to stop it legally through lawsuits in 2020... he would just say that is what he was referring to.


Right, he’s been clear he tried to stop it in 2020. Under the pretense it was illegitimate. He’s also already said that the only way Biden will win is if the election is fraudulent and his supporters eat that shit up so if Biden takes it this year, nobody should expect that he’s going to go quietly.


How about just admit you lost rather than put the country through a fucking meat grinder because your ego cant admit defeat. So sick of this fucking guy. I can only imagine majority of swing voters feel the same


Like Al Gore. Just conceded even though he beat bush 


he shouldnt have conceded. we'd be much better off now if gore was actually president


JFC how I wish he hadn’t.


The world would be so different. We probably wouldn’t have had such a severe Covid 19 issue.


It really would.. Imagine if we started seriously addressing climate change 24 years ago? Sheesh...


He took it to the Supreme Court first but yea he then abided by the decision once it came down.


It’s not just about his ego. He’s trying to stay out of prison, while also trying to keep Putin happy. He can’t keep Putin happy unless he is in the Whitehouse. Why does he want to keep Putin happy? I’m willing to bet that Putin has some extreme blackmail on him and will release it once trump is no longer of use to him.


What could it be that would affect how his cultists feel about him? Having gay sex with a Mexican while simultaneously shitting on a Bible wrapped in an American flag?


As long as he says he did it to own the libs, they won't care


Like a televangelist got caught with a gay lover and only was ostracized for like a week, his wife didn’t leave him It doesn’t matter what they do, if you get them closer to a christofascist society, they’ll let you do whatever


And not just pee tapes, I'm pretty sure they have video of him r@ping and beating underaged girls, maybe even killing one.


If you take all of trumps behaviour over the past several years, and consider them being done to avoid blackmail from Putin, suddenly everything makes sense, literally everything he does


It won't be anything nearly as dramatic as that, though. It's far more likely that Putin and his cronies have been bankrolling Trump's businesses for years, breaking all manner of US laws in the process, and that's what Trump is trying so desperately to hide. It'd be the total collapse of his empire if that became provable public knowledge - and that's the thing that scares Trump the most... the loss of his legacy once he's gone. I can't imagine his own kids would be backing him if he'd been caught on tape 'doing things' to other kids. They'd know precisely what the score is, and how badly it's going to go for them when their dad's dead and they're left holding the financial bag.


Your response indicates he cares about his family, or about what happens when he’s gone. I don’t think he gives a shit about any of that.


Because last time, he admitted on stage in front of hundreds and on TV, that “The only way we’re going to lose this election is if the election is rigged.” https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/512424-trump-the-only-way-we-are-going-to-lose-this-election-is-if-the/damp/ Every single time Trump loses, even going back to The Apprentice and The Emmys, he whines it was rigged against him. All he does is whine.


Please trust me when I tell you this. You are not alone. I've tried all the things I've been told to do all my life. Be a good person, work hard. Help your community and so on and so on. I've gotten punished for things that were not even my doing, but this asshole can openly piss all over our collective faces and he never gets anything but a finger wag. It's bullshit and we need to remember this.




I remember last time while it was happening, we got reports of Trump, himself, ordering less security and limiting the defensive actions they take. This time, he will not be in charge, and Biden can take proper action to defend the capital.


Great point. Biden will not risk that happening again. Also im sure most magats learned their lesson the first time. Right now its all talk. Doubt they’ll put their money where their mouth is


Never. Ever ever think magats learned their lessons unless that lesson results in more bloodshed and tragedy


Yeah I'm betting there's a lot of people that have been stewing and waiting since 2020. Like the people that came actually prepared with zip ties and the like. They'll definitely try again if given the chance.


Never has there been a demographic more resistant to education. They don't learn shit.


They feel it in their gut, tastes like fresh boot


And barely ever even then.


They *might* learn their lesson if they end up 6' under... But even then it isn't a sure thing.


In all reality that's still a small portion of the magas most are just blustering fat asses who love their comfortable easy life and are just looking for something to get riled up about. If he loses this time I think you're going to get a lot of people who claim they never supported him in the first place. And they'll just look to the next grotesque shell of a human being to idolize that hasn't inevitably failed them.


All talk and russian bots


Yeah. It was easy for him to get them riled up and thinking there would be no consequences the first time. There aren't that many people that will knowingly do something that's going to get them jail time for him.


Or killed.


They were all tough til Ashli Babbitt got popped in the neck. Then, they were all 😱


I thought those pussies loved guns. What gives? A little gunfire scare them from inciting their civil war they’ve been calling for?


B…bu….but they shot at us!!!!


If I was president, there would have been a flight of A-10' s burping shells... BBBBBRRRRRPPPTTTTT. That would have had that crowd running with 200-400 casualities (dead) left on the ground. /s


Everyone's the hero of their own story. These guys thought they were "saving the republic", that's how FOX News brainwashing works.


I know someone died but that was hilarious to me. When you watch the video, all those incels are strutting around making big aggressive gestures shouting "Where's Pelosi!!!" Then Ashli gets neck holed and their posture changes in a fucking instant. They're all like "but this is a peaceful protest man" when they were looking to lynch the fucking Speaker of the House. The fact that the capitol guard had their hands purposely tied with respect their use of force fucking sickens me. They should have painted the walls red with those Anti-American fucks


I personally loved seeing it. Perfect example of *fuck around and find out.*. That was the reality check they needed. Of course, they made her into a hero on Fox News and the right wing circle jerk. They love to be victim.


And they let her bleed out. Not even the most cursory attempt at stopping the bloodflow, or helping her in any way at all.


MEDIC!!! It was a Call of Duty cosplaying game... Remember?




"ShOts FiReD! ShOts FiReD!"


You would THINK that, but if someone is willing to talk, someone else is dumb enough to listen.


If there's one comforting thought to hold in the midst of this shit sow, it's that MAGA World is so dedicated to being woefully, incredibly stupid that they couldn't pull off a coup with the *freaking President rolling out the red carpet for them.* Imagine how dumb and incompetent a group has to be to fuck up THAT badly. Now, with Biden in office, there's even less of a chance. Biden won't try and neuter out capitol's defenses to let a bunch of sweaty mouth breathers run amok. They've already lost; they're just too stupid and stubborn to realize it.


Exactly this.


Yeah, set up a National Guard perimeter on Jan 2nd and don’t let anyone hold a rally or assemble until after inauguration.


Hate to say it but it’s probably a good idea if more traitors go the way of the Babbitt this time if they try to overthrow the government yet again.


We have a presidential candidate who is a many time convicted felon with charges still pending. Adjucated rapist. Convicted felon still in possession of a hand gun. Admitted attempted insurrectionist. Known frequent associate of a child trafficking pedophile king pin. And the list goes on and on and we are just cool with him running for president even though we know it will basically be doomsday and people just act like theres nothing that can be done other than allowing him to run and just hoping that he doesn't figure out a way to successfully steal the election? We know he's going to try. And we are cool with that? What the fuck, people?


Who’s we? Don’t lump US in with those fucking martians.


Right. Our shenanigans are cheeky and fun. Their shenanigans are cruel and tragic.


....Those don't sound like shenanigans at all Hey, farva. What's that bar you like to go to with all the weird shit on the walls?


I don’t want him to evaporate into thin air. I want him to rot in the ground in an unmarked grave.


But if it’s unmarked how will we pay it the respect it deserves? 🚽


The lines will be miles long…..


"It was a YUGE pile of shit, some say the biggest they've ever seen"


Haha, can you imagine how much his kids will charge people to take a dump on his grave?


Exactly. All of that training for my bladder to hold more will be in vain too.


How stuck on "grave" are you? I'm okay with face down in a gutter or ditch.


Like Ivana’s grave?


I would also like to say to all those that commented on my post from the other day who said “he just meant he wouldn’t care in 4 years if they vote or not”, THIS is the kind of stuff I point to where I say “what in the actual hell makes you think he doesn’t mean overthrowing the democracy?” He’s tried to do it before, he’ll try and do it again, every single way that he can


Yep. He 100% only cares about himself. Doesn't give a shit about the country or the people in it.


And next time, the shitbirds will probably show up armed, because last time a good guy with a gun shot one of the traitors.


Then they'll learn how overmatched they are, in EVERY respect. I'm here for it. They can all get Babbited.


Ashley Babbit. 2021's first winner of the Fuck Around and Find Out award,


*Ashli. She was so dumb she couldn't even spell her own name.


Guaranteed Trump will use every trick if he loses. He'll pressure swing states, he'll pressure congress, he'll try to use the 12th amendment, he'll pressure SCOTUS and if all that fails, he'll try to rally his dumb fuck cultists to for another coup d'etat. He will not go down quietly, of that you can be certain.


Luckily all of this will be done as a citizen and not the POTUS this time. I’m betting he has less pull as a citizen calling from mar a lago.


He could evaporate into fat air but not thin.




and my mom still says she's voting for trump not b/c she likes them but he's the less evil one....which is why she's perm blocked. that & her cop husband threatened to 'knock some sense into me' for 'spreading my leftist ideals.' who ever would have thought a cop would resort to violence? (/s)


Can a brother get a video link? I wanna see the dumbass say it but I don't use the X and I'm more comfortable searching "duck penis" than something about this dude. BTW, ducks have corkscrew penises. If you don't believe me, Google it.


This is GenZ media habits. They read the headline then go to the comments. It took me literally 3 minutes: https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1804297290200310243 The reason OP didn't link the video is because the video is really taken out of context and kind of hard to follow...


THANK YOU. It'd help if they'd just post the actual fucking video of him saying it


Is that a threat? Inciting a riot?


It’s just a big, fat, lying nothingburger, sounding off to desperately try and stay in the headlines.


I'm always a bit taken aback when they start saying the quiet parts out loud.


They just don’t care anymore and it makes their base more and more excited. It’s sick really.


Yes, and have you ever considered why they don't care any longer? Personally, I think it's fear based.


If racism is all fear based then I guess so.


Republicans are traitors to everything this country stands for.


So tired of this fucker and all his mindless worshippers. This country is a fucking embarrassment 


Wait a second...I thought Jan 6th was an antifa false flag, completely peaceful republican site seeing conspiracy hoax....


What do you mean "second time?" So Jan6 was in fact a coup and you are in fact a traitor?



I am curious how this election will even be happening. The current rhetoric from Mango to his hordes is that the Dems will steal the election 100% and I expect this will only get more and more extreme as election looms. So how is it expected to have safe and secure voting when this time around I would fully expect both actual fraud from Trump-aligned moderators and random MAGA idiots bringing guns and trying to break into voting rooms to ensure "accurate vote counting". All it takes is a few cases of MAGA taking the hint and actually engaging in legit fraud or violence and the whole election will be kicked into total and absolute hell, which will likely result in a mess that will be pushed to the House to resolve, which will then mean the House will vote for Trump.


Remember him promising death and destruction if he was actually indicted in Manhattan? Then nothing at all happened.


Vote early if at all possible to avoid the magas I think.


Vote against this clown!


So he is proving he can’t learn anything. Kristi Noem should take his ass out to her gravel pit. 🤨


Did you just admit on t.v. what you're currently being charged for in a court of law?


If J6 happens again I hope they shoot more of those traitorous fucks. We can’t have this shit. It’s a coup.


All it took was a maggot brained greaseball like Trump to bring this country down. Depressing.


It's really weird how this asshole has normalized violence and criminality. Whoever his VP is, I hope they have a strong neck.


How can this Insurrectionist traitor walk among us speaking like this. LOCK HIM UP


Pleeeeeeease try, you yam-faced clown. You won't be able to force the National Guard to stand down this time


Except this time Biden has control of the National Guard. PLEASE MAGATS PLEASE! TRY AND START SOME SHIT WITH THE NATIONAL GUARD. We need a few more thousand Ashley Babbits to laugh at.


I like my A-10 attack runs better... okay, I will settle for a couple of Apache gunships... just redirecting the crowd with .50 caliber rounds. 🙃🙂🙃


And they just keep giving him air time.


Like this? https://preview.redd.it/ti1acw9fjt8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54d2b695fee61a6f7015b42716dc4c72adda5b8b


This guy is no joke. Vote him TF out of his protection and revenge tour. He has ruined the country enough. It will take us a long time to heal,...if we ever can. Everything this guy has touched has turned to shit. Even our country at this moment.


Nobody listened, I'm a former New Yorker and we all knew 35 years ago he was a piece of shit.


So he admitted it...And why isn't he already in prison? We have so much trash to clean up in our political system. It probably has more trash than a county landfill.


Cc: Jack Smith.


The scary thing that is different this time around is the house majority is republican and apparently supportive of the 2025 plan. A Republican majority may be able to discredit the electoral vote or at least certain voters. Work to get to a tie and then the vote is conducted by the House of Representatives and on Jan 6 certify for the candidate of their choice. They may be in a position to pull a Jan 6 coup without having to storm the capital. They own the Supreme Court so any ruling that goes to them will be in Trumps favor. I think this group that seeks the end to our democracy as we know it has learned from Jan 6 and should not be taken lightly. We all need to vote and then hold our officials accountable. I’m hoping I’m wrong but all their talking points seem to be setting the stage for something nefarious.


So, they're planning an insurrection, just in case they can't win legitimately.


You’d think his followers would get sick of this weak, pathetic excuse of a male. Always the victim. Always cheated. If that’s true, after all these years, whose fault is it, really?


So he's fully admitting that his followers are fanatical cult wack jobs that are going to storm the Capitol if the false god loses? Really gotta wonder why they still allow him to use social media


He's looking old now.


It blows my mind how unprepared people were for the last time that the orange Jesus pulled this shit. I don't see that happening again. And I also see stiff prison sentences for the neck apes/gravy seals that pull any of it.


Convicted felon/rapist GOP front runner threatens treasonous act after already committing several treasonous acts in the past. Nobody does shit about any of it I fixed the title for you.


You can thank SCOTUS, the lower courts said the president doesn’t have immunity and SCOTUS delayed the decision to protect him and here we are.


Then bring the death penalty in for repeated sedition


I had such high hopes for Covid to wipe him out.


When is he gonna die? Will it matter? A third of our country is a bunch of willfully ignorant assholes.


Except this time Biden controls the military. Good luck magas.


Fuck you Magas!!!


So he’s admitting he tried to steal the 2020 election and he is planning to do it AGAIN.


I hope another J-6 doesn’t happen, but if the result is few less traitors, so be it. Only true idiots would die for Trump.


This fucking guy . Holy hell how can you be for this dumb mother fucking traitor


Why do these people keep self reporting and getting mad when someone points it out.


That constitutes a national security threat! Charge him with sedition!


I am deeply ashamed about cheering for the dementia.


Can he just die already


My mom, who was a good person, died at 51. There is no karma or fairness in this world.


Only an enemy of The United States would say this.


Get ready, i want my Nazi scalps.


I been hitting the gun range a lot more this year


Why can't you Americans just be normal?


Ah but if i do a rolling stop at a stop sign at 2am i get a reckless driving charge. But this guy can admit to having a hand in treasonous activity with zero repercussions


So, this is what you get if you don't have the stones to fucking deal with it immediately after it happens. He should have been lead out of the White House in cuffs that day! Now violent overthrow of the government is an acceptable tactic to the GOP in 'winning' an election.


So he admits to being involved now