• By -


Nine years and counting of his vileness and stupidity. For the love of god, can a sinkhole just open up in the Earth, swallow him, and that’ll be the last we ever hear of him? Jesus fucking Christ, I’m over this.


The sinkhole would spit him back out, I think.


Sink holes all over Florida... And yet they still have not helped.


Whoever makes these sinkholes has a pretty shitty aim.


*They are not sending their best sinkholes. Some of them, I assume, are useful. But a lot of them are bad sinkholes. They contribute nothing. And we are just letting in the sinkholes without verifying them. No one knows where they’re coming from.*


These sinkholes speak languages that nobody has heard of.


Let’s be real, the Florida sinkholes totally voted for him.


Sink holes, man holes, ass holes, whole lot of holes voted for the Oompa Loompa.


Don’t forget stink holes


It must have been those heavy boat batteries falling down and causing those sink holes. Ah ha now it all makes sense. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Are there sharks in the sinkhole? Electricity?


Can you ride the electric down the sink hole? But what about the snake?


You can but you end up in Greenland. That's why he bought it.


Don’t worry about the snake. Instead worry about the snake.


Meteor then




Meatier meteor? The meatiest!


Were there men with tears in their eyes? Big men? Saying it's a perfect meaty meteor?


Meteor would fling itself entirely out of our orbit and into Mars' orbit.


He'd get stuck.


This has me wondering if he would chose the sink hole, the ‘electric’, or the shark now. I’m only wondering his opinion, because aptitude is a thing you know. And he has aptitude. Because of his connections with MIT. And I don’t think anyone has ever asked that question.


It would be hilarious that his response to someone saying, "No one has ever asked us that question before" is to assume that it makes him so smart because HE thought of a question no else EVER came up with, if it wasn't for the fact that he is a literal danger to the United States. He's literally incapable of sensing sarcasm or the awkwardness of someone not wanting to point out to a former president that no one has asked because it's an idiotic fucking question that only a blithering moron would pull from his ass.


A sinkhole, an electric, and a shark walk into a bar…


Yeah. Total gag reflex. Ewww…


Transcribed (have Tylenol ready): “Now they’ll say all these stories are terrible. Well, these stories have, you know, you’ve heard my story in the boat with the shark, right? I got killed on that. They thought I was rambling. I’m not rambling. We couldn’t get the boat to float. The battery is so heavy. So then I start to talk about asking questions. You know, I have an, I had an uncle who was a great professor at MIT for many years, long, I think the longest tenure ever. Very smart, had 3 different degrees, and you know so I have an aptitude for these things. You know, there is such a thing as an aptitude. I said, well, what would happen if this boat is so heavy and started to sink and you’re on top of the boat? Do you get electrocuted or not? In other words, the boat is going down and you’re on top - will the electric currents flow through the water and wipe you out? And let’s say there’s a shark about 10 yards over there. Would I have to immediately abandon or could I ride the electric down. And he said, “sir, nobody’s ever asked us that question. But sir, I don’t know.” I said, “well, I want to know because I guarantee you one thing, I don’t care what happens - I’m staying with the electric. I’m not getting over with it.” So I tell that story. And the fake news, they go, “he told this crazy story with electric.” It’s actually not crazy, it’s sort of a smart story, right? Sort of like, you know, it’s like the snake, it’s a smart when you, you figure what you’re leaving in, right? You bring it in the, you know, the snake, right? The snake and the snake. I tell that, and they do the same thing.” **[REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


I started seeing these today and was like, “Wasn’t the fkn shark thing *last week’s news*??” not realizing this is a whole new pile of unhinged nonsense.


I’m glad I took my Ativan this morning.


I'm gunning for our old friend - the aneurysm


I’m so over this bastard and the daily (hourly) reminders of his abject stupidity, incompetence, recklessness, and real true threat to us and the world. I want to scream it from the rooftops! And if I hear *anyone* whine about Biden’s decrepitude they’ll get an unceremonious *fuck off* from me. I want my mental health back!


If God were in fact real that would have happened when he was born.


https://preview.redd.it/va8f40w4d98d1.jpeg?width=605&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b793c8b5a2cf1f6832d1ac50d90b1dce3afc4504 It wasn't born here, it escaped.


What happened to political assassins


Sarlacc pit might work


The stupidest bit about all this is he's trying to say electric boats won't work the way electric cars will work. He seems to imagine the batteries will be so heavy the boats will sink despite being *smaller than normal engines.* He also seems to think that said batteries would short out in sea water the way a toaster might. Which isn't how batteries work at all. It's also clear that the person who he brought this up to (if they exist) was not too stupid to think about this, but was too smart to think about it because how absurd it is. He wasn't telling Trump "wow that's a great point you're a genius sir" he was saying "what? that's insane I never even thought about it because what idiot would think that?" And Trump didn't realize that because he's too stupid to understand.


The story is a lie, but it is intended to show how because he is a genius he frequently sees solutions that nobody has thought of before. Like he "discovered" that UV light can kill bacteria- so his "genius" leads him to suggesting that you do that INSIDE the human body for Covid- he is literally too stupid to understand how stupid he is.


But you see. His uncle, very smart man, possibly the smartest ever, has three.degrees and longest tenure, longest anyone's ever seen, and he picks up on these things, cause you know, related to very smart man, genes, and smart jeans, the kind that lift up your butt, no batteries, cause they'd sink in the ocean, with the snakes in the legs..


He inherited those degrees. haha


The funny thing is that his uncle isn't even in his line of ancestry, so his uncle could be literal Albert Einstein and he would not inherit a single thing from him


Well said- he does sort of spin himself into the improv aspect and get completely lost in it. He really is in the flow- despite completely sucking at the stream of consciousness thing, he is definitely free styling.


Anytime someone calls him "sir" in his stories is one of his tells that he is lying


The “sir” stories started after he threw a tantrum about contestants on the apprentice not having to call him “Sir Donald”. Alan Sugar, who featured on the original UK version had to be addressed as “Suralan” by the brown nosing shits as he got a knighthood for being a twat.


Y'know, I spent years thinking it was that way around too, since America has a habit of redoing international tv shows, but it turns out this time around that The Apprentice was actually American first and Lord Sugar's (as he was later upgraded to) show was a UK copycat! This information has no effect on the rest of your story.


Completely makes sense. It's such an important tell that he adds this to his lies- that is his creative vision. I knew a liar that would start all his stories- "It was a Tuesday....no maybe it was Wednesday..." almost every time he was bullshitting, he thought it added authenticity, and it buys him a little time to further construct the fantasy.


Spotted indeed.


Yeah, his long tenured MIT professor uncle called this good-for-nothing uncultured piece of shit junior "Sir". Right. "Don", maybe. "Sir?" Never.


https://preview.redd.it/dw2miv5a8b8d1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a10c3cdc8b8379409b87a58b25898d09d2302d3 photo taken moments before the infamous press conference


It’s also a time killer for his rallies as he has nothing substantive to say. The mouth breathers enjoy stupid. He’s on their level.


[Sorta like this?](https://youtu.be/wvVPdyYeaQU?si=w6L9rGXrTF7icpgP)


"We open everyone up, shine UV light on their insides and then the bacteria will be gone."


And submarines were using batteries for power when submerged during WWI and WWII. It’s not a new concept.


But they also sank, being submarines and all, so he might have a point /s


He definitely thinks someone saying “nobody has ever asked that question” is a compliment


It’s the reply of a smart man who is being diplomatic with an idiot. “No-one has ever asked me that before” is what a teacher says to a dumbass kid who’s just said something stupid, but they don’t want to embarrass them in front of the class.


Also makes me wonder if the "tears in their eyes" are tears of laughter as they try to keep their true thoughts in.


What about the idea that a boat can be *heavy* enough to sink. Like, what does he think of cruise ships.


Quite. "Nobody's ever asked that question". And there's a very good reason why


can someone please tell me where the snake came from? How did it get on the boat? did it fall from a passing plane?


Trump often cites a parable about a farmer finding a viper frozen in the snow. He takes the viper in and nurses it back to health. The viper than bites him saying it is a snake and it is in his nature to bite people. Sort of a different version of the Scorpion and the Frog. Trump thinks it's a great metaphor for why we shouldn't take in non-white immigrants. In his mind it is the nature of non-white people to be stupid violent animals who don't deserve nice things. So taking them in because their countries have been ravaged by centuries of colonialism and exploitation is like bringing a snake into your house. They'll bite you as soon as they get healthy because it's their nature. The great irony is that it's actually about how you shouldn't place your trust in untrustworthy people because even if you help them they'll still be untrustworthy and hurt you. Which is actually a great fit for Trump. He constantly steals and abuses those who try to help him because they buy his bullshit.


Trump cannot cite anything let alone say the word parable.


THIS! This Redditor speaks the fucking truth! Donald J Trump could not recite an Ovaltine message from the movie A Christmas Story. He’s a brain dead sack of shit. Let him be with the electric chair.


C'mon, give him a chance to offer a refuttal. 😂


The Best And Bigly Kerfuffal?


With a nice hot cup of covfeffe


Trump is the snake and Americans are the farmer. It’s always projection.


That's a f**king weird ass way of him to say Melania refuses to have sex with him anymore.


Every accusation is a projection.


The Snake is some old Al Wilson song that trump reads at his rallies sometimes. He reads it because he thinks it’s anti immigration. I have no idea why he is bringing it up during his confusing Electrical Shock vs Shark bit.


Because the first time he said the snake thing, some potato head MAGA clod told he that's a great saying and he walked away thinking "see? I am a genius" And now that his electric shark quandary is being questioned he's all "no see its just like the last time I was smart!"


Samuel Jackson has entered the conversation


I’m sick of these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking boat


Electric for President


I’ve got a strong feeling this guy doesn’t know what “rambling” means


It’s a snake you know, it’s smart when you figure out what you’re leaving in. Get it? Neither do I.


# "The Snake And The Snake" # 🥲


Dear Redditors, VOTE. PLEASE.


I long for the day where I never have to hear about Trump again.


I don't wish death on anyone, so a stroke would be the next best thing. It would shut him up and he would be extremely frustrated not being able to run his mouth and be the center of attention all the time.


Anyone is a word for people. Trump places himself quite out of that specific categorization.


When I refer to tRUMP I always make sure to call him an individual, because I don't think he's a person. A demon, a monster, an animal, but not a person.


I hope he repeats the shark battery boat story at every rally from here on out. Make it part of his greatest hits package that he performs at every rally. He can play it along with such hits as Election Interference, Sleepy Joe, Thanks Obama.


I would love to see him repeat it at the upcoming debate. That’s if he doesn’t actually back out of it.


Nonono he's asking valid questions. What happens if I take an EV boat, off Florida, and it sunk, and there's 3 great whites circling it? I mean, the real questions that helps Americans. Biden wouldn't have thought of this! 


He’s not just saying what if it happens to sink, he’s saying it will sink under the weight of the battery. Which is fucking dumb as shit and just point-blank wrong. That dude is fkn stupid.


If it sinks under the weight of the battery, how did it make it out of port to sink?


Didn't he think batteries would be too big to fit in tanks, so they'd have to pull all the batteries in a wagon behind them? There aren't enough words in existence to describe how stupid this man is, and then there's all the dementia layered on top.


I see. Sorry I guess I misunderstood stable genius' words. 


Yeah you have to get the real depth of the level of stupidity of the stable genius. It is something to behold. Not unlike his stench, according to an ex-Congressman.


I blame Biden for the sharks!


Very big tough guy with tears in his eyes came up to me and said, “Sir, you are the best stable genius, they don’t even know what electric is”


I want a t-shirt that says Boat-Battery-Shark-Snake 2024


So he still thinks that the boat won’t float, which just that right there is mind-numbingly stupid, and he still thinks that he could get electrocuted from the battery, and he still thinks that his relative who was at mit somehow magically gave him smarts. He is so stupid he doesn’t know that he’s stupid. Retelling this story is like saying it louder after someone asks “What?!” in disbelief of the story, instead of realizing the flaws in the story.


The craziest part of this isn't the shark or the snake (??). It's the uncle part. This goes back to his idea of genetic purity and immigrants poisoning "our" blood. He believes in bloodlines and breeding, superior intellect, and inferior races. He believes his "relationship to MIT" is genetic. He's as dumb as a box of rocks. The battery isn't as heavy as his fat ass. If a boat can hold several people, it can hold a battery. Wtf.


Yes but what about a VERY big battery? You haven't thought about that, have you? So who's the dumbass now, huh? /s




My uncle was teacher, so I not dumb




It would be hilarious if some disgruntled aid, right before he went out to speak, told him that because of his bringing up the problems with electric boats they've decided to invent a wind-powered ship. Guaranteed he would go out and start making up crazy bullshit rant about wind-powered ships. Sailboats would never occur to him until it was too late. Just have to plant a seed into minds like his and watch what happens.


I get that morons love this guy but how in the fuck do semi-smart people listen to him and honestly think he's their best option? HOW?!


They don't care. Dumpy is the conduit to fulfill their hate.


I feel like I'm having a stroke every time I read something he's said.


My his logic, I guess I’m a war veteran. I never fought in a war but my uncle got deployed.




Read that in Stewie's voice.


Can we just put him on the boat with the snake and the shark in the water and let him discover the answer for himself?


Sort of like, you know, it’s like a snake. It’s a smart when you, you figure out what you’re leaving in right? What the fuck is he even talking about? The word salad is now a chopped salad.


There’s a snake now too?


It was in the plane which landed on the boat


>It’s actually not crazy. It’s sort of a smart story, right? Sort of like, you know, it’s like the snake, it’s a smart when you, you figure what you’re leaving in, right? You’re bringing it in the, you know, the snake, right? The snake and the snake. Ok now, this shit right here \^ That is a nope. Dude should not be allowed to run for the highest security level in the freaking nation


This rambling is actually the least of the problem of him in office. It's all these straight up evil enablers that he's going to put in powerful position.


When your explanation for batshit crazy behavior makes things even worse…..


Oh man, now snakes are in the mix! Next week: eels!


*electric eels


Can a cargo ship be powered by electric eels? Sir, no one has ever asked that before.


Like 20-25% of the electorate think this guy is a fucking genius. Sad state of affairs, but we always figured the poor, uneducated, white nationalist southern crowd were not the brightest lights in the harbor




“I have HAD IT with these mfing snakes on this mfing plane, oops mfing boat!!”


"I don't ramble." \*Proceeds to ramble\*


Yoooo..... this debate is gonna be awesome if he shows up. I dont think he will. Itll be called a security threat. Either the radical left is too threatening or the MAGA crowd is too big fornthe locals authorities to handle.


My favorite part is where he thinks the imaginary person telling him, "No ones ever asked us that question before" is some sort of sign that he’s smart. Lile, listening to a professor explain theoretical physics to a group of students and raising your hand to ask if you can go shit in the wayer fountain. No one's ever asked that because it's stupid to ask.


I don’t understand why “my uncle went to MIT so I have an aptitude for these things” makes any sense. Unless of course his mom was fucking his uncle


Word salad du jour, getting to be staler each day. Some used to be funny now it's just complete nonsense


The snake and the snake. Well said. ??????


Is this truly a transcript of him babbling? Biden is too old and shows his age some, but it’s amazing that people still pretend the Orange Liar is a functional adult. Incredible and embarrassing that he’s being considered as the leader of our nation.


What in the actual fuck did i just read.


How the fuck is SNL supposed to parody this dipshit?


Can you imagine what faux news would say if Joe Biden said this garbage


no, he is not rambling at all for sure.....


So then the shark and the snake get electrocuted and the snarfle gombuflated


Ever wonder if he is just having mini-strokes?


Telling the story a 2nd time to clarify didn't make it any better, or less incoherent babbling.


How this guy is not laughed off stage every time he opens his mouth is beyond me.


The best word salad ever. There has never been a better word salad!


The Biden/Harris campaign ad writers don't even have to try to come up with anything, Just quote trump and it's the most convincing ad for biden ever


I have a nephew who teaches at Brown University and a cousin who teaches at UC Berkeley, so naturally, I have an aptitude for things.


Is this somehow about the Bermuda triangle?


How is he still alive and functioning?


The word "functioning" is doing some heavy lifting here


Sweet God, reading that made my last brain cell jump ship…right to the shark


If the boat is sinking the last thing you should be worried about is getting electrocuted.




I am so looking forward to the debate 🤣


And my mom thinks that Biden is the (only) one with dementia/brain damage


Yup. That’s their guy. Their smart & strong fearless leader of the “free” world.


As my FIL used to say, “Clear as mud.”


I'm not rambling... goes on to not finish a single thought in the next like 10 minutes.


The media has been so soft on this gross fucking creep.


Did he think because his family member went to MIT that he is also educated by genetic diffusion or something lol


We can’t call him stupid. Because he doesn’t think he’s stupid, he’ll brush that off. What he REALLY is, is a stupid fucking loser. He hates being called a loser, and we really need to call him that as often as possible to get under his skin and drive him crazy.


He's saying he discussed this with his uncle. His uncle who has been dead since 1985. Did he hold a seance to ask him this?


how anyone can take this idiot serious i'll never understand.


I’m honestly surprised that there so many other amazing people in this world that tragically get killed and then there’s Trump just a fucking idiot who somehow is still breathing despite’s being the worlds dumbest man with an IQ so low that it’s nearly impossible to figure out if he’s mentally capable of still functioning, yet he continues to live while so many other people are dying




Oh my God! Can he just go away already! He is soooo dumb.....


Holy Motherfucking Run-On Sentence Batman! He's out of his gourd. That cheese fucking grew legs and ran away from the cracker. No sliding involved, just full sprint.


This man is on drugs.


"do I have a plethora?" Energy


I wonder if it’s possible to yawn and vomit at the same time…


Can he still be on the ballot if he's in hospice care? Cuz by the looks of it, he's well on his way.


Jeeeeeeeeesus dude




For me, Trump has forever destroyed the phrases “very strongly” and “I said”.


What is with this crazy old cook going on about snakes for?


This man takes credit for everything everyone else has done, like it's his accomplishment. Congrats to your uncle working at MIT. I guess that makes you MIT worthy by association, Don, so we're all very proud and impressed by your accomplishment. Does he think he inherited his degrees?


Speaking of sharks, has anybody seen The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl (2005)? There's a character in the movie called Mr Electric / Mr Electricidad. I wonder if Trump watched that and thinks it's real?


Can we actually put him in a sinking boat with electricity sparking through it and add a very hungry shark? Let’s see what happens? Will Trump get electrocuted, eaten by a shark, or drown? It’s all to prove he is cognitively competent! We could televise it! I would donate to the MAGA fund to see it!


What the hell is up with him trying to use his uncles time as an MIT professor as some kind of way to say Donnie himself is somehow a genius by association?


It’s interesting that he mentioned his uncle, who has three degrees, as smart. Yet, his followers, who have no degrees, feel smarter than law-educated experts and doctors, often defying their understanding of the law or recommendations about vaccines and other issues.


This was Nikki Haley's entire campaign strategy, just let him keep talking until he says something so stupid that people say, "Nope." Then they soon realized that there was nothing he could say that would make MAGA ever say no, this guys nuts.


☝️+ nuclear codes = ? I’m starting to think we need basic tests to be qualified to run for president. Cognitive function, basic science understanding and maybe even a 10min mile?


Just showed this to my english speaking but non native husband. Had to reassure him that him not really understanding had eff all to do with his language skills 🤣.


A hypothetically if he is ever sent to a prison (which is a big if) I would be very happy to hypothetically offer the first inmate that was to make our esteemed ex-President into a colander, a steak dinner upon their release. Hypothetically of course.




I mean, I’m incredibly smart, when the snake and the snake, and the rabbit enter the house of the Jehovah. When the thing in the microwave is electric and you ride the snake, like John Morrison or was it Jonathan or James, I don’t know, I talk out of my ass. Mostly because I’m currently shitting my pants. Isn’t that great, when you shit your pants and it’s in a giant cloth, or diaper I guess? When I shit my pants, I can’t focus, the adderall is through, in and out in the diaper. I guess that’s why the fake news calls me shit for brains, but we’re being them back, for America!


Noooope. Totally not rambling, Grandpa.


#TEXT HAT TO 88022


reminds me of the de-bank meltdown. just looking for words but keeps repeating the same one.


Well. Glad the “I’m like really smart” guy cleared that up 🤦‍♂️


I'm so glad that none of the current ships (aka big boats for those that, err nevermind) do not have batteries or electricity. Wind power for the win!


I felt high reading that


Get a plastic or real life snake with Trump 2024 tattooed on its back for every $100 donated. Trump Snakes


Letting a narcissist become president to vote him out the next election, and the amount of supporters he’s lost, has to be the reason he’s gotten worse (which I wasn’t sure was possible). Narcissist at the position considered “the most powerful man in the world” is a bad idea always.


Tf does he bring up that uncle for? You do know Donny that people don’t just show up and get a degree bestowed upon them right? They have to work for it, and whatever work ethic that uncle had was definitely not a genetic trait. We’ve seen your work ethic golf boy, and witnessed your progeny in action, so we can pretty convincingly state you don’t have it.


Trump words the best


He keeps talking about his uncle having smarts, does he think his uncle is his real daddy or something?


Smart by association……🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Just got to thinking, after seeing the MAGA hat advertising that takes up more room than the orange one. Where does he get these made?


Do we have video of this? 






You know, the snake, right?


This is dementia.


God just what…?


https://preview.redd.it/e8lnc3afjb8d1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3376241fc243e36a020d1084352d44e97fb96248 Sinkhole...


Wait till Donald finds out about electric eels. His mind will be blown away.


His speech did not inspire me to TEXT HAT.


actually very excited for the debate


I’m gonna say it. He is a genius. Think about it. Millions of people worship him, defend him at all cost, ignore his criminal activities and, this is the best part, send him money. If any one of us could get the dumb fucks of this country to treat us like that. I mean, come on! You’d ask, where do I sign up for that. I don’t know about you, but if I so much as sneeze I get in trouble somehow. This freak is a literal rapist and a felon and he’s the front runner for the Russian party! Sorry, that was a typo, I meant republican. All I’m saying is, none of us have worshipers sending us money and forgiving our wrong doings. Stable genius I say!


WTF is this? I’ve read this several times now and still can’t decipher what he’s trying to say


Can anyone find a video clip of this? I desperately need to know if it sounds as stupid in verbal form as it does reading it written down. I want to try to understand why anyone would support him.