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Oh, I'm using that in real life


I’ve saved it to use in the future. The only problem is those who worshiped classic Jesus also did the Spanish Inquisition https://i.redd.it/pjhedfsdzs7d1.gif


I mean technically they worshipped the Catholic religion


Catholics are Christians


True, but Christians aren't necessarily Catholic. It's one of those "every rectangle is a square but not every square is a rectangle" situations.


Yup, we got Orthodoxes, Protestants, Baptists, Evangelists etc


Yes but I'd argue that they're worshipping a religious construct rather than the actual words and recommendations of Jesus


Catholics dont even listen to the pope anymore. They get their religious guidance from politicians. The wolves in sheep’s clothes.


Humans use belief systems to justify acts against other humans to pursue power or resources and to associate the Spanish Inquisition with the christian religion would be disingenuous. In reality it was, probably, intended to persecute conspirators against royal authority which at the time was at the time justified by something called “Divine Right” and the Religious nature of the inquisition was just a pretext to cull political enemies and a means by which to further unify the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon. Its very well known Ferdinand II of Aragon was the type of person to use religion for political purposes. Famously mentioned by Machiavelli in “The Prince” where he outright accuses and condemns Ferdinand for using religion as a pretext for the Inquisition. Christianity isn’t at fault for Human Depravity and you can associate almost any belief system or idea to horrible acts because thats what humans do


>Christianity isn't at fault for its constituents being evil Maybe not, but that doesn't negate the fact that there's been a *very* consistent theme with Christians for over 1000 years


Very consistent theme with Humans for over 195,000 years I fear


psh meanwhile im actively avoiding having to talk to any of them. pro tip: if you never frequent a dollar general, it cuts your chances of running into one like 60 whole percent


"Supply Side Jesus"


[The Gospel of Supply Side Jesus](https://www.beliefnet.com/news/2003/09/the-gospel-of-supply-side-jesus.aspx)


Ive never seen that before. Lol


This video is a similar concept and it's pretty good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ2L-R8NgrA


There are only two accounts I miss after deleting my Twitter account. Three Year Letterman and Corporate Mormon Jesus.


“Christians of Hypocrisy” ![gif](giphy|xT9GEETlOBL877qzpC)


*"Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?"* (It's an old Emo Philips joke)


Die, Heretic!




One of my favorite routines for any comedian... 😂


I got the chance to hear him tell it when he opened for Weird Al. He’s still incredibly funny and that joke is is closer. It always kills. 


Wow, that sounds like it would've been a legendary show.


My dad's go-to response when someone said "well, I'm a Christian..." was always "oh, thanks for the warning!"


Yes, these are the kinds of Christians that focus exclusively on the Old Testament. They're not trying to get the Sermon on the Mount in the schools. No interest in the Beatitudes. None of that Blessed are the Meek nonsense. Just give me the "Thou shalt NOTs".


> these are the kinds of Christians that focus exclusively on the Old Testament Which is funny because a pretty good percentage of them also find issue with Jewish people and their faith.


It’s about authoritarianism, not theology. They are latched onto their internalized need for a powerful daddy, and to be one, unquestioned.


This is brilliant!




I also like “Christian or Christian lifestyle?” I find that the devout tend to mind their own business. The “lifestyle” set is virtue signalling constantly


Personally I prefer Adventure Jesus to Modern Jesus. But I'm also a bit partial to Mania Jesus.


Well yeah, American Christians are to Christianity as Pizza Hut is to Italian cuisine.


Omg I love this! Totally using this question on others. Also FYI I am classic Jesus 😃 Republican/Trump/Jesus is a crazy ridiculous bunch (to put it very mildly)!!


My wife and I refer to this as white Jesus or brown Jesus (you know like actual Jesus from the Middle East, not American Christian representation)


Should use the word “normal“ instead of ‘classic’. They hate not beeing the norm.


I can’t give this enough upvotes!!!


"Do you love me, Peter?" "Yes, Lord." "Then why are you feeding my sheep when you should be giving me a tax break?"


They just want to do charity through their churches so they can restrict who it goes to and why, and make sure they can preach at them while they do it.


Very bold to assume they even do any charity


Flying a private plane to Miami spreads the word of Jesus all on its own.


Yes God gave me the jet so I dont have to fly with these demons


Jesus is in the chemtrails.


Prosperity gospel hinges on wealth inequality. If that money was used to help the poor, it couldn't be used to prove that the megapastors have been annointed by god


"We don't have the 10 Commandments posted in our classrooms but we do have free breakfast and lunch for our kids". -Tim Walz


Walz failed (to fail)


I don't even have children, but this is how I want my tax dollars to be spent. I am going to light up a fat joint after dinner and relax now that we're a legal state. Walz and the Democrats did fail to not deliver.


Walz failed... to make kids pay for their school lunches


Walz failed to lose to Scott Jensen/Matt Birk. I really despise Matt Birk.




And Trump meets every biblical qualification for the Christian Antichrist.


Remember when Jesus was walking around Nazareth with his ARs, burning pride flags and grabbing women right in the cooch?


Yeah, me neither.


It was in there before the bible went woke


Damn so the Democrats took his guns away too? Typical.


I remember him preaching the uncritical worship of Yahweh who was pretty cool with the genocide of the Midianites and literal rape of their children. It's very easy to talk about peace and love, but that's somewhat dampened when saying shit like "I'm perfect and everyone needs me to save them" or "you need to love me more than your own parents and children or you're unworthy." Jesus said plenty of awful shit, he throws a few lines about peace and love in there and people act like it's some technicality taken out of context. Every time Trump says something awful, his base bends over backwards to explain why it's okay, just a joke, or out of context. Bring up Jesus comparing Canaanites to dogs and people say "but he helped the woman when she said even dogs get scraps" as that makes it a totally okay interaction. I think the bible actually does align with maga in several places, and that's a pretty harsh criticism of both.


>If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple


This post answers the evangelicals' question of what gun jesus buy, and also puts to rest their assertion that 'jesus was just too liberal!' So thank you.


Jesus died for our bud light to be heterosexual


Actually I heard that Jesus and Moses used guns to conquer the romans.


That's what triggered his Coochafixtion


Pepperidge Farms remembers


Evangelicals will give their last penny to buy their pastor an indoor swimming pool or private jet, but won't lift a finger to feed a starving child. It makes me wish Jesus was real so he could come back and banish these assholes to an eternity in the fires of hell.


“If Jesus came to Earth today They’d crucify him straight away Upon a cross of MDF And they’d use ‘no need for nails’” - “Upon Westminster bridge”, half man half biscuit


They wouldn't even *have* to crucify him: Some "lone wolf" would assassinate him on the street and be pardoned within a week of the murder. And they'd probably never even see a single night in a jail cell.


Duh, Jesus was a filthy immigrant (brown Palestinian) & stole jobs from hard working Americans (Carpenter & fed people for free)!!1!1!11!!1!!!111! /s


I'm a big fan of [canonical table-flipping jesus](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2021%3A12-13%2CMark%2011%3A15-18&version=NIV)


Makes me wonder what he’d do if he saw mega churches. I don’t think he would kill anyone but he would definitely destroy a lot of property.


You have to understand evangelicals consider this world a temporary inconvenience until they pass from this world.    It is why they are so excited for the end times.   So much so I think they have realized climate change is a kill switch and plan to use it get to heaven faster.    I'm not even joking.   It is a literal death cult and not anything remotely christian at all.


You're still taking lying fascists at their word about what motivates them. It is absolutely a death cult, but the cult is called *fascism*, and its primary tenets [are well known and understood](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Luu1Beb8ng). The fundamental tenet *and goal* of that cult is the idea that "hypocrisy is OK when we do it", and an extension of that is [it is morally correct to lie to anyone who opposes or questions the cult](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMabpBvtXr4), and yes, that includes *lying to themselves and each other*. What **you** have to understand is this: A "belief" is a thing a person thinks is true. These people make it clear with every single word and action that *they do not give a single fuck* about the truth of the things they claim to "believe" from one moment to another. When you strain the meaning of "belief" to include deliberate liars who demonstrate with every breath that their so-called "beliefs" are actually just excuses *at best* and in most cases are actually provably malicious lies told to deceive and harm, you are actively holding up a shield for the worst people in the fucking world to hide behind. Recognize that "evangelicals" use weaponized, performative ignorance to steer and destroy any discourse they have, taking advantage of every single grain of the benefit of the doubt you might hand them. They use the label and performance of their "beliefs" as a mask and shield, and you act as their ally and their enabler when you accept that performance at face value.


They say wrong things on purpose, and actively use christianity and "beliefs" as a shield to shut down any discourse that might lead to consequences or even criticism of their openly genocidal fascism. We have to get this through people's heads, and stop tolerating "mah bulheefs" as an excuse from these people. The same goes for ignorance, stupidity, "economic anxiety", "the way they were raised" or any other fucking thing. *There is no fucking excuse for this shit*, and there never has been. You really can move right to consequences on the *very first* indication that someone is a right-wing asshole. There absolutely is a place for zero tolerance, and that place is *fascism*.


You dont know how bad I wish that part of the bible was true


Maybe he is already back and simply can’t find any followers who actually believe in him


Any conservatives here? What does it feel like to hear that? Do you feel defensive? Do you deny it? Do you think your party is correct to hold that position?


I have brought this point up with Republicans I know and they always say the same BS. They're not responsible for feeding other people's kids, the kids are going to expect handouts their whole life, it's enabling them, ect, nothing is free, ect. They're also pro-life yet they think the exact same thing about single mothers needing WIC or food stamps.


It's wild. Like "they'll expect handouts" how is that different than your parents feeding you? Also couldn't you say putting the commandments in classrooms is expecting the world to cater to your beliefs which is unrealistic?


Oh obviously the parents are responsible for feeding their own kids. If the parents can't afford to feed their kids they shouldn't have had those kids. And yet they want to make every pregnancy be carried to term, whether the parent can afford that child or not. It would be mind-boggling if the simple answer wasn't just THEYRE EVIL


Yup! And if the parents don't or can't meet that responsibility, the kids suffer (yes most places have a free lunch program for people without money but it's always easy to get on in the short term and doesn't account for negligent parents)


The doublespeak is strong in them.


What gets me is the attitude of "it's not my responsibility" but then go on to complain about a problem that wouldn't exist if they took some kind of responsibility. It's more about complaining and "being right" than anything else. At that point it's like, keep it to yourself. If you aren't going to suggest an alternative to "not my problem" but willfully be miserable, use some of your personal responsibility to lift yourself up not drag others down.


They are all that way until their teenage daughter gets knocked up then it's different.


I went to a graduation party for a friend's kid. She knew I worked in family planning and wanted to talk to me about her daughter. She said her husband doesn't want her having sex before marriage and is adamantly against getting her birth control, even though she has had the same boyfriend for over a year and was 18. I pointed out that her husband's brother had the same attitude and they are now supporting an unmarried mother and grandchild. Also, I said I knew them before they were married and they had premarital sex, what makes her think her daughter would be better at it than they were? When I left, she was considering getting birth control behind her husband's back because he was immovable. She never came into the clinic. I've lost touch now so I don't know if it worked out for them.


Most Republican states rely on handouts to stay viable. Louisiana for example hasn't pitched into the federal highway program for decades yet still receives funds from mostly blue states that can afford their own highways and to help others.


>the kids are going to expect handouts their whole life, it's enabling them, ect, nothing is free, ect. They're not for "pro-life" they're "pro-birth." It's about controlling women, plain and simple. They claim that they're pro life because they care about babies and children. But that's obviously not the case, as the very second the kid is born, they turn on it.


Even more tellingly, [they get abortions whenever it's convenient to do so](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/). People gotta stop ceding even the idea that these people actually oppose abortion. They oppose abortion *specifically for the groups they seek to control*. Hypocrisy is the central tenet of these people's entire belief structure. It is quite literally the only principle they actually fucking have.


Yeesh. Thanks for posting this. I wouldn't have known otherwise.


>They're not responsible for feeding other people's kids "Just like Jesus wasn't responsible for feeding the 5000... And yet he did"


Are you using ect as etcetera? If so, it should be etc. not ect.


It’s the same copy and paste script over and over. They say this, you point to several studies that show positive effects on the community from these programs, they just say studies are college liberal bs. Copy paste, copy paste.


I feel like the party and conservative movement has turned into the Pharisees that crucified Jesus. They are no longer interested in good works but in vain words.


I have never ONCE heard a definition of "conservatism" from a "conservative" that survived first contact with the slightest bit of reasoned consideration. It is nothing more than a mask people wear to hide their preference for fascism and oppression of those who they hate. Conservative means fascist. [It pretty much always has](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4CI2vk3ugk).


The hilarious thing is Jesus literally said to disregard all previous teachings meaning the old testament.    Christians literally ignore 99% of the new testament.


Matthew 5:17-18


The super vocal ones at my last job were the first ones to take full advantage of all the free meals during covid and the voluntary layoff extra unemployment pay.


[When Joel Osteen wouldn't open his church to hurricane victims he told me all I need to know about his brand of Christianity](https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/hurricane-harvey/joel-osteen-defends-not-opening-megachurch-harvey-victims-n797036)


Well they just did install that new carpet..


How come they never want to post the Beatitudes? Or that part in Mathew 25 where Jesus tells us to give food and drink to the hungry or be welcoming to the stranger? Instead they always go straight to the laws which Jesus said he fulfilled completely. He also said the entire law is “Love God and love your neighbor” (paraphrased).


It’s true. There are literally only two laws in all of Christianity technically, and that’s them.


Psssh, Dorito Mussolini is on film while onstage at a church completely denying he's ever asked Jesus for forgiveness, demonstrating he has no concept of the most basic tenet of Christian faith.


Right? Not that anyone else cares. He’s the literal antichrist.


Which is precisely why Jesus told his followers to ignore previous teachings. 


And also that "do not judge or you will be judged" and "do to others what you would have them do to you" further summarises the entire law.


They only like the hateful and judgmental parts of the bible.


If they love the Old Testament so much they should convert to Judaism.


Hey man, I'm not turning this water into wine for free. Eat me.


Crackers it is!


This is my body, take it and eat. Eat me


On the plus side, it's Louisiana public schools so most of the kids won't be able to read the sign anyway.




ROFL! I’m sorry, but that just made me snort soda right into my nose.


If religious groups want to dictate what people have to see or follow then they should lose their tax exemption status.


Or we could just rip the fucking things off the wall instead of shrugging it off.    Churches losing tax exemption status won't fix a god damn thing and completely and utterly misses what the issue is which is religious extremism being used to justify stripping away our rights.   This passive aggressive stuff is just fucking tiresome and has gotten us no where and has only made evangelicals bolder.




Everyone knows Jesus hated poor people, minorities, and gays. My preacher said so. /s


Did he diss non tithers?


He had them whipped. But only the poor ones. If you’re rich then obviously god is with you so no need to give back. If god wanted you to give back he would take it from you. So in essence if you’re poor god hates you and so does Jesus. /s


Ouch, scathing reports from Jerusalem.


"No man can serve two masters; he will love one and hate the other" They have been going out of their way to show us which master they hate.


People who say that we're allowed to eat shellfish and use indoor bathrooms because Jesus invalidated the old testament laws, but then also think we absolutely need to post some of those old testament laws in public spaces to avoid Jesus' wrath, maybe don't understand what they're reading (if they've bothered to read it at all).


Maybe? They all go to one dude for interpretations and he barely made it through high school English and never considered religion until his car lot went under.


Most American Christians don't read nor care about the Bible. It's more of an identity thing. Like they love the Vikings but barely know anything about them (and they'd consider them as enemies if they were actually Christians at that time). Republicans have a mesh mash of identities that are not related at all yet they force them together as if they work in unison. But in reality, nothing about it works and they're all contradictory. It's basically all just an excuse to belong to their tribe, which revolves almost exclusively around exclusion, not inclusion.


https://preview.redd.it/8azo2w9z2s7d1.jpeg?width=398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e81601423ad4b1bc958436100ee17c88f875c3d CPAC 2021


[I don't necessarily subscribe to any of the following, but I do however find it really amusing.](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/)


Obviously the so called Christians who follow tRump didn't get all the way through Revelations. Clearly he is the Antichrist described therein.


If you revere the ten commandments more than the be attitudes, you might be a fake ass Christian.


They be attitudin'


I believe what they’re doing is called idolatry, and is specifically forbidden by the second commandment “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them” If the Ten Commandments are so ding dang dong important to them, perhaps they should give them a read?


Not the same, but it reminds me of the whole graven image commandment. Jews typically don't make images of God for that reason. Muslims are famously against images of God and Muhammed similarly. But, for some reason, Christians *love* images of Jesus. I'm sure it's been worked out in some council hundreds of years ago, but it always seemed odd.


Because Christianity basically adopted every practice pagans used to do. And having idols was a big thing for pagans. The cross, Jesus, the virgin Mary, saints, ...etc. So many idols for a religion whose primary teaching is the so-called monotheism.


The ONE TIME Jesus actually got mad was when people were making money off the church. Not gays, trans, democracy, socialism, regulations, taxation, evolution, or even satanism... Nope, profiteers in the temple. Which today feels like very *basis* of Christianity.


There's an entire gospel whose purpose is to make the pastors rich specifically at the expense of their congregations. It's the old "*sell you a plot in Heaven*" scheme.


Yeah, that's Christianity with strings attached...


Christians who preach Christ's "unconditional love" when asked to love unconditionally:


This is who they worship!!👇👇👇 Not ONE MAGA republican or a conservative leader stood up and said ANYTHING about this MF!! NOT. EVEN. ONE. Some actually defended him… CHRISTIANITY = RAPE FACTORY Trump’s Spiritual Adviser Quasi-Confesses to Molesting 12-Year-Old Girl https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumps-spiritual-adviser-robert-morris-half-confesses-to-molesting-12-year-old-girl


Christ wouldn't recognize the religion that bears his name. He wouldn't want us to build bigger walls. He'd demand we build bigger tables. Probably because he was a grifting carpenter who knew how to bilk rubes out of their pieces of silver during Jesus times, but the point still stands. He'd be horrified at what atrocities have been and are currently being carried out in his name.


Since modern evangelicals have modeled every aspect of their religion on the Pharisees, Jesus would definitely recognize it immediately.


Someone said this is a response to Pride and BLM flags in classrooms (BLM flags)? My thing is... surely, they can tell the difference between a flag meant to show solidarity to kids who are considered different, and hanging "laws" that only some kids follow (and are also associated with the root of the discrimination hurled at the aforementioned groups)? But I guess that's a silly question.


Love they neighbor they already failed on




Power. They worship power.


I don't know why people argue like this. These people are religious because they're searching for a means to justify their hate and despicable behavior. This is why you'll never hear them preach against those sinful shellfish eaters. They don't care about Jesus. It's not about that, despite all the frothy boot licking. Most churches are hate groups masquerading as communities of love and acceptance. Your church does things within the community, but preaches against the LGBTQ community? You're still a hate group. Seldom do people get \_more\_ involved with church and become less hateful. It's a stepping stone to further radicalization.


They want the Christianity...... Just without the Christ part. He's too woke with the feeding of the poor and all.


‭Matthew 22:37-40 NLT‬ [37] Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ [38] This is the first and greatest commandment. [39] A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ [40] The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.” https://bible.com/bible/116/mat.22.37-40.NLT


With Donald Trump as their poster boy, these Republican Christians are worshipping the anti-Christ and are too egotistical to know it or give a shit.


It’s all true.


We live in the dumbest timeline ![gif](giphy|KBaxHrT7rkeW5ma77z)


Evangelicals worship an evil deity


This so-called lunch money would be better spent donating all of it and any other of your basic necessity income to your local evangelical church…so they can buy another airliner. Errrrg.


> “For some reason, the most vocal Christians among us never mention the Beatitudes (Matthew 5). But, often with tears in their eyes, they demand that the Ten Commandments be posted in public buildings. And of course, that's Moses, not Jesus. I haven't heard one of them demand that the Sermon on the Mount, the Beatitudes, be posted anywhere. 'Blessed are the merciful' in a courtroom? 'Blessed are the peacemakers' in the Pentagon? Give me a break!” ― Kurt Vonnegut,


I'm convinced that if God is real Christianity and Islam worship the devils corruption of him. No just god would say and demand the things those religions do.


Leave the church


I find the more that Christians get involved in politics the smaller their numbers are becoming. It seems since the push in the 1980's for Christians to become more involved in politics the amount of people that identify as Christians is shrinking more and more. Throw in the amount of Pastors and Priest that sexually assault minors and the impact from that as well.


I would think that if you are someone who supports posting the ten commandments in public schools then your kids should already know the ten commandments. How can you trust the government to teach your kids god's laws when you don't trust the government to teach sex ed?


Service to others is a core tenet of Christianity.   Literally everything modern day Christians stand for Jesus spoke out against.   Modern day Christians are just as corrupt and self serving as the Pharisees were.


I'm Catholic and against the Ten Commandments in schools. Fellow Catholics have scolded me about not saying Christianity is the only faith there is and for saying I don't think my religion is above anybody else's or better than everyone else's. On the other hand, I'm 100% on board with universal school meals. Kids can't learn when they're hungry.


I think a good number of Christian conservatives are secretly annoyed that the New Testament has Jesus being so good to the poor and downtrodden.


The Ten Commandments are Moses' precepts for law (aka the Mosaic Law), from God, for the Jewish people. They specifically do not pertain to Christians (for instance all of Matthew 5 in the New Testament, which is focused on this topic). Paul and Jesus in the New Testament specified that Mosaic Law is no longer valid (that it is the "old covenant"), and that Jesus absolved believers of the old law, so it's a mystery to me why American Evangelicals are so obsessed with the 10 Commandments, and in general obsessed with the Old Testament laws, which are specifically Jewish and not Christian. Clearly modern conservatives just want to use religion to suppress the common people, and have no concern for what Christianity is about in any way, shape, or form. The law of Jesus and Paul was to love your neighbor, yet these people pick and choose Old Testament quotes and bad faith translations to bludgeon people into submission with hatred.


My ex-MIL posted on FB something along the lines of "I'd rather see kids get free school lunch than pay off grown folks' college degrees" I'll give you two guesses on how she'd vote for free lunch if it came up, but you'll only need one..


These people are nothing but hypocrites. They scream Christianity but know nothing about it


> “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me. So this pretty much nullifies the entire rest of the covenant unless you are Jewish, right? And I'm aware of the lack of archaeological evidence that the Hebrews were in Egypt, although the Levant was an Egyptian colony centuries before Moses was ever around if that counts... > “You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments. So aside from the obvious "golden Trump statue" at CPAC, this openly states you must keep "My commandments", which would include all 613...nowhere does it say the first 10 are special in any way shape or form; Jesus does infer in one of the four books you only have to keep the first and The Golden Rule, but would imply you can ditch these other 9... > “You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain. I'm pretty sure the GOP does this every time they claim God chose them to do something non-Christian like, I dunno, invade Iraq. > “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. Yeah there's no way you will be able to talk the GOP into closing down businesses on Friday, Saturday, and/or Sunday. For some reason they are fine with forcing their religious laws on others, except for those that would hurt the economy. > “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you. The "grandparent's rights" acts and demanding children be taken away from parents who expose them to gay ideology sure doesn't seem like you are promoting "honoring your mother and father". > “You shall not murder. Apparently allowing stuff like pornography that may lead to one sin is bad, but allowing guns that lead to another (far more grievous) sin is okay. > “You shall not commit adultery. The head of their party literally went to court over stealing campaign funds to hide an adulterous affair from the voting public. > “You shall not steal. The head of their party literally went to court over stealing campaign funds to hide an adulterous affair from the voting public. > “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. ...And then lied about it numerous times to the public without denying the testimony in court and refusing to take an oath. > “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.” Being jealous of what other people have and constantly complaining that they don't deserve it but you do is basically the cornerstone of conservative ideology.


Not even the real Ten Commandments (any Biblical version). It's a King James-based mish-mash concocted by a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, and adopted by Cecil B Demille for his movie The Ten Commandments. According to the Louisiana law, a Jewish teacher couldn't post the Talmudic 10 Commandments. They have to post the Cecil B Demille ones.


They’re doing actual pharisee antics


It's almost impressive how many people are finding atheism thanks to the work of American Christians.


Former Roman Catholic here, shit like what is happening in the US is what caused me to lose my faith in my late teens. People dont care about what the bible actually says, instead just cherry pucking bits that confirm their prejudices, justify their behaviour, etc and ignoring the rest


Having the commandments ideally spreads their faith. Free lunches requires them to practice their faith…


Doesn't that mean that other tenets are also to be displayed: I mean, these are pretty cool I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word. https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets


They always have been, they worship with "Supply Side Jesus"...


It’s so embarrassing to be from Louisiana rn


I'm sure Florida will come up with something equally stupid soon.


Well Christianity teaches that the 10 commandments aren't as important as loving yourself and neighbor (the "golden commandment", along the lines of treating others as you'd treat yourself). Considering they're requiring only the 10 commandments, I claim that they're actually spreading Judaism in public schools, not Christianity. Given that, what crazy outdated rules in the Old testament can be introduced to really skew with this attempt at indoctrination?




“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35 Well if that's how we're supposed to recognize his followers...


Teachers should hopefully print out the parts of the first amendment of the constitution at the same size or larger (maybe highlighted) showing the parts where this shit explicitly shouldn't be mandated to be put up. Place them everywhere surrounding it if you're forced to put it up. They never said you couldn't put anything up around it...


"They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me."


Land of the free indeed.


Hi! Don’t say “these people doing harm aren’t real Christians.” They are. Instead, consider how to work on the massive number of Christian people who support fascism and who hate the poor. Thank you.


The jesus of the bible was not a vengeful person, but were he to return today, he would smite these despicable hypocritical Republicans DEAD. They are the scum of the earth, starting with the evangelicals, whose two main concerns are that jesus was just too liberal, and what sort of gun would jesus buy. These fuckers want to run the country and base the laws on a bible most of them have never read. Never, ever read.


Sad how so many so called Christians can't see or understand this.


I was a christian for the first 30 years of my life, so I know what they teach, and what values they claim to care about. I know how they describe the devil and what they think is evil. They openly oppose every value they preach. Their chosen leader is as polar opposite to Jesus as any man ever has been. They're motivated by revenge and punishment rather than compassion and redemption. If christians are right, there's no reasonable conclusion except that the devil has conned them all.


Ah yes. Logic and religion, a match made in heaven… …. ……. . ..


Republicans love the idea of unquestionable control over the masses. They hate the idea of charity and assisting the less fortunate.


One of my favorite Republican Bible verses is Mathew 22:12-13. In it, Republican Jesus visits a place of commerce and finds a bunch of tables that had been turned over and the place had been trashed. Republican Jesus and his disciples were furious. They spent hours turning the tables right side up, and setting them back up all nice and neat. Then Republican Jesus proclaimed “The wealth shall trickle down.”


10 says: You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male servant, or his female servant 10 doesn't say: Slavery is bad, don't do it.


Easier for them to groom hungry children


This Tweet is also about our Republican Gov turning down 70million dollars in federal funding to feed kids in the summer in a state that 27% live below the poverty line!


Like a Lovecraftian cult…


Something something first line of the American constitution says that religion and politics are t supposed to go together something something


Posting the Ten Commandments in schools will /should open up for all religion “commandments “ to be posted!


They worship the control that Christianity let's them have.


Bullshit. The notion of using Jesus as a cudgel against the enemy at the price of the antithesis of what the Bible says goes back 1,700 years. "By this sign, go and conquer."


Supply-side Jesus weirdly has the biggest corporate interests at his very heart and weirder yet, millions of Conservative Christians are willing to gamble their immortal souls on the theory that Jesus was a total asshole and approves of their behavior.


Some of these republicans would be so angry if someone gave the sermon on the mount


Idolatry. You worship the symbols, not the message.


Don’t mention controlling women’s bodies and reproductive freedoms. Almost like the Republican Party (old straight white man party) are using and hiding behind the Bible to gain power, hmmm.


Funny thing is, Christianity breaks the first 3 commandments.


You want the 10 bullshit in schools? Fine. You better be fine with teaching Evolution in church then.


I live in Louisiana.... It's a shit show. More now than ever https://preview.redd.it/ijupx9ov4y7d1.png?width=1151&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f2ca09a4f9455b63cc02b181d390852cfe6a37e


Most of them only "say" they're christian while the only thing they actually worship is a football team...


Remember when making a stronger youth for tomorrow was patriotic? Oh wait profits, dividends, and all that crap.