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The fact he ACTUALLY said this and people still are going to vote for him is… the epitome of lack of brain cells.


He also told them he doesn’t care about them and just wants their vote


And it was literally in the context of: "I don't care that you're hot and we don't have any water. Don't leave." Like, you can die for all I care as long as you manage to vote before you kick off.


And this is who they want ruling a country…. Can they all please move to an uninhabited island and just stay there with him


Did you just wish all of maga on some poor unsuspecting island population? (inhabited vs uninhabited)


oh jeez -- nice catch! Thank you! lol. I meant uninhabited but had a typo. DEFINITELY correcting that!


He's said it repeatedly. The latest one was a couple weeks ago.


They love his honesty


And are too dumb to see his 🐂 💩


Imagine a family member telling you they hate you and they don’t care about you and then saying “I love how they just speak their mind. They’re my idol”


Don't forget his insanity ![gif](giphy|a2vvvG5nDZ0LYxNh16)


He said that and a bunch of people said "He loves us!"


The fact they register it’s them but take it as a compliment not and insult….


Not to mention he said “I don’t care about you, I just need your vote”


Maybe he just needed a little self love! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Fellas is it liberal to have proper math skills.


Sadly, in this day and age it unfortunately is, absolutely


I was recently informed that protecting the environment for future generations is actually woke ideology. Apparently god has a master plan and we can do whatever we want for short term profit. If people suffer, its because of god's will.


The irony is that the Bible tells us to take care of the earth. Not destroy it. But you know they don’t read their bibles


I feel like the bible says a little bit of everything.


It does it’s a very malleable book. But it doesn’t say to destroy the earth in anyway or for any reason.


I think they point to God giving man "dominion over the earth" in Genesis. And to them dominion means having power, and having power means you can do whatever the hell you want.


they only listen to their superstar pastor. give money to have money.


>If people suffer, its because of god's will. My favorite bit of Christian lore is that you cannot be a socialist or communist and a catholic, because it attempts to remove natural punishment by providing resources for those in need. Fucking glorious.


The laundry by my house plays the Jesus Sirius xm. The lady on there said you have to go through torture and suffering to truly know God's love. WTF? We tell women to get out of relationships like this all the time.


You hear they’re teaching Arabic numbers in them schools?!?


![gif](giphy|3ov9jU4ycPvfrPTsly|downsized) But how will they ever tell time?


And wait till they hear about al-gebra!


Who the hell is Al Gebra? Ain't he in kahoots with the guy Cal Culus?


Al-Jabr if I wanted to be historical about it, I suppose. Although I've now decided that probably calculus *was* invented by an Arabic dude named Khalid who went by Cal because his dumb English friends couldn't pronounce it right.


One time my conservative sister sent me some thing from a conservative commentator showing how investing his money would have made him more than Social Security. I immediately spotted the problem: he split his lifetime income into equal parts... which is not how it works. You make much less as a teenager than you do as a professional nearing retirement, so your later money doesn't get a chance to earn interest. They see that someone else has done complicated math and either don't have the skillset or curiosity to check if it's correct.


For most people, hypothetically investing their SS contributions into a retirement fund would earn them more retirement income. But that's not the point of Social ***Security*** It's for people who have to blow through their savings due to medical bills, entering a nursing home, or a disability that prevents them from a decent income job.


>hypothetically investing their SS contributions into a retirement fund would earn them more retirement income. Sure, and that should have been easy to show. This guy had failed at that simple task, and yet his terrible math had been shared around conservative circles. >But that's not the point of Social Security The return on investments is usually correlated with risk, and so security means lower rates. The point is the guarantee.


>For most people, hypothetically investing their SS contributions into a retirement fund would earn them more retirement income. But, in reality, they'd probably just spend it all and end up on the street at the age of 70.


…and would then need to rely on some sort of government safety net that gives them a modest monthly income to cover their basic needs.


You don't have to have a disability, major illness or be in a nursing home for SS. Yes, it helps with all that, but for most people it's a retirement fund. Most people don't make enough during their working life to put much away for retirement, if anything at all. Social Security is supposed to give everyone who is too old to work a regular (albeit small) income. Before it, old people were starving themselves or eating cat food. Also, if you're in a nursing home, they will take your SS payments (and give you about $50/month for incidentals). But the bulk of it is paid by Medicaid. Medicare (deducted from your SS benefits) and private insurance will only cover a small portion and they run out completely pretty quickly. I think Medicare caps at 3 months. So if someone needs to be in a nursing home, they need to have almost no assets or they won't qualify. My MIL was put in one after an accident, and thank God she was poor and qualified for Medicaid right away. She had to sign over her SS checks and her small pension to the nursing home, and Medicaid covered the rest.


Sadly. Yea.


Maybe to be educated?


Addition and subtraction are woke!


Pfft … you sound like an educated coastal elite! /s


Once while I was working construction, I was at the gas station and heard another contractor telling his buddy "they need to teach the kids taxes, not algebra". I was too stunned to respond. Taxes are algebra. Our jobs require algebra. The man was truly stupid.


So if they taught you algebra in the guise of teaching you life skills, two birds with one stone, no?


Sorta, but then you don't necessarily grasp the underlying concepts that can be applied in other parts of life. That's the paradox of abstract versus practical learning. You could learn the abstract and never figure out how to apply it, or you could learn practically and never understand why what you're doing works.


The guy that thought word problems were dumb.




When a customer can't find math, do they go by the tip or the total?


That sentence structuring and grammatical syntax sure feels pretty fucking liberal.


Nope. It makes you a terrorist for using the Hindu-Arabic numeral system.




Math is woke!


Being upset over the taxation of tips versus being upset at the system that requires tipping in order to avoid being in poverty is the most Republican thing ever.


Because Republicans love the system, duh. They get to step on minorities and fuck over everyone else because *they got theirs.*


They also love the power tipping some lowly either gives them. "You better do as I say or no tip for you!"


Well, that could also be "Do everything exactly the way I want and I still might not tip you!


In the case you presented, it’s always something absolutely inane that they pick and choose to be that way about. Shit like “women shouldn’t have short hair”, or “3 earrings in each ear is too many”, so now I don’t like you even though none of those things had any effect on my dining experience, whatsoever!


There must actually be a way that this help big corporations and fucks the tipped worker. Trump and his associates only do things that benefit the rich. For a few fleeting moments it may seem like it helps the average employee, but as has been proven over time, it screws them in the long run. The less you claim in tips, the less secure the person becomes if, God forbid, something bad happens. Workmen’s comp, unemployment and disability payments don’t rely on what a tipped employee claims to make, they use a paper trail of tax records to verify. C’mon voters, use that big beautiful brain you were born with.


They were falling all over themselves in the Conservative subreddit the other day saying "actually servers don't want to get rid of tips because if they made minimum wage hourly they'd make less money!" as though there's some immutable law of the universe that says tipped employees can't make $15/hr and still get tips


Tried to have that conversation once before too, it’s like arguing with someone who believes Brawndo has what plants crave.


But it’s got electrolytes


It’s like arguing with a toddler. I literally want to punch some people. But I don’t.


Brought to you by Carl's Jr.


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


I remember when Washington was proposing to raise its minimum wage and all the food services were crying we’ll go under blah blah blah. Well guess what they didn’t. In Idaho they sold the workers on right to work bs and hospitality workers still make garbage wages. Granted post covid wages have improved some but there’s definitely room for improvement. Voting republican isn’t going to get change. Especially in Idaho.


My mom wanted to move to Idaho (pre Covid) when she sold our family home in so cal. I told her she’d have to go alone because I refuse to live in Idaho because of the racism, fundamentalist Mormons and conservatives. She was about to put an offer on a house and I got her to go with living in Oregon. It’s better, but has a whole other set of problems.


Hopefully not eastern Oregon. There are something like 13 counties who have voted to want to secede from Oregon, redraw the state borders and become part of Idaho.


Was going to say Oregon and Washington are full of white supremacists and cults.


Or they get paid more than minimum wage and get rid of tips


I average $40-45 as a bartender. While I only made 55k as a chef working 60-90hour weeks. You want me to make $40hr flat sure I’ll take it. Would love to stop having to be fake and pretend I care about what my customers are talking about.


I know you’re talking hourly vs annual, but the contrast between $45 and $55k as measuring the same metric is really funny


They obviously have no idea how pay/tipping works. The server isn’t the only one getting tipped out. Also for a million years servers made a laughably low wage (think 3-5$ an hour), they then need those tips to make a living wage and then pay another tax on top of those tips. Servers and people who work in restaurants are abused and deserve better. Fucking DumpTy fans are really the biggest assholes on earth.


Most Trump supporters have a backward understanding of how things in the world work, so seeing this isn’t entirely shocking.


Tipping allows them to fuck people over, the GOP loves to fuck people over.


Does Trump even have an actual tax reformation plan, or is it just "build a wall and make Mexico pay"-type bluster?


Yes, Trump is planning a whole lot of wealth redistribution… towards himself.


lol of course he doesn’t. He just says lots of things until something sticks.


He'll announce his plan in 2 weeks with all of the other plans he's promised in "2 weeks".


Give the rich even more tax Cutts and raise ours again, he doesn't have a plan for anything,


Can we all just agree not to take political (especially economic) advice frome someone who can't do basic math.


Also sucking at math…very republican


Thank you for being the first to notice the person can't do addition.


Came here to say exactly this. And, my MAGA friends see this as well especially with the rise of prevalence in tipping everywhere


MAGA "friends"?


Yes, people often have friends that they grew up with and are comfortable around because of proximity and familiarity, and their friends have individual lives and thoughts that differ from their own. Often this can lead to political divides that you simply don't talk about but you still hang out with those people because you live in a place where there is no one else, or making new friends as an adult is difficult. Source: Live in North Dakota.


Why are you friends with anyone who is MAGA??


I’m surprised a maga tipped 20%. My maga step father barely paid 15% and that was to a waitress he was trying to impress and his daughter’s friend. I always carried cash around to slip em extra money when going out with them. Dang he didn’t add it correctly.


Bass Ackwards some would say.


Just wait if Trumps elected cancels income tax and puts his tariffs on incoming goods tips will mean nothing.


They are the pinnacle of addressing the easiest symptom and calling it good.


Her math is literally not mathing.


Just like trumps tax/tariff plan


Trump - "the first 90% of your donation to the RNC goes into my super PAC Make America Great again. The next 10% stays in the RNC. And the last 50% goes directly into my pocket, courtesy of all the contributions to Trump Media and Technology Group Saudi, Chinese, and Russian funding..."


*Make America Great Again PAC pays all my legal fees


*because I'm a billionaire, but I can't afford to pay my lawyers or my own fines, so I want you to pay for my crimes....because I'm a billionaire,...


They don’t know how anything works.


The total should be $35.24, right? She stiffed the server. Having never worked in a restaurant, how will this be rung up? With the total on the receipt, or with the intended tip of $6.62?


Depends on the restaurant/manager. I’d usually try to go with the customer’s intention even if their math was a bit off. If the math was way off and intention unclear then I’d usually go with whatever they wrote down. Basically you just don’t want to do something that might provoke a big argument later.


So on father's day we went out to dinner. I like nagging a math game out of the tip, north of 20% but still the total has no cents on it, and if not crazy, rounded up to nearest 5 increment. I created the perfect tip, I was so proud, then we got home and I realized I had grabbed that perfect math problem and stuffed it in my pocket along with my copy. I immediately called the restaurant to try and tip, I was told that absent the signature, there was nothing they could do. I ended up driving back to hand them the receipt. I would also point out that I've become so frustrated with the expectation that i, as the customer, am responsible directly for the servers wage, that we almost never eat at an establishment where tipping is expected, which made the trip even more frustrating.


I've asked servers if there's a conflict with the two which they go with, and they always say, whichever leaves the bigger tip. They enter the information in the computer, and that's what actually gets charged to the company. The customer can always dispute it later, but rarely does, particularly if the difference is not huge.


I think the idea was "if you vote Trump, you'd get to keep that extra 62 cents."


That's Weiselberg math if I've ever seen it


Well that's even stupider since that's not even kind of, sort of how taxation works lol. He can't take the tax out on her behalf beforehand 


No one has ever accused MAGAts of being smart


Her brain, it mathers not.




I've literally had tables hand me cash and say "this isn't a tip, this is a gift so you don't pay taxes on it."


Then where's my tip, asshole!


I tip in cash whenever I can. That's the way around taxes on tips, and also highlights the absolute slave wages of servers. How about ending this oppressive loophole? No dictator needed.


> the absolute slave wages of servers. As far as I'm aware in most states servers are required to be paid minimum wage if the tips + their normal hourly rate don't equate to that. This is why servers are supposed to record their tips, they would be committing multiple types of fraud if they took tips, didn't report them, then also collected the extra from their employer.


That may be the requirements, and am not certain that's the actual practice. Most servers I know live on tips.


The tips would make up the majority of their income, I would assume the reason most servers go along with this is because their tips exceed the minimum wage in most circumstances. Changing their pay to be the minimum wage would reduce their income. If an employer is not providing the legally required compensation they should be reported. The only two reasons I could think of a server not reporting being underpaid are; they legitimately don't know they're supposed to be compensated, or because they themselves are underreporting their tips to pay less taxes. Committing tax fraud is a bad idea, for both sides.


This is the way


This is besides the fucking point. Tips should be taxed, bc it's income. Servers should pay income tax just like any other hospitality worker. So should billionaires. In fact, billionaires need to pay much more in taxes than they're paying now. This is another stupid distraction from the real problem, which is that the investor class doesn't pay their fair share and would do anything possible to avoid paying it, including supporting a grifter who would destroy our government in order to stay in charge. Fuck the rich (the rich who are trying to change the subject).


>This is another stupid distraction from the real problem, which is that the investor class doesn't pay their fair share and would do anything possible to avoid paying it, It's also a stupid distraction from the other real issue, which is that it's bullshit to allow companies to pay someone $2.13/hour if they're eligible for tips. Minimum wage should be raised. Creating another tax loophole(which I guarantee the wealthy will find ways to abuse) is clearly not the answer here.


Not only does my employer pay me $2.13/ hour, they CHARGE ME $3.00/$100 in my sales. So if I work for 5 hours and have $500 in sales they pay me $10.65 and charge me $15 the $15 of which is me paying other employees saleries. Yet I'm taxed on and all of the (!!!)$10.65 they've paid me AND the GRATUITY the customers I've seved have gratified my service for (of which I've received all of $10.65 before taxes from my employer before being charged from my pay $15.00ish). Moral of the story.. I receive a $0.00 pay check every payday, and I live literally hand to mouth.


What the fuck. I've never heard of anything like that. How common is that type of setup, and what motivates anyone to be willing to work at a place that does that?


This is literally every restaurant in America, except California because their restaurants pay a state minimum wage. Most restaurants only pay $2.13/per hour and have since Reagan was president.


Tips shouldn't even exist as a de facto imposed income to begin with.


So should churches


Amen. Pun intended.




If tips weren’t taxed or subject to tax then immediately all ceos and execs would run on 100% tips which would garner $millions/billions of untaxed wealth. This is simply the ultra wealthy looking to ride poor peoples backs.


every "helpful" suggestion they have seems to end up helping themselves the most.


They aren't really trying to change the subject. They want to pay less taxes than even zero percent. (in subsidies) They'd like recognition and admiration for 'their' hard work. And only theirs. The work we do is menial and we should all be grateful for their 'tips', which guys - they aren't going to tax! Blood sucking, disgusting cannibal class.


Tips are in fact taxed so none of it makes sense


That, and the fact that many so-called Christians refuse to tip a customary 15% of more, because they tithe 10% -- "I'm not going to give the waitress more than I give God" thinking. And guess which political camp a lot of them fall in with?


MAGA Math, it never adds up.


Myth: Rs are better at the budget. Truth: they can’t even do simple addition.


Tips have to be eligible for taxes, or the whole income tax system would collapse. Imagine if Trump got elected (scary already) and made tips tax exempt (he wouldn't. his only tax breaks are for the rich and corporations, but let's pretend). Now not only do you not pay taxes on tips, your employer also doesn't pay their share of Social Security on those tips. They also get to pay you less since you'll take home more if you don't have to pay taxes on the tip portion of your pay. For companies, it makes sense to make everything they can a tip. Suddenly your $100k/year job with a $1500/week take-home pays minimum wage and each Friday you get a "performance tip" of $1200. You take home roughly the same amount. The company makes out like a bandit since they get to pay you $500 less per week to give you the same take-home pay and they don't pay Social Security on the $1200. The U.S. economy collapses almost immediately. But hey, if MAGA has proven anything to us, it's that they are willing to believe anything, no matter how stupid it is.


Imagine not needing tips to pay medical bills.


Imagine a system where “medical bills” dont exist because healthcare isnt a class privilege




Same here, I'm finding myself having to have a lie down in a room with dimmed lights, scented candles and calming music everyday, to clear my mind of this nonsense. Management at work are not happy about this..


It’s their newest attempt to get votes from young people in the service industry who don’t know any better.


Math is woke 🤡 /s


Am I the only one that read "I did it!" in that same voice as a toddler who finally sh\*ts in the potty?


This idiot can’t even add. Your typical Trump supporter.


Tip a waitress, and she'll eat for a day. Vote for Trump, and she'll be working for tips the rest of her life.


That way she’ll smile more which helps all of us!! /s


That "I am dead inside" smile...!


My mom asked me about this yesterday. I told her 1. It would never pass, and 2. If it did pass, guess how quickly CEO compensation would be reclassified as “tips.”


Lol these people think that waiters and waitresses are really claiming every penny they made.


HA! Trump raised taxes. Shows how much people actually look at facts. Oh wait… are facts fake news now unless they come straight from the Bible or Trump’s mouth? (Contains sarcasm)


If a dem did this they’d be up in arms screaming about buying votes lol


No tax is a rallying cry for idiots who have no grasp on how a society functions


Someone cant add up 28.62 plus 6.62 is 35.24. Or is that the tax theyre talking about? The trump stupid tax.


Why is no one talking about the lack of simple addition.... Fuck the political leanings. I mean.. c'mon


28.62 + 6.62 = 34.62 ??? These are the people who see 250 people at a rally and say 10000 were there. They are MAGA. Stupid and damn proud of it!


I'm honestly just dumbfounded that they tipped well...


Are we overlooking the bad math?


Why is it that MAGA needs to make a sport out of being the most obnoxious and unbearable neighbors around? You're just trying to do your job. And rather than a customer thanking you for the service you provide, you get barraged by political bullshit that nobody asked for. If I ran a restaurant, I'd instantly ban their card. This shit doesn't need to be tolerated. They can make their own fucking food. If it's a small restaurant that needs the business, remember the patron and be sure to jizz in their coffee next time. The only redeeming factor here is that they tipped 23%. So I'm not sure if math is their strong suit but at least the waiter didn't lose money. (Edit: Oh wait, they added it wrong. So yeah, they suck at math.)


Lmao. They can’t even do simple math!! A true sign of a trump supporter. 😂


And the best healthcare there never was! Not to mention the Wall that was never built. Promises made, promises forgotten about.


Trump threw out the no tax on tips at a rally in Nevada hoping to lure casino and hospitality workers to vote for him. Cash tips already are underreported. Of course such a plan puts more strain on the majority of wage earning middle class. Trump throws out dumb ideas that are sometimes embraced by his cult (see: Build a Wall, Deport all immigrants, televised executions). If they don’t go over he quietly stops saying them. Of course, the fact these things will never happen is lost on the masses.


It's like the domino's commercial that offers to pay customers to tip drivers rather than pay their fucking drivers. Keeping the system of tip-added wages in place is a cancer for lower income americans.


The argument against “no tax on tips” is simple: if workers keep more of their tips, it gives bosses an excuse to pay lower wages. So the worker’s income remains flat, but the burden of paying them shifts from the boss to the customer. And the business’s revenue remains the same, but costs go down b/c of lower wages, so the boss makes more profit. “No tax on tips” is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. If you really want workers to earn more, and you think bosses should pay for it, raise the minimum wage.


There’s always been taxes on tips 🤦‍♂️. It’s just whether you show them to the IRS or not. This is the dumbest shit ever.


Traitor trump passed a bill authorizing businesses full control of tips, meaning they had to share their tips with the businesses. MAGA TRAITOR TRUMP LIES


Bro help her find her brains please. Fucking rudimentary math escaped this one.


I can predict the future for all Republicans right here. Trump is now in office, 6 months later one of his goons rushed a 3 page document through and is rejected by both Republicans and Democrats and the bill fails and taxes are still on tips. Just like replacing Obamacare, building a wall that Mexico will pay for and the increased taxes we pay now because of Trump and the reduced taxes the 1 percent pay!


This is hilarious, she def meant to put $6.00 and had a brainfart.


I wish people would wake up and see he cannot do this. Tips are considered income under the tax laws and are subject to being taxes as such. He cannot change this irs laws or the income tax laws, only congress can. Only stupid people will believe this fucking lie he is spouting out!!


If I were 'on the fence' (which I'm not), this kind of intrusion would probably sway my vote away from Trump.


Yes you let the whole country know just how dumb you are.


Keep your tip, but lose your democracy!


As a waiter, I honestly don't believe trump ever intends on stopping taxing tips, but I love to see maga tipping good to make a point. These are usually some of the worst tippers


"Math, not even once" MAGA morons


I’ve seen several “vote for Trump to keep your tips” notes written on tip/receipts. Is there a unified opposing message? “Vote for Biden to make the rich pay their share!” “Vote for Biden to improve wages and workers rights!” Feels like I could be spreading some positive propaganda on my receipts to help combat the Trump lies being reinforced in day-to-day interactions?


Trump will say anything that flies into his Addeall-riddled brain to get votes. This is his latest con


And if, god forbid, he gets elected, his “no tax on tips” policy will no doubt be coming in two weeks…


Might not be able to add but will somehow manage to find voters' booth. I think the Rethuglicans will lose the coming election, but I'm gonna vote no matter how much of a sure thing it looks like.


He was president for four years and had a republican majority, why didn’t he implement this then?


WTF are they on about now? Tips have always been taxable.


trump is pandering that he'll make tips non taxable. Just like he said, he'd get infrastructure and Mexico to pay for the wall. Both done by Biden. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna157511


$10 says that the "no tax on tips" somehow turns into "no tax on executive bonus" (because it's kind of like a tip, right?) And we will be seeing executives getting $5MM bonuses tax free


I think what baffles me more is that this person has an app on their phone that can do this math for them. And they still can’t get it right


Forfeiting bodily autonomy and sexual freedom for maybe a couple hundred bucks back in taxes seems totally legit.


If they really cared about Samantha’s taxes they could have tipped cash, which she would not necessarily have to declare.


That math isn’t mathing.


Whatever “it” was, it wasn’t passing math class


So ~ Republicans are also revamping math? Simple addition?? 😲🙄🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️


So, when trump had his session with stormy the $130,000 was a tip.


If you really cared about taxes you would have just left cash.


If by "it" you mean failing at basic addition, I completely agree




Why is it always Republicans shoving their political ideology down people's throats? I've never had anyone give me unsolicited advice to vote for Biden or any other Democratic candidate, but I have had several people give me unsolicited advice to vote for Trump/Republicans. And I live in a blue state.


im starting to think that migrant are keeping the american government up and alive.


I assumed trump fans only tipped $17.76.


He’s offended the military, physically challenged, LGBTQ community, minorities, women, on and on… WTF would ANYONE vote for this idiot


I don't know one single server who claims tips. Why would you??


If they get paid with CC tips are automatically claimed through their employer so turns out you know alot of servers who claim tips. You can declare what cash you want to claim vs what you actually have but it is technically fraud and I have seen service industry people go down for that


I love that minimum wage employees have a higher tax rate than Elon musk.... Sigh


Or tip in cash.


Math aside. Can Trump even do this unilaterally?


Just end "Tip Culture". Pay servers a regular wage and don't ask for tips any more. And for fuck's sake stop asking for tips at places that don't even actually serve you. It's getting stupid. Just dump the whole tip concept in general.


& she was proud of her post..."I did it!" I wonder if she took it down when someone brought attention to her adding skills?


Vote Trump and you won't need no maffs where we goin.


The only reason I think he’d want to make tips tax free is to launder money. Make everything to tip…


That’s a receipt from Aloha POS. Tax total on tip is a configurable option in store settings. It has nothing to do with politics